1,146 research outputs found

    Increasing the Reliability of Adaptive Quadrature Using Explicit Interpolants

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    We present two new adaptive quadrature routines. Both routines differ from previously published algorithms in many aspects, most significantly in how they represent the integrand, how they treat non-numerical values of the integrand, how they deal with improper divergent integrals and how they estimate the integration error. The main focus of these improvements is to increase the reliability of the algorithms without significantly impacting their efficiency. Both algorithms are implemented in Matlab and tested using both the "families" suggested by Lyness and Kaganove and the battery test used by Gander and Gautschi and Kahaner. They are shown to be more reliable, albeit in some cases less efficient, than other commonly-used adaptive integrators.Comment: 32 pages, submitted to ACM Transactions on Mathematical Softwar

    Cold Induction of EARLI1, a Putative Arabidopsis Lipid Transfer Protein, Is Light and Calcium Dependent

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    As sessile organisms, plants must adapt to their environment. One approach toward understanding this adaptation is to investigate environmental regulation of gene expression. Our focus is on the environmental regulation of EARLI1, which is activated by cold and long-day photoperiods. Cold activation of EARLI1 in short-day photoperiods is slow, requiring several hours at 4ÂşC to detect an increase in mRNA abundance. EARLI1 is not efficiently cold-activated in etiolated seedlings, suggesting that photomorphogenesis is necessary for its cold activation. Cold activation of EARLI1 is inhibited in the presence of the calcium channel blocker lanthanum chloride or the calcium chelator EGTA. Addition of the calcium ionophore Bay K8644 results in cold-independent activation of EARLI1. These data suggest that EARLI1 is not an immediate target of the cold response, and that calcium flux affects its expression. EARLI1 is a putative secreted protein and has motifs found in lipid transfer proteins. Over-expression of EARLI1 in transgenic plants results in reduced electrolyte leakage during freezing damage, suggesting that EARLI1 may affect membrane or cell wall stability in response to low temperature stress

    Correlates of ideal cardiovascular health in European adolescents: The HELENA study

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    Background and aims: The ideal cardiovascular health (iCVH) construct consists of 4 health behaviors (smoking status, body mass index, physical activity and diet) and 3 health factors (total cholesterol, blood pressure and fasting glucose). A greater number of iCVH components in adolescence are related to better cardiovascular health, but little is known about the correlates of iCVH in adolescents. Thus, the aim of the study was to examine correlates of iCVH in European adolescents. Methods and results: The study comprised 637 European adolescents with complete iCVH data. Participants were part of the Healthy Lifestyle in Europe by Nutrition in Adolescence (HELENA) study, a cross-sectional, multicenter study conducted in 9 different European countries. Correlates investigated were sex and age, family affluence scale, maternal education, geographic location, sleep time, television viewing, duration of pregnancy, birth weight and breastfeeding. Younger adolescents, those whose mothers had medium/high education or those whowatched television less than 2 h per day had a greater number of iCVH components compared to those who were older, had a mother with low education or watched television 2 h or more daily (P <= 0.01). Conclusion: Since in our study older adolescents had worse iCVH than younger adolescents, early promotion of cardiovascular health may be important. Future studies mayalso investigate the usefulness of limiting television viewing to promote iCVH. Finally, since adolescents of mothers with low education had poorer iCVH, it may be of special interest to tailor public health promotion to adolescents from families with low socioeconomic status

    Monimuotoisen neuropsykiatrisen perhekuntoutuksen seurantatutkimus : Tutkimusprotokolla

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    Kansaneläkelaitos (Kela) täydentää sosiaali- ja terveysalan julkisen terveydenhuollon kuntoutuspalvelutarjontaa. Lasten ja nuorten (5–15-vuotiaat) tunne-elämän ja käyttäytymisen häiriöiden kuntoutuspalveluihin Kela kehittää parhaillaan monimuotoista perhekuntoutusta. Vuosien 2010–2018 välisenä aikana käynnissä olevat neuropsykiatrisen perhekuntoutuksen LAKU- ja Etä-LAKU-kuntoutusohjelmat on tarkoitettu perheille, joissa 5–12-vuotiaalla lapsella on todettu neuropsykiatrinen häiriö ja mahdollisesti muita samanaikaisia psykiatrisia häiriöitä. Monimuotoisen perhekuntoutuksen kehittämishankkeiden yleisenä tavoitteena on kehittää kuntoutusmalli, joka voisi soveltua Kelan harkinnanvaraisen kuntoutuksen vakiintuneeksi palveluksi. Kelan kehittämishankkeisiin liittyy aina arviointitutkimus. Monimuotoisen perhekuntoutuksen seurantatutkimuksessa arvioidaan perhelähtöisten kuntoutusohjelmien soveltuvuutta ja vaikutuksia lapsiperheiden psykososiaaliseen hyvinvointiin. Tutkimuksen kohteena on kolme perhelähtöistä hoito- ja kuntoutusohjelmaa: Kelan kehitteillä olevat LAKU- ja Etä-LAKU-kuntoutusohjelmat sekä vertailuaineistona Varsinais-Suomen sairaanhoitopiirin (VSSHP) Turun yliopistollisen keskussairaalan (TYKS) lastenpsykiatrian poliklinikan ostopalveluna hankkima perheterapia. Kyseessä on satunnaistamaton seurantatutkimus. Tutkimusaineisto kerätään ensisijaisesti lomakekyselyjen avulla, ja aineistoa täydennetään esimerkiksi perhekuntoutustoimintaan osallistuvien ammattihenkilöiden fokusryhmähaastatteluilla ja työntekijöille kohdistetuilla kyselyillä. Tutkimustuloksia tullaan raportoimaan kotimaisissa ja kansainvälisissä vertaisarvioiduissa julkaisuissa
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