81 research outputs found

    What Lies Beneath Trait-Anxiety? Testing the Self-Regulatory Executive Function Model of Vulnerability

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    Vulnerability to psychological disorder can be assessed with constructs such as trait anxiety and neuroticism which among others are transdiagnostic risk factors. However, trait-anxiety and related concepts have been criticised because they don’t illuminate the etiological mechanisms of psychopathology. In contrast, the metacognitive (S-REF) model offers a framework in which metacognitive knowledge conceptualised in trait terms is part of a core mechanism underlying trait-anxiety and related constructs. The present study therefore set out to explore metacognitions as potential underlying factors in trait-anxiety (the propensity to depression and anxiety). Nine hundred and eighty two participants completed self-report measures of metacognitions and trait-anxiety at time 1, and 425 individuals completed the same measures 8 weeks later. At the cross-sectional level, metacognitions accounted for 83% of the variance in anxiety- and 64% of depression propensity. Furthermore, despite both domains of trait-anxiety showing high stability over time, negative- and positive metacognitive beliefs were significant prospective predictors of both domains of vulnerability. These findings suggests that metacognitive beliefs may be an underlying mechanism of vulnerability attributed to trait-anxiety with the implication that the metacognitive (S-REF) model informs conceptualization of psychological vulnerability, and that metacognitive therapy applications might be employed to enhance psychological resilience

    Foam Index measurements on combinations of Air Entraining Agents, Superplasticicers and Fly ash/cement/filler powder mixes

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    A series of Foam Index measurements were made with 7 different AEAs (abietic acids/resins/tall oil/tensides), 1 copolymer SuperPlaticizer, 2 different Fly Ashes, 1 blended (80/20 OPC/FA) cement, 2 different OPC and 2 inert fillers (limestone and quartz). Foam Index = FI = required dosage of AEA to produce stable foam of a particular binder in a w/p = 2.5 slurry where AEA is added dropwise to a container that is shaken and the foam observed repeatedly until stable foam is obtained. The objective was to investigate the efficiency of the different AEAs with varying Fly Ash binders and the effect of mixing sequence of AEA and SP on the problems encounterd with air entrainment with Fly Ash with variable carbon content. The results show: that the ranking of the FI of the seven AEAs are the same for different OPC/FA binders (with different carbon content); the more carbon the higher the FI, that “tensides” are more robust than “resins”, and that FI in pure OPC binders are very low and not very different for the 7 AEAs. When adding SP before AEA the negative effect of carbon on foaming is reduced for most AEAs, presumably due to adsorption of SP before AEA is introduced in the mix, whereas the FI of some (presumably non-adsorbing) AEAs is not affected by SP addition. For those AEA/FA combinations where the FI is affected by SP, adding SP with the AEA and adding SP after the AEA reduces the efficiency of the AEA. Replacing blended cement with limestone filler and quartz filler seems to affect FI in terms of the specific surface of the filler added: the more surface that is taken away the more efficient becomes the AEA. Foaming with pure wate

    Normativity assumptions in the design and application of social robots forautistic children

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    Social robots interact with human beings and are used for a variety of therapeutic purposes, for example in interaction with children with neurodevelopmental disorders. A key ethical issue related to the application of social robots in these contexts is the idea of normativity, involved in both the design of social robots, i.e., the use of such robots to portray or mimic what is normal and to identify deviant behaviour or development. The article presents the beginnings of a framework for incorporating divergent opinions of normal social functioning, particularly neurodiversity, into the design and application of social robots.publishedVersio

    Too early for early education? Effects on parenting for mothers and fathers

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    Objective: To estimate the effect of children's age of entry into early childhood education and care (ECEC) on parenting quality of mothers and fathers in a context of universal access to subsidized ECEC following a 1 year paid parental leave. Background: Children entering non-parental care settings in early childhood may have negative consequences for parenting quality. Yet, current evidence supporting this claim is predominantly from the United States, is focused almost exclusively on mothers, and is predominantly based on statistical approaches that are vulnerable to unobserved selection bias. Method: Data are from a Norwegian longitudinal study, including ratings of observed mother–child (n = 901) and father–child (n = 621) interactions, and children's age of entry into ECEC. Multivariate regression models and instrumental variable models were used to estimate the causal effect of age of entry on parenting quality. Results: There was no support for the hypothesis that an earlier age of entry into ECEC negatively affects parenting quality, for either fathers or mothers. This was true for the sample as a whole, and for different sociodemographic subgroups. Conclusion: In a Norwegian context in which families have universal access to subsidized ECEC from the time their child is 1 year of age, and most children enter ECEC in their second year, there is no evidence that an earlier age of entry in ECEC harms parenting quality.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Meta-genomic analysis of toilet waste from long distance flights; a step towards global surveillance of infectious diseases and antimicrobial resistance

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    Human populations worldwide are increasingly confronted with infectious diseases and antimicrobial resistance spreading faster and appearing more frequently. Knowledge regarding their occurrence and worldwide transmission is important to control outbreaks and prevent epidemics. Here, we performed shotgun sequencing of toilet waste from 18 international airplanes arriving in Copenhagen, Denmark, from nine cities in three world regions. An average of 18.6 Gb (14.8 to 25.7 Gb) of raw Illumina paired end sequence data was generated, cleaned, trimmed and mapped against reference sequence databases for bacteria and antimicrobial resistance genes. An average of 106,839 (0.06%) reads were assigned to resistance genes with genes encoding resistance to tetracycline, macrolide and beta-lactam resistance genes as the most abundant in all samples. We found significantly higher abundance and diversity of genes encoding antimicrobial resistance, including critical important resistance (e.g. bla(CTX-M)) carried on airplanes from South Asia compared to North America. Presence of Salmonella enterica and norovirus were also detected in higher amounts from South Asia, whereas Clostridium difficile was most abundant in samples from North America. Our study provides a first step towards a potential novel strategy for global surveillance enabling simultaneous detection of multiple human health threatening genetic elements, infectious agents and resistance genes

    VĂ„tmarker som fiskevĂ„rdsĂ„tgĂ€rd vid kusten: UtvĂ€rdering av restaurerade vĂ„tmarkers effekt pĂ„ fiskreproduktion och ekosystemet lĂ€ngs Östersjökusten

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    MĂ„nga av Östersjöns kustfiskar Ă€r av sötvattenursprung och fortplantar sig i grunda vikar och kustnĂ€ra vĂ„tmarker. Historiska utdikningar, kustexploatering och övergödning har lett till förluster av fiskens lek- och uppvĂ€xtomrĂ„den, vilket tillsammans med fiske bidragit till minskande bestĂ„nd av exempelvis gĂ€dda och abborre. För att motverka nedgĂ„ngen har flera förvaltningsĂ„tgĂ€rder initierats. UngefĂ€r 100 vĂ„tmarker har restaurerats lĂ€ngs svenska ostkusten för att gynna reproduktionen av gĂ€dda och abborre. I samma syfte har fiskvandringshinder i kustmynnande vattendrag tagits bort pĂ„ cirka 40 platser. Det fĂ„tal uppföljningar som genomförts visar att sĂ„dana Ă„tgĂ€rder har en god potential att bidra till stĂ€rkta kustbestĂ„nd av gĂ€dda och abborre. MĂ€ngden gĂ€ddyngel i kustvattnen utanför vĂ„tmarkerna tenderar att öka kraftigt efter Ă„tgĂ€rderna, medan ingen tydlig förĂ€ndring kan ses för mĂ€ngden abborryngel. Det Ă€r dock stor variation i utfallet. En studie indikerar Ă€ven en tydlig lokal ökning av gĂ€ddbestĂ„nden i kustvattnen utanför vĂ„tmarkerna. SammanstĂ€llningen visar Ă€ven att borttagning av vandringshinder i kustmynnande vattendrag förbundna med olika sjösystem kan vara en effektivare metod Ă€n att restaurera vĂ„tmarker för attgynna abborre, vilket bör undersökas vidare. Det finns fĂ„ studier som specifikt undersökt om Ă„tgĂ€rderna kan ge sĂ„ stark effekt pĂ„ rovfiskbestĂ„nden att det indirekt pĂ„verkar resten av födovĂ€ven och ekosystemet. Det finns en potential för sĂ„dan pĂ„verkan. Men ökningen av rovfisk till följd av de Ă„tgĂ€rdade vĂ„tmarkerna har i dagslĂ€get inte varit tillrĂ€ckligt kraftig för att leda till tydliga ekosystemeffekter, sĂ„ som mindre mĂ€ngd bytesfisk och pĂ„vĂ€xtalger. Även om vĂ„tmarker kan ge en lokal ökning av mĂ€ngden fisk mĂ„ste fler och kompletterande Ă„tgĂ€rder till för att stĂ€rka kustens rovfiskbestĂ„nd. ÅtgĂ€rderna bör utformas som en del av en tydligt samordnad och lĂ„ngsiktig förvaltning av kust och hav. Förutom en starkare reglering av kustfisket behövs exempelvis bĂ€ttre skydd mot exploatering av fiskens lek- och uppvĂ€xtomrĂ„den. Även lokal reduktion av mĂ€ngden grĂ„sĂ€l och storskarv kan vara en möjlig Ă„tgĂ€rd i omrĂ„den dĂ€r dessa rovdjur medför hög dödlighet pĂ„ gĂ€dda och abborre. Utformningen av fiskeriförförvaltningen i öppet hav mĂ„ste ha en mer rigid tillĂ€mpning av ekosystemansatsen och beakta konsekvenser för kustens ekosystem. Exempelvis tyder mycket pĂ„ att förĂ€ndringar i utsjöns fiskbestĂ„nd Ă€r en viktig bidragande orsak till att storspigg har ökat kraftigt de senaste decennierna. Storspiggen migrerar mellan utsjö och kust. Eftersom den Ă€ter gĂ€dd- och abborryngel minskar möjligheten att med lokala Ă„tgĂ€rder stĂ€rka rovfiskbestĂ„nden vid kusten. SammanstĂ€llningen visar pĂ„ en bristfĂ€llig koordinering och uppföljningav det senaste decenniets fiskevĂ„rdsĂ„tgĂ€rder. För att skapa en bĂ€ttre kunskapsbas för framtida förvaltningsbeslut finns dĂ€rför ett behov av fler och samordnade mĂ„ngĂ„riga uppföljningar av Ă„tgĂ€rder pĂ„ sĂ„vĂ€l yngelproduktionoch lokala fiskbestĂ„nd som pĂ„ kustekosystemet

    Prevalence of BRCA1 and BRCA2 pathogenic variants in a large, unselected breast cancer cohort.

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    Breast cancer patients with BRCA1/2-driven tumors may benefit from targeted therapy. It is not clear whether current BRCA screening guidelines are effective at identifying these patients. The purpose of our study was to evaluate the prevalence of inherited BRCA1/2 pathogenic variants in a large, clinically representative breast cancer cohort and to estimate the proportion of BRCA1/2 carriers not detected by selectively screening individuals with the highest probability of being carriers according to current clinical guidelines. The study included 5,122 unselected Swedish breast cancer patients diagnosed from 2001 to 2008. Target sequence enrichment (48.48 Fluidigm Access Arrays) and sequencing were performed (Illumina Hi-Seq 2,500 instrument, v4 chemistry). Differences in patient and tumor characteristics of BRCA1/2 carriers who were already identified as part of clinical BRCA1/2 testing routines and additional BRCA1/2 carriers found by sequencing the entire study population were compared using logistic regression models. Ninety-two of 5,099 patients with valid variant calls were identified as BRCA1/2 carriers by screening all study participants (1.8%). Only 416 study participants (8.2%) were screened as part of clinical practice, but this identified 35 out of 92 carriers (38.0%). Clinically identified carriers were younger, less likely postmenopausal and more likely to be associated with familiar ovarian cancer compared to the additional carriers identified by screening all patients. More BRCA2 (34/42, 81.0%) than BRCA1 carriers (23/50, 46%) were missed by clinical screening. In conclusion, BRCA1/2 mutation prevalence in unselected breast cancer patients was 1.8%. Six in ten BRCA carriers were not detected by selective clinical screening of individuals
