3 research outputs found

    Characterization of a Lytic Polysaccharide Monooxygenase from Schizophyllum commune belonging to Auxiliary Activity Family 9

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    Biomass is a promising feedstock to reduce our dependence on fossil reserves. By using biomass, such as lignocellulose, products can be produced more climate-friendly and are therefore of large industrial interest. Biomass is also renewable, in contrast to fossil reserves, like oil and coal. However, the downside of biomass is that lignocellulose and other polysaccharides can be a challenge to degrade because of their crystalized and insoluble structure. Previously, hydrolytic enzymes were thought to be the only enzymes degrading polysaccharides. However, in 2010, a new paradigm was born, when researchers first described a protein that degraded chitin through oxidative cleavage. Subsequently, the enzymes have been characterized as lytic polysaccharide monooxygenases (LPMOs), and they do not only work on chitin, but also on cellulose and other recalcitrant polysaccharides. The discovery of LPMOs was a big step in the direction toward more efficient degradation of recalcitrant polysaccharides. LPMOs act on parts of the substrate that hydrolytic enzymes cannot properly degrade, thus making recalcitrant polysaccharides more available for traditional hydrolases by creating free chain ends. LPMOs are oxidative mono-copper enzymes that can oxidatively cleave glycosidic bonds in polysaccharides. To complete a catalytic cycle, the active site copper Cu(II) must be reduced to Cu(I), and the LPMOs require a dioxygen co-substrate, either O2 or H2O2. Since LPMOs show variation in their ability to attack various forms of cellulose, it is important for the industry to have a wide spectrum of LPMOs to use on different substrates. Therefore, ScLPMO9A from Schizophyllum commune, which is one of several LPMOs that have not been completely characterized yet, was studied, and compared with NcLPMO9C from Neurospora crassa for this thesis. ScLPMO9A and NcLPMO9C are both exclusively C4 oxidizing LPMOs, acting on soluble substrates. Results from this study show, for example, that ScLPMO9A depolymerises various forms of cellulose and hemicelluloses and that the substrate specificity and product formation differ from NcLPMO9C. For example, ScLPMO9A is active on xyloglucan, glucomannan and soluble cello-oligosaccharides, but not active on more crystalline forms of cellulose, like Avicel, while NcLPMO9C is active on more crystalline forms of cellulose. In addition, they also show that the reaction rate is increased by adding H2O2 to the reactions for both ScLPMO9A and NcLPMO9C. The results from this thesis give important information about the biochemistry of ScLPMO9A, that can be used for further studies.Biomasse er en lovende råvare for å redusere bruken av fossile energikilder. Ved å bruke biomasse, som for eksempel lignocellulose, kan produkter bli produsert mer klimavennlig, og derfor er biomasse en stor interesse for industrien. I tillegg til dette er biomasse fornybart, i motsetning til fossile energikilder som olje og kull. Den største ulempen ved å bruke biomasse i industrien at det kan være en utfordring å bryte den ned, da polysakkarider som lignocellulose er krystalliserte og uløselige, men det kommer stadig bedre løsninger for dette. Før trodde man at hydrolytiske enzymer var de eneste enzymene som brøt ned polysakkarider. I 2010 startet derimot et nytt paradigme i enzymatisk degradering, da forskere fant et enzym som katalyserer nedbrytingen av kitin. Senere er det funnet flere enzymer med samme mekanisme, som i dag er klassifisert som lytisk polysakkarid monooksygenaser (LPMOer). Disse enzymene bryter ikke bare ned kitin, men også cellulose og andre polysakkarider. Funnet av disse enzymene har gjort nedbrytningen av polysakkarider mer effektiv, siden LPMOer kan bryte ned deler av substratet som hydrolytiske enzymer ikke kan bryte ned. Dette fører til at polysakkaridet blir mer tilgjengelige for tradisjonelle hydrolaser ved at det er dannet frie kjedeender. LPMOer er oksidative mono-kobber enzymer som kan katalysere brytingen av glykosid bindinger i polysakkarider. For å fullføre en katalytisk syklus, må kobberet i det aktive setet Cu(II) bli redusert til Cu(I). I tillegg krever LPMOet et di-oksygen co-substrat, enten fra O2 eller fra H2O2. Siden LPMOer fungerer på ulike substrater er det viktig for industrien å ha et vidt spekter av LPMOer som kan brukes på ulike substrater. Derfor ble ScLPMO9A fra Schizophyllum commune, som er et av flere LPMOer som ikke er komplett karakterisert enda, studert og sammenlignet med NcLPMO9C fra Neurospora crassa for denne oppgaven. ScLPMO9A og NcLPMO9C er begge C4 oksiderende LPMOer som kan bryte ned løselige substrater. Resultater fra dette studiet viser for eksempel at ScLPMO9A bryter ned ulike cellulose- og hemicellulose-substrater og at substratspesifisiteten og produktdannelsen er forskjellig fra NcLPMO9C. For eksempel er ScLPMO9A aktivt på xyloglukan, glukomannan, og løselige cello-oligosakkarider, mens det ikke er aktivt på mer krystalliserte former av cellulose som Avicel. NcLPMO9C er derimot også aktiv på de mer krystalliserte formene av cellulose. I tillegg vises det at begge enzymene reagerer raskere ved å tilsette hydrogenperoksid. Disse resultatene gir informasjon om biokjemien til ScLPMO9A som kan brukes i videre studier.M-BIOTE

    Characterization of a Lytic Polysaccharide Monooxygenase from Schizophyllum commune belonging to Auxiliary Activity Family 9

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    Biomass is a promising feedstock to reduce our dependence on fossil reserves. By using biomass, such as lignocellulose, products can be produced more climate-friendly and are therefore of large industrial interest. Biomass is also renewable, in contrast to fossil reserves, like oil and coal. However, the downside of biomass is that lignocellulose and other polysaccharides can be a challenge to degrade because of their crystalized and insoluble structure. Previously, hydrolytic enzymes were thought to be the only enzymes degrading polysaccharides. However, in 2010, a new paradigm was born, when researchers first described a protein that degraded chitin through oxidative cleavage. Subsequently, the enzymes have been characterized as lytic polysaccharide monooxygenases (LPMOs), and they do not only work on chitin, but also on cellulose and other recalcitrant polysaccharides. The discovery of LPMOs was a big step in the direction toward more efficient degradation of recalcitrant polysaccharides. LPMOs act on parts of the substrate that hydrolytic enzymes cannot properly degrade, thus making recalcitrant polysaccharides more available for traditional hydrolases by creating free chain ends. LPMOs are oxidative mono-copper enzymes that can oxidatively cleave glycosidic bonds in polysaccharides. To complete a catalytic cycle, the active site copper Cu(II) must be reduced to Cu(I), and the LPMOs require a dioxygen co-substrate, either O2 or H2O2. Since LPMOs show variation in their ability to attack various forms of cellulose, it is important for the industry to have a wide spectrum of LPMOs to use on different substrates. Therefore, ScLPMO9A from Schizophyllum commune, which is one of several LPMOs that have not been completely characterized yet, was studied, and compared with NcLPMO9C from Neurospora crassa for this thesis. ScLPMO9A and NcLPMO9C are both exclusively C4 oxidizing LPMOs, acting on soluble substrates. Results from this study show, for example, that ScLPMO9A depolymerises various forms of cellulose and hemicelluloses and that the substrate specificity and product formation differ from NcLPMO9C. For example, ScLPMO9A is active on xyloglucan, glucomannan and soluble cello-oligosaccharides, but not active on more crystalline forms of cellulose, like Avicel, while NcLPMO9C is active on more crystalline forms of cellulose. In addition, they also show that the reaction rate is increased by adding H2O2 to the reactions for both ScLPMO9A and NcLPMO9C. The results from this thesis give important information about the biochemistry of ScLPMO9A, that can be used for further studies