104 research outputs found

    Reconciling EFT and hybrid calculations of the light MSSM Higgs-boson mass

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    Various methods are used in the literature for predicting the lightest CP-even Higgs boson mass in the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model (MSSM). Fixed-order diagrammatic calculations capture all effects at a given order and yield accurate results for scales of supersymmetric (SUSY) particles that are not separated too much from the weak scale. Effective field theory calculations allow a resummation of large logarithmic contributions up to all orders and therefore yield accurate results for a high SUSY scale. A hybrid approach, where both methods have been combined, is implemented in the computer code FeynHiggs. So far, however, at large scales sizeable differences have been observed between FeynHiggs and other pure EFT codes. In this work, the various approaches are analytically compared with each other in a simple scenario in which all SUSY mass scales are chosen to be equal to each other. Three main sources are identified that account for the major part of the observed differences. Firstly, it is shown that the scheme conversion of the input parameters that is commonly used for the comparison of fixed-order results is not adequate for the comparison of results containing a series of higher-order logarithms. Secondly, the treatment of higher-order terms arising from the determination of the Higgs propagator pole is addressed. Thirdly, the effect of different parametrizations in particular of the top Yukawa coupling in the non-logarithmic terms is investigated. Taking into account all of these effects, in the considered simple scenario very good agreement is found for scales above 1 TeV between the results obtained using the EFT approach and the hybrid approach of FeynHiggs.Comment: 31 pages, 5 figures, matches version published in EPJ

    Two-loop matching of renormalizable operators: general considerations and applications

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    Low-energy effective field theories (EFT) encode information about the physics at high energies--i.e., the high-energy theory (HET). To extract this information the EFT and the HET have to be matched to each other. At the one-loop level, general results for the matching of renormalizable operators have already been obtained in the literature. In the present paper, we take a step towards a better understanding of renormalizable operator matching at the two-loop level: Focusing on the diagrammatic method, we discuss in detail the various contributions to two-loop matching conditions and compare different approaches to derive them. Moreover, we discuss which observables are best suited for the derivation of matching conditions. As a concrete application, we calculate the O(αtαs)\mathcal{O}\left(\alpha_t \alpha_s \right) and O(αt2)\mathcal{O} \left(\alpha_t^2 \right) matching conditions of the scalar four-point couplings between the Standard Model (SM) and the Two-Higgs-Doublet Model (THDM) as well as the THDM and the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model (MSSM). We use the derived formulas to improve the prediction of the SM-like Higgs mass in the MSSM using the THDM as EFT.Comment: 42 pages, 4 figures, 4 ancillary files; matches version published in JHE

    The forgotten channels: charged Higgs boson decays to a W±W^\pm and a non-SM-like Higgs boson

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    The presence of charged Higgs bosons is a generic prediction of multiplet extensions of the Standard Model (SM) Higgs sector. Focusing on the Two-Higgs-Doublet-Model (2HDM), we discuss the charged Higgs boson collider phenomenology in the theoretically and experimentally viable parameter space. While almost all existing experimental searches at the LHC target the fermionic decays of charged Higgs bosons, we point out that the bosonic decay channels -- especially the decay into a non-SM-like Higgs boson and a WW boson -- often dominate over the fermionic channels. Moreover, we revisit two genuine BSM effects on the properties of the discovered Higgs boson -- the charged Higgs contribution to the diphoton rate and the Higgs decay to two light Higgs bosons -- and their implication for the charged Higgs boson phenomenology. As main result of the present paper, we propose five two-dimensional benchmark scenarios with distinct phenomenological features in order to facilitate the design of dedicated LHC searches for charged Higgs bosons decaying into a WW boson and a light, non-SM-like Higgs boson.Comment: 57 pages, 26 figures, data tables for cross sections and benchmark scenarios included as ancillary files, updated text to match journal versio

    External-leg corrections as an origin of large logarithms

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    Obtaining precise theoretical predictions for both production and decay processes of heavy new particles is of great importance to constrain the allowed parameter spaces of Beyond-the-Standard-Model (BSM) theories, and to properly assess the sensitivity for discoveries and for discriminating between different possible BSM scenarios. In this context, it is well known that large logarithmic corrections can appear in the presence of widely separated mass scales. We point out the existence of a new type of possible large, Sudakov-like, logarithms in external-leg corrections of heavy scalars. To the difference of usual Sudakov logarithms, these can furthermore potentially be enhanced by large trilinear couplings. Such large logarithms are associated with infrared singularities and we review several techniques to address these at one loop. In addition to this discussion, we also present the derivation of the two-loop corrections containing this type of large logarithms, pointing out in this context the importance of adopting an on-shell renormalisation scheme. Finally, we illustrate our calculations and examine the possible magnitude of these corrections for a simple scalar toy model as well as for decay processes involving heavy stop quarks in the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model and a heavy Higgs boson in the Next-to-Two-Higgs-Doublet Model.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figures. Contribution to the proceedings of the conference "Loops and Legs in Quantum Field Theory - LL2022," 25-30 April, 2022, Ettal, German

    Experimental probes and theoretical concepts for BSM trilinear couplings: a case study for scalar top quarks

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    After the possible discovery of new particles, it will be crucial to determine the properties, and in particular the couplings, of the new states. Here, we focus on scalar trilinear couplings, employing as an example the case of the trilinear coupling of scalar top quarks (stops) to the Higgs boson in the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model (MSSM). We discuss possible strategies for experimentally determining the stop trilinear coupling parameter, which controls the stop--stop--Higgs interaction, and we demonstrate the impact of different prescriptions for the renormalisation of this parameter. We find that the best prospects for determining the stop trilinear coupling arise from its quantum effects entering the model prediction for the mass of the SM-like Higgs boson in comparison to the measured value, pointing out that the prediction for the Higgs-boson mass has a high sensitivity to the stop trilinear coupling even for heavy masses of the non-standard particles. Regarding the renormalisation of the stop trilinear coupling, we identify a renormalisation scheme that is preferred given the present level of accuracy, and we clarify the origin of potentially large logarithms that cannot be resummed with standard renormalisation group methods.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures. Contribution to the proceedings of the European Physical Society Conference on High Energy Physics (EPS-HEP2023), 21-25 August 2023, Hamburg, German

    New constraints on extended scalar sectors from the trilinear Higgs coupling

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    The trilinear Higgs coupling λhhh\lambda_{hhh} is a crucial tool to probe the structure of the Higgs potential and to search for possible effects of physics beyond the Standard Model (SM). Focusing on the Two-Higgs-Doublet Model as a concrete example, we identify parameter regions in which λhhh\lambda_{hhh} is significantly enhanced with respect to its SM prediction. Taking into account all relevant corrections up to the two-loop level, we show that current experimental bounds on λhhh\lambda_{hhh} already rule out significant parts of the otherwise unconstrained parameter space. We illustrate the interpretation of the current results and future measurement prospects on λhhh\lambda_{hhh} for a benchmark scenario. Recent results from direct searches for BSM scalars in the AZHA\to ZH channel and their implications will also be discussed in this context.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures. Contribution to the proceedings of the European Physical Society Conference on High Energy Physics (EPS-HEP2023), 21-25 August 2023, Hamburg, German

    Topportunities at the LHC: Rare Top Decays with Light Singlets

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    The discovery of the top quark, the most massive elementary particle yet known, has given us a distinct window into investigating the physics of the Standard Model and Beyond. With a plethora of top quarks to be produced in the High Luminosity era of the LHC, the exploration of its rare decays holds great promise in revealing potential new physics phenomena. We consider higher-dimensional operators contributing to top decays in the SMEFT and its extension by a light singlet species of spin 0, 1/2, or 1, and exhibit that the HL-LHC may observe many exotic top decays in a variety of channels. Light singlets which primarily talk to the SM through such a top interaction may also lead to distinctive long-lived particle signals. Searching for such long-lived particles in top-quark decays has the additional advantage that the SM decay of the other top quark in the same event provides a natural trigger.Comment: 26 pages, 9 figures, 1 tabl

    Classifying the CP properties of the ggH coupling in H+2j production

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    The Higgs-gluon interaction is crucial for LHC phenomenology. To improve the constraints on the CP structure of this coupling, we investigate Higgs production with two jets using machine learning. In particular, we exploit the CP sensitivity of the so far neglected phase space region that differs from the typical vector boson fusion-like kinematics. Our results suggest that significant improvements in current experimental limits are possible. We also discuss the most relevant observables and how CP violation in the Higgs-gluon interaction can be disentangled from CP violation in the interaction between the Higgs boson and massive vector bosons. Assuming the absence of CP-violating Higgs interactions with coloured beyond-the-Standard-Model states, our projected limits on a CP-violating top-Yukawa coupling are stronger than more direct probes like top-associated Higgs production and limits from a global fit.Comment: 41 pages, 18 figure

    Precise predictions for the trilinear Higgs self-coupling in the Standard Model and beyond

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    Deviations in the trilinear self-coupling of the Higgs boson at 125 GeV from the Standard Model (SM) prediction are a sensitive test of physics Beyond the SM (BSM). The LHC experiments searching for the simultaneous production of two Higgs bosons start to become sensitive to such deviations. Therefore, precise predictions for the trilinear Higgs self-coupling in different BSM models are required in order to be able to test them against current and future bounds. We present the new framework anyH3\texttt{anyH3}, which is a Python\texttt{Python} library that can be utilized to obtain predictions for trilinear scalar couplings up to the one-loop level in any renormalisable theory. The program makes use of the UFO\texttt{UFO} format as input and is able to automatically apply a wide variety of renormalisation schemes involving minimal and non-minimal subtraction conditions. External-leg corrections are also computed automatically, and finite external momenta can be optionally taken into account. The Python\texttt{Python} library comes with convenient command-line as well as Mathematica\texttt{Mathematica} user interfaces. We perform cross-checks using consistency conditions such as UV-finiteness and decoupling, and also by comparing against results know in the literature. As example applications, we obtain results for the trilinear self-coupling of the SM-like Higgs boson in various concrete BSM models, study the effect of external momenta as well as of different renormalisation schemes.Comment: 6 pages, The European Physical Society Conference on High Energy Physics (EPS-HEP2023

    Testing Exotic Scalars with HiggsBounds

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    The program HiggsBounds is a well-established tool for testing Beyond-the-Standard Model (BSM) theories with an extended Higgs sector against experimental limits from collider searches at LEP, Tevatron and LHC. Thus far, it could be applied to any neutral or charged Higgs bosons originating from the modified Higgs sector. Implicitly, these particles were assumed to exhibit a somewhat hierarchical Yukawa structure as present in the Standard Model, where in particular the couplings to first generation fermions could be neglected. In this work, we extend the HiggsBounds functionalities to go beyond these restrictions, thus making the code applicable to any neutral or charged BSM scalars. Moreover, we develop a new approach to implement experimental searches whose kinematic acceptance depends significantly on the values of the involved couplings. We achieve this by recasting the searches to general scalar models. Using this approach we incorporate relevant current experimental limits from LHC searches for exotic scalars, and present the implications of these limits for a dark matter scalar mediator model, a flipped Two-Higgs-Doublet Model and a supersymmetric model with R-parity violation.Comment: 28 pages, 7 figures, the FeynRules implementation of the generic scalar model is included as an ancillary file; v2: matches version published in EPJ