20 research outputs found

    Rating-basiertes Controlling im Corporate Real Estate Management

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    Zur Integration von Betriebsergebnis- und Effektivzinsrechnung bei Disagiokrediten mit Festzinsvereinbarung

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    On the Integration of Operating Statement and Effective Interest Statement for Loans at a Discount with Fixed-rate Agreement Especially in the case of sales finance transactions with a fixed-interest agreement, frequently a debt discount is agreed upon, which has an interest-substitution function and offers the possibility of fixing a lower, regular nominal interest rate. In such cases it is necessary for calculation of credit margins to convert the agreed discount together with the nominal interest rate into an effective interest rate. At the same time, however, the problem arises that the loan amount less discount is paid out to the customer and the bank has to book receipt of the discount in accordance with the principles of orderly accouhting and balance-sheet preparation. In the interests of a self-contained controlling cycle, both problem areas, the effective interest statement and the receipt of the discounts, have to be synchronized meaningfully in the operating statement. In other words, the issue is to ensure that the actually received (scheduled) interest surpluses including the pro rata discount correspond as exactly as possible to the interest surpluses calculated on the basis of the effective interest rates in the individual years. For only if that is achieved are the calculated credit margins subsequently contained in the operating statement in well-defined period-relevant form. The search for discount distribution methods which serve to attain this objective as comprehensively as possible is undertaken in this article in two steps. First, it is determined what effective-interest calculation methods are, in principle, available and with what assumptions they wörk with regard to temporal discount distribution. The, building up on this, both the methods customary in practice for balance-sheet discount distribution and the effective-interest-oriented methods found in the theories are presented and discussed on the basis of an unvarying example. Both the methods of static effective interest calculation on areal capital and nominal capital basis and the dynamic methods of the internal and real interest rate are included. In all cases, an attempt is made to derive rules for temporal discount distribution as a function of alternative amortization terms. The results of the analysis show that with our present knowledge none of the analysed methods is fully capable of ensuring a discount allocation with constant effective interest that satisfies all requirements. Since each of the methods presented exhibits specific advantages and disadvantages, in the individual case it is necessary to make a compromise giving the best possible combination of the criteria of practicability, balance-sheet reliability and adequacy of control of distribution rule

    Modellanalytische Bilanzstrukturoptimierung

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    Analytical Model to Optimize the Balance-sheet Structure Based on the concept to manage the balance-sheet structure and on the current interest rate method, a linear programming model has been built to optimize the balance sheet structure under profitability and risk management aspects. The individual model approaches presented here identify the impact of the risk structure on the optimal balance-sheet structure and on the interest surplus in the event of changes in the framework conditions relevant to credit institutions. In spite of simplifying premises, the results of the model make clear the basic need for simultaneous balancesheet structure planning

    Plutonomics : economic and philosophical issues in the management of wealth

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    Controlling – Ansätze vor dem Hintergrund der internationalen Finanzkrise

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