148 research outputs found

    Opettajien kokemuksia tiimiopettajuudesta master-koulutuksessa

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    Valtakunnallisessa Yamk-opettajuus sillanrakentajana -hankkeessa pyritÀÀn uudistamaan master-koulutuksen toimintoja niin, ettÀ tutkimus-, kehitys ja innovaatiotyön (tki-työ) vaikuttavuus vahvistuu tiedon ja osaamisen siirtona, kehittÀmisenÀ ja uudistamisena korkeakoulujen ja työelÀmÀn vÀlillÀ. Master-koulutuksen tki-toiminnan avulla tulisi tuottaa tietoa, uusia innovaatioita ja yhteiskunnallista hyötyÀ. Master-koulutuksen opettajuus edellyttÀÀ uudenlaista osaamista toimia koko koulutuksen ja tki-toiminnan yhdistÀjÀnÀ työelÀmÀn, opiskelijan ja koulutuksen vÀlillÀ. Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli kuvata Oulun ammattikorkeakoulun (Oamk) master-koulutuksen opettajien kokemuksia tiimiopettajuudesta yhteisten monialaisten opintojen suunnittelusta ja toteutuksesta. Tavoitteena oli tuottaa kokemuksellista tietoa tiimiopettajuudesta ja tiimiopettajuuden kehittÀmiskohteista. Tutkimukseen osallistui kahdeksan Oamkin master-tutkinnoissa monialaisia yhteisiÀ opintojaksoja toteuttavaa opettajaa. Tulosten mukaan monialaista tiimiopettajuutta pidettiin mielekkÀÀnÀ tapana toteuttaa opetusta. Oppimisen kohteena olevaa asiaa tulisi sisÀllöllisesti mÀÀritellÀ ja kehittÀÀ monialaisuuden ja jokaisen opettajan asiantuntijuusosaamisen nÀkökulmasta. OpinnÀytetyö monialaisena yhteistyönÀ mahdollistaisi parhaiten oppimisen integroitumisen yhteiseen kohteeseen kaikkien yhteistyössÀ olevien toimijoiden kanssa. Integraatio tarkoittaa, ettÀ opiskelijan asiantuntemus, työelÀmÀn tutkimus- ja kehittÀmiskohde sekÀ yhteistyökumppanit ja opettajat muodostaisivat monialaisen tutkimus- ja kehittÀmistyöryhmÀn, jolloin samanaikaisesti saavutettaisiin master-koulutukselle asetettuja tki- tavoitteita, opiskelijoiden tki- ja johtamisosaamisen kehittymistÀ ja työelÀmÀn sekÀ alueen elinkeinoelÀmÀn yhteistÀ kehittÀmistÀ

    Röntgenhoitajan työnkuva teleradiologiassa

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    Teleradiologia on yksi eniten kĂ€ytetyimmistĂ€ ja pisimpÀÀn kliinisessĂ€ kĂ€ytössĂ€ olleista telelÀÀketieteen osaalueista. Artikkelissa tarkastellaan miten röntgenhoitajan rooli teleradiologiassa nĂ€yttĂ€ytyy tutkimuksissa. Aiheesta tehtiin systemaattinen kirjallisuuskatsaus, jossa aineistoa haettiin suomen‐ ja englanninkielisistĂ€ terveysalan sĂ€hköisistĂ€ tieteellisistĂ€ tietokannoista sekĂ€ ammattikorkeakoulujen opinnĂ€ytetietokannasta. LisĂ€ksi selattiin Journal of Digital Imaging –lehden vuosikerrat. Haku rajattiin tieteellisiin julkaisuihin. Sille ei asetettu aikarajausta, koska tutkittava ilmiö on suhteellisen uusi. Hakujen sisÀÀnottokriteereinĂ€ kĂ€ytettiin sitĂ€, ettĂ€ valituissa tutkimuksissa röntgenhoitaja kuvattiin aktiivisessa roolissa toimijana tai hyödynsaajana. Haettiin tutkimuksia, joissa kuvattiin röntgenhoitajan roolia diagnostisessa tai terapeuttisessa teleradiologiassa. Hakutulokset analysoitiin kĂ€yttĂ€en induktiivista sisĂ€llönanalyysiĂ€, jonka avulla analysoitiin tutkimusten tulososiot.Keskeisimmiksi röntgenhoitajan tehtĂ€vĂ€alueiksi teleradiologiassa nĂ€yttĂ€ytyivĂ€t tutkimusten perusteella potilastietojĂ€rjestelmĂ€n tietojen kĂ€sittely ja niiden yhdistĂ€minen kuvantamis‐ tai hoitotietoihin ja röntgenkuviin eli työskentely RIS–PACS –rajapinnalla (RIS, Radiological Information System; PACS, Picture archiving and communication system), kuvantaminen ja/tai sĂ€dehoidon toteutus, kuvien kĂ€sittely ja tallentaminen PACSiin sekĂ€ turvallisuudesta, laadunvarmistuksesta ja sĂ€teilyaltistuksen optimoinnista huolehtiminen. Muita tĂ€rkeitĂ€ röntgenhoitajan tehtĂ€viĂ€ teleradiologiassa ovat kouluttaminen ja itsensĂ€ sekĂ€ työnsĂ€ kehittĂ€minen, moniammatillinen yhteistyö, asiakaslĂ€htöinen potilasohjaus ja hoitotoiminta sekĂ€ tietosuojasta ja –turvasta huolehtiminen. LisĂ€ksi talouden suunnittelu ja hallinta kuuluvat erityisesti PACS‐asiantuntijan työhön. NĂ€mĂ€ tehtĂ€vĂ€alueet tulisi huomioida suunniteltaessa röntgenhoitajien koulutusta niin ammattiin valmistavassa nuoriso‐ ja aikuiskoulutuksessa, tĂ€ydennys ja jatkokoulutuksessa sekĂ€ työpaikkakoulutuksessa. TehtĂ€vĂ€alueiden vaatima osaaminen tulisi lisĂ€ksi tunnistaa suunniteltaessa kuvantamisyksiköiden henkilöstön tehtĂ€vĂ€kuvia sekĂ€ työn vaativuuden arvioinnissa ja palkitsemisjĂ€rjestelmissĂ€

    SĂ€teilyturvallisuuskoulutuksella vastataan lain asettamiin osaamisvaatimuksiin

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    SÀteilylainsÀÀdÀnnön uudistus vuoden 2018 lopulla vastaamaan EU-direktiivin 2013/59/Euratom vaatimuksia on aiheuttanut mittavan muutoksen kaikessa sÀteilyn kÀytön organisoinnissa kuin myös osaamisvaatimuksissa. Toiminnanharjoittajalla on entistÀ enemmÀn vastuuta turvallisuuskulttuurin kehittÀmisessÀ ja sÀteilyÀ kÀyttÀvien tai sÀteilylle altistuvien työntekijöiden osaamistason varmistamisessa. SÀteilyturvakeskuksen antamat mÀÀrÀykset ovat velvoittavia. Toiminnanharjoittajan on myös laadittava suunnitelma sÀteilyturvallisuuspoikkeamien varalle ja mÀÀriteltÀvÀ milloin poikkeamasta on ilmoitettava vÀlittömÀsti ja milloin kootusti kerran vuodessa. Suuri osa terveydenhuollossa toimivista sÀteilyn kÀyttÀjistÀ tai sÀteilylle altistavaa työtÀ tekevistÀ valmistuu ammattikorkeakoulusta ja siksi heidÀn koulutukseensa ja osaamistasoonsa on kiinnitettvÀ huomiota jo perustutkinnon aikana. Myös jo aikaisemmin valmistuneilla on oltava mahdollisuus varmistaa ja pÀivittÀÀ oma osaamisensa. TÀhÀn Oamkin opetustarjonta tarjoaa mainion mahdollisuuden avoimen ammattikorkeakoulun vÀylÀn kautta, mutta myös tarjoamalla maksupalvelutoiminnan kautta erilaisia rÀÀtÀlöityjÀ opintoja

    Final report of HENRE II 2005-2008

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    HENRE is a Socrates Erasmus Thematic Network co-financed by the EC and coordinated by the University of Cumbria, UK. The original HENRE Thematic Network (2002-2005) proved to be a valuable vehicle for the commencement of the development of a European dimension in radiography. The rationale for HENRE II has been further involvement in identifying the issues that surround radiography education in the different countries which make up Europe. There are many differences in the type, mode, standards and coverage of educational programmes across individual countries and are in some ways related to the roots from which the profession developed and the traditional approaches to health service provision. Consequently mutual academic and professional recognition is not yet applicable throughout the EU. The development of the Tuning methodology for educational structures in Europe arising in response to the Bologna agreement has provided the opportunity for radiography through the identification and development of a pan European generic and subject specific competencies approach to 1st cycle education. In addition, a focus on a learning outcomes approach to education at both programme and modular level is an area which requires further dissemination. In some European contexts, graduate level radiographers are strongly encouraged to undertake an expanded role in areas conventionally seen as being within the province of a medically qualified practitioner. Continuous Professional Development (CPD) has become a registerable requirement for radiographers in some countries, the CPD survey undertaken within HENRE I has provided the present project with details of the hourages, language, scope and delivery methods acceptable for CPD for radiographers in Europe. Lack of opportunities to progress to 2nd cycle in radiography programmes are developed though the initiation of appropriate European modules including a possible masters programme suitable for entry into Erasmus Mundus. Research and radiography – the extent to which the radiography curriculum is influenced through research undertaken by academics avoidance of isolation of researchers and consideration of researcher mobility. A separate strand looking at radiation protection issues and research and communication with patients on the possible deleterious effects arising from examinations using ionizing radiations. Importance of a high quality service to all in a safe environment with professionals purposefully educated and able to communicate with service users at the appropriate level

    Tuning template for radiography in Europe

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    The following document is the Tuning Template for Radiography Education in Europe. Radiography is one of the Socrates Thematic Networks which will incorporate Tuning methodology. The Higher Education Network for Radiography in Europe (HENRE Network) will thus play a central role in describing and updating radiography qualifications making considerable strides in relation to the Bologna agenda. The first draft of this Tuning Template was originally prepared by Phil Harris, Anja Kettunen, Luís Lança, Margarida Ribeiro and Luísa Vieira in sub-group 1 meeting held at Lancaster, UK 18/19 May 2007

    Diversity and substrate-specificity of green algae and other micro-eukaryotes colonizing amphibian clutches in Germany, revealed by DNA metabarcoding

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    Amphibian clutches are colonized by diverse but poorly studied communities of micro-organisms. One of the most noted ones is the unicellular green alga, Oophila amblystomatis, but the occurrence and role of other micro-organisms in the capsular chamber surrounding amphibian clutches have remained largely unstudied. Here, we undertook a multi-marker DNA metabarcoding study to characterize the community of algae and other micro-eukaryotes associated with agile frog (Rana dalmatina) clutches. Samplings were performed at three small ponds in Germany, from four substrates: water, sediment, tree leaves from the bottom of the pond, and R. dalmatina clutches. Sampling substrate strongly determined the community compositions of algae and other micro-eukaryotes. Therefore, as expected, the frog clutch-associated communities formed clearly distinct clusters. Clutch-associated communities in our study were structured by a plethora of not only green algae, but also diatoms and other ochrophytes. The most abundant operational taxonomic units (OTUs) in clutch samples were taxa from Chlamydomonas, Oophila, but also from Nitzschia and other ochrophytes. Sequences of Oophila “Clade B” were found exclusively in clutches. Based on additional phylogenetic analyses of 18S rDNA and of a matrix of 18 nuclear genes derived from transcriptomes, we confirmed in our samples the existence of two distinct clades of green algae assigned to Oophila in past studies. We hypothesize that “Clade B” algae correspond to the true Oophila, whereas “Clade A” algae are a series of Chlorococcum species that, along with other green algae, ochrophytes and protists, colonize amphibian clutches opportunistically and are often cultured from clutch samples due to their robust growth performance. The clutch-associated communities were subject to filtering by sampling location, suggesting that the taxa colonizing amphibian clutches can drastically differ depending on environmental conditions

    Overview of the tuning template for radiography in Europe

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    HENRE II (Higher Education Network for Radiography in Europe)The following is an overview of the Tuning Template for Radiography Education in Europe developed by subgroup 1 of the HENRE II Thematic Network. In this context, a template provides a description of a subject area (in this case radiography) as a guide for subject specialists to develop their own programme of study and for others to identify the scope of the subject area. Tuning Educational Structures in Europe (Tuning), an EU funded Socrates Life Long Learning project, developed a methodology to design and to deliver degree programmes using a learning outcomes and competence framework approach linked to ECTS credits based on student workload. The Tuning methodology consists of 5 lines: Line 1. Generic Competences; Line 2. Subject Specific competences; Line 3. The role of ECTS as a credit transfer and accumulation system; Line 4. Approaches to learning, teaching and assessment; Line 5. The role of quality enhancement in the educational process. The Tuning Template for radiography, which deals with the Lines 1 to 4 inclusive, therefore provides particular reference points which allow for flexibility and autonomy in curriculum design and construction providing a common language and thus understanding to permit points of convergence in radiography programme development. Programmes of study therefore should become comparable, compatible and transparent. Across Europe. The Higher Education Network for Radiography in Europe (HENRE) has been instrumental in developing this template for the development of radiography degree courses thus making considerable strides in relation to the Bologna process. The Bologna process aims to create a European Higher Education Area (EHEA) by 2010 making academic degree standards and quality assurance standards more comparable and compatible throughout Europe to enable students choice from a wide range of quality courses. It is named after the University of Bologna, when in 1999, the Bologna declaration was signed by Ministers of Education from 29 European countries

    Facilitators for and barriers to radiography research in public healthcare in Nordic countries

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    Introduction: It has been suggested that the future of diagnostic imaging relies on engagement in research and evidence-based practice. This implies a role transition from a clinical radiographer to a clinical radiographer-researcher. Clinical radiographers’ stimuli for engaging in research in Nordic countries are unknown. This study aimed to address this gap.Methods: Cross-sectional data collection via an online questionnaire on facilitators for and barriers to participation in radiography research was carried out among 507 clinical radiographers in public healthcare in the Nordic countries: Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden.Results: Support from colleagues (odds ratio [OR] 2.62) and other professionals (OR 2.74), and self-esteem in research skills (OR ≄ 2.21), were facilitators for radiography research. Lack of knowledge and skills to conduct research (OR 2.48) was revealed to hinder radiographers’ participation in research. The absence of a radiography research culture in the workplace explained non-participation in research (OR 1.75).Conclusion: This study revealed significant factors for clinical radiographers’ participation in research.Implications for practice: A strategy for establishing a radiography research culture in healthcare is proposed that is novel for the context. Management support for knowledge development and activity leading to inter-professional research projects across knowledge fields, provision of a radiography research lead and acknowledgement of radiography research among colleagues signify the establishment of the culture. These prerequisites might provide a paradigm change towards not only the symbiosis of a clinical radiographer and an autonomous researcher but also a partner who adds radiography research to evidence-based practice in diagnostic imaging.</p

    Phylogenomics reveals the basis of adaptation of Pseudorhizobium species to extreme environments and supports a taxonomic revision of the genus

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    The family Rhizobiaceae includes many genera of soil bacteria, often isolated for their association with plants. Herein, we investigate the genomic diversity of a group of Rhizobium species and unclassified strains isolated from atypical environments, including seawater, rock matrix or polluted soil. Based on whole-genome similarity and core genome phylogeny, we show that this group corresponds to the genus Pseudorhizobium. We thus reclassify Rhizobium halotolerans, R. marinum, R. flavum and R. endolithicum as P. halotolerans sp. nov., P. marinum comb. nov., P. flavum comb. nov. and P. endolithicum comb. nov., respectively, and show that P. pelagicum is a synonym of P. marinum. We also delineate a new chemolithoautotroph species, P. banfieldiae sp. nov., whose type strain is NT-26 (=DSM 106348 =CFBP 8663 ). This genome-based classification was supported by a chemotaxonomic comparison, with increasing taxonomic resolution provided by fatty acid, protein and metabolic profiles. In addition, we used a phylogenetic approach to infer scenarios of duplication, horizontal transfer and loss for all genes in the Pseudorhizobium pangenome. We thus identify the key functions associated with the diversification of each species and higher clades, shedding light on the mechanisms of adaptation to their respective ecological niches. Respiratory proteins acquired at the origin of Pseudorhizobium were combined with clade-specific genes to enable different strategies for detoxification and nutrition in harsh, nutrient-poor environments. [Abstract copyright: Copyright © 2020 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier GmbH.. All rights reserved.
