159 research outputs found

    Empirical Study on the Organizational Commitment of IT Expatriates in Different Matching Patterns of Employees’ and Enterprises’ Psychological Contracts

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    With the rapid development in China\u27s IT outsourcing industry, the number of employees in software outsourcing enterprises increases rapidly. IT expatriates not only bring huge economic benefits to the software company, but also reduce the customers’ development and operation costs, improving IT performance. However, since these expatriates who are away from the parent company, are working in customer side for a long time, and do not belong to the client company either, they are always regarded as “third country citizens”. Thus, identity disorder and lack of organizational commitment to their parent companies are always haunting around them. This paper studies the influences of employees’ and enterprises’ psychological contract in different matching patterns on organizational commitment by empirical analysis method. This research finds that employees’ relational psychological contract has a higher positive influence on organizational commitment than employees’ transactional psychological contract in both matching and mismatching situation, while enterprises’ relational psychological contract only affects the organizational commitment more positively than the transactional psychological contract in a matching situation. The employees of mutual-loyalty pattern and employee-dominating pattern will have a stronger organizational commitment in matching and mismatching situation separately. This research develops the relevant theory of psychological contract and organizational commitment in the background of IT outsourcing, improving the staff management for IT outsourcing enterprises efficiently

    A low-profile wideband compressed single-arm spiral antenna array for mid-band 5G beam steering applications

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    A low profile wideband spiral antenna array is presented for global mid-band 5G beam steering applications. In the global rollout of mid-band 5G, different frequencies have been licensed within each region (e.g. 3.4–3.8 GHz in the EU and 3.7–5 GHz in the USA). Therefore, antenna arrays must be able to cover a bandwidth of 3.3 GHz to 5 GHz to provide true global coverage. Initially, this work presents the design of a wideband compressed spiral antenna that provides an axial beam throughout its operational bandwidth of 3.3 GHz to 5 GHz, enabling beam steering functionality. Then, this antenna has been placed in a 4 × 4 array with a triangular lattice. The proposed spiral antenna array can provide a scanning range of − 40° ≤ θ ≤  + 40° in all azimuth directions with an average back lobe level of less than − 9.5 dB. This development will allow for low-cost integration of 5G systems for global use, such as passenger aircraft, UAVs, drones, and marine and ground vehicles

    Experimental investigation of mechanical properties and energy features of granite after heat treatment under different loading paths

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    Povijest temperature i opterećenja dva su glavna čimbenika koji utječu na mikrostrukturu stijene i fizikalna i mehanička svojstva. Da bi se istražio utjecaj toplinske obrade i opterećenja na mehanička svojstva i energetske značajke granita, uzorci granita najprije su toplinski obrađeni na 25 °C, 300 °C, 600 °C i 900° C. Zatim je 12 skupina eksperimenata troosnog sabijanja podvrgnuto opterećenju na tri načina, kako slijedi: jednoosno sabijanje, konvencionalno troosno sabijanje i ograničeno tlačno rasterećenje. Sustavno se uspoređuju i analiziraju mehanička svojstva i značajke energije u procesu deformacije i oštećenja na temelju tih eksperimentalnih rezultata. Rezultati pokazuju da su Youngov modul, jednoosna tlačna čvrstoća i troosna tlačna čvrstoća porasli u temperaturnom području od 25 °C do 300 °C, ali su se smanjili u temperaturnom području od 300 °C do 900 °C. Pod istim načinima opterećenja, razlike između ukupne apsorbirane energije, raspršene energije i elastične energije naprezanja povećale su se s porastom temperature od 25 °C do 900 °C. Pri istoj temperaturi, razlika između energetskih značajki pod rasterećenjem ograničenim tlakom je između jednoosnog i troosnog sabijanja. Zaključci izneseni u ovoj studiji pružaju značajnu referencu za projektiranje i izgradnju u inženjerstvu stijena izloženih visokim temperaturama.Temperature and loading history are the two main factors that influence rock microstructure and physical and mechanical properties. To explore the influence of heat treatment and loading path on mechanical properties and energy features of granite, granite samples were first heat-treated at 25 °C, 300 °C, 600 °C, and 900 °C. Then, 12 groups of triaxial compression experiments were placed under three loading paths, as follows: uniaxial compression, conventional triaxial compression, and confining pressure unloading. Mechanical properties and energy features in the deformation and failure process based on these experimental results were systematically compared and analyzed. Results demonstrate that Young’s modulus, uniaxial compressive strength, and triaxial compressive strength increased in the temperature range of 25 °C to 300 °C, but decreased in the temperature range of 300 °C to 900 °C. Under the same loading path, the gaps among total absorbed energy, dissipated energy, and elastic strain energy widened with increasing temperature from 25 °C to 900 °C. At the same temperature, the energy features’ gap under confining pressure unloading is between uniaxial and triaxial compression. The conclusions drawn in this study provide a significant reference for the design and construction of rock engineering exposed to high temperature

    Associations between polygenic risk, negative symptoms, and functional connectome topology during a working memory task in early-onset schizophrenia

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    Working memory (WM) deficit in schizophrenia is thought to arise from a widespread neural inefficiency. However, we do not know if this deficit results from the illness-related genetic risk and influence the symptom burden in various domains, especially in patients who have an early onset illness. We used graph theory to examine the topology of the functional connectome in 99 subjects (27 early-onset schizophrenia (EOS), 24 asymptomatic siblings, and 48 healthy subjects) during an n-back task, and calculated their polygenic risk score (PRS) for susceptibility to schizophrenia. Linear regression analysis was used to test associations of the PRS, clinical symptoms, altered connectomic properties, and WM accuracy in EOS. Indices of small-worldness and segregation were elevated in EOS during the WM task compared with the other two groups; these connectomic aberrations correlated with increased PRS and negative symptoms. In patients with higher polygenic risk, WM performance was lower only when both the connectomic aberrations and the burden of negative symptoms were higher. Negative symptoms had a stronger moderating role in this relationship. Our findings suggest that the aberrant connectomic topology is a feature of WM task performance in schizophrenia; this relates to higher polygenic risk score as well as higher burden of negative symptoms. The deleterious effects of polygenic risk on cognition are played out via its effects on the functional connectome, as well as negative symptoms

    Learning from Easy to Complex: Adaptive Multi-curricula Learning for Neural Dialogue Generation

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    Current state-of-the-art neural dialogue systems are mainly data-driven and are trained on human-generated responses. However, due to the subjectivity and open-ended nature of human conversations, the complexity of training dialogues varies greatly. The noise and uneven complexity of query-response pairs impede the learning efficiency and effects of the neural dialogue generation models. What is more, so far, there are no unified dialogue complexity measurements, and the dialogue complexity embodies multiple aspects of attributes---specificity, repetitiveness, relevance, etc. Inspired by human behaviors of learning to converse, where children learn from easy dialogues to complex ones and dynamically adjust their learning progress, in this paper, we first analyze five dialogue attributes to measure the dialogue complexity in multiple perspectives on three publicly available corpora. Then, we propose an adaptive multi-curricula learning framework to schedule a committee of the organized curricula. The framework is established upon the reinforcement learning paradigm, which automatically chooses different curricula at the evolving learning process according to the learning status of the neural dialogue generation model. Extensive experiments conducted on five state-of-the-art models demonstrate its learning efficiency and effectiveness with respect to 13 automatic evaluation metrics and human judgments.Comment: Accepted to AAAI 202

    Dual-frequency programmed harmonics modulation-based simultaneous wireless information and power transfer system via a common resonance link

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    Most simultaneous wireless information and power transmission (SWIPT) systems currently operate at a single frequency, where the power and information transmission affect the resonance state of each other. This paper proposes a structure using dual-frequency programmed harmonics modulation (DFPHM). The primary-side inverter outputs a dual-frequency (DF) wave containing the power transmission and information transmission frequencies, while the DF wave is coupled to the secondary side through a common inductive link. After the power and information are transmitted to the secondary side, they are demodulated in different branches. Wave trappers are designed on each branch to reduce the interference of information transmission on power transmission. There is no tight coupling transformer in the system to inject information, so the system order is not high. Experiments verified that the proposed structure based on DFPHM is effective.Web of Science1210art. no. 418

    Optimal planting pattern of cotton is regulated by irrigation amount under mulch drip irrigation

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    ObjectiveIt is of great importance to explore agronomic management measures for water conservation and cotton yield in arid areas.MethodsA four–year field experiment was conducted to evaluate cotton yield and soil water consumption under four row spacing configurations (high/low density with 66+10 cm wide, narrow row spacing, RS66+10H and RS66+10L; high/low density with 76 cm equal row spacing, RS76H and RS76L) and two irrigation amounts (CI:conventional drip irrigation; LI:limited drip irrigation) during the growing seasons in Shihezi, Xinjiang.ResultsA quadratic relationship was observed between the maximum LAI (LAImax) and seed yield. Canopy apparent transpiration rate(CAT), daily water consumption intensity (DWCI) and crop evapotranspiration (ETC) were positively and linearly correlated with LAI. The seed yields, lint yields, and ETC under CI were 6.6–18.3%,7.1–20.8% and 22.9–32.6%higher than those observed under LI, respectively. The RS66+10H under CI had the highest seed and lint yields. RS76L had an optimum LAImax range, which ensured a higher canopy apparent photosynthesis and daily dry matter accumulation and reached the same yield level as RS66+10H; however, soil water consumption in RS76L was reduced ETC by 51–60 mm at a depth of 20–60 cm at a radius of 19–38 cm from the cotton row,and water use efficiency increased by 5.6–8.3%compared to RS66+10H under CI.ConclusionA 5.0<LAImax<5.5 is optimum for cotton production in northern Xinjiang, and RS76L under CI is recommended for high yield and can further reduce water consumption. Under LI, the seed and lint yield of RS66+10H were 3.7–6.0% and 4.6–6.9% higher than those of RS76L, respectively. In addition, high-density planting can exploit the potential of soil water to increase cotton yields under water shortage conditions