12,178 research outputs found

    A Single Source for All Flavor Violation

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    In a model proposed in 2012, all flavor mixing has a single source and is governed by a single "master matrix." This model was shown to give several predictions for quark and lepton masses and mixing angles and for mixing angles within SU(5) multiplets that are observable in proton decay. Here it is shown that the same master matrix controls the flavor-changing processes mediated by a singlet scalar that exists in the model, giving predictions for tau to mu + gamma, tau to e + gamma, and mu to e + gamma.Comment: 11 pages, no figure

    Cogeneration of Dark Matter and Baryons by Non-Standard-Model Sphalerons in Unified Models

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    Sphalerons of a new gauge interaction can convert a primordial asymmetry in B or L into a dark matter asymmetry. From the equilibrium conditions for the sphalerons of both the electroweak and the new interactions, one can compute the ratios of B, L, and X, where X is the dark matter number, thus determining the mass of the dark matter particle fairly precisely. Such a scenario can arise naturally in the context of unification with larger groups. An illustrative model embeddable in SU(6)×SU(2)⊂E6SU(6) \times SU(2) \subset E_6 is described as well as an equally simple model based on SU(7).Comment: 13 pages. Revised introduction and references, changed titl

    The Dynamics of the Bounds of Squared Concurrence

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    We study the dynamics of upper and lower bounds of squared concurrence.Our results are similar to that of Konard et al. and can help the estimation of high-dimension bipartite entanglement in experiments.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures accepted by PR

    Particle Entanglement in Rotating Gases

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    In this paper, we investigate the particle entanglement in 2D weakly-interacting rotating Bose and Fermi gases. We find that both particle localization and vortex localization can be indicated by particle entanglement. We also use particle entanglement to show the occurrence of edge reconstruction of rotating fermions. The different properties of condensate phase and vortex liquid phase of bosons can be reflected by particle entanglement and in vortex liquid phase we construct a trial wave function in the viewpoint of entanglement to relate the ground state with quantum Hall state. Finally, the relation between particle entanglement and interaction strength is studied.Comment: 7 pages, 9 figure

    The Decay of Multiqudit Entanglement

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    We investigate the decay of entanglement of a generalized N-qudit GHZ state, with each qudit passing through independently in a quantum noisy channel. By studying the time at which the entanglement completely vanishes and the time at which the entanglement becomes arbitrarily small, we try to find how the robustness of entanglement is influenced by dimension d and the number of particles N.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    MObile Technology for Improved Family Planning: update to randomised controlled trial protocol.

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    BACKGROUND: This update outlines changes to the MObile Technology for Improved Family Planning study statistical analysis plan and plans for long-term follow-up. These changes result from obtaining additional funding and the decision to restrict the primary analysis to participants with available follow-up data. The changes were agreed prior to finalising the statistical analysis plan and sealing the dataset. METHODS/DESIGN: The primary analysis will now be restricted to subjects with data on the primary outcome at 4-month follow-up. The extreme-case scenario, where all those lost to follow-up are counted as non-adherent, will be used in a sensitivity analysis. In addition to the secondary outcomes outlined in the protocol, we will assess the effect of the intervention on long-acting contraception (implant, intra-uterine device and permanent methods).To assess the long-term effect of the intervention, we plan to conduct additional 12-month follow-up by telephone self-report for all the primary and secondary outcomes used at 4 months. All participants provided informed consent for this additional follow-up when recruited to the trial. Outcome measures and analysis at 12 months will be similar to those at the 4-month follow-up. The primary outcomes of the trial will be the use of an effective modern contraceptive method at 4 months and at 12 months post-abortion. Secondary outcomes will include long-acting contraception use, self-reported pregnancy, repeat abortion and contraception use over the 12-month post-abortion period. DISCUSSION: Restricting the primary analysis to those with follow-up data is the standard approach for trial analysis and will facilitate comparison with other trials of interventions designed to increase contraception uptake or use. Undertaking 12-month trial follow-up will allow us to evaluate the long-term effect of the intervention. TRIAL REGISTRATION: ClinicalTrials.gov NCT01823861

    Analytical Models of Exoplanetary Atmospheres. II. Radiative Transfer via the Two-stream Approximation

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    We present a comprehensive analytical study of radiative transfer using the method of moments and include the effects of non-isotropic scattering in the coherent limit. Within this unified formalism, we derive the governing equations and solutions describing two-stream radiative transfer (which approximates the passage of radiation as a pair of outgoing and incoming fluxes), flux-limited diffusion (which describes radiative transfer in the deep interior) and solutions for the temperature-pressure profiles. Generally, the problem is mathematically under-determined unless a set of closures (Eddington coefficients) is specified. We demonstrate that the hemispheric (or hemi-isotropic) closure naturally derives from the radiative transfer equation if energy conservation is obeyed, while the Eddington closure produces spurious enhancements of both reflected light and thermal emission. We concoct recipes for implementing two-stream radiative transfer in stand-alone numerical calculations and general circulation models. We use our two-stream solutions to construct toy models of the runaway greenhouse effect. We present a new solution for temperature-pressure profiles with a non-constant optical opacity and elucidate the effects of non-isotropic scattering in the optical and infrared. We derive generalized expressions for the spherical and Bond albedos and the photon deposition depth. We demonstrate that the value of the optical depth corresponding to the photosphere is not always 2/3 (Milne's solution) and depends on a combination of stellar irradiation, internal heat and the properties of scattering both in optical and infrared. Finally, we derive generalized expressions for the total, net, outgoing and incoming fluxes in the convective regime.Comment: Accepted by ApJS. 23 pages, 11 figures, 3 tables, 158 equations. No change from previous version except for title (to match ApJS convention
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