222 research outputs found

    Modeling transcription factor binding events to DNA using a random walker/jumper representation on a 1D/2D lattice with different affinity sites

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    Surviving in a diverse environment requires corresponding organism responses. At the cellular level, such adjustment relies on the transcription factors (TFs) which must rapidly find their target sequences amidst a vast amount of non-relevant sequences on DNA molecules. Whether these transcription factors locate their target sites through a 1D or 3D pathway is still a matter of speculation. It has been suggested that the optimum search time is when the protein equally shares its search time between 1D and 3D diffusions. In this paper, we study the above problem using a Monte Carlo simulation by considering a very simple physical model. A 1D strip, representing a DNA, with a number of low affinity sites, corresponding to non-target sites, and high affinity sites, corresponding to target sites, is considered and later extended to a 2D strip. We study the 1D and 3D exploration pathways, and combinations of the two modes by considering three different types of molecules: a walker that randomly walks along the strip with no dissociation; a jumper that represents dissociation and then re-association of a TF with the strip at later time at a distant site; and a hopper that is similar to the jumper but it dissociates and then re-associates at a faster rate than the jumper. We analyze the final probability distribution of molecules for each case and find that TFs can locate their targets fast enough even if they spend 15% of their search time diffusing freely in the solution. This indeed agrees with recent experimental results obtained by Elf et al. 2007 and is in contrast with theoretical expectation.Comment: 24 pages, 9 figure

    Reduced Mobility of the Alternate Splicing Factor (Asf) through the Nucleoplasm and Steady State Speckle Compartments

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    Compartmentalization of the nucleus is now recognized as an important level of regulation influencing specific nuclear processes. The mechanism of factor organization and the movement of factors in nuclear space have not been fully determined. Splicing factors, for example, have been shown to move in a directed manner as large intact structures from sites of concentration to sites of active transcription, but splicing factors are also thought to exist in a freely diffusible state. In this study, we examined the movement of a splicing factor, ASF, green fluorescent fusion protein (ASF–GFP) using time-lapse microscopy and the technique fluorescence recovery after photobleaching (FRAP). We find that ASF–GFP moves at rates up to 100 times slower than free diffusion when it is associated with speckles and, surprisingly, also when it is dispersed in the nucleoplasm. The mobility of ASF is consistent with frequent but transient interactions with relatively immobile nuclear binding sites. This mobility is slightly increased in the presence of an RNA polymerase II transcription inhibitor and the ASF molecules further enrich in speckles. We propose that the nonrandom organization of splicing factors reflects spatial differences in the concentration of relatively immobile binding sites

    Impaired in vivo binding of MeCP2 to chromatin in the absence of its DNA methyl-binding domain

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    MeCP2 is a methyl-CpG-binding protein that is a main component of brain chromatin in vertebrates. In vitro studies have determined that in addition to its specific methyl-CpG-binding domain (MBD) MeCP2 also has several chromatin association domains. However, the specific interactions of MeCP2 with methylated or non-methylated chromatin regions and the structural characteristics of the resulting DNA associations in vivo remain poorly understood. We analysed the role of the MBD in MeCP2-chromatin associations in vivo using an MeCP2 mutant Rett syndrome mouse model (Mecp2(tm1.1Jae)) in which exon 3 deletion results in an N-terminal truncation of the protein, including most of the MBD. Our results show that in mutant mice, the truncated form of MeCP2 (delta MeCP2) is expressed in different regions of the brain and liver, albeit at 50% of its wild-type (wt) counterpart. In contrast to the punctate nuclear distribution characteristic of wt MeCP2, delta MeCP2 exhibits both diffuse nuclear localization and a substantial retention in the cytoplasm, suggesting a dysfunction of nuclear transport. In mutant brain tissue, neuronal nuclei are smaller, and delta MeCP2 chromatin is digested faster by nucleases, producing a characteristic nuclease-resistant dinucleosome. Although a fraction of delta MeCP2 is found associated with nucleosomes, its interaction with chromatin is transient and weak. Thus, our results unequivocally demonstrate that in vivo the MBD of MeCP2 together with its adjacent region in the N-terminal domain are critical for the proper interaction of the protein with chromatin, which cannot be replaced by any other of its protein domains

    Thiosquaramides: pH switchable anion transporters

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    The transport of anions across cellular membranes is an important biological function governed by specialised proteins. In recent years, many small molecules have emerged that mimick the anion transport behaviour of these proteins, but only a few of these synthetic molecules also display the gating/switching behaviour seen in biological systems. A small series of thiosquar-amides was synthesised and their pH-dependent chloride binding and anion transport behaviour was investigated using 1H NMR titrations, single crystal X-ray diffraction and a variety of vesicle-based techniques. Spectrophotometric titrations and DFT calculations revealed that the thiosquaramides are significantly more acidic than their oxosquaramide analogues, with pKa values between 4.0 and 9.0. This led to the observation that at pH 7.2 the anion transport ability of the thiosquaramides is fully switched OFF due to deprotonation of the receptor, but is completely switched ON at lower pH

    Evaluation of the proliferation markers Ki-67/MIB-1, mitosin, survivin, pHH3, and DNA topoisomerase IIα in human anaplastic astrocytomas - an immunohistochemical study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Histological malignancy grading of astrocytomas can be challenging despite criteria given by the World Health Organisation (WHO). Grading is fundamental for optimal prognostication and treatment, and additional biomarkers are needed to support the histopathological diagnosis. Estimation of proliferative activity has gained much enthusiasm, and the present study was designed to evaluate and compare novel immunohistochemical proliferative markers in human anaplastic astrocytomas.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Proliferative activity was determined in twenty-seven cases with antibodies reactive against the Ki-67 antigen, mitosin, survivin, pHH3, and DNA topoisomerase IIα, and they were mutually compared as well as related to mitotic activity.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The markers correlated well with each other, but poorly with mitoses, probably because of small and squeezed tumour samples, in which identification of mitoses can be difficult. Positive association to overall survival was observed as well.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Our data show that these markers may assist significantly in the evaluation of proliferative activity in anaplastic astrocytomas and even have prognostic value.</p

    Poly-acetylated chromatin signatures are preferred epitopes for site-specific histone H4 acetyl antibodies

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    Antibodies specific for histone post-translational modifications (PTMs) have been central to our understanding of chromatin biology. Here, we describe an unexpected and novel property of histone H4 site-specific acetyl antibodies in that they prefer poly-acetylated histone substrates. By all current criteria, these antibodies have passed specificity standards. However, we find these site-specific histone antibodies preferentially recognize chromatin signatures containing two or more adjacent acetylated lysines. Significantly, we find that the poly-acetylated epitopes these antibodies prefer are evolutionarily conserved and are present at levels that compete for these antibodies over the intended individual acetylation sites. This alarming property of acetyl-specific antibodies has far-reaching implications for data interpretation and may present a challenge for the future study of acetylated histone and non-histone proteins

    LEDGF/p75 Proteins with Alternative Chromatin Tethers Are Functional HIV-1 Cofactors

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    LEDGF/p75 can tether over-expressed lentiviral integrase proteins to chromatin but how this underlies its integration cofactor role for these retroviruses is unclear. While a single integrase binding domain (IBD) binds integrase, a complex N-terminal domain ensemble (NDE) interacts with unknown chromatin ligands. Whether integration requires chromatin tethering per se, specific NDE-chromatin ligand interactions or other emergent properties of LEDGF/p75 has been elusive. Here we replaced the NDE with strongly divergent chromatin-binding modules. The chimeras rescued integrase tethering and HIV-1 integration in LEDGF/p75-deficient cells. Furthermore, chromatin ligands could reside inside or outside the nucleosome core, and could be protein or DNA. Remarkably, a short Kaposi's sarcoma virus peptide that binds the histone 2A/B dimer converted GFP-IBD from an integration blocker to an integration cofactor that rescues over two logs of infectivity. NDE mutants were corroborative. Chromatin tethering per se is a basic HIV-1 requirement and this rather than engagement of particular chromatin ligands is important for the LEDGF/p75 cofactor mechanism