3 research outputs found


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    Certification means to improve the quality of teacher competence. Certification allowances still raise questions about low teacher competency and student learning achievement. Based on this, a study was conducted on the effect of certification (x) benefits on teacher competency (y) and their implications for student learning achievement (z). The research aims: 1) Effect of certification benefits on teacher competence. 2) Effect of teacher competence on student learning achievement. 3) Efforts need to be made to improve teacher competency and student learning achievement. Research uses descriptive methods with quantitative approache. The sampling technique used is saturated sampling technique. The sample consisted of 33 teachers. Samples were selected with nonprobability sampling technique. Data collection using questionnaires, interviews, and student test results. Validity test using product moment formula, and reliability testing using the alpha coefficient formula. Data analysis techniques used product moment correlation, path analysis and t test with SPSS version 21. Research results: 1) Teacher certification allowance (x) has a positive effect on teacher competence (y). This is evidenced by the results of the correlation coefficient (r) of 0.586 and the strength of the influence of 0.443. 2) Teacher competency (y) has a positive effect on student learning achievement (z). This is proven by the results of the correlation coefficient (r) is 0.708 and the power of influence is 0.50

    Akselerasi Produksi Kain Batik di Musim Penghujan dengan Menggunakan Mesin Fotonik

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    Industri batik tradisional di Indonesia, sebagian besar masih menggunakan teknik pewarnaan menggunakan sinar matahari langsung, sedangkan di musim penghujan perajin secara rutin masih harus tetap memproduksi kain batik untuk memenuhi target dari berbagai penanan. Artikel ini bertujuan menguatkan keberlangsungan industri kecil dan mengah perajin batik di musim penghujan, maka diperlukan langkah strategis dalam menghadirkan solusi yang lebih efektif. Metode yang digunakan dari penelitian ini yaitu Participation Action Research (PAR) dengan paradigma practice-led reseach dan pendekatan strategi kreatif industry design. Kelompok perajin home industry batik sebagai populasi, dan Batik Komar sebagai sampel pada penelitian ini. Instrumen penelitian melalui beberapa elemen dan prinsip desain, teknologi dan industri. Adapun prosedur penelitian melalui tahapan design thinking. Hasil penelitian ini yaitu produk kain batik dengan teknik pewarnaan sinar ultraviolet melalui mesin fotonik. Mesin fotonik batik merupakan salah satu solusi strategis dalam mengatasi langkanya sinar matahari pada musim penghujan sebagai energi penguat proses pewarnaan batik. Dengan kata lain, Mesin fotonik batik sangat membantu akselerasi kapasitas produksi batik yang menggunakan pewarna jenis indigosol. KataKunci: Pewarnaan Batik; Fotonik Batik; Musim Penghujan; Fotokimia; Sinar Ultraviole