381 research outputs found

    Natural areas : concepts, legislation, selection, and management

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    The major objectives of this study were to identify those factors that have contributed to the success of state natural area programs. The study was directed toward state programs that have been legislatively enacted and is intended to benefit state administrators of new programs and those interested in the establishment of such programs. Main sources of information were documents furnished by state natural areas administrators and managers, enabling legislation for these systems, and correspondence and inter-views with professionals associated with federal and state natural areas. In developing a natural areas philosophy, the history and concepts of the natural areas movement were presented. Only recently has society recognized the scientific, educa-tional and recreational values of such areas. The U. S. Forest Service has been setting aside tracts of land for scientific and educational reasons since the 1920\u27s. In the last 25 years state and private organizations have become increasingly involved, and state programs now number over 30. Although areas set aside for scientific and educational reasons are commonly referred to as nature preserves or natu-ral areas, the term ecological reserves is suggested because of the broader concepts associated with its use. It was determined that to date, Illinois had developed the best approach for the establishment of an ecological re-serve system. Its legislation recognizes most of the criteria used to define ecological reserves. Reserves are established primarily for their educational and scientific value, as refugium for rare species, and secondly, as recreational areas. Inventories of prospective ecological reserves have been or are presently being conducted in most states with natural area programs. In order to standardize evaluation of prospective areas, criteria have been established for their identification and selection. Ranking schemes are used in the selection of reserves, but the true meaning of derived scores and their tendency to mask distinguishing character-istics restrict their usefulness. Management efforts on ecological reserves have been limited because of a lack of funding and experience. They include complete protection, simulation or maintenance of natural disturbance, restoration of ecosystems, and the maintenance of man-dominated ecosystems. Legislative protection is needed for areas of educa-tional and scientific interest. Legislation that recognizes the conditions for ecological reserves, their purpose, and specific management goals is more likely to be successful. In order to insure that a future state system includes areas that best exemplify phenomena of interest, a detailed inven-tory of potential areas must be conducted. Areas included in the system will require accurate and detailed management plans, dependent on adequate funding

    A Central Role for Sympathetic Nerves in Herpes Stromal Keratitis in Mice

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    Citation: Yun H, Lathrop KL, Hendricks RL. A central role for sympathetic nerves in herpes stromal keratitis in mice. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2016;57:174957: -175657: . DOI:10.1167 PURPOSE. Herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) is a neurotrophic virus that can cause herpes stromal keratitis (HSK), a severe corneal inflammation that can lead to corneal scarring and blindness. This study identified neurologic changes that occur in HSV-1-infected corneas and related them to HSV-1-induced immunopathology. METHODS. Corneas of BALB/c and C57BL/6 mice were infected with HSV-1 strains that induce HSK. Changes in sensory nerves were identified by immunofluorescence staining of sensory and sympathetic nerves for substance P (SP) and tyrosine hydroxylase (TH), respectively, and confocal microscopic examination. Some mice received superior cervical ganglionectomy (SCGx) to eliminate sympathetic nerves from the cornea. RESULTS. Normal corneas exclusively expressed sensory nerves that entered the stroma as large nerve stalks, branched to form a plexus at the epithelial/stromal interface, and extended termini into the epithelium. These nerves completely retracted from the infected cornea and were replaced by sympathetic nerves that sprouted extensively to hyperinnervate the corneal stroma but failed to form a plexus or extend termini into the epithelium. The hyperinnervating nerves expressed the sympathetic nerve marker TH and their invasion was blocked by performing SCGx. Moreover, the corneal opacity and neovascularization that normally characterizes HSK in this mouse model were largely abrogated by SCGx. Sensory nerves reinnervated infected corneas following SCGx, reformed a nerve plexus, and extended termini into the epithelium resulting in recovery of corneal sensitivity. CONCLUSIONS. Sympathetic nerves have a central role in HSK in mice, preventing reinnervation by sensory nerves and promoting severe and persistent corneal inflammation

    Test Population Selection from Weibull-Based, Monte Carlo Simulations of Fatigue Life

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    Fatigue life is probabilistic and not deterministic. Experimentally establishing the fatigue life of materials, components, and systems is both time consuming and costly. As a result, conclusions regarding fatigue life are often inferred from a statistically insufficient number of physical tests. A proposed methodology for comparing life results as a function of variability due to Weibull parameters, variability between successive trials, and variability due to size of the experimental population is presented. Using Monte Carlo simulation of randomly selected lives from a large Weibull distribution, the variation in the L10 fatigue life of aluminum alloy AL6061 rotating rod fatigue tests was determined as a function of population size. These results were compared to the L10 fatigue lives of small (10 each) populations from AL2024, AL7075 and AL6061. For aluminum alloy AL6061, a simple algebraic relationship was established for the upper and lower L10 fatigue life limits as a function of the number of specimens failed. For most engineering applications where less than 30 percent variability can be tolerated in the maximum and minimum values, at least 30 to 35 test samples are necessary. The variability of test results based on small sample sizes can be greater than actual differences, if any, that exists between materials and can result in erroneous conclusions. The fatigue life of AL2024 is statistically longer than AL6061 and AL7075. However, there is no statistical difference between the fatigue lives of AL6061 and AL7075 even though AL7075 had a fatigue life 30 percent greater than AL6061

    Probabilistic Analysis for Comparing Fatigue Data Based on Johnson-Weibull Parameters

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    Leonard Johnson published a methodology for establishing the confidence that two populations of data are different. Johnson's methodology is dependent on limited combinations of test parameters (Weibull slope, mean life ratio, and degrees of freedom) and a set of complex mathematical equations. In this report, a simplified algebraic equation for confidence numbers is derived based on the original work of Johnson. The confidence numbers calculated with this equation are compared to those obtained graphically by Johnson. Using the ratios of mean life, the resultant values of confidence numbers at the 99 percent level deviate less than 1 percent from those of Johnson. At a 90 percent confidence level, the calculated values differ between +2 and 4 percent. The simplified equation is used to rank the experimental lives of three aluminum alloys (AL 2024, AL 6061, and AL 7075), each tested at three stress levels in rotating beam fatigue, analyzed using the Johnson- Weibull method, and compared to the ASTM Standard (E739 91) method of comparison. The ASTM Standard did not statistically distinguish between AL 6061 and AL 7075. However, it is possible to rank the fatigue lives of different materials with a reasonable degree of statistical certainty based on combined confidence numbers using the Johnson- Weibull analysis. AL 2024 was found to have the longest fatigue life, followed by AL 7075, and then AL 6061. The ASTM Standard and the Johnson-Weibull analysis result in the same stress-life exponent p for each of the three aluminum alloys at the median, or L(sub 50), live

    High-Risk Corneal Graft Rejection in the Setting of Previous Corneal Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV)-1 Infection

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    Acknowledgments The authors thank M. Robertson and R. Fordyce for technical support during the duration of the study. The work performed in Aberdeen was supported by grant from Action Medical Research UK (SP4328; London, England, UK), NHS Grampian Endowment grant (12/49; Aberdeen, Scotland, UK), and Saving Sight in Grampian (Charity No.SC002938; Aberdeen, Scotland, UK). The work performed in Pittsburgh was supported by a Fight for Sight Post-Doctoral Award (JEK; New York, NY, USA); unrestricted grants from the Western Pennsylvania Medical Eye Bank Foundation (Pittsburgh, PA, USA), Research to Prevent Blindness (New York, NY, USA), and the Eye and Ear Foundation of Pittsburgh (RLH; Pittsburgh, PA, USA); and National Institutes of Health Grants P30EY08098 (RLH; Bethesda, MD, USA) and EY10359 (RLH).Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Comparison of sea-ice freeboard distributions from aircraft data and cryosat-2

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    The only remote sensing technique capable of obtain- ing sea-ice thickness on basin-scale are satellite altime- ter missions, such as the 2010 launched CryoSat-2. It is equipped with a Ku-Band radar altimeter, which mea- sures the height of the ice surface above the sea level. This method requires highly accurate range measure- ments. During the CryoSat Validation Experiment (Cry- oVEx) 2011 in the Lincoln Sea, Cryosat-2 underpasses were accomplished with two aircraft, which carried an airborne laser-scanner, a radar altimeter and an electro- magnetic induction device for direct sea-ice thickness re- trieval. Both aircraft flew in close formation at the same time of a CryoSat-2 overpass. This is a study about the comparison of the sea-ice freeboard and thickness dis- tribution of airborne validation and CryoSat-2 measure- ments within the multi-year sea-ice region of the Lincoln Sea in spring, with respect to the penetration of the Ku- Band signal into the snow

    Future Fuel Scenarios and Their Potential Impact to Aviation

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    In recent years fuel prices have been growing at a rapid pace. Current conservative projections predict that this is only a function of the natural volatility of oil prices, similar to the oil price spikes experienced in the 1970s. However, there is growing concern among analysts that the current price increases may not only be permanent, but that prices may continue to increase into the future before settling down at a much higher level than today. At high enough fuel prices, the aircraft industry would become very sensitive to fuel price. In this paper, the likelihood of fuel price increase is considered in three different price increase scenarios: "low," "medium," and "high." The impact of these scenarios on the aviation industry and alternatives are also addressed

    Alternate Fuels for Use in Commercial Aircraft

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    The engine and aircraft Research and Development (R&D) communities have been investigating alternative fueling in near-term, midterm, and far-term aircraft. A drop in jet fuel replacement, consisting of a kerosene (Jet-A) and synthetic fuel blend, will be possible for use in existing and near-term aircraft. Future midterm aircraft may use a biojet and synthetic fuel blend in ultra-efficient airplane designs. Future far-term engines and aircraft in 50-plus years may be specifically designed to use a low- or zero-carbon fuel. Synthetic jet fuels from coal, natural gas, or other hydrocarbon feedstocks are very similar in performance to conventional jet fuel, yet the additional CO2 produced during the manufacturing needs to be permanently sequestered. Biojet fuels need to be developed specifically for jet aircraft without displacing food production. Envisioned as midterm aircraft fuel, if the performance and cost liabilities can be overcome, biofuel blends with synthetic jet or Jet-A fuels have near-term potential in terms of global climatic concerns. Long-term solutions address dramatic emissions reductions through use of alternate aircraft fuels such as liquid hydrogen or liquid methane. Either of these new aircraft fuels will require an enormous change in infrastructure and thus engine and airplane design. Life-cycle environmental questions need to be addressed

    Bidirectional Brush Seals: Post-Test Analysis

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    A post-test analysis of a set of inside-diameter/outside-diameter (ID/OD) bidirectional brush seals used in three-port wave rotor tests was undertaken to determine brush bristle and configuration wear, pullout, and rotor coating wear. The results suggest that sharp changes in the pressure profiles were not well reflected in bristle tip configuration patterns or wear. Also, positive-to-negative changes in axial pressure gradients appeared to have little effect on the backing plates. Although the brushes had similar porosities, they had very different unpacked arrays. This difference could explain the departure of experimental data from computational fluid dynamics flow predictions for well-packed arrays at higher pressure drops. The rotor wear led to "car-track" scars (upper and lower wear bands) with a whipped surface between the bands. Those bands may have resulted from bristle stiffening at the fence and gap plates during alternate portions of the rotor cycle. Within the bristle response range the wear surface reflected the pressure distribution effect on bristle motion. No sacrificial metallurgical data were taken. The bristles did wear, with correspondingly more wear on the ID brush configurations than on the OD configurations; the complexity in constructing the ID brush was a factor

    Thermomechanical Design Criteria for Ceramic-Coated Surfaces

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    Some early history of ceramic applications is presented. Finite element modeling of components to determine service and fabrication loads found inelastic behavior and residual stresses to be significant to component life. Inelastic behavior mitigates peak strains but enhances residual strains. Results of furnace, Mach 0.3 burner, and engine tests are discussed and categorized into design criteria (loading, geometry, fabrication, materials, analysis, and testing). These design rules and finite element analyses are brought to bear on two test cases: turboshaft engine seals, and rocket thrust chambers