3 research outputs found


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    Anak dengan autisme meiliki hambatan yang cukup kompleks salah satunya yaitu hambatan perkembangan bahasa. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membantu anak autisme dalam menigkatkan kemampuan perkembangan bahasa. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Research and Development (RnD) dengan desain pengembangan ADDIE (Analysis Design Development Implementation Evaluation), sedangkan untuk menganalisis data menggunakan analisis data Single Subject Research (SSR). Subjek dalam penelitian ini yaitu anak autisme berusia 10 tahun yang mengalami hambatan bahasa. Berdasarkan hasil asesmen yang dilakukan ditemukan data dan menghasilkan profil anak, sehinggaa dirancanglah media berbentuk website yang bernama Media Language Augmentative. Media ini memiliki fitur seperti materi video, permainan dan projek akhir berupa video presentasi. Berdasarkan hasil imlementasi ditemukan bahwa kemampuan anak bahasa reseptif dan ekspresif subjek meningkat, dilihat dari hasil kuis dan hasil video projek yang telah dibuat subjek. Menggunakan teknologi memudahkan dan membuat motivasi anak meningkat ketika belajar, teknologi membuat media yang digunakan lebih menarik. Orang tua dapat mengembangkan materi dan disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan anak, selain itu peneliti dapat membuat program media yang lebih relevan pada anak dengan hambatan lainnya. Kata kunci : Language Augmentative; Media Video, Kemampuan Bahasa Reseptif dan Ekspresif; Autisme ABSTRACT Children with autism have quite complex barriers, one of which is language development barriers. This study aims to help autistic children improve language development skills. The method used in this research is Research and Development (RnD) with ADDIE development design (Analysis Design Development Implementation Evaluation), while to analyze the data using Single Subject Research (SSR) data analysis. The subjects in this study were 10-year-old autistic children who had language barriers. Based on the results of the assessment carried out, data was found and produced a child profile, so that a website-shaped media was designed called Media Language Augmentative. This media has features such as video material, games and final projects in the form of video presentations. Based on the results of the implementation, it was found that the subject's receptive and expressive language skills increased, seen from the results of the quizzes and the results of the video projects that the subject had made. Using technology makes it easier and makes children's motivation to increase when learning, technology makes the media used more interesting. Parents can develop materials and adapt them to their children's needs, besides that researchers can create media programs that are more relevant to children with other barriers. Keywords: Augmentative Language; Video Media, Receptive and Expressive Language Skills; autis


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    Children with autism have quite complex barriers, one of which is language development barriers. This study aims to help autistic children improve language development skills. The method used in this research is Research and Development (RnD) with ADDIE development design (Analysis Design Development Implementation Evaluation), while to analyze the data using Single Subject Research (SSR) data analysis. The subjects in this study were 10-year-old autistic children who had language barriers. Based on the results of the assessment carried out, data was found and produced a child profile, so that a website-shaped media was designed called Media Language Augmentative. This media has features such as video material, games and final projects in the form of video presentations. Based on the results of the implementation, it was found that the subject's receptive and expressive language skills increased, seen from the results of the quizzes and the results of the video projects that the subject had made. Using technology makes it easier and makes children's motivation to increase when learning, technology makes the media used more interesting. Parents can develop materials and adapt them to their children's needs, besides that researchers can create media programs that are more relevant to children with other barriers. Keywords: Augmentative Language; Video Media, Receptive and Expressive Language Skills; autis

    AR Improves Understanding of Germination Materials for Intellectual Disability Students in Special School 5th Grade

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    This study aims to explore the use of AR technology to enhance the understanding of students with mild intellectual disabilities in the topic of germination processes in 5th Grade Special School Nusak Jagoi Babang. The research adopts an experimental method with a One Group Pretest-Posttest Design model. The research sample consists of 7 students from 5th Grade Special School. The study begins by conducting a pretest on the subjects before implementing the treatment, which involves the use of AR technology. After the subjects receive the treatment, a posttest is conducted to measure their learning improvement. The results of the study indicate that the use of AR technology can enhance the understanding of students with mild intellectual disabilities in the topic of germination processes. This summary concludes by emphasizing the importance of utilizing AR technology to improve the understanding of students with mild intellectual disabilities in the topic of germination processes, which can serve as a reference for developing technology-based learning programs in the future