35 research outputs found

    Vismodegib as Novel Treatment of Periocular Basal Cell Carcinoma: A Mini Review

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    Basal cell carcinoma (BCC) is the most common cancer in the world. This study aims to review vismodegib treatment in BCC patients. Vismodegib has been approved for the treatment of adults with mBCC, or with laBCC that has recurred after surgery or who are not eligible for surgical procedure nor radiation. Despite all advantages it possesses, this drug still has limitations such as its inevitably occurring side effects of Vismodegib which lead to a significant rate of treatment discontinuation limiting complete drug exposure as described in previous studies. Hence, long-term continuous treatment with Vismodegib might be not feasible for certain group of patients. Vismodegib had become an established treatment option for patients with locally advanced or metastatic BCC in clinical practice

    Thyroid Associared Orbitopathy

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    Thyroid-Associated Orbitopathy (TAO) merupakan manifestasi ekstratiroid dari suatu penyakit inflamasi autoimun yang menyerang jaringan orbita dan periorbita. Ada banyak istilah yang digunakan untuk mendeskripsikan kelainan yang ditemukan pada jaringan orbita yang terkait dengan penyakit tiroid ini. Antara lain, Thyroid-associated Ophthalmopathy, Thyroid Eye Disease (TED), Thyroid Ophthalmopathy/Orbitopathy, Graves Ophthalmopathy/ Orbitopathy (GO), Disthyroid Ophthalmopathy, Thyrotoxic Exophthalmos, Euthyroid Ophthalmopathy, dan Endocrine Exophthalmos. Walaupun kelainan hormon tiroid ini telah diterapi seczra optimal, orbitopati masih bisa terjadi. Terapi dan penatalaksanaat)nya pun sulit. Kelainan ini dapat mengakibatkan gangguan fungsional yang sangat berpotensi mengancam fungsi penglihatan dan menurunkan kualitas hidup penderita, sehingga timbul perasiuul tidak nyaman THYROID ASSOCTATED ORBITOPATHY t walaupun sebenarnya kelainan ini termasuk tipikal sel limiting autoimmune disease

    Penyakit Sistem Lakrimal

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    Sistem lakrimal adalah struktur kompleks yang memfasilitasi sekresi, aliran di permukaan mata, dan eksresi dari air mata. Sistem lakrimal terbagi menjadi dua macam sistem, yaitu sistem sekresi dan ekskresi. Sistem sekresi ini tersusun atas suatu kelenjar lakrimal yang terbagi atas kelenjar lakrimal utama (mayor) dan kelenjar lakrimal aksesorius (minor). Kelenjar lakrimal utama mempunyai ukuran yang lebih besar dan terletak di sudut temporal atas orbita. Kelenjar lakrimal ini dibagi menjadi dua lobus, yaitu lobus orbita dan palpebra yang dipisahkan secara anatomis oleh aponeurosis levator bagian lateral

    Onkologi Mata

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    Tumor adalah jaringan baru (neoplasma) yang timbul di dalam tubuh akibat pengaruh berbagai faktor penyebab dan menyebabkan jaringan setempat pada tingkat gen kehilangan kendali normal atas pertumbuhannya. Pada waktu tertentu di dalam tubuh, adakalanya proses pertumbuhan sel yang alamiah mengalami pertumbuhan yang di luar kendali karena mekanisme yang belum diketahui. Pertumbuhan tersebut terbentuk dengan tidak memiliki tujuan dan bukan atas perintah yang normal dari dalam tubuh. Sel-sel tersebut membelah lebih cepat daripada sel normal dan tidak pada jalur yang semestinya. Sel-sel yang membelah tersebut menumpuk dan membentuk massa yang tidak terstruktur atau biasa disebut dengan tumor

    Anomali vaskuler mata terkini

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    Anomali vaskular adalah suatu kelainan perkembangan pembuluh darah yang disebabkan efek lokal pada pembuluh darah yang dapat mempengaruhi bagian-bagian pembuluh darah. Tumor vaskular merupakan kelompok tumor yang kompleks dan luas. Untuk menentukan diagnosis, penatalaksanaan masih mengalami kesulitan

    Management Of Orbital Foreign Bodies

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    Orbital Foreign Body (OFB) is foreign body that have penetrated the orbital cavity and lodged within it. OFB caused damage to surrounding structures, such as the optic nerve and extraocular muscles. OFB could be difficult to be detected and missed detection may lead to devastating clinical consequences. ln ocular trauma cases, it is important to conduct a thorough investigation including a complete history and physical examination, accompanied by diagnostic imaging to rule out globe ruptured, optic damage and possibility of OFB. Diagnostic imaging plays important role to determine the presence, location, material, size, and number of OFB. lmaging options include CT scan, MRl, and X-ray, each of which has particular advantages and limitations. All patients with OFB should be treated with antitetanus prophylaxis. lf there is a history of recent injury or presence of orbital infection, it is reasonable to give antibiotics. Before deciding to extract OFB, ophthalmic surgeon must consider the risk of surgery against the risks of retention. Surgical removal usually attempted for all organic and inorganic matters that toxic to orbitaltissue because of higher risk of inflammation and infection. C-arm fluoroscopy is a high resolution-imaging machine that can provide real time image of surgical site and surrounding tissue during surgery. This machine helps the surgeon to determine the exact location and number of OFB, and also provide surgical approach guiding in OFB extraction. The clinical outcome of OFB depends on the severity of the inciting trauma, location and material of OFB

    Orbital Cellulitis and Endophthalmitis Associated with Odontogenic Paranasal Sinusitis.

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    The objective of this study is to report a case and management of orbital cellulitis complicated with endophthalmitis caused by paranasal sinusitis associated with dental infection. A case report, a 44-year-old man presented at outpatient clinic with painful and inflamed proptosis on the right eye in 4 days, visual loss. His upper right cheek was swelling and had a history of dental carries on his maxillary teeth a week ago. On examination the visual acuity was no light perception, conjuntival hyperemia, chemosis, corneal thinning, and total hypopion. Right fixed ocular motility and periorbital inflamation were found. Computed Tomograph (CT) scan examination revealed deformity of the right orbit caused by lession in the orbital apex with intraconal extension along the medial orbital wall into the maxillary and ethmoidal sinus with gasforming appearance. Periorbital abcess was incised and drained, intravenous broad spectrum antibiotic was administered. The patient was consulted to Otolaryngology Department and Dentistry Department. Surgery of the ocular and paranasal sinus were planned under general anesthesia. Enucleation and debridement of periorbital abcess were performed. Caldwell-Luc technique was performed by the otolaryngologist to evacuate purulent material in the paranasal sinuses. On the follow up showed good result and the ocular prosthesis was planned. Orbital cellulitis complicated with endophthalmitis caused by paranasal sinusitis related with dental infection need special attention. Adequate treatment and multidisciplinary management are needed to prevent more severe complications

    Lamp Light Exposure During Sleep and Sleep Quality of Medical Student Universitas Airlangga Batch 2012

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    Introduction: Sleep disorder commonly happens to teenagers and adults because of light exposure during sleep that affects sleep quality, but the relation of lamp light exposure during sleep and sleep quality of medical students hasn’t been determined previously. Objective: This research aimed to determine the relation of lamp light exposure and sleep quality of Universitas Airlangga’s medical students and to give further information about the right adjustment of lamp light exposure to improve the sleep quality of medical student. Methods: Variables in this cross-sectional designed research were lamp light exposure (on or off) as the independent variable and sleep quality as a dependent variable. The research used the PSQI questionnaire to decide the sleep quality of 115 subjects once a week in a month. The collected data were analyzed by chi-square and fisher’s exact test. Results: Based on the chi-square test, the p-value for lamp light exposure and sleep quality was more than 0.05 (p = 0.863). The results also showed that 74.8%  of medical students had bad quality sleep. Conclusion : In conclusion, there was no relation between lamp light exposure and sleep quality. This research also indicated that most of the subjects had a bad sleep quality so that student should increase their needs for better sleep quality to maintain performance


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    Introduction: Retinoblastoma is a cancer with the highest incidence in children and the second type of cancer that most often causes death in children in Indonesia. The level of delay in attending treatment for retinoblastoma patients in Dr. Soetomo General Hospital Surabaya is still high because in general the patients come with an advanced stage, they are already in serious condition or with a poor prognosis. Treatment delay from the patients can be caused by the patients that are not feeling disturbed by the disease, not aware of the dangers of the disease, feel afraid, have no cost, the family does not allow them to see the doctor, and the health facilities are unaccessable. One of the factors that influence decision making whether or not someone comes to seek treatment is their socioeconomic status. A high education level will make it easier for a person or society to obtain and understand information to solve health problems that are happening in their families, and then with a high level of occupation and income, people are able to choose health services for themselves. The aim of this research is to analyze the correlation between family socioeconomic status with the delayed treatment for retinoblastoma patients at Dr. Soetomo General Hospital Surabaya. Methods: This research used observational analytic cross-sectional study. This research was conducted with the help of 33 retinoblastoma patients and families of retinoblastoma patients in the Outpatient Unit of the Poli Onkologi Satu Atap (POSA) Mata at Dr. Soetomo General Hospital Surabaya, and was taken by total sampling. Results: The results were obtained from 33 samples, 18.2% of patients came with a good prognosis, and 81.8% of patients came with a poor prognosis. The Fisher’s Exact Test analysis (α = 0.05) was used to determine the correlation between the father’s educational level and the delayed treatment of retinoblastoma patients (p = 0.322), correlation between the mother’s educational level and the delayed treatment of retinoblastoma patients (p = 0.129), correlation between the father’s level of occupation and the delayed treatment of retinoblastoma patients (p = 0.028), correlation between the mother’s occupational level and the delayed treatment of retinoblastoma patients (p = 0.640), correlation between the family income level and the delayed treatment of retinoblastoma patients (p = 0.026). Conclusion: There were significant correlation between father’s occupational level and family income level with the delayed treatment of retinoblastoma patients. Meanwhile there were no significant correlation between father’s educational level, mother’s educational level, and mother’s occupational level with the delayed treatment of retinoblastoma patients

    Fibrin Glue (FG) Attenuates Fibrosis On Human Tenon's Fibroblasts (HYFS) of Glaucomatous Eyes : Comparison with Mitomycin C

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    Human tenon’s fibroblasts (HTFs) are major cells that contribute to the fibrotic response that usually occurs after trabeculectomy. The activation of HTFs into myofibroblast contributes to the disturbance of the extracellular matrix (ECM) remodeling. Excessive ECM deposition, mainly collagen type I, with cell contraction is the major hallmark of bleb fibrosis. HTFs were isolated from the tenon’s tissue of a glaucomatous patient. HTFs were divided into 3 groups which consisted of FBS 2% control group, MMC and FG treated group. This study investigated the effects of FG on cell viability, cell migration, cell contractility, collagen synthesis and degradation in HTFs. Cell viability was determined by MTT-assay, while collagen synthesis and degradation were determined by Sirius red binding assay. Cell migration was carried out by in vitro scratch assay, and cell contractility was analyzed by fibroblast populated-collagen gel assay. The differences in cell viability, cell contractility, collagen synthesis and degradation among the various groups were analyzed using One-way ANOVA or Kruskal Wallis test, followed by a posthoc test with 95% confidence interval (p<0.05). FG significantly decreased collagen synthesis (31.31±2.91ug/mL) in line with the induction of collagen degradation (85.50±3.16ug/mL) in HTFs when compared to FBS 2% control. While FG inhibits cell contraction while maintaining cell viability in HTFs, MMC provides a better antifibrotic effect in HTFs. FG may inhibit fibrosis formation of HTFs by inhibiting collagen synthesis and cell contraction while inducing collagen degradation. FG might have an antifibrotic effect on HTFs through extracellular matrix remodeling