154 research outputs found

    Analisis Perbandingan Metode Perkalian Array dan Booth

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    Di era komputasi digital sekarang ini, optimasi sistem komputasi yang terdiri dari berbagai operasi matematika merupakan salah satu topik bahasan yang penting. Diantara operasi matematika, perkalian merupakan operasi dasar yang memiliki komplesitas, area, dan konsumsi daya paling tinggi dibandingkan operasi lainnya. Pada makalah ini, dibandingkan dua jenis teknik implementasi perkalian yang sampai saat ini masih terus dikembangkan, yaitu perkalian array dan perkalian Booth. Perbandingkan keduanya meliputi frekuensi clock maksimum yang dapat diterapkan, komplesitas, dan kecepatan proses komputasi. Perbandingan dilakukan dengan acuan perkalian signed binary dengan lebar data 4 bit dan 8 bit. Hasil analisa dan implementasi pada FPGA menunjukkan hasil bahwa perkalian array mempunyai keunggulan pada kecepatan proses komputasi, sedangkan perkalian Booth mempunyai kelebihan dalam hal komplesitas rangkaian

    Rancang Bangun Alat Pemecah Biji Jarak Skala Rumah Tangga

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    Ringkasan Biodisel adalah sejenis bahan bakar yang termasuk kedalam kelompok bahan bakar nabati (BBN). Prospek pengembang bahan bakar biodisel di dunia cukup menjanjikan terutama biodisel dari biji jarak. Karena secara potensial tanaman jarak pagar bisa tumbuh di sepanjang pantai kepulaan Indonesia bahkan sepanjang tahun 2006 tanaman ini mulai tersebar sporadik dalam luasan areal puluhan ribu hektar yang dikembangkan masyarakat, hal ini didukung dengan kebijakan pemerintah yang mendukung pengembangan bahan bakar nabati. Untuk mendukung hal ini maka diperlukan keterlibatan teknologi terutama terutama dibidang pengolahannya, karena hal yang perlu dicermati dalam bidang teknologi pengolahan adalah menjaga jangan sampai terbentuk keasaman biodisel yang tinggi atau sangat tinggi karena kurangnya pengetahuan dalam proses pengolahannya. Minyak jarak yang keasamannya lebih tinggi dari standar akan merusak mesin secara fatal. Minyak jarak menuntut penangan yang benar sejak dilapangan sampai proses pengolahan. Alat pemecah biji jarak yang dirancang ini dapat memmbantu memcahkan solusi dalam pengolahan bahan bakar alternatif ini.Dengan besarnya daya yang diberikan sebesar 0.0260995 Kw, sudah dapat menghasilkan gaya untuk penggiling sebesar 498,5N. sedangkan gaya yang dibutuhkan untuk menggiling 10 biji jarak sampai hancur adalah 410,9 N, menggunakan dua mekanisme sekaligus yakni mekanisme penggiling dan penumbuk sehingga dapat menghemat waktu dan menghambat tingkat keasaman dan yang paling penting teknologi atau alat ini ramah terhadap lingkungan dan minyak jarak yang dihasilkan aman terhadap mesin kendaraan

    Prediksi Struktur Tiga Dimensi Protein Alergen Pangan Dengan Metode Homologi Menggunakan Program Swiss-model - (Prediction of Three-dimensional Structure From Food Allergen Protein Through Homology Method Using Swiss-model Program)

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    Information about three-dimensional structure of protein is important to clearly understand its character and function in molecular level. Protein structure determination through laboratory testing needs highly cost of steps and instrument. Three dimensional structure of protein can be scientifically predicted using several in silico methods. The structure of allergen protein was predicted using SWISS-MODEL as homology method in this research. The result showed that structure prediction of allergen protein B7TWE7 (UniProt ID) from Fagus sylfatica (beechnut) have three-dimensional structure with identity value 72% and e-value = 3,4x10-58. This study used the 1e09A (PDB ID) of Prunus avinus (cherry) as a template

    Tinjauan Penerapan Sistem Manajemen Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja (SMK3) (Studi Kasus: Pembangunan Gedung Living World Pekanbaru)

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    Pekanbaru is the capital city of the Riau province where it\u27s heading to metropolis, so development both hospitals, hotels and shopping malls city are growth rapidly. The construction of the Living World Pekanbaru, located in Soekarno-Hatta street, by lifting the concept of lifestyle center. This project has a number of employees more than 400 people, and the number of works that is four times larger than minimum the government regulations which increased the risk of workplace accidents. In order to reduce this risk, it is necessary implemented SMK3 in the project. The research method is using quantitative method and then the univariate analysis descriptive method and qualitative method. Questionnaire was taken from 400 workers and 27 staff of the projects with reference to Government Rule number 50 of 2012. As a result, The implementation SMK3 reached 71,49% included in the category GOOD. SMK3 audit assessment for building project Living World Pekanbaru has reached 94 % and is at SATISFY category. Audit SMK3 which produces 3 criteria do not correspond minor and 6 major criteria for inappropriate. The Calculation of cost analysis tools and equipment procurement project K3 is equal to Rp.88.009.203,00 or 0,0002% of the entire value of the project contract. In addition, the implementation SMK3 have an inhibiting factor such as tiring, sleepless and work pressure from management

    Rancang Bangun Kontrol Logika Fuzzy-PID Pada Plant Pengendalian PH (Studi Kasus: Konsentrasi Asam Lemah Dan Basa Kuat)

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    Telah dilakukan perancangan plantpengendalianpH asamlemahdenganbasakuat dengan menggunakan metode Kontrol Logika Fuzzy-PID dengan Feedback secara real plant. Sistem ini terdiri dari beberapa komponen yaitu sensor pH, pH meter, transmiter,mikrokontroler, driver motor, pompa dc sebagai aktuator, power supply, dan komputer. Kontrol Logika fuzzy-PID berhasil diterapkan pada plant untuk men-schedule gain proporsional, integral dan derivatif yang berorientasi pada performa sistem dengan menggunakan nilai eror dan Perubahan eror sebagai input. Sinyal kontrolnya berupa PWM (Pulse Width Modulation) yang beraksi merubah RPM (Rotate Per Minute) pada pompa larutan basa, sedang RPM pompa larutan asam dijaga konstan. Selain itu, hasil rancang bangun menunjukkan bahwa sistem merespon dengan cara memberi gain-gain pengendali yang sesuai dengan basis aturan (rule base) yang dibuat dengan tujuan memberi respon yang sesuai untuk reaktor guna memperkecil eror. Reaktan yang digunakan adalah NaOH sebagai zat basa pelarut dan CH3COOH sebagai zat asam yang terlarut

    Ekstraksi Dna Collocalia Fuchiphaga Dengan Metode Phenol Chloroform Extraction Dari Berbagai Material Sumber Genetik

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    DNA extraction is the first important step in molecular study. The aim of this research was to compare DNA extraction protocols, PCE and extraction kit for each genetic material sources (blood and feathers). For PCE method, we used three different extraction buffer. This study suggested that PCE method was more efficient than the extraction kit method. Meanwhile, extraction buffer 2 was more efficient for extracting feather DNA, while extraction buffer 3 was more efficient for extracting blood DNA. Wing feather was a favorable sample as genetic source for DNA extraction

    An Analysis of Sales Information System and Competitive Advantage (Study Case of Ud. Citra Helmet)

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    Business development in this era of globalization leads companies to use information system in running business relationship by changing the traditional way of working in non-integrated information systems into integrated information systems. The intended use of the integrated information system will improve the effective and efficient way of working, such as the availability of information in real-time, accurate and informative for decision-making for the benefit of operational activities, as well as decision-making for strategic interests and the company's business development. Especially with the application of sales information system, it will improve the company's performance and will affect the competitiveness of companies, which can ultimately increase the maximum profit. However, in reality it is not easy to implement the integrated information system, because it is influenced by the customs, culture and mindset of the user company. It is necessary for running system analysis activity and building an integrated information system by concerning into the needs of users, management, customers and stakeholders. The implementation of integrated information system will increase productivity and achieve the effectiveness and efficiency level of company's operations, through the analysis of sales information system will affect the competitiveness of companies

    Perangkap Tikus Menggunakan Mikrokontroler dengan Fasilitas Short Message Service (SMS)

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    This paper will be discussing about the design of mouse trap based in microcontroller using SMS as a media. The purpose of this designing is to detect a mouse when it has been trapped by using infrared sensor, to inform mouse trapped by using short message service and also to instruct the microcontroller to activate the shocking element by sending back the SMS with a special command to this designing. This shocking element is installed inside the trap and be used for killing mouse with AC voltage 220 vol

    Hasil Rancang Bangun Sistem ERP dengan SDLC Model Waterfall: Studi Kasus Sistem Inventori PT Pan Brothers, Tbk.

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    Competition in the business world effects the use of information technology. To achieve competitive advantage in the global competition, PT Pan Brothers, Tbk. should establish an integrated information system based on ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning). With the ERP system, information will be accurate and up-todate to support strategic decision making. It takes conscientious planning in building the ERP system. Management information systems development projects have a very important role. One determining component is how to choose and use appropriate information systems development method. SDLC (system development life cycle) is growing very rapidly along with the development of information technology. It is necessary to choose the right SDLC in building an integrated system based on ERP. Each SDLC models has advantages and disadvantages. SDLC models will only be optimal if used according to the situation and conditions. Waterfall model provides clear deliverables and milestones, good documentation, easy to understand, easy to implement, emphasizes on good procedural workmanship (precoding design). Some of its weaknesses are difficult to integrate risk management, high cost change documents, high administrative costs, often late completion thus.To avoid them, there should be a well-planned project management and steps properly so it can be on time and will not exceed budget
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