23 research outputs found

    Neurological outcome, working capacity and prognostic factors of patients with SCIWORA

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    STUDY DESIGN: Retrospective case review. OBJECTIVES: In the present study, the neurological outcome, retirement and prognostic factors of patients with spinal cord injury without radiographic abnormality (SCIWORA) were evaluated. SETTING: Swiss national work accident insurance database. METHODS: The medical histories of 32 patients who were insured by the Swiss Accident Insurance Fund (SUVA) and had SCIWORA between 1995 and 2004 were evaluated thoroughly. Moreover, all available magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans were evaluated. RESULTS: At the last follow-up, none of the patients had complete spinal cord injury, only 4 patients had severe deficits and 12 patients had normal motor and sensory function in the neurological examination. However, only 7 out of 32 patients had returned to full-time work and 10 out of 32 patients were fully retired. Both the presence of spinal cord change (ρ=0.51) and higher maximum spinal cord compression (ρ=0.57) in MRI scan correlated with the likelihood for retirement; older age (ρ=0.38) and physical load of work (ρ=0.4) correlated with retirement to a lesser extent. CONCLUSION: Although the neurological outcome of SCIWORA is mostly good, the retirement rate is high. Presence of spinal cord change and severity of cord compression are the best predictors for the degree of retirement

    Sciwora na população pediátrica após traumatismo cervical Sciwora en la población pediátrica después de traumatismo cervical Sciwora in the paediatric population after cervical trauma

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    OBJETIVO: Avaliar a incidência e as características das lesões tipo SCIWORA nos indivíduos até os 16 anos, da área de um hospital central entre 1989 e 2009, após traumatismo cervical. MÉTODOS: Estudo retrospectivo de consulta processual. RESULTADOS: Nove (10,5%) de 86 crianças apresentavam achados clínicos e radiológicos compatíveis com o diagnóstico de SCIWORA. A média de idades foi de 10,7 anos. A causa mais frequente foi o acidente de trânsito. Seis indivíduos eram classificáveis como Frankel D. Os restantes três casos eram Frankel C. Em três doentes a RMN mostrou imagem de lesão. Sete efetuaram metilprednisolona endovenosa e todos mantiveram imobilização com colar cervical até a primeira consulta de seguimento, às 2 semanas. Na alta, os seis doentes que apresentavam Frankel D à entrada melhoraram para um grau E. Dos doentes com Frankel C à entrada, um melhorou até Frankel D e os restantes dois mantiveram-se inalterados em Frankel C. CONCLUSÃO: Em um hospital de referência traumatológica, SCIWORA representa cerca de 10% das lesões cervicais pediátricas. Os défices neurológicos à entrada e a RMN têm valor prognóstico de recuperação. A corticoterapia em dose elevada não está formalmente indicada e não é consensual o tempo de utilização de imobilização ou a sua indicação em todos os SCIWORA.<br>OBJETIVO: Evaluar la incidencia y las características de las lesiones tipo SCIWORA en los individuos de hasta 16 años de edad, del área de un hospital central, entre 1989 y 2009, después de traumatismo cervical. MÉTODOS: Estudio retrospectivo de consulta procesal. RESULTADOS: nueve (10,5%) de 86 niños presentaban hallazgos clínicos y radiológicos compatibles con el diagnóstico de SCIWORA. El promedio de edades fue 10,7 años. La causa más frecuente fue el accidente de tránsito. Seis individuos eran clasificables como Frankel D. Los restantes tres casos eran Frankel C. En tres pacientes, la RMn mostró imagen de lesión. Siete recibieron metilprednisolona endovenosa y todos mantuvieron inmovilización con collar cervical hasta la primera consulta de seguimiento, después de 2 semanas. En la alta, los seis pacientes, que presentaban Frankel D a la entrada, mejoraron para un grado E. De los pacientes con Frankel C a la entrada, uno mejoró hasta Frankel D y los otros dos se mantuvieron, sin alteraciones, en Frankel C. Conclusión: En un hospital de referencia traumatológica, SCIWORA representa cerca de 10% de las lesiones cervicales pediátricas. Los déficits neurológicos a la entrada y a RMn tienen valor de pronóstico de recuperación. La corticoterapia en dosis alta no está indicada formalmente y no es consensual el tiempo de utilización de inmovilización o su indicación en todos los SCIWORA.<br>OBJECTIVE: To assess the incidence and characteristics of SCIWORA in individuals under 16 years, from the area of a Level 1 Trauma Center between 1989 and 2009 after cervical trauma. METHODS: Retrospective study of clinical charts consultation. RESULTS: nine (10.5%) of 86 children had clinical features compatible with the radiological diagnosis of SCIWORA. The mean age was 10.7 years. The most frequent cause was traffic accident. Six individuals were classified as Frankel D. The remaining three cases were Frankel C. In three patients the MRI showed an image of lesion. Seven had intravenous methylprednisolone done and all remained with cervical collar immobilization until the first follow-up visit at 2 weeks. At discharge six patients who had Frankel D at entrance improved to a grade E. Of the patients with Frankel C at entry, one improved to Frankel D and the other two remained unchanged in Frankel C. CONCLUSION: In a level 1 Trauma Center SCIWORA represents nearly 10% of all spine injuries. neurological deficits at entry and MRI have prognostic value for recovery. High dosage corticosteroids is not formally indicated and there is no consensus as to how long cervical immobilization should be prescribed or its indication at all in SCIWORA patients