2,384 research outputs found

    Correction: Determination of Kamlet–Taft parameters for selected solvate ionic liquids

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    Correction for 'Determination of Kamlet-Taft parameters for selected solvate ionic liquids' by Daniel J. Eyckens et al., Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2016, 18, 13153-13157

    Early life experience sets hard limits on motor learning as evidenced from artificial arm use

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    The study of artificial arms provides a unique opportunity to address long-standing questions on sensorimotor plasticity and development. Learning to use an artificial arm arguably depends on fundamental building blocks of body representation and would therefore be impacted by early-life experience. We tested artificial arm motor-control in two adult populations with upper-limb deficiencies: a congenital group - individuals who were born with a partial arm, and an acquired group - who lost their arm following amputation in adulthood. Brain plasticity research teaches us that the earlier we train to acquire new skills (or use a new technology) the better we benefit from this practice as adults. Instead, we found that although the congenital group started using an artificial arm as toddlers, they produced increased error noise and directional errors when reaching to visual targets, relative to the acquired group who performed similarly to controls. However, the earlier an individual with a congenital limb difference was fitted with an artificial arm, the better their motor control was. Since we found no group differences when reaching without visual feedback, we suggest that the ability to perform efficient visual-based corrective movements is highly dependent on either biological or artificial arm experience at a very young age. Subsequently, opportunities for sensorimotor plasticity become more limited

    When defense turns into attack: Antiviral cytidine deaminases linked to somatic mutagenesis in HPV-associated cancer

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    The APOBEC3 cytidine deaminases play an important role in innate immunity but have also emerged as mediators of somatic mutations in human cancer. We recently reported a high incidence of APOBEC-mediated driver mutations in human papillomavirus-associated cancer, suggesting a key role for these enzymes in the development of such tumors

    Inclusion of genetically identical animals to a numerator relationship matrix and modification of its inverse

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    In the field of animal breeding, estimation of genetic parameters and prediction of breeding values are routinely conducted by analyzing quantitative traits. Using an animal model and including the direct inverse of a numerator relationship matrix (NRM) into a mixed model has made these analyses possible. However, a method including a genetically identical animal (GIA) in NRM if genetic relationships between pairs of GIAs are not perfect, is still lacking. Here, we describe a method to incorporate GIAs into NRM using a K matrix in which diagonal elements are set to 1.0, off-diagonal elements between pairs of GIAs to (1-x) and the other elements to 0, where x is a constant less than 0.05. The inverse of the K matrix is then calculated directly by a simple formula. Thus, the inverse of the NRM is calculated by the products of the lower triangular matrix that identifies the parents of each individual, its transpose matrix, the inverse of the K matrix and the inverse of diagonal matrix D, in which the diagonal elements comprise a number of known parents and their inbreeding coefficients. The computing method is adaptable to the analysis of a data set including pairs of GIAs with imperfect relationships

    The neural basis of induced phantom limb pain relief

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    Objective: Phantom limb pain (PLP) is notoriously difficult to treat, partly due to an incomplete understanding of PLP‐related disease mechanisms. Non‐invasive brain stimulation (NIBS) is used to modulate plasticity in various neuropathological diseases, including chronic pain. While NIBS can alleviate neuropathic pain (including PLP), both disease and treatment mechanisms remain tenuous. Insight into the mechanisms underlying both PLP and NIBS‐induced PLP relief is needed for future implementation of such treatment and generalisation to related conditions. Methods: We used a within‐participants, double‐blind, and sham‐controlled design to alleviate PLP via task‐concurrent NIBS over the primary sensorimotor missing hand cortex (S1/M1). To specifically influence missing hand signal processing, amputees performed phantom hand movements during anodal transcranial direct current stimulation. Brain activity was monitored using neuroimaging during and after NIBS. PLP ratings were obtained throughout the week after stimulation. Results: A single session of intervention NIBS significantly relieved PLP, with effects lasting at least one week. PLP relief associated with reduced activity in the S1/M1 missing hand cortex after stimulation. Critically, PLP relief and reduced S1/M1 activity correlated with preceding activity changes during stimulation in the mid‐ and posterior insula and secondary somatosensory cortex (S2). Interpretation: The observed correlation between PLP relief and decreased S1/M1 activity confirms our previous findings linking PLP with increased S1/M1 activity. Our results further highlight the driving role of the mid‐ and posterior insula, as well as S2, in modulating PLP. Lastly, our novel PLP intervention using task‐concurrent NIBS opens new avenues for developing treatment for PLP and related pain conditions

    Cost-effectiveness of financial incentives to promote adherence to depot antipsychotic medication: economic evaluation of a cluster-randomised controlled trial

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    Background: Offering a modest financial incentive to people with psychosis can promote adherence to depot antipsychotic medication, but the cost-effectiveness of this approach has not been examined. Methods: Economic evaluation within a pragmatic cluster-randomised controlled trial. 141 patients under the care of 73 teams (clusters) were randomised to intervention or control; 138 patients with diagnoses of schizophrenia, schizo-affective disorder or bipolar disorder participated. Intervention participants received £15 per depot injection over 12 months, additional to usual acute, mental and community primary health services. The control group received usual health services. Main outcome measures: incremental cost per 20% increase in adherence to depot antipsychotic medication; incremental cost of ‘good’ adherence (defined as taking at least 95% of the prescribed number of depot medications over the intervention period). Findings: Economic and outcome data for baseline and 12-month follow-up were available for 117 participants. The adjusted difference in adherence between groups was 12.2% (73.4% control vs. 85.6% intervention); the adjusted costs difference was £598 (95% CI -£4 533, £5 730). The extra cost per patient to increase adherence to depot medications by 20% was £982 (95% CI -£8 020, £14 000). The extra cost per patient of achieving 'good' adherence was £2 950 (CI -£19 400, £27 800). Probability of cost-effectiveness exceeded 97.5%at willingness-to-pay values of £14 000 for a 20% increase in adherence and £27 800 for good adherence. Interpretation: Offering a modest financial incentive to people with psychosis is cost-effective in promoting adherence to depot antipsychotic medication. Direct healthcare costs (including costs of the financial incentive) are unlikely to be increased by this intervention. Trial Registration: ISRCTN.com 7776928

    Numerical instability of the Akhmediev breather and a finite-gap model of it

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    In this paper we study the numerical instabilities of the NLS Akhmediev breather, the simplest space periodic, one-mode perturbation of the unstable background, limiting our considerations to the simplest case of one unstable mode. In agreement with recent theoretical findings of the authors, in the situation in which the round-off errors are negligible with respect to the perturbations due to the discrete scheme used in the numerical experiments, the split-step Fourier method (SSFM), the numerical output is well-described by a suitable genus 2 finite-gap solution of NLS. This solution can be written in terms of different elementary functions in different time regions and, ultimately, it shows an exact recurrence of rogue waves described, at each appearance, by the Akhmediev breather. We discover a remarkable empirical formula connecting the recurrence time with the number of time steps used in the SSFM and, via our recent theoretical findings, we establish that the SSFM opens up a vertical unstable gap whose length can be computed with high accuracy, and is proportional to the inverse of the square of the number of time steps used in the SSFM. This neat picture essentially changes when the round-off error is sufficiently large. Indeed experiments in standard double precision show serious instabilities in both the periods and phases of the recurrence. In contrast with it, as predicted by the theory, replacing the exact Akhmediev Cauchy datum by its first harmonic approximation, we only slightly modify the numerical output. Let us also remark, that the first rogue wave appearance is completely stable in all experiments and is in perfect agreement with the Akhmediev formula and with the theoretical prediction in terms of the Cauchy data.Comment: 27 pages, 8 figures, Formula (30) at page 11 was corrected, arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1707.0565

    A comprehensive model for familial breast cancer incorporating BRCA1, BRCA2 and other genes

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    In computing the probability that a woman is a BRCA1 or BRCA2 carrier for genetic counselling purposes, it is important to allow for the fact that other breast cancer susceptibility genes may exist. We used data from both a population based series of breast cancer cases and high risk families in the UK, with information on BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutation status, to investigate the genetic models that can best explain familial breast cancer outside BRCA1 and BRCA2 families. We also evaluated the evidence for risk modifiers in BRCA1 and BRCA2 carriers. We estimated the simultaneous effects of BRCA1, BRCA2, a third hypothetical gene ‘BRCA3’, and a polygenic effect using segregation analysis. The hypergeometric polygenic model was used to approximate polygenic inheritance and the effect of risk modifiers. BRCA1 and BRCA2 could not explain all the observed familial clustering. The best fitting model for the residual familial breast cancer was the polygenic, although a model with a single recessive allele produced a similar fit. There was also significant evidence for a modifying effect of other genes on the risks of breast cancer in BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutation carriers. Under this model, the frequency of BRCA1 was estimated to be 0.051% (95% CI: 0.021–0.125%) and of BRCA2 0.068% (95% CI: 0.033–0.141%). The breast cancer risk by age 70 years, based on the average incidence over all modifiers was estimated to be 35.3% for BRCA1 and 50.3% for BRCA2. The corresponding ovarian cancer risks were 25.9% for BRCA1 and 9.1% for BRCA2. The findings suggest that several common, low penetrance genes with multiplicative effects on risk may account for the residual non-BRCA1/2 familial aggregation of breast cancer. The modifying effect may explain the previously reported differences between population based estimates for BRCA1/2 penetrance and estimates based on high-risk families

    Entanglement distribution and quantum discord

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    Establishing entanglement between distant parties is one of the most important problems of quantum technology, since long-distance entanglement is an essential part of such fundamental tasks as quantum cryptography or quantum teleportation. In this lecture we review basic properties of entanglement and quantum discord, and discuss recent results on entanglement distribution and the role of quantum discord therein. We also review entanglement distribution with separable states, and discuss important problems which still remain open. One such open problem is a possible advantage of indirect entanglement distribution, when compared to direct distribution protocols.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figures, contribution to "Lectures on general quantum correlations and their applications", edited by Felipe Fanchini, Diogo Soares-Pinto, and Gerardo Adess