321 research outputs found

    The Changing Face of Domestic Abuse Service Provision

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    This article aims to explore the changing reality of domestic abuse service provision to victims of domestic abuse in the South West of England. By interviewing the professionals who work with the victims, it explores how cuts to funding is altering provisions for victims and multi-agency working and the realities of the move to tendering via the commissioning process. Results illustrate that austerity measures and government reforms have negatively affected domestic abuse service provision over recent years. Not only are there fewer services available but also changes in social policy are forcing the specialist domestic abuse charities to be replaced by large, generic organisations

    Determining the culturability of the rumen bacterial microbiome

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    The goal of the Hungate1000 project is to generate a reference set of rumen microbial genome sequences. Toward this goal we have carried out a meta-analysis using information from culture collections, scientific literature, and the NCBI and RDP databases and linked this with a comparative study of several rumen 16S rRNA gene-based surveys. In this way we have attempted to capture a snapshot of rumen bacterial diversity to examine the culturable fraction of the rumen bacterial microbiome. Our analyses have revealed that for cultured rumen bacteria, there are many genera without a reference genome sequence. Our examination of culture-independent studies highlights that there are few novel but many uncultured taxa within the rumen bacterial microbiome. Taken together these results have allowed us to compile a list of cultured rumen isolates that are representative of abundant, novel and core bacterial species in the rumen. In addition, we have identified taxa, particularly within the phylum Bacteroidetes, where further cultivation efforts are clearly required. This information is being used to guide the isolation efforts and selection of bacteria from the rumen microbiota for sequencing through the Hungate1000

    Reactions of (-)-sparteine with alkali metal HMDS complexes : conventional meets the unconventional

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    Conventional (-)-sparteine adducts of lithium and sodium 1,1,1,3,3,3-hexamethyldisilazide (HMDS) were prepared and characterised, along with an unexpected and unconventional hydroxyl-incorporated sodium sodiate, [(-)-sparteine·Na(-HMDS)Na·(-)-sparteine]+[Na4(-HMDS)4(OH)]--the complex anion of which is the first inverse crown ether anion

    Substance use and Intimate Partner Abuse (IPA):A descriptive model of the pathways between substance use and IPA perpetration for men

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    Intimate partner abuse (IPA) is a pervasive public health and human rights issue disproportionately affecting women. There is a complex link between IPA and substance use; substance use can increase both the frequency and severity of IPA. Pathway models have been applied to explore heterogeneous trajectories into other behaviours and to identify areas for intervention. This approach has not previously been applied in the area of substance use and IPA. Inductive thematic analysis of 37 interviews with heterosexual men aged 28-52 who had reported previous IPA perpetration was conducted. Men were recruited from alcohol and drug services across two areas of England. Three groupings of pathways into substance use-related IPA were generated: 1) Rule Breaking Pathway (n = 11); 2) Entrenched Substance Use Pathway (n = 13); and 3) Relationship Insecurity Pathway (n = 13). Across the three groupings of pathways, the men's childhood and early experiences led to different journeys into SU-related IPA (abuse that was associated with intoxication, withdrawal, acquisition and substance use lifestyle). Each pathway presented differently with varying core features, for example core features of generalised violence, mental health or jealousy, and different predisposing background factors, including types and timing of childhood abuse and trauma. Adopting a pathways approach drawing on principles of equifinality and multifinality can improve understanding of heterogeneity in men who perpetrate IPA and use substances and propose treatment/intervention targets

    Sharpea and Kandleria are lactic acid producing rumen bacteria that do not change their fermentation products when co-cultured with a methanogen

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    peer-reviewedSharpea and Kandleria are associated with rumen samples from low-methane-emitting sheep. Four strains of each genus were studied in culture, and the genomes of nine strains were analysed, to understand the physiology of these bacteria. All eight cultures grew equally well with d-glucose, d-fructose, d-galactose, cellobiose, and sucrose supplementation. d-Lactate was the major end product, with small amounts of the mixed acid fermentation products formate, acetate and ethanol. Genes encoding the enzymes necessary for this fermentation pattern were found in the genomes of four strains of Sharpea and five of Kandleria. Strains of Sharpea produced traces of hydrogen gas in pure culture, but strains of Kandleria did not. This was consistent with finding that Sharpea, but not Kandleria, genomes contained genes coding for hydrogenases. It was speculated that, in co-culture with a methanogen, Sharpea and Kandleria might change their fermentation pattern from a predominately homolactic to a predominately mixed acid fermentation, which would result in a decrease in lactate production and an increase in formation of acetate and perhaps ethanol. However, Sharpea and Kandleria did not change their fermentation products when co-cultured with Methanobrevibacter olleyae, a methanogen that can use both hydrogen and formate, and lactate remained the major end product. The results of this study therefore support a hypothesis that explains the link between lower methane yields and larger populations of Sharpea and Kandleria in the rumens of sheep

    Parents' responses to prognostic disclosure at diagnosis of a child with a high-risk brain tumor:Analysis of clinician-parent interactions and implications for clinical practice

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    BackgroundPrevious studies have found that parents of children with cancer desire more prognostic information than is often given even when prognosis is poor. We explored in audio‐recorded consultations the kinds of information they seek.MethodsEthnographic study including observation and audio recording of consultations at diagnosis. Consultations were transcribed and analyzed using an interactionist perspective including tools drawn from conversation and discourse analysis.ResultsEnrolled 21 parents and 12 clinicians in 13 cases of children diagnosed with a high‐risk brain tumor (HRBT) over 20 months at a tertiary pediatric oncology center. Clinicians presented prognostic information in all cases. Through their questions, parents revealed what further information they desired. Clinicians made clear that no one could be absolutely certain what the future held for an individual child. Explicit communication about prognosis did not satisfy parents’ desire for information about their own child. Parents tried to personalize prognostic information and to apply it to their own situation. Parents moved beyond prognostic information presented and drew conclusions, which could change over time. Parents who were present in the same consultations could form different views of their child's prognosis.ConclusionPopulation level prognostic information left parents uncertain about their child's future. The need parents revealed was not for more such information but rather how to use the information given and how to apply it to their child in the face of such uncertainty. Further research is needed on how best to help parents deal with uncertainty and make prognostic information actionable

    Substance Use and Intimate Partner Abuse (IPA): A Descriptive Model of the Pathways Between Substance Use and IPA Perpetration for Men

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    Intimate partner abuse (IPA) is a pervasive public health and human rights issue disproportionately affecting women. There is a complex link between IPA and substance use; substance use can increase both the frequency and severity of IPA. Pathway models have been applied to explore heterogeneous trajectories into other behaviours and to identify areas for intervention. This approach has not previously been applied in the area of substance use and IPA. Inductive thematic analysis of 37 interviews with heterosexual men aged 28-52 who had reported previous IPA perpetration was conducted. Men were recruited from alcohol and drug services across two areas of England. Three groupings of pathways into substance use-related IPA were generated: 1) Rule Breaking Pathway (n = 11); 2) Entrenched Substance Use Pathway (n = 13); and 3) Relationship Insecurity Pathway (n = 13). Across the three groupings of pathways, the men's childhood and early experiences led to different journeys into SU-related IPA (abuse that was associated with intoxication, withdrawal, acquisition and substance use lifestyle). Each pathway presented differently with varying core features, for example core features of generalised violence, mental health or jealousy, and different predisposing background factors, including types and timing of childhood abuse and trauma. Adopting a pathways approach drawing on principles of equifinality and multifinality can improve understanding of heterogeneity in men who perpetrate IPA and use substances and propose treatment/intervention targets

    Improved taxonomic assignment of rumen bacterial 16S rRNA sequences using a revised SILVA taxonomic framework

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    The taxonomy and associated nomenclature of many taxa of rumen bacteria are poorly defined within databases of 16S rRNA genes. This lack of resolution results in inadequate definition of microbial community structures, with large parts of the community designated as incertae sedis, unclassified, or uncultured within families, orders, or even classes. We have begun resolving these poorly-defined groups of rumen bacteria, based on our desire to name these for use in microbial community profiling. We used the previously-reported global rumen census (GRC) dataset consisting of >4.5 million partial bacterial 16S rRNA gene sequences amplified from 684 rumen samples and representing a wide range of animal hosts and diets. Representative sequences from the 8,985 largest operational units (groups of sequence sharing >97% sequence similarity, and covering 97.8% of all sequences in the GRC dataset) were used to identify 241 pre-defined clusters (mainly at genus or family level) of abundant rumen bacteria in the ARB SILVA 119 framework. A total of 99 of these clusters (containing 63.8% of all GRC sequences) had no unique or had inadequate taxonomic identifiers, and each was given a unique nomenclature. We assessed this improved framework by comparing taxonomic assignments of bacterial 16S rRNA gene sequence data in the GRC dataset with those made using the original SILVA 119 framework, and three other frameworks. The two SILVA frameworks performed best at assigning sequences to genus-level taxa. The SILVA 119 framework allowed 55.4% of the sequence data to be assigned to 751 uniquely identifiable genus-level groups. The improved framework increased this to 87.1% of all sequences being assigned to one of 871 uniquely identifiable genus-level groups. The new designations were included in the SILVA 123 release (https://www.arb-silva.de/documentation/release-123/) and will be perpetuated in future releases

    The feasibility of delivering the ADVANCE digital intervention to reduce intimate partner abuse by men receiving substance use treatment:protocol for a non-randomised multi-centre feasibility study and embedded process evaluation

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    BACKGROUND: Compared to men in the general population, men in substance use treatment are more likely to perpetrate intimate partner abuse (IPA). The ADVANCE group intervention for men in substance use treatment is tailored to address substance use and IPA in an integrated way. In a feasibility trial pre-COVID, men who received the ADVANCE intervention via face-to-face group delivery showed reductions in IPA perpetration. Due to COVID-19, ADVANCE was adapted for remote digital delivery. METHODS/DESIGN: This mixed-methods non-randomised feasibility study, with a nested process evaluation, will explore the feasibility and acceptability of delivering the ADVANCE digital intervention to men in substance use treatment who have perpetrated IPA towards a female partner in the past year. Sixty men will be recruited from seven substance use treatment services in Great Britain. The ADVANCE digital intervention comprises a preparatory one-to-one session with a facilitator to set goals, develop a personal safety plan, and increase motivation and a preparatory online group to prepare men for taking part in the intervention. The core intervention comprises six fortnightly online group sessions and 12 weekly self-directed website sessions to recap and practise skills learned in the online group sessions. Each website session is followed by a one-to-one video/phone coaching session with a facilitator. Men will also receive their usual substance use treatment. Men’s female (ex) partners will be invited to provide outcome data and offered support from integrated safety services (ISS). Outcome measures for men and women will be sought post intervention (approximately 4 months post male baseline interview). Feasibility parameters to be estimated include eligibility, suitability, consent, recruitment, attendance, retention and follow-up rates. In-depth interviews or focus groups will explore the intervention’s acceptability to participants, facilitators and ISS workers. A secondary focus of the study will estimate pre-post-differences in outcome measures covering substance use, IPA, mental health, self-management, health and social care service use, criminal justice contacts and quality of life. DISCUSSION: Findings will inform the design of a multicentre randomised controlled trial evaluating the efficacy and cost-effectiveness of the ADVANCE digital intervention for reducing IPA. TRIAL REGISTRATION: The feasibility study was prospectively registered: ISRCTN66619273