13 research outputs found

    Perlindungan Hukum Terhadap Bank Pada Fasilitas Kredit Debitur Penanam Modal Asing

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    Credit Channel to Foreign Investment Company has a high risk if incase non-performing loan happen. Due on those cases, the author borders some several issues: 1) What’s issues that causing non-performing loan in credit channel by the foreign investment company? 2) How the bank’s risk if non-performing loan occurs in credit channel by the foreign investment company? 3) How is law providing a legal protection against bank in case non-performing loan occurs in credit channel by the foreign investment company?. Research methods for this journal is using an empiric theory with sosio-legal research. The results are credit channel to a foreign investment company is not having particular rules of legal protection yet against banking industry if non-performing loan happens. So, the government is expected to make a constitution of legal protection against bank for credit channel to foreign investment company so bank is assuring a strong legal certainty


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    This study was raised from the problems obtained by res from the results of observations made during futsal extracurI Kemala Bhayangkari junior High School which were Still Ia terms of passing - control ,therefore this study aimed to Iam passing - control abilities of futsal exstracurriculer students of Bhayangkari junior High School ,namely Increasing passing Skills whit Small Sided Games exercises for futsal extrac students of Kemala Bhayangkari junior High School.This st descriptive quantitative analysis white experimental research and the research design uses a one group pre-test-post- test des sample of this study was futsal extracurricular students of Bhayangkari junior High School,Which amounted to 20 Based on the results of the study ,it can be concluded that the effect of the Small Sided Games exercise on the passing abilities of futsal extracurricular students with Increase of

    Edukasi penyalahgunaan obat-obatan di kalangan remaja pada siswa siswi SMAN 1 Beruntung Baru

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    Teenagers today are getting used to the use of various illegal drugs, which aim to get temporary pleasure or as an escape from their problems. The use of various types of drugs in high doses causes various negative impacts for adolescents such as damage to the central nervous system, seizure disorders due to respiratory and heart muscle spasms, dehydration, heart attacks, and even a worse effect that cause death. In the residential environment, formal and non-formal figures are expected to participate actively in fostering and providing guidance and direction to young people. This outreach activity was carried out among teenagers so that they know and were aware of the consequences of drug abuse. This activity was expected to increase adolescent knowledge about illegal drugs. The implementation of counseling as one of the community service programs for the Faculty of Pharmacy Lecturers together with the D3 Pharmacy Students of the University of Muhammadiyah Banjarmasin at SMAN 1 Beruntung Baru entitled "Education of Drug Abuse among Teenagers in SMAN 1 Beruntung Baru" has been carried out well and received a positive response from the students

    Perlindungan Hukum terhadap Bank pada Fasilitas Kredit Debitur Penanam Modal Asing

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    Credit Channel to Foreign Investment Company has a high risk if incase non-performing loan happen. Due on those cases, the author borders some several issues: 1) What's issues that causing non-performing loan in credit channel by the foreign investment company? 2) How the bank's risk if non-performing loan occurs in credit channel by the foreign investment company? 3) How is law providing a legal protection against bank in case non-performing loan occurs in credit channel by the foreign investment company?. Research methods for this journal is using an empiric theory with sosio-legal research. The results are credit channel to a foreign investment company is not having particular rules of legal protection yet against banking industry if non-performing loan happens. So, the government is expected to make a constitution of legal protection against bank for credit channel to foreign investment company so bank is assuring a strong legal certainty


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    Penyuluhan kepada masyarakat tentang keefektifan obat hidroksikloroquin sebagai alternatif pencegahan dan pengobatan COVID-19

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    COVID-19 infection is a disease with a very rapid spread and multiorgan failure can occur rapidly resulting in death in a short time. Many rumored treatments can ward off this infection, one of them is Hydroxychloroquine. The purpose of this community service activity is to provide correct information on the use of Hydroxychloroquine drugs in the prevention and treatment of COVID-19 and how to stop the spreading chain of infection to improve the degree of public health. This is a quantitative research with a Pre-Experimental method using One Group Pretest-Posttest Design and data collection instruments used are multiple choice question types. The results of 33 participant’s complete data were analyzed using statistics with the Wilcoxon test with a P-value of 0,000 (P <0.05). The results showed the participants got more clear the information about this Hydroxychloroquine  before and after education, this shows that the use of the method has succeeded in increasing the knowledge and understanding of participants about "The Effectiveness of Hydroxychloroquine Drug as Alternative Prevention and Treatment of COVID-19"


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    Carnophen merupakan relaksan otot yang bekerja secara sentral, sering diresepkan untuk meringankan kejang otot dan rasa sakit. Bukti ilmiah terbaru menegaskan pada penyalahgunaan carisoprodol memunculkan efek samping yang berbahaya, seperti gangguan psikomotorik dan penghentian obat tiba-tiba mengakibatkan halusinasi, kejang dan kematian fatal. Penyalahgunaan relaksan otot ini di wilayah Kota Banjarmasin terus meningkat. Peredarannya juga semakin luas dan dapat dibeli dengan mudah serta harga yang murah oleh masyarakat. Padahal izin produksi dan izin edar obat ini telah di hentikan oleh BPOM sejak tahun 2009. Masyarakat ekonomi lemah dengan profesi pekerja kasar seperti buruh dan kuli bangunan seringkali mengkonsumsi obat zenith dengan alasan agar tidak mudah lelah. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengidentifikasi efek neuropsikiatrik yang muncul pada   penyalahgunaan pil zenith (Carnophen) oleh kuli bangunan di Banjarmasin. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain observasional dengan pendekatan cross-sectional. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan Teknik sampling accidental sampling. Pengambilan data dilakukan bulan Mei - Oktober 2018 dengan menggunakan instrumen kuisioner Depression Anxiety Stress Scale – 42 (DASS 42). Analisis data dilakukan dengan analisis kualitatif  Mile’s dan Huberman. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan dari 12 subjek penelitian untuk skala stress  66% mengalami stress ringan, 16,6% stress sedang dan 16,6% sisanya normal. Untuk skala kecemasan 8,33% mengalami kecemasan ringan, 75% mengalami kecemasan sedang dan 16,6% mengalami kecemasan parah. Untuk skala depresi 83,3% mengalami depresi sedang dan 16,6% mengalami depresi parah. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penyalahgunaan zenith (carnophen) dapat memunculkan efek neuropsikiatrik berupa stress, kecemasan dan depresi

    Perancangan Sistem Pengukuran Performansi Logistik di PT. ABD

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    Memasuki AFT A maka persaingan menjadi semakin ketat, membuat PT. ABO harus menetapkan strategi yang tepat untuk dapat bertahan dan bersaing. Oleh karena itu perusahaan perlu melakukan pengukuran kinerja secara keseluruhan. Pengukuran performansi logistik menggunakan konsep Balanced Scorecard diawali dengan meminta visi, misi, dan mencntukan strategi perusahaan. Penentuan strategi perusahaan mempertimbangkan analisis SWOT. Dari strategi utama tersebut akan dijabarkan ke dalam strategi dalam tiap kriteria komponen logistik. Performansi logistik terdiri clari komponen purchasing per.frmnance yang berkaitan dengan pcngukuran kinerja perusahaan dalam upaya pengadaan bahan baku, warehousing hcrhubungan dcnga pemeliharaan udang sebagai bahan baku utama, material ..