28 research outputs found

    Dampak Pembangunan Jembatan Suramadu terhadap Perekonomian Pulau Madura (Studi Kasus Kabupaten Bangkalan)

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    Infrastructure development has a very vital role in the fulfillment of people's basic rights. It has very strong linkages with social welfare and environmental quality, also on the economic growth process of a region. The suramadu bridge project development has a very strategic role in the island ofmadura, which will boost economic activity, distribution of goods and services as well as tourism activities. Madura island which became part of the province of East Java has a less favorable conditions before. The matter was slow economic growth and lags income per capita.This research aimed to describe and to analyze the economically impact of Suramadu bridge project develompent to madura island with a case study in Bangkalan. This research used a qualitative research with desciptive approach. This study's main focus is to analyze the impact of Suramadu bridge project development to the economy development of Bangkalan region and how the developmental policy impacted suramadu`s developmental area.The bridge`s project development has a multiplier effect to people in Madura for saving their times and cash on bussiness travel to Java. On the other hand, it caused population growth in suramadu area, it shows by an increasing number of people, so the demand for residential home was also increase. In addition, to fit the increased demand for residential houses is to develop the shopping centers and other supporting infrastructures. Suramadu development policy is an attempt to improve the infrasctructures to meet the complex needs. Generally it has whether positive or negative impacts. The government`s intervention on this project development was to establish an agency of Suramadu area development(BPWS)

    Analisi Penetapan Wilayah Pembangunan di Kabupaten Samosir

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    Samosir Regency is the one of regency which has seperated from Toba Samosir Regency. As a new regency, Samosir must be need a structural, relevant, and efficient development plan. Determining Development Area Unit is the one of theoretical and practical concept which can be referenced in order to make development policy There are several aims of this research. They were to find out the economical basics and potencies in Samosir Regency, to find out the economical potencies from every subdistricts in Samosir, to find out which subdistricts that can be a growth pole in Samosir, to find out the interactional strength among the districts, and to design a Development Areal Units in Samosir Regency. To reach that aims, this study use Location Quotient, Shift-share analysis, indirect method, Gravitation Analysi, and Scalogram. The data that used in this study are province's GDP, regency's GDP, population quantities, distances among the district's capital and the quantities and type of services facilities available in each subdistrict in Samosir Regency. The result of the analysis showed that there were 3 Development Area Units that is identified in Samosir Regency. They were Development Area Unit I (DAU I) including Pangururan, Sianjurmulamula, Harian and Ronggurnihuta subdistricts, Development Area Unit II (DAU II) including Simanindo subdistrict, Development Area Unit III (DAU III) including Nainggolan, Palipi, Onanrunggu and Sitiotio subdistrict

    Faktor-faktor yang Berhubungan dengan Tingkat Motivasi Petani Sawit dalam Pengembalian Kredit di Koperasi Baitul Maal Watamwil Desa Srikaton Kecamatan Pondok Kelapa Kabupaten Bengkulu Tengah

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    The objectives of this research were to find out the level farmer\u27s motivation in the refunding their loan at Baitul Maal Watamil (BMT) and to determine factors are associated with the level of motivation. This research was held on 15 November 2011 to 15 Desember 2011 in Srikaton Village in Central Bengkulu Regency. The respondents of this research were taken by using census technique. The results of this research indicate that the level of motivations to repay the loans at Baitul Maal Watamil (BMT) could be categorized in medium level or quite good. Then the factors related to the level of farmers motivations in refunding the credit, there were three factors namely. First the level of farming experience. Second the value of collateral and the last level of farmers perceptions of BMT cooperative and the credit program of cooperative it sel

    Pengaruh Job Burnout Dan Kepuasan Kerja Melalui Komitmen Organisasionalterhadap Kinerja Karyawan (Studi Pada Karyawan Pt.pln (Persero) Unit Induk Pembangunan VIII Surabaya)

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    Research was aimed to describe job burnout, job satisfaction, organizational commitment and employee performance at PT PLN (Persero) Unit Induk Pembangunan VIII Surabaya, and also to understand the effect of job burnout on organizational commitment, the effect of job satisfaction on organizational commitment, the effect of organizational commitment on job performance, the effect job burnout on employee performance, and the effect of job satisfaction on employee performance. Type of research was explanatory research with quantitative approach. Sample was 58 employees at PT PLN (Persero) Unit Induk Pembangunan VIII Surabaya. Data collection method included questionnaire and documentation.The results showed that the variables of job burnout had negative and not significant negative effect on organizational commitment. Job satisfaction variables had significant positive effect on organizational commitment. Organisaional commitment variable had positive and not significant effect on employee performance. Job burnout variablehad significant and negative effect on the performance of employees. Job satisfaction vairable had significant positive effect on employee performance. .Job burnout and job satisfaction were influential to organizational commitment as proved by R-square of 0.368. Job burnout, job satisfaction and organizational commitment were influential to employee performance as proved by R-square of 0.501