262 research outputs found

    Impact of renewable energies to European energy systems under historical and future climate conditions

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    The development of the Earth's climate is expected to be one of the greatest threats to mankind and nature in the 21st century, with hardly predictable and perhaps irreversible consequences for future generations. Hence, it appears essential that societies worldwide try to tackle the emerging challenges with all possible means and need to undergo substantial changes, in particular, for resource management. Energy transition from fossil-based to renewable energies may play a major role contributing to climate change mitigation via drastic CO2 reductions. Here, a key is to better understand the variable renewable energies' (VRE) characteristics for present and future conditions, in order to strike a new path towards CO2-free energy systems and a more sustainable world. The emerging corresponding research field is highly complex and interdisciplinary. The Energy Transition and Climate Change project, hosted by the University of Cologne, aims to establish an interdisciplinary framework to tackle various research questions as well as to raise new ones. The present thesis is embedded in the project and benefits in particular from the exchange of knowledge between meteorology and economics. Three main studies are related to the project and are subject to this thesis, as well as in parts to publications. Study I aims to reduce the gap of available, reliable and comprehensive wind power data sets for follow-up investigations by generating a novel long-term European wind power time series based on a high resolution reanalysis by the German Weather Service (COSMO-REA6). Hereby, the improvement of a comprehensive understanding of the unique VRE power characteristics and their potential role for energy systems in Europe is supported. Analyzing this data base reveals strong variations in annual wind productions as well as of frequencies of extreme situations in Europe and Germany. In addition, results show high potentials of balancing effects within Europe and in particular for Germany, emphasizing the promising potential of VRE to help realizing the energy transition. Reanalyses products, such as COSMO-REA6, are often used as a meteorological basis for subsequent energy system studies including high shares of VRE. Since reanalyses contain considerable biases, the question of their impact to energy system models arises. Study II shows that energy conversion as well as energy system models are highly sensitive to initial errors associated with the meteorological input data, in particular under high shares of VRE. In this context, impacts on the overall composition of German electricity system as well as allocation effects of VRE capacities are observed. Such an uncertainty evaluation is a novelty in energy system modeling. Finally, Study III investigates the impact of climate change on a simplified European electricity system under strong decarbonization targets until the end of the 21st century. Here, the focus is on effects with respect to VRE technologies. For this purpose, simulations based on historical and future climate change scenarios, under strong CO2 emission assumptions, from the EURO-CORDEX project are compared. Simulations exhibit, that the system on the one hand adapts to climate change by pronounced shifts within VRE capacities and on the other hand by substantial local allocation adjustments, in order to fulfill the demand side while meeting the decarbonization target. The outcomes further show that, although European VRE potentials decline and their variability increases in the future climate change scenario, no substantial changes in the overall system (costs, ratio between VRE and non-VRE, electricity price) can be observed. This adaption strategy emphasizes the need for sufficient investments in transmission capacities, the urgency of a common and joint European approach and corresponding adequate actions from this day forward

    Nachwachsende Rohstoffe ? entwicklungspolitisch einmal anders gedacht

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    Steigende Agrarpreise, und damit steigende Nahrungsmittelpreise, beleben die Diskussion über die Notwendigkeit der ?Non-Food?-Nutzung (Anbau von Energiepflanzen, aber auch Pflanzen für die stoffliche Nutzung, z.B. Holz oder Kautschuk) von Agrarrohstoffen. Dieses Diskussionspapier betrachtet die allgemeinen Brennpunkte der Debatte und erörtert speziell die Möglichkeiten von Biotreibstoffen als Triebkraft für Investitionen in Infrastruktur und Marktzugang im ländlichen Raum und als Treiber der Nachhaltigkeitsdiskussion im Agrarsektor der Entwicklungs- und Schwellenländer. Auf lange Sicht ist die konkurrierende Nutzung von Land für Energie- und Nahrungsmittelpflanzen differenziert zu betrachten. Kurz- bis mittelfristig jedoch ist die energetische und stoffliche Nutzung von Agrarprodukten eine alternative Markt- und damit auch Einkommensmöglichkeit für die Landwirtschaft. In den Industrieländern bietet der Anbau von nachwachsenden Rohstoffen die Möglichkeit, Überschussproduktionen einzudämmen und Exportsubventionen abzubauen. Damit wird auch deren preissenkender Einfluss auf den Weltmarkt abgebaut. In den Entwicklungsländern könnten sich dadurch Produktionsanreize im Agrarsektor ergeben, die, ausgelöst durch landwirtschaftliche- und außerlandwirtschaftliche Beschäftigungseffekte, eine Armutsreduktion induzieren könnten. Zusätzlich besteht die Möglichkeit, den lokalen Energiebedarf mit ökologisch nachhaltigen Ressourcen zu unterstützen und damit den Kleinbauern neben dem Marktzugang auch die Möglichkeit zur lokalen Veredelung zu bieten. Allerdings würde sich die Situation für Erzeuger in Entwicklungsländern noch zusätzlich verbessern, wenn Industrieländer nicht die Erzeugung von nachwachsenden Rohstoffen (NawaRo) subventionieren, sondern auf tarifäre und nichttarifäre Importbarrieren für Agrarprodukte, inklusive der nachwachsenden Rohstoffe, verzichten würden. Im Zusammenhang mit der Förderung von nachwachsenden Rohstoffen stellen sich der Entwicklungszusammenarbeit verschiedene Herausforderungen. Um eine breitenwirksame Armutsminderung zu erzielen, muss vor allem die kleinbäuerliche Landwirtschaft unterstützt werden. Hierzu sollten Ansätze verfolgt werden, in denen die bäuerlichen Produktionssysteme, wegen ihrer Beschäftigungseffekte, mit agro-industriellen Verarbeitungsmöglichkeiten kombiniert werden. In diesem Zusammenhang besteht die Notwendigkeit und die Möglichkeit, die sozialen (inkl. breitenwirksames Wachstum) und ökologischen (Erhalt und Förderung der natürlichen Ressouren) Bedingungen der Produktion aller Agrarrohstoffe nachhaltig zu gestalten

    Análise comparativa de viabilidade econômica entre projetos de incorporação imobiliária e regime de empreitada global

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    À medida que o país se recupera da crise financeira de 2016 e dos impactos econômicos em decorrência da pandemia de Covid-19, a construção civil desempenha um papel fundamental para retomada econômica nacional. O desenvolvimento de projetos imobiliários requer cautela em cenários de incertezas como este, desta forma, um estudo de viabilidade financeira se torna indispensável. O objetivo do trabalho é analisar os custos e os benefícios associados de dois diferentes projetos na etapa de iniciação, antes da alocação de recursos financeiros, a fim de auxiliar as empresas a estabelecer uma visão clara para escolha de seus investimentos. Foram analisados e comparados um projeto de incorporação imobiliária e um segundo projeto em regime de empreitada global para três prazos de execução de obra: 18, 24 e 30 meses; e para três cenários de vendas que podem ser descritos como: otimista, provável e pessimista. Os resultados apontam que em cenários otimistas de vendas o projeto de incorporação imobiliária pode ser até 82% mais lucrativo em comparação ao projeto por empreitada global. Contudo, para cenários de venda pessimistas e com maiores prazos de execução, o projeto por empreitada global possui maior retorno financeiro e menor risco associado às variações do mercado

    Nachwachsende Rohstoffe – entwicklungspolitisch einmal anders gedacht

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    Steigende Agrarpreise, und damit steigende Nahrungsmittelpreise, beleben die Diskussion über die Notwendigkeit der „Non-Food“-Nutzung (Anbau von Energiepflanzen, aber auch Pflanzen für die stoffliche Nutzung, z.B. Holz oder Kautschuk) von Agrarrohstoffen. Dieses Diskussionspapier betrachtet die allgemeinen Brennpunkte der Debatte und erörtert speziell die Möglichkeiten von Biotreibstoffen als Triebkraft für Investitionen in Infrastruktur und Marktzugang im ländlichen Raum und als Treiber der Nachhaltigkeitsdiskussion im Agrarsektor der Entwicklungs- und Schwellenländer. Auf lange Sicht ist die konkurrierende Nutzung von Land für Energie- und Nahrungsmittelpflanzen differenziert zu betrachten. Kurz- bis mittelfristig jedoch ist die energetische und stoffliche Nutzung von Agrarprodukten eine alternative Markt- und damit auch Einkommensmöglichkeit für die Landwirtschaft. In den Industrieländern bietet der Anbau von nachwachsenden Rohstoffen die Möglichkeit, Überschussproduktionen einzudämmen und Exportsubventionen abzubauen. Damit wird auch deren preissenkender Einfluss auf den Weltmarkt abgebaut. In den Entwicklungsländern könnten sich dadurch Produktionsanreize im Agrarsektor ergeben, die, ausgelöst durch landwirtschaftliche- und außerlandwirtschaftliche Beschäftigungseffekte, eine Armutsreduktion induzieren könnten. Zusätzlich besteht die Möglichkeit, den lokalen Energiebedarf mit ökologisch nachhaltigen Ressourcen zu unterstützen und damit den Kleinbauern neben dem Marktzugang auch die Möglichkeit zur lokalen Veredelung zu bieten. Allerdings würde sich die Situation für Erzeuger in Entwicklungsländern noch zusätzlich verbessern, wenn Industrieländer nicht die Erzeugung von nachwachsenden Rohstoffen (NawaRo) subventionieren, sondern auf tarifäre und nichttarifäre Importbarrieren für Agrarprodukte, inklusive der nachwachsenden Rohstoffe, verzichten würden. Im Zusammenhang mit der Förderung von nachwachsenden Rohstoffen stellen sich der Entwicklungszusammenarbeit verschiedene Herausforderungen. Um eine breitenwirksame Armutsminderung zu erzielen, muss vor allem die kleinbäuerliche Landwirtschaft unterstützt werden. Hierzu sollten Ansätze verfolgt werden, in denen die bäuerlichen Produktionssysteme, wegen ihrer Beschäftigungseffekte, mit agro-industriellen Verarbeitungsmöglichkeiten kombiniert werden. In diesem Zusammenhang besteht die Notwendigkeit und die Möglichkeit, die sozialen (inkl. breitenwirksames Wachstum) und ökologischen (Erhalt und Förderung der natürlichen Ressouren) Bedingungen der Produktion aller Agrarrohstoffe nachhaltig zu gestalten.Agrarrohstoffe, Biomasse, Nachwachsender Rohstoff, Entwicklungszusammenarbeit, Agrarpolitik, Nachhaltigkeit, Resource /Energy Economics and Policy, Q16, Q2, Q4,

    Interação entre células e biomateriaispara desenvolvimento de neovagina : ensaios in vitro

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    A síndrome de Mayer-Rokitansky-Kuster-Hauser (MRKH) caracteriza-se pela aplasia congênita dos ductos Mullerianos. Devido a algumas características peculiares, as células-tronco mesenquimais estão sendo vistas como uma nova alternativa de tratamento em pacientes acometidos pela síndrome de MRKH. Considerando que alguns biomateriais servem como suporte estrutural e interferem positivamente na regeneração tecidual, a associação da linhagem celular de mucosa vaginal HMV-II e das MSC derivadas de tecido adiposo humano com biomateriais apresenta uma nova possibilidade na criação de neovagina. Nesta perspectiva, foram cultivadas células HMV-II com diferentes biomateriais (Membracel, Biofilme, Cellprene, PLGA PI quimicamente modificado) a fim de selecionar o melhor material alternativo. Ambas as células, associadas ao biomaterial selecionado, foram submetidas à análise morfológica, coloração ácido periódico-Schiff (PAS), expressão de marcadores epiteliais específicos por imunofluorescência e microcopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV). As células que interagiram com o biomaterial apresentaram marcadores epiteliais específicos e características morfológicas epiteliais. Estes resultados indicam que a interação do biomaterial com ambas as células testadas tem potencial capacidade para uma epitelização eficiente da neovagina. O crescimento das MSC com o biomaterial selecionado para implantação subsequente em pacientes com síndrome de MRKH pode representar uma alternativa válida e promissora para a reconstrução vaginal.The Mayer-Rokitansky-Kuster-Hauser (MRKH) syndrome is characterized by congenital aplasia of the Mullerian ducts. Because mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) secrete paracrine factors, they have been seen as a new treatment option for several diseases. Considering that some biomaterials can be used as scaffolds and interfere positively in tissue regeneration, the association of human vaginal mucosa (HMV-II) cell line and MSCs with biomaterials appears as a new option for the creation of neovagina. In this study we cultured HMV-II cells with different biomaterials (Membracel, Biofilm, Cellprene, chemically modified PLGA PI) to select the best alternative material. For that both cells were cultured with the selected biomaterial and evaluated by morphological analysis, periodic acid-Schiff (PAS) staining, expression of epithelial markers by immunofluorescence and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The analysis of the in vitro cell-biomaterial interactions showed specific epithelial markers and epithelial morphological features for both cells. These results indicate that the interaction of the biomaterial with the two tested cells has the potential capacity for an efficient epithelialization of the neovagina. Therefore, growth of MSCs with the selected biomaterial for subsequent implantation in patients with MRKH syndrome may represent a valid and promising alternative for vaginal reconstruction

    Arcabouço combinado com células-tronco mesenquimais para uso na engenharia de tecidos : estudo in vivo

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    Introdução: O desenvolvimento de novos biomateriais, combinados com componentes biológicos para aplicação na reconstrução de tecidos, requer um vasto entendimento sobre a biocompatibilidade e funcionalidade em modelo in vivo. Ao compreender e avaliar estas respostas biológicas, a combinação de biomateriais e terapia celular pode se tornar uma importante e valiosa ferramenta terapêutica para uso na medicina regenerativa. Objetivos: Avaliar a eficácia, integração e biocompatibilidade do biomaterial poli(ácido lático-co-ácido glicólico)/poliisopreno epoxidado (PLGA/PIepox) combinado com células-tronco mesenquimais adipo-derivadas (ADSC) em modelo in vivo. Métodos: ADSC foram obtidas de ratos Wistar e cultivadas no biomaterial PLGA/PIepox por 48 horas. A combinação de PLGA/PIepox+ADSC foi implantada no dorso subcutâneo de ratos Wistar. Cada animal recebeu 2 implantes iguais. Os animais foram divididos em 2 grupos de 9 ratos – para comparação em 7 e 14 dias pós-implante - e cada grupo foi dividido em 3 subgrupos – grupo que recebeu PLGA/PIepox+ADSC, grupo que recebeu PLGA/PIepox e grupo sham. A análise histológica por H&E foi realizada para avaliar a integração e inflamação. A imuno-histoquímica permitiu avaliar a expressão de citoqueratina (AE1/AE3); verificar a densidade microvascular (CD31) e a proliferação celular (Ki67). Por final, a análise por picrosirius permitiu avaliar o depósito de colágeno nos grupos pós- implante. Resultados: Aos 7 dias, os animais que receberam PLGA/PIepox+ADSC demonstraram redução dos níveis de inflamação em comparação com PLGA/PIepox, bem como integração adequada do tecido, alta densidade de microvasos e maior proliferação celular quando comparado ao grupo sham. A expressão da citoqueratina no grupo que recebeu PLGA/PIepox+ADSC revelou a manutenção do epitélio e a redução na expressão do colágeno apontando para uma possível redução na formação de cicatriz. Aos 14 dias pós-implantação, o grupo que recebeu PLGA/PIepox+ADSC mostrou níveis semelhantes de coloração de CD31, Ki67 e AE1/AE3 em comparação com o grupo que recebeu PLGA/PIepox e sham. Conclusão: Demonstramos que o arcabouço PLGA/PIepox é capaz de fornecer um sistema de entrega eficaz para ADSC no tecido hospedeiro e, esta combinação, foi capaz de aumentar a funcionalidade do tecido e demonstrar uma adequada biocompatibilidade fornecendo uma nova ferramenta terapêutica para o reparo de tecidos.Introduction: The development of new biomaterials, combined with biological components for application in tissue reconstruction, requires a high understanding of biocompatibility and functionality in in vivo model. Combining cell therapy with tissue engineering, one of the most important steps is cell organization, which is conducted by cell migration and proliferation to bring functionality to the neotissue. Thus, the combination of biomaterials and cell therapy can become an important therapeutic tool in regenerative medicine. Objectives: To evaluate and prove the efficacy, integration and biocompatibility of the poly (lactic acid-co-glycolic acid)/Poly(isoprene) epoxidized (PLGA/PIepox) biomaterial combined with adipose derived mesenchymal stem cells (ADSC) in in vivo model. Methods: ADSC were obtained from Wistar rats and seeded on PLGA/PIepox for 48 hours. The combination of PLGA/PIepox+ADSC was implanted by dorsal subcutaneous. Each animal received 2 equal implants. The animals were divided into 2 groups of 9 rats - for comparison at 7th and 14th post-implantation - each group was divided into 3 subgroups - group that received PLGA/PIepox+ADSC, group that received PLGA/PIepox and sham group. Histological analysis by H&E was performed to verify integration and inflammation level. Immunohistochemistry staining was performed to evaluate the cytokeratin expression (AE1/AE3), microvascular density (CD31) and cell proliferation (Ki67). Finally, picrosirius analysis allowed to evaluate the collagen deposition in the groups post-implantation. Results: At 7th day, animals that received PLGA/PIepox+ADSC demonstrated reduced levels of inflammation compared to PLGA/PIepox, as well as adequate tissue integration, high microvessel density and greater cell proliferation when compared to sham group. Cytokeratin expression in the group PLGA/PIepox+ADSC revealed a maintenance of the epithelium and a reduction in collagen expression resulted in a possible reduction in scar formation. At 14th day post-implantation, the PLGA/PIepox+ADSC group presented similar levels of staining for CD31, Ki67 and AE1/AE3 compared to the PLGA/PIepox and sham group. Conclusion: We demonstrated that the PLGA/PIepox scaffold can provide an effective delivery system for ADSC in host tissue and this combination was able to increase tissue functionality and bring a suitable biocompatibility for a new therapeutic approach in tissue repair

    Alfabetização Científica em Espaços Não Formais de Ensino e de Aprendizagem

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    A presente pesquisa possibilitou uma discussão acerca de dois temas que, através da divulgação científica, se mostraram foco de estudos no campo do Ensino e da Educação, a Alfabetização Científica (AC) e os Espaços Não Formais de Ensino e de Aprendizagem (ENF). O tema selecionado para esta dissertação foi a AC em ENF e o problema norteador consistiu em entender como professores da Educação Infantil, nos Iniciais e Anos Finais do Ensino Fundamental percebem e desenvolvem a AC explorando os ENF com seus alunos. Os objetivos específicos pensados para abranger o objetivo geral foram: a) verificar as concepções dos professores sobre os temas: AC e ENF; b) Investigar como os professores organizam e desenvolvem suas aulas no cotidiano de suas práticas pedagógicas, considerando a AC de seus alunos em ENF e c) Identificar as dificuldades e motivações dos professores ao realizar suas aulas em ENF, visando à AC dos alunos. Buscou-se aporte teórico para a AC, em Chassot (2007; 2017), Dutra, Oliveira e Del Pino (2017), Sasseron (2008; 2011) e Demo (2010; 2011), entre outros; e, para os ENF, nas autoras Jacobbuci (2008), Gohn (2014) e Vercelli (2014). Os procedimentos metodológicos envolveram uma pesquisa descritiva e exploratória, de cunho qualitativo, apresentando aproximações com o estudo de caso e utilizando o método indutivo. Os sujeitos investigados foram oito professoras - duas da Educação Infantil, três dos Anos Iniciais e três Anos Finais, de quatro escolas públicas do município de Lajeado/RS/BR. A coleta dos dados foi contemplada em 2018 e contou com entrevistas semiestruturadas, observações e roda de conversa. Os dados foram analisados com base na Análise Textual Discursiva (ATD). Os resultados foram organizados a partir de cada objetivo específico. O primeiro objetivo possibilitou duas categorias emergentes: 1: desconhecimento e atividades que possibilitam o desenvolvimento da AC e 2: familiarização e desconhecimento referente ao termo ENF e locais explorados durante o ano com as crianças. Os resultados do segundo objetivo perpassaram pela análise de três observações das aulas das professoras, quando se fez uma descrição das atividades. Do terceiro objetivo, emergiram também três categorias: 1: limitações que perpassaram o Ensino Superior; 2: marcas que ficaram; e 3: mudanças a partir da própria práxis. Percebeu-se que havia limitações sobre o entendimento dos conceitos AC e ENF, porém as professoras desenvolvem atividades que são fundamentais para que ocorra a AC. Verificou-se o quanto os alunos são curiosos e argumentativos em ENF e, da mesma forma, que existem lacunas referentes à formação inicial dos professores, mas que as professoras pesquisadas conseguiram, através de estudos nas escolas, mudar suas práxis. Acredita-se que há muito a estudar sobre a AC e os ENF, pois entende-se que são fundamentais para ajudar as crianças e adolescentes a se perceberem no mundo, tornando-os cada vez mais críticos, argumentativos e fazendo sempre o melhor para si mesmos e para o próximo. A investigação terá continuidade nos próximos anos durante o doutorado, no projeto aprovado “Pesquisador Gaúcho” e na pesquisa nas escolas participantes do projeto.This research enabled the discussion about two themes that, through scientific publishing have shown to be the focus of studies in the area of Teaching and Education, Scientific Literacy (SL) and Non-formal Venues for Teaching and Learning (NFV). The theme chosen for this thesis was the SL in NFV, more specifically, understanding how teachers of Children Education, Initial Years and Final Years of the Primary School perceive and develop SL by exploring NFV with their students. The specific purposes considered to reach the general purpose were a) verifying what are the teachers’ concepts about these themes (SL and NFV for Teaching and Learning); b) investigating how teachers organize and develop their classes in their daily teaching practices, by taking into consideration the SL of their students in NFV, and c) identifying teachers’ difficulties and motivations when teaching their classes in NFV and aiming at SL. The SL segment was theoretically supported by Chassot (2007; 2017), Dutra, Oliveira and Del Pino (2017), Sasseron (2008; 2011) and Demo (2010; 2011), among others; the NFV one, by Jacobbuci (2008), Gohn (2014) and Vercelli (2014). The methodological procedures included a descriptive and exploratory research, qualitative in nature, which presented the approaches to the case study, by using the inductive method. Eight teachers – two of Children Education, three of the Initial Years, and three of the Final Years from four schools in the municipality of Lajeado/RS/Brazil – were the subjects investigated. Data collection occurred in 2018 through semi-structured interviews, observations, and round of conversations. Data were analyzed based on Textual Discourse Analysis. The outcomes were organized according to each specific purpose. The first purpose enabled the emergence of three categories: 1 – Not known and activities enabling the development of SL and 2 – familiarity and unfamiliarity regarding the phrase NFV and the venues explored throughout the year with the children. The outcomes of the second purpose are expressed through the analysis of three class observations when activities were described. The third purpose also enabled the emergence of three categories: 1 – limitations that affect Higher Education; 2- memories that remained; and 3- aspects to be changed in their own practices. Limitations were perceived regarding the concepts SL and NFV; nevertheless, teachers perform activities that are vital for the occurrence of SL. Students’ enhanced curiosity and reasoning were observed in NFV. Teachers showed gaps in their initial education, but the teachers investigated were able to, through studies in the school, change their practices. SL and NFV are suggested to be further studied, once it is understood they are vital in assisting children and adolescents to perceive themselves in the world, by becoming increasingly critical, inquisitive and doing their best to themselves and to others. The research will continue in the coming years during the PhD, in the approved project "Researcher Gaúcho" and in the research in the schools participating in the project

    Can a transgender person be an occupational diver? Demonstration from a case report

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    This is the first case report about a transgender professional diver. The purpose of this article is to show the professional adaptations to help him to continue occupational dive and to raise the question of the impact on diving risks of hormonal treatment in this case. He was a 39-year-old man when he began his transition. He had worked as a diver for 9 years before his transition. When he changed to look like a woman, there were a few difficulties in continuing his professional activity. The main difficulty was that he looked like a woman while working with men. Modesty was a crucial issue in the enterprise. There were other problems such as the organisation of premises, the physical workload and the interaction between treatments and diving. There is a lack of a law to guide the employer. French legislation does not address the issue of transsexuals for this profession. The medical recommendations do not specify contraindications or adaptations for diving safely. Because of his transition, he lost muscle mass. The occupational physician helped to adjust his activity: decreasing the weight of his diving suit, creating a female-like locker room etc. Finally, the question of the risk of decompression illness arose. Legal hormonal medication seems not to significantly increase the risk of decompression illness, but this diver was taking illicit treatment to speed up the transition. The occupational physician recommended taking the legal hormonal medication

    Health effects of hyperbaric exposure on chamber attendants: a literature review

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    Background: Inside attendants working in hyperbaric chambers are exposed to risks related to the hyperbaric environment, handling and care. The aim of this study is to review the literature focusing on the impact of this activity on health. Materials and methods: This is a literature review using the Medline database. Results: Eight articles studied decompression illness (DCI). The incidence of DCI ranged from 0 to 37 per 100,000 sessions in hyperbaric chambers (SHC). The incidence of injuries ranged from 0 to 412 per 100,000 SHC. The most prevalent cause of accidental death was fire: 77 deaths (patients and attendants) between 1923 and 1996. Dysbaric osteonecrosis has been reported in one study only. Conclusions: Inside attendants face risks in the chamber, even if serious health effects seems rare compared to the total number of SHC