32 research outputs found

    The Glendoe Tunnel Collapse in Scotland

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    For Glendoe hydro-electric scheme in Scotland, the tunnelling contract was design–build. After a year, the tunnel collapsed, blocking a 71-m length, which necessitated construction of a by-pass tunnel. The responsibility for the collapse was examined in court and the findings were later appealed by a further three judges. The judge of the first case found that the cause of the failure was “erodible rock” and the other three judges agreed, but, it is argued, that there is evidence for a complex wedge failure at a scale larger than the geological mapping. It is considered that the Owner of the tunnel, Scottish Southern Electricity took on the risk by agreeing to a TBM-constructed, mostly unlined tunnel rather than a drill and blasted, fully lined tunnel as had been postulated at tender. The Contractor, Hochtief, constructed the tunnel and lined it in accordance with a Rock Excavation Classification design sheet that was agreed by all parties and approved by the Engineer. A clause, ‘Option M’ limited the responsibility of the Contractor “for defects in the works due to his design so far as he proves that he used reasonable skill and care to ensure that it complied with the works information”. The question is posed as to whether or not the current judicial process may be an impediment to valid decision-making on responsibility for dealing with complex geotechnical problems. This paper suggests that these issues require a technical assessment and engineering judgement decision, rather than a legal opinion, adjudicated on the basis of opined contractual responsibility. Perhaps, an erudite technical panel deliberation rather than a judicial process should be given the final authority in such cases

    Forensic Excavation of Rock Masses: A Technique to Investigate Discontinuity Persistence

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    True persistence of rock discontinuities (areas with insignificant tensile strength) is an important factor controlling the engineering behaviour of fractured rock masses, but is extremely difficult to quantify using current geological survey methodologies, even where there is good rock exposure. Trace length as measured in the field or using remote measurement devices is actually only broadly indicative of persistence for rock engineering practice and numerical modelling. Visible traces of discontinuities are treated as if they were open fractures within rock mass classifications, despite many such traces being non-persistent and actually retaining considerable strength. The common assumption of 100% persistence, based on trace length, is generally extremely conservative in terms of strength and stiffness, but not always so and may lead to a wrong prediction of failure mechanism or of excavatability. Assuming full persistence would give hopelessly incorrect predictions of hydraulic conductivity. A new technique termed forensic excavation of rock masses is introduced, as a procedure for directly investigating discontinuity persistence. This technique involves non-explosive excavation of rock masses by injecting an expansive chemical splitter along incipient discontinuities. On expansion, the splitter causes the incipient traces to open as true joints. Experiments are described in which near-planar rock discontinuities, through siltstone and sandstone, were opened up by injecting the splitter into holes drilled along the lines of visible traces of the discontinuities in the laboratory and in the field. Once exposed the surfaces were examined to investigate the pre-existing persistence characteristics of the incipient discontinuities. One conclusion from this study is that visible trace length of a discontinuity can be a poor indicator of true persistence (defined for a fracture area with negligible tensile strength). An observation from this series of experiments was that freshly failed surfaces through pre-existing rock bridges were relatively rough compared to sections of pre-existing weaker areas of geologically developed (though still incipient) discontinuities. Fractographic features such as hackle and rib marks were typical of the freshly broken rock bridges, whereas opened-up areas of incipient discontinuity were smoother. Schmidt hammer rebound values were generally higher for the rock bridge areas, probably reflecting their lower degree of chemical and physical weathering

    Tensile Strength of Geological Discontinuities Including Incipient Bedding, Rock Joints and Mineral Veins

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    Geological discontinuities have a controlling influence for many rock-engineering projects in terms of strength, deformability and permeability, but their characterisation is often very difficult. Whilst discontinuities are often modelled as lacking any strength, in many rock masses visible rock discontinuities are only incipient and have tensile strength that may approach and can even exceed that of the parent rock. This fact is of high importance for realistic rock mass characterisation but is generally ignored. It is argued that current ISRM and other standards for rock mass characterisation, as well as rock mass classification schemes such as RMR and Q, do not allow adequately for the incipient nature of many rock fractures or their geological variability and need to be revised, at least conceptually. This paper addresses the issue of the tensile strength of incipient discontinuities in rock and presents results from a laboratory test programme to quantify this parameter. Rock samples containing visible, natural incipient discontinuities including joints, bedding, and mineral veins have been tested in direct tension. It has been confirmed that such discontinuities can have high tensile strength, approaching that of the parent rock. Others are, of course, far weaker. The tested geological discontinuities all exhibited brittle failure at axial strain less than 0.5 % under direct tension conditions. Three factors contributing to the tensile strength of incipient rock discontinuities have been investigated and characterised. A distinction is made between sections of discontinuity that are only partially developed, sections of discontinuity that have been locally weathered leaving localised residual rock bridges and sections that have been ‘healed’ through secondary cementation. Tests on bedding surfaces within sandstone showed that tensile strength of adjacent incipient bedding can vary considerably. In this particular series of tests, values of tensile strength for bedding planes ranged from 32 to 88 % of the parent rock strength (intact without visible discontinuities), and this variability could be attributed to geological factors. Tests on incipient mineral veins also showed considerable scatter, the strength depending upon the geological nature of vein development as well as the presence of rock bridges. As might be anticipated, tensile strength of incipient rock joints decreases with degree of weathering as expressed in colour changes adjacent to rock bridges. Tensile strengths of rock bridges (lacking marked discolouration) were found to be similar to that of the parent rock. It is concluded that the degree of incipiency of rock discontinuities needs to be differentiated in the process of rock mass classification and engineering design and that this can best be done with reference to the tensile strength relative to that of the parent rock. It is argued that the science of rock mass characterisation may be advanced through better appreciation of geological history at a site thereby improving the process of prediction and extrapolating properties

    Tensile strength of incipient rock discontinuities

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    This paper addresses the issue of the tensile strength of incipient discontinuities in rock and presents preliminary results from a series of laboratory studies. In most rock masses rock discontinuities, as veins or incipient fractures, often retain some tensile strength that may approach that of the parent rock. This fact is of high importance to rock mass strength but is generally ignored, neglected or underestimated. Samples of incipient rock discontinuities including joints, bedding and mineral veins have been tested in direct tension. It has been confirmed that incipient, visible and discrete discontinuities, that might be recorded as ‘joints’ in a rock mass characterisation programme can indeed have high tensile strength, approaching that of parent rock. Others are of course far weaker. The factors contributing to tensile strength have been examined. It is concluded that the degree of incipiency of rock discontinuities needs to be differentiated in the process of rock mass classification and engineering design and this can best be done with reference to the tensile strength relative to that of the parent rock

    WWW database of large landslides in Hong Kong - a resource for research and teaching

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    Rock quality designation (RQD): time to rest in peace

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    Rock quality designation (RQD) was introduced by Don Deere in the mid-1960s as a means of using diamond core to classify rock for engineering purposes. Subsequently, it was incorporated into the rock mass rating (RMR) and Q-system classification methods that, worldwide, now play substantial roles in rock mechanics design, whether for tunnels, foundations, rock slopes or rock excavation. It is shown that a key facet of the definition of RQD is ignored in many parts of the world, and it is noted that there are several inherent limitations to the use of RQD. Based on mapping of rock formations by 17 independent professionals at different locations in Australia and South Africa, it is shown that differences in assessed RQD values result in significant errors in computed RMR and Q ratings, and also in geological strength index (GSI) and mining rock mass rating (MRMR). The introduction of a look-up chart for assessing GSI has effectively removed the need to measure, or estimate, RQD. It has been found that GSI values derived from the look-up chart are as valid as those derived by calculation from the original component parameters, and are satisfactorily consistent between professionals from diverse backgrounds. The look-up charts provide a quick and appropriate means of assessing GSI from exposures. GSI is, in turn, a useful rock mass strength index; one new application is presented for assessing potential erosion of unlined spillways in rock. Incorporation of RQD within the RMR and Q classification systems was a matter of historical development, and its incorporation into rock mass classifications is no longer necessary