4 research outputs found

    Intenci贸n emprendedora de los empleados del sector privado de la ciudad de Medell铆n y su 脕rea Metropolitana

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    This study aims to establish if employees in the private sector in Medell铆n and its metropolitan area have entrepreneurial intention based on a set of cognitive and sociopersonal variables. A survey included 120 participants to identify the variables that influence the entrepreneurial intention of the population under study and analyze their characteristics according several factors. The results confirm that individuals in the private sector are significantly prone to start their own businesses.La investigaci贸n relacionada a continuaci贸n, tuvo como objetivo identificar si existe intenci贸n emprendedora por parte de los empleados del sector privado de la ciudad de Medell铆n y su 谩rea metropolitana, desde un conjunto de variables cognitivas y sociopersonales. Para ello, se llev贸 a cabo una encuesta, la cual logr贸 una muestra de 120 personas, y posteriormente se procedi贸 a identificar qu茅 variables influyen en la intenci贸n emprendedora de la poblaci贸n estudiada y analizar sus caracter铆sticas seg煤n los factores identificados. Se concluye que existe intenci贸n emprendedora por parte de las personas que se encuentran empleadas actualmente en alguna empresa del sector privado. &nbsp

    Determinantes de la lealtad en la relaci贸n entre la Liga Antioque帽a de Tenis de Campo y sus clientes

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    In order to have long-lasting relationships with their customers, sports organizations should make good marketing decisions based on studies that identify the characteristics of such relationships. In the literature, some studies have related the corporate environment to its sports counterpart, but few of them have investigated this kind of relationship using the set of constructs composed of satisfaction, perceived value, trust, commitment, and loyalty. Therefore, this paper analyzes the determinants of loyalty in the relationship between Liga Antioque帽a de Tenis de Campo and its customers. This study adopted a mixed-methods approach divided into two stages: (1) exploration to understand the research problem and formulate the hypotheses and (2) description using a simple cross-sectional design with an analysis by Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM). The results confirmed all the hypotheses proposed in the model, which included the determinants of loyalty suggested by relationship marketing in the sports context. This study found that, in the relationship between Liga Antioque帽a de Tenis de Campo and its users, satisfaction, trust, and commitment are the direct determinants of loyalty and have a positive effect on it.Las organizaciones deportivas deben tomar decisiones acertadas en el 谩mbito del marketing, por lo que es necesario que dichas decisiones se basen en estudios que permitan identificar las caracter铆sticas de las relaciones que mantienen con sus clientes, esto con el fin de que estas sean duraderas en el tiempo. En la literatura mundial se evidencian estudios que relacionan el entorno empresarial con el deportivo, pero pocos han estudiado este tipo de relaci贸n utilizando en su conjunto los constructos de satisfacci贸n, valor percibido, confianza, compromiso y lealtad. Por lo tanto, este art铆culo pretende analizar los determinantes de la lealtad en la relaci贸n de la Liga Antioque帽a de Tenis de Campo con sus clientes. La investigaci贸n se llev贸 a cabo a trav茅s de una metodolog铆a mixta que incluye dos fases: una fase exploratoria para comprender el problema de investigaci贸n y establecer las hip贸tesis, y otra descriptiva, de corte transversal simple, con an谩lisis mediante un modelo de ecuaciones estructurales, bajo el enfoque de m铆nimos cuadrados parciales. El estudio arroj贸 una confirmaci贸n total de las hip贸tesis planteadas para el modelo, evidenciando los determinantes de la lealtad indicados por el marketing relacional en el contexto deportivo, espec铆ficamente en el de la Liga Antioque帽a de Tenis de Campo y sus usuarios, encontrando que los determinantes directos de la lealtad, y que presentan un efecto positivo, son la satisfacci贸n, la confianza y el compromiso

    Calidad de servicio y valor percibido como antecedentes de la satisfacci贸n de los clientes de las empresas de telecomunicaciones en Colombia

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    Despite the different criticisms received by the Zeithaml, Parasuraman and Berry model, the SERVQUAL is valid and has shown that the service quality is a satisfaction鈥檚 customer precedent. To the Colombia鈥檚 telecommunications sector, where are few companies with a high imitation offers, to understand if their customers are satisfied, their service perceptions and the value their clients perceive, has become competitive factors. The present study proposes a model that explains how expectations (EXP), service quality (QS), and perceived value (VP) affect the satisfaction (SAT) construct of Colombia鈥檚 fixed telecommunications companies. Empirical data was obtained from 324 users in the country鈥檚 main cities by virtual questionnaire. The 5 suggested hypotheses were tested using structural equation models by PLS-SEM. The findings show the relevance of SERVQUAL to explain the service quality construct and its relationship with the satisfaction. Given the limited research on these constructs in this sector, this research is a contribution to the literature.A pesar de las diferentes cr铆ticas que ha recibido el modelo SERVQUAL propuesto por Zeithaml, Parasuraman y Berry, este a煤n sigue vigente y ha permitido mostrar que la calidad de servicio es antecedente de la satisfacci贸n de los clientes. Para el sector de las telecomunicaciones en Colombia, donde las empresas son pocas, pero con una alta imitaci贸n de ofertas, el entender si sus clientes est谩n satisfechos, c贸mo perciben los servicios y qu茅 valoran m谩s de ellos, se ha vuelto en factores de competitividad. Es as铆 como el presente estudio, propone un modelo que explica c贸mo influyen las expectativas (EXP), la calidad de servicio (QS), y el valor percibido (VP) en la satisfacci贸n (SAT) de los clientes de las empresas de telecomunicaciones fijas en Colombia. Se obtuvieron datos de 324 usuarios en las principales ciudades del pa铆s, con un cuestionario virtual. Las 5 hip贸tesis sugeridas se probaron utilizando modelos de ecuaciones estructurales por PLS-SEM. Los hallazgos evidencian la pertinencia del SERVQUAL para explicar la calidad de servicio y que la satisfacci贸n est谩 influenciada directamente por dicho constructo y el valor percibido. Esta investigaci贸n es una contribuci贸n de la literatura dada la poca investigaci贸n sobre estos constructos en dicho sector y pa铆s

    Creating Value in Non-Profit Sports Organizations: An Analysis of the DART Model and Its Performance Implications

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    This study aims to analyze the impact of value creation and cocreation, as measured by the dialogue, access, risk assessment, and transparency (DART) model, on the performance of non-profit sports organizations (NPSOs). To assess this impact, the authors analyzed data collected from sports and administration managers of NPSOs, specifically Colombian amateur soccer clubs. The study used partial-least-squares structural-equation modeling (PLS-SEM) with constructs of the reflexive-formative type. The results indicate that value creation has a positive impact on the performance of NPSOs through the mediating effect of value cocreation. Despite the limitations of this study, including the limited research on the relationship between value creation and cocreation and NPSO performance in Colombia, the findings contribute to the understanding of the mediating effect of cocreation. The authors found that cocreation mainly affects the sport, customers/members, communication and image, finance, and organization dimensions of NPSOs in developing countries. This study draws attention to the potential benefits of cocreation for NPSOs and emphasizes the importance of creating value in this context. The study concludes that further studies on the constructs proposed in this research would help to understand the phenomenon of innovation and its impact on NPSOs. Overall, this study provides valuable insights for managers and policymakers in NPSOs鈥攅specially in developing countries鈥攐n the importance of value cocreation in improving their performance