889 research outputs found

    Triggering and modulation of the host-parasite interplay by Echinococcus multilocularis: a review

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    As more facts emerge regarding the ways in which E. multilocularis-derived molecules trigger the host immune response and modulate the host-parasite interplay, it becomes possible to envisage how the parasite can survive and proliferate in its intermediate host, while in other hosts it dies out. Through effects on cells of both the innate and adaptive arms of the immune response, E. multilocularis can orchestrate a range of outcomes that are beneficial not only to the parasite, in terms of facilitating its intrahepatic proliferation and maturation, and thus life cycle over all, but also to its intermediate host, in limiting pathology. The present review deals with the role of metacestode surface molecules as well as excretory/secretory (E/S) metabolic products of the parasite in the modulation of the host responses such as to optimize its own surviva

    Characterization of the fetuin-binding fraction of Neospora caninum tachyzoites and its potential involvement in host-parasite interactions

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    Terminal sialic acid residues on surface-associated glycoconjugates mediate host cell interactions of many pathogens. Addition of sialic acid-rich fetuin enhanced, and the presence of the sialidiase inhibitor 2-deoxy-2,3-dehydro-N-acetylneuraminic acid reduced, the physical interaction of Neospora caninum tachyzoites and bradyzoites with Vero cell monolayers. Thus, Neospora extracts were subjected to fetuin-agarose affinity chromatography in order to isolate components potentially interacting with sialic acid residues. SDS-PAGE and silver staining of the fetuin binding fraction revealed the presence of a single protein band of 65kDa, subsequently named NcFBP (Neospora caninum fetuin-binding protein), which was localized at the apical tip of the tachyzoites and was continuously released into the surrounding medium in a temperature-independent manner. NcFBP readily interacted with Vero cells and bound to chondroitin sulfate A and C, and anti-NcFBP antibodies interfered in tachyzoite adhesion to host cell monolayers. In additon, analysis of the fetuin binding fraction by gelatin substrate zymography was performed, and demonstrated the presence of two bands of 96 and 140kDa exhibiting metalloprotease-activity. The metalloprotease activity readily degraded glycosylated proteins such as fetuin and bovine immunoglobulin G heavy chain, whereas non-glycosylated proteins such as bovine serum albumin and immunoglobulin G light chain were not affected. These findings suggest that the fetuin-binding fraction of Neospora caninum tachyzoites contains components that could be potentially involved in host-parasite interaction

    Fisheries in the Development of Indian Economy

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    Fisheries sector plays a vital role in Indian economy through substantial forex earnings, employment generation and ensuring nutritional and food security. Contribution of fisheries to total Gross Domestic Product (GDP) at current prices is about 1.3 percent. The fisheries economy of our country has undergone rapid structural changes during the last few decades. The vast technological options available to fishers led them for a fast shift from traditional to mechanised and motorised fishing methods in marine fisheries and from traditional to improved seed production and culture practices in inland fisheries

    NcGRA2 as a molecular target to assess the parasiticidal activity of toltrazuril against Neospora caninum

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    The treatment of Neospora caninum infection in the bovine host is still at an experimental stage. In contrast to the in vivo situation, a wide range of compounds have been intensively investigated in cell-culture-based assays. Tools to demonstrate efficacy of treatment have remained conventional including morphological and cell biological criteria. In this work, we present a molecular assay that allows the distinction between live and dead parasites. Live parasites can be detected by measuring the mRNA level of specific genes, making use of the specific mRNA available in live cells. The NcGra2 gene of N. caninum, which is known to be expressed in both tachyzoites and bradyzoites, was used to establish a quantitative real-time RT-PCR, for monitoring parasite viability. Validation of the system in vitro was achieved using Neospora-infected cells that had been treated for 2-20 days with 30μg/ml toltrazuril. NcGRA2-RT-real time PCR demonstrated that a 10-day toltrazuril-treatment exerted parasitostatic activity, as assessed by the presence of NcGRA2-transcripts, whereas after a 14-day treatment period no NcGRA2-transcripts were detected, showing that the parasites were no longer viable. Concurrently, extended culture for a period of 4 weeks in the absence of the drug following the 14-day toltrazuril treatment did not lead to further parasite proliferation, confirming the parasiticidal effect of the treatment. This assay has the potential to be widely used in the development of novel drugs against N. caninum, with a view to distinguishing between parasiticidal and parasitostatic efficacy of given compound

    Repetitive proteins from the flagellar cytoskeleton of African trypanosomes are diagnostically useful antigens

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    Trypanosome infection of mammalian hosts leads, within days, to a strong early response against a small, distinct number of parasite proteins. One of these proteins is the variable surface glycoprotein (VSG). Most of the others are apparently non-variable, intracellular trypanosome proteins. Two of these antigens I2 and I17 are now characterized at the molecular level. Both exhibit a highly repetitive amino acid sequence organization, but they show no sequence similarity either to each other or to any other proteins known to date. Preliminary serological analyses indicate that both allow the early, sensitive and specific detection of infections with different species of trypanosomatids, making them interesting candidates for the development of diagnostic tools for trypanosomiasis detectio

    Repetitive proteins from the flagellar cytoskeleton of African trypanosomes are diagnostically useful antigens

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    Trypanosome infection of mammalian hosts leads, within days, to a strong early response against a small, distinct number of parasite proteins. One of these proteins is the variable surface glycoprotein (VSG). Most of the others are apparently non-variable, intracellular trypanosome proteins. Two of these antigens I2 and I17 are now characterized at the molecular level. Both exhibit a highly repetitive amino acid sequence organization, but they show no sequence similarity either to each other or to any other proteins known to date. Preliminary serological analyses indicate that both allow the early, sensitive and specific detection of infections with different species of trypanosomatids, making them interesting candidates for the development of diagnostic tools for trypanosomiasis detection

    In vitro efficacy of nitro- and bromo-thiazolyl-salicylamide compounds (thiazolides) against Besnoitia besnoiti infection in Vero cells

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    Nitazoxanide (NTZ) and its deacetylated metabolite tizoxanide (TIZ) exhibit considerable in vitro activity against Besnoitia besnoiti tachyzoites grown in Vero cells. Real-time-PCR was used to assess B. besnoiti tachyzoite adhesion, invasion, and intracellular proliferation in vitro. A number of NTZ-derivatives, including Rm4822 and Rm4803, were generated, in which the thiazole-ring-associated nitro-group was replaced by a bromo-moiety. We here show that replacement of the nitro-group on the thiazole ring with a bromo (as it occurs in Rm4822) does not impair the efficacy of the drug, but methylation of the salicylate ring at the ortho-position in a bromo-derivative (Rm4803) results in complete abrogation of the antiparasitic activity. Treatment of extracellular B. besnoiti tachyzoites with NTZ has an inhibitory effect on host cell invasion, while treatments with TIZ, Rm4822 do not. TEM demonstrates that the effects of Rm4822 treatment upon the parasites are similar to the damage induced by NTZ. This includes increased vacuolization of the parasite cytoplasm, and loss of the structural integrity of the parasitophorous vacuole and its membrane. Thus, Rm4822, due to the absence of a potentially mutagenic nitro-group, may represent an important potential addition to the anti-parasitic arsenal for food animal production, especially in cattl

    Identification and characterization of two repetitive non-variable antigens from African trypanosomes which are recognized early during infection

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    The present paper describes two repetitive proteins representing common antigens of African trypanosomes which are non-variant and which are recognized early in infection by the host immune system. These antigens were identified by their ability to immunoreact with bovine serum taken during the early phase of a cyclic trypanosomal infection. Screening of a cDNA library from T. b. gambiense with such early infection serum identified a protein which contains a repetitive motif consisting of 68 amino acid repeat units (GM6). Immunofluorescence and immunogold electron microscopy revealed that GM6 is located on fibres which connect the microtubules of the membrane skeleton with the flagellum. A second repetitive antigen detected by this serum is MARP1 (microtubule-associated repetitive protein 1), a protein previously characterized in this laboratory as a high-molecular weight component of the membrane skeleton, which consists of more than 50 tandemly repeated, near-identical 38 amino acid repeat units. Beta-galactosidase fusion products of both proteins demonstrated a strong immunoreactivity with sera from T. b. brucei and T. congolense-infected cattle. The result from this preliminary immunological evaluation indicates a high immunodiagnostic sensititivy (90%) of the two recombinant antigens which make them interesting candidates for immunodiagnosis of trypanosomiasis in cattl

    Toltrazuril treatment of congenitally acquired Neospora caninum infection in newborn mice

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    C57BL/6 mice were infected with Neospora caninum tachyzoites during pregnancy, yielding a transplacental infection of developing fetuses. Subsequently, congenitally infected newborn mice were treated either once or three times with toltrazuril (or placebo) at a concentration of 31.25mg compound per kg body weight. Both toltrazuril and placebo treatment had no negative effect on newborns, as noninfected treated pups developed normally without differences in mortality and morbidity to matching nontreated control animals. Already one application of toltrazuril was significantly (p < 0.01) able to delay the outbreak of neosporosis in newborn mice, when compared to placebo-treated infected controls. We found significantly higher proportion of surviving newborns in one-time-toltrazuril-treated and three-time-toltrazuril-treated groups (34% and 54%, respectively) when compared to one-time-placebo-treated and three-time-placebo-treated groups (14% and 30%, respectively). There was no significant difference (p = 0.2) in the proportion of surviving pups between one-time-toltrazuril and three-time-toltrazuril treatment. However, the number of diseased and Neospora-positive pups (46% and 47%, respectively) was markedly reduced after three-time-toltrazuril treatment compared to all other groups. Three-time-treatment also resulted in the highest antibody (IgG, IgG2a) response. Pharmacokinetic analyses using individual serum samples revealed that, although toltrazuril was absorbed and metabolized to toltrazuril sulfone by newborn mice, medicated animals exhibited an unexpected rapid turn-over (half-life time) of the compound. Toltrazuril and the metabolite were also found in brain tissues, indicating that passage of the blood-brain barrier occurred. In conclusion, we could show that three times treatment with toltrazuril had a high impact on the course of infection in congenitally N. caninum-infected newborn mic

    In vitro effects of arylimidamides against Besnoitia besnoiti infection in Vero cells

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    The in vitro effects of 4 arylimidamides (DB811, DB786, DB750 and DB766) against the proliferative tachyzoite stage of the apicomplexan parasite Besnoitia besnoiti were investigated. These four compounds had been shown earlier to exhibit in vitro activities in the nanomolar range against the related apicomplexans Neospora caninum and Toxoplasma gondii. Real-time-PCR was used to assess B. besnoiti intracellular proliferation in vitro. Preliminary assessment by light microscopy identified DB811 and DB750 as the most promising compounds, while DB786 and DB766 were much less effective. Three-day-growth assays and quantitative real-time PCR was used for IC50 determination of DB811 (0·079 μM) and DB750 (0·56 μM). Complete growth inhibition was observed at 1·6 μM for DB 811 and 1·7 μM for DB750. However, when infected cultures were treated for 14 days, proliferation of parasites occurred again in cultures treated with DB750 from day 4 onwards, while the proliferation of DB811-treated tachyzoites remained inhibited. Electron microscopy of B. besnoiti-infected fibroblast cultures fixed and processed at different time-points following the initiation of drug treatments revealed that DB811 exerted a much higher degree of ultrastructural alterations compared to DB750. These results show that arylimidamides such as DB811 could potentially become an important addition to the anti-parasitic arsenal for food animal production, especially in cattl