436 research outputs found

    Mobile connections : curator's statement.

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    The Mobile Connections exhibition at the Futuresonic 2004 festival explored how mobile and locative media reconfigure social, cultural and information space. It looked beyond computing in its current form, towards the social and cultural possibilities opened by a new generation of networked, location-aware media. It sought an art of mobile communications: asking, are there any forms of expression that are intrinsic or unique to mobile and locative media

    e is for Ekstasis.

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    Electronic music and dance culture is interesting for its journeys through sound and explorations into bodily expression, but also for the numerous sites of cultural activity that have grown up with it or been inspired by its example. Here I draw on the work of theorists including Deleuze and Guattari to present a philosophical discussion of electronic music and dance culture informed by consideration of concrete events, including events I have experienced at first hand

    The locative dystopia

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    Locative media uses portable, networked, location aware computing devices for user-led mapping and artistic interventions in which geographical space becomes its canvas. The discourse of locative media gestures to a convergence of the digital domain and geographical space, and the course it plots towards this future demands not only that data be made geographically specific but also that the user - if not defined by their location - at least offers up their location as a condition of entering the game. In this respect, not to mention its choice of tools, locative media operates upon the same plane as military tracking, State and commercial surveillance, forcing a consideration of how locative media might challenge, or be complicit with such forms of social control

    Environment 2.0: Through Cracks in the Pavement - Leonardo Call For Papers

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    Call for papers for the Leonardo journal. A new relationship is emerging as computing migrates into the environment. Leonardo is soliciting texts that document the works of artists, researchers, and scholars involved in the exploration of sustainability in urban environments. Themes and issues may include: Sustainability in urban environments; Ubiquitous, pervasive, locative and mobile communication technology; Growing community; Sowing seeds of social change

    The mobile effect.

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    Essay on the mobile phone and locative media

    Participatory mass observation and citizen science.

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    The authors outline and reflect upon a new research agenda on participatory mass observation and citizen science as an introduction to the 3 project outlines in this special section of Transactions

    Trust in Invisible Agents

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    Emoto - visualising the online response to London 2012.

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    In recent years we have moved from data scarcity to data abundance. As a response, a variety of methods have been adopted in art, design, business, science and government to understand and communicate meaning in data through visual form. emoto (emoto2012.org) is one such project, it visualised the online audience response to a major global event, the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games. emoto set out to both give expression to and augment online social phenomena, that are emergent and only recently made possible by access to huge real-time data streams. This report charts the development and release of the project, and positions it in relation to current debates on data and visualisation, for example, around the bias and accessibility of the data, and how knowledge practices are changing in an era of so-called 'big data.

    Reordering the assemblages of the digital through art and open prototyping

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    Future Everybody

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