73 research outputs found

    Efficacy of antibacterial activity of garlic cloves from Tamil Nadu and Jowai region

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    Background:The development of antibiotic resistance has become a global health challenge which is causing ineffectiveness of the available antibacterial agents leading to increase in diseases and death rate. Therefore this study intends to investigate the antibacterial action of Aqueous Garlic Extract (AGE) against 9 multidrug-resistant gram-positive and gram-negative bacterial isolates, including Staphylococcus aureus, Enterococcus species, ß hemolytic streptococcus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Proteus mirabilis, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Escherichia coli, Vibrio cholerae and Serretia marscenes.Methods:Antibacterial activity of different concentrations of AGE by well-diffusion method was recorded by measuring the diameter of zone of inhibition. The Tamil Nadu garlic cloves as well as Jowai region garlic cloves showed antibacterial activity against both GPC and GNR.Results: The maximum zone of inhibition was observed in Tamil Nadu garlic than that of Jowai region, but the only bacteria which showed a better zone of inhibition with Jowai region than Tamil Nadu garlic was Pseudomonas aeruginosa.Conclusion:Thus our study reveals that garlic not only makes the food more spicy & edible with its flavour but can also be used as an effective antibacterial agents against MDR gram positive & gram negative bacteria.

    Anticonvulsant effect of Rosa damascena in pentylenetetrazole and maximal electroshock induced convulsions in albino rats

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    Background: Rosa damascena mill L (Rosa damascena) is an ornamental plant that has several therapeutic (such as sedative and hypnotic) effects. It also heals depression, grief, nervous stress and tension. In the present study we evaluated Anticonvulsant like effect of Rosa damascena in pentylenetetrazole (PTZ) and MES induced convulsions in albino rats.Methods: MES model: rats were divided into 4 groups of 6 rats each. Group-I received 0.5% normal saline, group-II (standard) received phenytoin 25 mg/kg, group-III ,IV received low dose (200 mg/kg) and high dose (400 mg/kg) of rosa damascena respectively orally convulsions were produced in all groups by giving maximum electric shock of 150 mA for 0.2 sec after 1 hour of giving test and standard drugs orally. Tonic clonic seizures were produced after giving electric shock .recovery time was noted. The percentage of inhibition of convulsions by drugs was measured and compared between the control, standard and test.PTZ model: rats were divided and test drugs were given same as above model but standard drug was sodium valporate (200 mg/kg). Convulsions were induced by giving the pentylenetetrazole IP 1hour after giving test and standard drugs intra-peritonelly. The onset of convulsions, duration of action and type of seizures were noted and compared between standard and test groups.Results: In MES Model, aqueous extract of Rosa damascena significantly (p<0.001) decreased the duration of tonic clonic seizures and recovery time. In PTZ model the onset of seizures was delayed (p<0.001) with low and high doses and the duration of convulsions was reduced effectively (p<0.001). Type of seizure was controlled in initial phase and number of seizures was also reduced.Conclusions: Rosa damascena was shown anticonvulsant property in both MES and PTZ animal models

    To evaluate and compare antidepressant activity of Rosa damascena in mice by using forced swimming test

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    Background: Rosa damascene mill L (R. damascena) is an ornamental plant that has several therapeutic (such as sedative and hypnotic) effects. It also heals depression, grief, nervous stress and tension. In the present study we evaluated antidepressant-like effect of R. damascena using forced swimming test (FST). The forced swim test is a commonly used stressor test, where mice are forced to swim in specially constructed tanks for a particular period and looked for behavioural activation characterized by vigorous swimming and diving to search for alternate routes to escape. Animal health including human has been shown to be affected by the stressful events of the life inducing situation which alters cognition, learning memory and emotional responses, causing mental disorders like depression and anxiety and stress in mice.Methods: The experiment was carried out with 24 healthy albino mice of either sex weighing about 25-30 gm. These were acclimatized to their environment for one week prior to experimentation. Two doses of aqueous extract (20 and 40 mg/kg) were injected intraperitoneally. After 30 min of injection, immobility and swimming times were measured and compared with control (negative control) and imipramine (positive control).Results: In the present study R. damascena in the doses of 20 mg and 40 mg/kg significantly decreased the immobility time compared to the control than standard, thereby proving that it has antidepresssant activity. The dose of 40 mg/kg body weight showed anti-depressant activity almost similar to the standard dug imipramine (10 mg/kg).Conclusions: Antidepressant activity of R. damascena was studied by forced swimming test in mice in the doses of 20 mg/kg and 40 mg/kg .This test shows that R. damascena significantly decreased the immobility time in mice. The results suggest that R. damascena has dose dependent antidepressant activity comparable with imipramine

    To evaluate and compare antidepressant activity of Centella asiatica in mice by using forced swimming test

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    Background: Centella asiatica is a great multipurpose miracle herb used in Oriental medicine that has several therapeutic (such as sedative and hypnotic) effects.it also heals depression, grief, nervous stress and tension. In the present study we evaluated antidepressant-like effect of Centella asiatica using forced swimming test (FST).The forced swim test is a commonly used stressor test, where mice are forced to swim in specially constructed tanks for a particular period where there is behavioural activation characterized by vigorous swimming and diving to search for alternate routes to escape. Animal health including human has been shown to affected by the stressful events of the life inducing situation which alters cognition, learning memory and emotional responses, causing mental disorders like depression and anxiety and stress in mice.Methods: The experiment was carried out with 24 healthy albino mice of either sex weighing about 25-30 gm. These were acclimatized to their environment for one week prior to experientation. Two doses of aqueous extract (10 and 20 mg/kg) was injected intraperitoneally. After 30 min of injection, immobility and swimming times were measured and compared with control (negative control) and imipramine (positive control).Results: In the present study Centella asiatica in the doses of 10 mg and 20 mg/kg significantly decreased the immobility time compared to the control than standard, thereby proving that it has anti-depresssant activity. The dose of 20 mg/kg body wt. showed anti-depressant activity almost similar to the standard drug imipramine (10 mg/kg).Conclusions: Due to lack of certain records, it is envisaged that the change of medicine both discontinuation as well as addition was done because of blood glucose control, cost factor (in case of pioglitazone) as well as patient’s compliance

    Self home blood pressure monitoring in pregnancy: how reliable is it?

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    Background: The use of automated blood pressure monitors in pregnancy has become increasingly popular, as more women tend to get involved in their healthcare. Not only does it reduce clinician visits, it also helps to eliminate the white coat hypertension.Methods: We conducted a prospective study in the antenatal department of JSS Medical College and Hospital, Mysuru; over a period of one year, from July 2016 to June 2017. The blood pressures of 50 women were recorded at four different periods of gestation using the conventional ‘Diamond mercury Sphygmomanometer’ versus the automated ‘Omron HEM 7130’ home BP monitor and compared.Results: The recordings of systolic blood pressure at home were consistently less than the office measurements at all periods of gestation. However, the difference was not statistically significant. The comparison of diastolic pressures revealed minimal variations between the mean of the office and home blood pressure recordings. The mean arterial pressure also revealed a similar trend.Conclusions: Self-monitoring of blood pressure is a feasible and acceptable option to pregnant women. It might make antenatal care more effective, but we need further research to establish safety and efficacy, the impact on women and health professionals, and how best to use the results

    Profile and outcome of pregnancy with congenital heart diseases: a retrospective study from a South Indian tertiary care hospital

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    Background: Women with congenital heart disease who become pregnant form an important subgroup of pregnancy cardiac disorders. The additional stress of pregnancy represents a further challenge.Methods: This was a retrospective study. Patient records between 2011and 2015 pertaining to 77 pregnant women with congenital heart diseases were analysed.Results: There was only one patient aged more than 35 years. The age of the others ranged from 18 to 35 years. The mean age was 24 years. There was a slight rural preponderance with 43 (55.8%) from rural areas. Majority 49 (63.5%) belonged to lower middle socioeconomic status. 71 (92.2%) had NYHA functional Class I. Two patients of Class II had worsening of their status. There were no cases of Atrial Fibrillation and only 2(2.6%) had CCF.ASD closure was the commonest procedure done24 (31.2%). There were 6 (7.8%)cases of device closure of PDA and no cases of VSD. Anemia and GDM were seen in 4 (5.2%). The commonest period of gestation at delivery was 37-40 in 64 (83.1%). ASD was the commonest type of lesion 42 (54.5%). 36 (46.8%) had spontaneous labour and there were 18 23.4%)caesarians. Previous LSCS was the commonest indication for LSCS. Full term normal vaginal delivery was seen in 45 (88.2%). Majority of the newborns 30 (39%) had a birth weight in the range 2.6-3.0 kgs.Conclusions: There is a significant burden of Heart disease with pregnancy afflicting young rural women and those from lower socioeconomic levels. Higher level of specialised care minimizes poor maternal and fetal outcomes

    Comparative assessment of heavy metal removal by immobilized and dead bacterial cells: A biosorption approach

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    Microorganisms play a vital role in heavy metal contaminated soil and wastewater by the mechanisms of biosorption. In this study, heavy metal resistant bacteria were isolated from an electroplating industrial effluent samples that uses copper, cadmium and lead for plating. These isolates were characterized to evaluate their applicability for heavy metal removal from industrial wastewaters. The physico-chemical parameters of the samples were initially analyzed. The optimum conditions of pH, biomass concentration and heavy metal concentration were determined for the microbial growth on biosorbents and correlated with heavy metal removal. The observed optimum conditions were applied for the biosorption process carried out in immobilized and dead bacterial isolates. The biosorption of immobilized cells of Bacillus sp. was 69.34% of Cu, Pseudomonas sp. was 90.41% of Cd and Micrococcus sp. was 84.27% of Pb, whereas the dead cells of Bacillus sp. was 44.73% of Cu, Pseudomonas sp. was 86.66% of Cd and Micrococcus sp. was 79.22%. Experimental results reveal that all the immobilized isolates have potential application for the removal of Cu, Cd and Pb from industrial wastewater than the dead bacterial cells

    The universal immunization programme coverage and determining factors among tribal children under the age of five in the Wayanad district of Kerala, South India

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    Background: Globally an estimated two to three million deaths occur every year in all age groups, from six major vaccine-preventable diseases and accounts for almost a quarter of all deaths in children under the age of five years. As Immunization is one of the most successful and cost-effective methods for preventing infectious diseases, the Indian government initiated a vaccination programme to reduce infant mortality and morbidity owing to vaccine-preventable diseases, and achieve vaccine self-sufficiency. In Kerala, about 1.5% of the total population makes up Scheduled Tribes, a socioeconomic group with continuously poor health indicators. Methods: Through a community-based cross-sectional study using cluster sampling technique, this study intends to determine the coverage of the universal immunization programme among tribal children (0-59 months), the factors affecting vaccination coverage as well as the reasons for partial immunization in Noolpuzha Panchayat, Wayanad. A semi-structured questionnaire was used to collect information from caregivers/mothers. Results: Out of 289 study population, 64.4% were fully immunized and 35.6% were partially immunized. Children's age and the father's education were found to affect immunization. Conclusions: As a lack of knowledge about immunizations and subsequent doses was the primary reason for partial immunization. There is a need to create awareness about the importance of vaccination and the subsequent doses among the tribal people of Wayanad

    Ruptured rudimentary horn pregnancy: a case report

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    Uterine anomalies are congenital malformations arising due to embryological mal-development of mullerian ducts. The European society of Human Reproduction and Embryology (ESHRE) classifies these anomalies into 6 classes. Hemi-uterus is one such class of formation defect of mullerian duct with unilateral uterine development; the contralateral part could be either incompletely formed or absent. In a rare form of ectopic pregnancy, implantation can occur in the cavity of a rudimentary horn of the hemi-uterus. Authors report a case of 22-year G2P1L1 with 12 weeks gestation who presented with acute abdomen. Ultrasound showed hemoperitoneum with suspicion of ectopic pregnancy. Laparotomy confirmed the diagnosis of ruptured right rudimentary horn with fetus and placenta in the peritoneal cavity. Immediate laparotomy and excision of the horn with transfusion of blood and blood products saved the patient in the nick of time
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