290 research outputs found

    OsteomĂŒeliidi tĂ€napĂ€evased ravivĂ”imalused

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    Kui luusse on jÀÀnud kas osteosĂŒnteesi, trauma vĂ”i liigese proteesimise jĂ€rel infektsiooni tĂ”ttu osteomĂŒeliitiline kolle, vajab see kirurgilist ravi – haavapuhastust (debridement), mille kĂ€igus eemaldatakse nekrootiline vaskularisatsioonitunnusteta luukude. Tekkinud luudefekt vajab nn tĂ€itmist, et taastada luu funktsionaalsus ja tagada infektsiooni lokaalne ravi. Luukomposiidi vajalikud omadused on antibiootikumisisaldus, sh on antibiootikum valitud infektsioonitekitajast lĂ€htudes ja see vabaneb aegamööda, biosobivus, osteokonduktiivsus, lihtne kasutusviis. Eesti Arst 2009; 88(Lisa3):43−4

    Contracted Tendons in a Colt

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    A brown and white American Saddle colt, 10 days old, was brought to the Iowa State College Veterinary Clinic on May 28, 1940, with exaggerated contraction of the flexor tendons of both carpi. The legs were flexed at the carpal joints in such a way that when the colt was standing, the carpi were in an abnormal antero-lateral position

    Seizure and Behavioral Phenotyping of the Scn1a Mouse Model of Genetic Epilepsy with Febrile Seizures Plus

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    Genetic epilepsy with febrile seizures plus (GEFS+) is associated with a wide range of neurological dysfunction caused in part by limited function in voltage-gated sodium channels (Escayg & Goldin, 2010; Gambardella & Marini, 2009; Mulley et al., 2005). The seizure and behavioral phenotypes, as well as use of non-pharmacologic agents as neuroprotectants in GEFS+, are not well-understood. An experimental design used an animal model of GEFS+ to 1. explore the effects of stress on seizure phenotype, 2. examine behavioral phenotypes, and 3. study the effects of an omega 3 fatty acid on abnormal behaviors noted in the various paradigms. This study used C57BL/6J mice with the R1648H missense mutation on the Scn1a gene (engineered in the Escayg lab) (Martin, M. S. et al., 2010). The three specific aims used separate groups of animals for experimentation, and all paradigms were performed under strict laboratory conditions. Data were analyzed using either an independent t-tests, two-way ANOVA or repeated measures two-way ANOVA. Results showed that stress worsens seizure phenotype in both the Scn1aR1648H (RH) mutants and wild-type (WT) group with the RH mutants more severely impacted. In addition, there was clear and consistent evidence for hyperactive locomotor behavior. Lastly, no evidence was found for use of docosahexaenoic acid (DHA, an omega 3 fatty acid) as a neuroprotectant for hyperactivity (DHA was given subcutaneously for two weeks starting at weaning). Outcomes from this study implicate that stress worsens the seizure phenotype in animals with Scn1aR1648H. This study is also the first to report hyperactive locomotor behavior in animals with Scn1aR1648H. Results from this study may broaden beyond GEFS+ in that we may also be able to apply the findings to other disorders with SCN1A dysfunction. In addition, it may be that genetic variants affecting SCN1A, but not necessarily in epilepsy, may contribute to hyperactivity. This could mean that SCN1A is a candidate gene for hyperactivity. The main goal of nursing care is to reduce and prevent disease morbidity, and knowledge gained from the current study will guide clinical nursing practice, such as targeted behavioral assessment and education, as well as nursing research focusing on children with this genetic disorder


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    It's critical to understand how travellers perceive their interactions. Particularly when someone oversees their environment. For instance, consider a hotel. Typically, hosts or staff will go out of their way to ensure that their guests have the finest possible experience. Many factors impact whether or not this is possible; nonetheless, as much quick input as possible is better for improvement. How can that be achieved? Are guests generally pleased or dissatisfied? The response to this question can help determine whether improvement is required. In terms of answering this question, the combination of TripAdvisor and Leximancer has made the process much faster and more efficient. The purpose of this research is to identify the primary themes that emerged from hotel guests' internet reviews. It also attempts to determine which of these themes are associated with higher and lower passenger satisfaction. The study employs qualitative and, due to the large number of reviews, quantitative analyses to examine the main components of passengers' subjective experiences of airport hotels. Guest reviews on the TripAdvisor website serve as data. The analyses revealed several concepts, but the four biggest themes were also represented both on the positive and negative side in the reviews regarding to airport hotels experiences. Which were ‘hotel’, ‘staff’, ‘room’ and ‘breakfast’

    Kommunikasjon i samarbeid om rasjonale tall

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    FormÄlet med denne studien er Ä fÄ mer kunnskap om kommunikasjon i samarbeid blant flersprÄklige matematikkelever, nÊrmere bestemt voksne deltakere som gÄr pÄ grunnskole. I likhet med andre prosessaspekter i matematikk er matematisk kommunikasjon bÄde et mÄl og et middel i lÊringen, ettersom elevene skal lÊre Ä kommunisere matematisk og lÊre matematikk ved Ä kommunisere. ForskningsspÞrsmÄlet er hvilke kommunikasjonsmÞnstre som kan observeres i gruppearbeid nÄr flersprÄklige voksne kommuniserer om representasjoner av rasjonale tall. For Ä svare pÄ dette ble det gjennomfÞrt en intervensjon med en klasse flersprÄklige voksne, ved Ä bruke Swans (2008) idé om skjema med representasjoner, i dette tilfellet i forhold til rasjonale tall. Data ble generert med en kvalitativ tilnÊrming inspirert av kasus-studie-metodikk. Datamaterialet bestÄr av deltakende observasjon av hele klassen i arbeid med oppgavene om representasjoner av rasjonale tall, av videoopptak av en gruppe deltakere (fokusgruppen) som jobber med oppgavene, og av kvalitative «stimulated-recall» intervjuer av hvert av medlemmene i fokusgruppen. Kommunikasjonsflyten i fokusgruppen ble analysert med et verktÞy utviklet av Sfard og Kieran (2001a) og innholdet i kommunikasjonen ved hjelp av tidligere studier om vanlige misoppfatninger knyttet til rasjonale tall. Studien konkluderer med at selv om deltakerne bruker tiden i gruppen til Ä arbeid med oppgavene og snakke om dem, utvikler de ikke sin kommunikative ferdighet i matematikk eller sin forstÄelse av rasjonale tall gjennom det som skjer i gruppearbeidet. Deltakerne har betydelige vanskeligheter med rasjonale tall, og kommunikasjonen i fokusgruppen avhenger av om det er uenigheter og matematiske utfordringer i gruppen, eller om de raskt blir enige om en lÞsning. I begge tilfeller er resultatene imidlertid ikke forklart pÄ matematisk akseptable mÄter, og deltakerne har problemer med Ä forstÄ og akseptere hverandres forklaringer. Resultatet av studien tyder pÄ at lÊrerens rolle er avgjÞrende nÄr deltakerne skal samarbeide, bÄde som veileder i gruppearbeid, i felles samtale som oppsummerer resultatene og for Ä gi deltakerne mulighet til Ä lÊre hva som er forventet av en akseptabel matematisk forklaring

    Adenine-induced hyperphosphatemia in a murine model of renal insufficiency

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    Hyperphosphatemia in chronic kidney disease (CKD) patients is a risk factor for cardiovascular events, progressive kidney failure, and mortality. Improved therapeutic interventions to control hyperphosphatemia depend greatly on robust animal models that recapitulate the CKD disease process. Murine-based models of CKD as compared to rat models present significant advantages due to available genetic knockout lines that permit mechanistic dissection of CKD etiologies. The rat adenine model of renal failure has been extensively studied, and studies are now emerging describing adenine-induced renal failure in murine models. However, these newly developed murine models have not fully described the responses to calcitriol and phosphate binders, and the reported effects of adenine on serum phosphate is often lacking in murine models. Therefore, the objectives of this study were: 1) To induce hyperphosphatemia in mice using adenine with minimal mortality, and 2) Report the influence of calcitriol and phosphate binders on the disease process through measurement of serum phosphate and histology. In one approach, C57BL/6 male mice gavaged with 4 or 6 mg adenine/day, as compared to 0 mg adenine/day developed hyperphosphatemia, with low mortality. In a second approach, calcitriol exacerbated adenine-induced increases in serum phosphate at day 7 of adenine administration (p\u3c0.05). Notably, adenine treated mice had 4-fold increased stomach weights vs. non-adenine treated mice (p\u3c0.0001). The addition of a phosphate binder (experiment 3, sevelamer hydrochloride) was ineffective at preventing an adenine-induced increase in blood phosphate, a finding that likely resulted from adenine’s inhibition of gastric emptying. We report the successful use of adenine to induce hyperphosphatemia, that the hyperphosphatemic status is exacerbated by calcitriol, and a limitation of the model for studying oral therapies for hyperphosphatemia

    Spraying deposits using different nozzles and application volumes for pest management of cotton at reproductive stage.

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    With the growing need for greater operational capacity, information about the effect of application volume and spray nozzles on the quality of pesticide application are essential to obtain greater efficiency in pest management in cotton crops. This study aimed to assess the effect of the spraying volume and nozzles on the deposition of spray solution on cotton crops at the reproductive stage. The treatments of the first experiment correspond to the 55, 67, 140 and 194 L ha-1 volumes obtained by variation of the displacement speed using the XR11004 flat fan nozzle. In the second assay the treatments corresponded to the applications of MGA9004 (hollow cone), XR11004 (flat fan), AIXR11004 (air induction flat fan) and CVIA04 (air induction hollow cone) nozzles with 120 L ha-1. An artificial brilliant blue food dye (FD&C 1) was used as a tracer (2.5 g L-1) to determine the deposited volumes on the leaves of the upper, middle and lower third of cotton plants. The results showed that increase in the application volume contributed to obtain the larger deposits in the upper third of the cotton crop during its reproductive phase, especially up to 140 L ha-1, but did not exhibit a significant increase of the deposition in the middle and lower thirds of the plants. The MGA9004, XR11004 and AIXR11004 nozzles provided the largest deposits in the three plant sectors. The flat fan nozzles resulted in greater uniformity of deposits in the upper and middle thirds of the plants

    Nano structuring of silicone elastomers for optical applications

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    Color pixels composed of plasmonic nanostructures provide a highly promising approach for new display technologies, capable of vivid, robust coloration and incorporating the use of low-cost plasmonic materials.[1] Silicone elastomers, usually in the shape of polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) elastomers, are commonly used to replicate structures mainly on the micro scale but recently also on the nano scale. PDMS dielectric elastomers are promising materials and have the potential to be used in novel applications, especially due to the ability to be formed into complex shapes and still provide actuation.[2] This work deals with the development of PDMS based silicone elastomers with the ability to easily replicate structures on the nano scale of the silicon (Si) stamps in order to achieve the color tuning for potential optical applications
