19 research outputs found

    Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action Opportunity for HIF in Iran

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    Cooperation in fusion energy research and high-energy accelerators has been a “bridge over troubled waters” for most of a century. Physics research has traditionally been an international endeavor, involving the earliest accelerator developments, and hitting a hiatus only during World War II. Fusion energy research using magnetic confinement was internationalized by the Geneva meeting in 1958. Iran is and has been a participant in fusion research, even during the troubles of the past couple decades..

    Readiness of HIF Using the Single Pass RF Driver

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    Readiness for a concerted push to power production was the underlying theme from the inaugural HIF Workshop in 1976 through the review of ICF programs by DOE’s Energy Research and Advisory Board in 1979. Using John Lawson’s 1987 paper “Whither Heavy Ion Fusion?” [1] as a foil, this paper discusses the continuing vitality of the argument for HIF’s readiness against the backdrop that this vision is not in evidence today, having been occluded by political policies causing diversion of the HIF community into peripheral science that, although excellent, is in fact not required to complete the development of a HIF energy source..

    Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action Opportunity for HIF in Iran

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    Cooperation in fusion energy research and high-energy accelerators has been a “bridge over troubled waters” for most of a century. Physics research has traditionally been an international endeavor, involving the earliest accelerator developments, and hitting a hiatus only during World War II. Fusion energy research using magnetic confinement was internationalized by the Geneva meeting in 1958. Iran is and has been a participant in fusion research, even during the troubles of the past couple decades..

    (Table 1) Paleomagnetic of ODP Site 136-842

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    Paleomagnetic studies on sediments recovered during Leg 136 have yielded a polarity reversal sequence that can be compared with the global magnetic reversal time scale to establish a sedimentation rate for Hole 842B. This sedimentation rate is substantially higher than that normally observed in the central Pacific basin probably as a result of the contribution of volcanic ash to the normal pelagic sources of sediment. The basalt samples from the oceanic crust at Site 843 have been used to determine a paleolatitude of 10.2°S for the 110±2 m.y.-old crust from this site. Detailed studies of the polarity transitions yielded few intermediate directions, but these few records provide support for the "Americas" transitional path observed at other continental and marine sites in Europe and North America

    Hawaii Geothermal Project : phase II extension to contract E(04-3)-1093 : addendum to proposal submitted May 17, 1976

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    Research Proposal to the Geothermal Division, Energy Research and Development Administration from University of HawaiiNow that high temperatures have been encountered in HGP-A, additional importance is placed on a comprehensive analysis of all of the scientific data that has been accumulated by the Project over the last three years. Pertinent information from the USGS, State agencies) and other University projects must also be evaluated and related to actual subsurface conditions. This is an essential phase of this scientific endeavor, if maximum benefit is to be derived from the significant investment of public and private funds that have gone into this project. The analysis and synthesis of this information should provide valuable insight into the understanding of potential geothermal reserves not only in Hawaii, but for basaltic volcanic geothermal regimes in the Western United States and throughout the world. The purpose of the funds requested in this proposal is to provide support with which to complete analysis and interpretation of the data and, through comparison with actual subsurface conditions) develop correlations on the reliability of the various methods of prediction. We also propose a limited number of field experiments designed to assist in the understanding of the reservoir dynamics. A synthesis of all pertinent data--from geosciences, from mathematical modeling) from drilling, from welltesting--will contribute to a more complete understanding of the geothermal regime associated with this well. Tasks to be completed in this twelve-month study are as follows: Management and Support (Task 1.1). Coordination (Task 2.1). Geosciences Magnetics, Gravity and Thermal Budget Studies (Task 2.2). Seismic Studies (Task 2.3A). (Task 2.3B). Geoelectric Surveys for Geothermal Prospects (Task 2.4) Petrography, Petrology and Geochemistry (Task 2.5). Hydrology and Hydrothermal Geochemistry (Task 2.6). Physical Properties of Rocks (Task 2.7) Engineering Numerical Modelling (Task 3.1) Hell Test and Analysis (Task 3.2). Physical Modelling (Task 3.3). Environmental Studies Geotoxicology (Task 4.1) Brief narrative summaries for each task, with associated budget sheets are attached. Also attached are also copies of biodata for all named investigators

    Analysis of HGP-A revised proposal : extension to contract E(04-3)-1093

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    Research Proposal to the Geothermal Division, Energy Research and Development Administration from University of HawaiiNow that high temperatures have been encountered in HGP-A, additional importance is placed on a comprehensive analysis of all of'the scientific data that has been accumulated by the Project over the last three years. Pertinent information from the USGS, State agencies, and other University projects must also be evaluated and related to actual subsurface conditions. This is an essential phase of this scientific endeavor, if maximum benefit is to be derived from the significant investment of public and private funds that have gone into this project. The analysis and synthesis of this information should provide valuable insight into the understanding of potential geothermal reserves, not only in Hawaii, but for basaltic volcanic geothermal regimes in the Western United States and throughout the world. The purpose of the funds requested in this proposal is to provide support with which to complete analysis and interpretation of the data and, through comparison with actual subsurface conditions, develop correlations on the reliability of the various methods of prediction. Monitoring activities associated with emission of mercury and other toxic elements will be continued. We also propose a limited number of field experiments designed to assist in the understanding of the reservoir dynamics. A synthesis of all pertinent data from geosciences, from mathematical modelling, from drilling, from well testing will contribute to a more complete understanding of the geothermal regime associated with this well. Progress has been initiated on the analysis of HGP-A, including preliminary well testing, during the three-month transition period with 104,464inERDAsupport.ThetotalbudgetrequestedforFY77tocompleteanalysisofHGPAis104,464 in ERDA support.The total budget requested for FY 77 to complete analysis of HGP-A is 336,653, with 66,405ofdirectsupportaswellasthesalariesformanyoftheresearchersandadministrativestaffcontributingtotheprojectcomingfromtheStateofHawaii.ThisraisesthetotalofdirectStatesupporttotheHGPabove66,405 of direct support -- as well as the salaries for many of the researchers and administrative staff contributing to the project coming from the State of Hawaii. This raises the total of direct State support to the HGP above 775,000. The report contains narrative summaries and complete budgets