403 research outputs found

    Normal Galaxies in the Infrared

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    This review addresses what can be learned from infrared observations about galaxies powered predominantly by star formation. Infrared techniques mostly probe the interstellar medium of galaxies, yielding physical and chemical information on the medium out of which stars form, which is in turn affected by those stars. Methods traditionally used in the study of such normal galaxies at wavelengths longer than 3 microns are described, and major questions currently pursued in the field are outlined. The most prominent results from the IRAS survey are reviewed. Contributions by ISO in the field of broad-band photometry are then presented, followed by ISO results in spectrospcopy. Normal galaxy studies not directly concerned with the ISM are quickly reviewed. The outlook and challenges in pursuing the interpretation of infrared data on the ISM are discussed.Comment: 39 pages including 10 figures; Lecture notes from the Les Houches Summer School "Infrared Astronomy: Today and Tomorrow," August 1998. Editors F. Casoli and J. Lequeu

    Modelling the IRAS colors of galaxies

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    A physical interpretation is proposed for the color-color diagram of galaxies which are powered only by star formation. The colors of each galaxy result from the combination of two components: cirrus-like emission from the neutral disk, and warmer emission from regions directly involved in on-going star formation. This approach to modelling the emission is based on dust properties, but independent evidence for it is found in the relation between the color sequence and the luminosity sequence. Implications of data and interpretations are discussed and possible tests mentioned for the model

    On the origin of the 40-120 micron emission of galaxy disks: A comparison with H-alpha fluxes

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    A comparison of 40 to 120 micron Infrared Astronomy Satellite (IRAS) fluxes with published H alpha and UBV photometry shows that the far infrared emission of galaxy disks consists of at least two components: a warm one associated with OB stars in HII-regions and young star-forming complexes, and a cooler one from dust in the diffuse, neutral interstellar medium, heated by the more general interstellar radiation field of the old disk population (a cirrus-like component). Most spiral galaxies are dominated by emission from the cooler component in this model. A significant fraction of the power for the cool component must originate with non-ionizing stars. For a normal spiral disk there is a substantial uncertainty in a star formation rate derived using either the H alpha or the far infrared luminosity

    The Spitzer view of the extragalactic universe

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    The Spitzer Space Telescope was launched in August 2003. Scientists from around the world have applied its orders-of-magnitude gain in imaging and spectroscopic capability to a wide array of topics in extragalactic research. Spitzer studies have found massive galaxies at redshifts greater than 6, resolved the cosmic background at 200 μm > λ > 20 μm into the dusty infrared-luminous galaxies that comprise it, directly detected dust-enshrouded star formation, and measured the star formation history of the universe to z > 3. In this review we examine a small fraction of the extragalactic studies from Spitzer that have been conducted in its first three years of operations

    NGC 1058: Gas motions in an extended, quiescent spiral disk

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    Researchers investigate in detail the motion of gas in the galaxy NGC 1058 using the very large array (VLA) to map the emission in the 21-cm line. This galaxy is so nearly face-on that the contribution to the line width due to the variation of the rotational velocity across the D-array beam is small compared with the random z-motion of the gas. Researchers confirm results of earlier studies (Lewis 1987, A. and A. Suppl., 63, 515; van der Kruit and Shostak 1984, A. and A., 134, 258) of the galaxy's total neutral hydrogen (HI) and kinematics, including the fact that the rotation curve drops faster than Keplerian at the outer edge of the disk, which is interpreted as a fortuitous twist of the plane of rotation in the outer disk. However, their very high velocity resolution (2.58 km s(exp -1) after Hanning smoothing) coupled with good spatial resolution, allows researchers to measure more accurately the line width, and even to some extent its shape, throughout the disk. One of the most interesting results of this study is the remarkable constancy of the line width in the outer disk. From radius 90 to 210 seconds the Gaussian velocity dispersion (sigma sub nu) of the 21-cm line has a mean value of 5.7 km s(exp -1) (after correcting for the spectral resolution) with a dispersion of less than 0.9 km s(exp -1) (after correcting for the spectral resolution) with a dispersion of less than 0.9 km s(exp -1). Translating this directly into a kinetic temperature (Doppler temperature): T sub Dopp equals 121K (sigma sub mu exp 2/(km s(exp -1) (exp 2) gives 4000 K, with a dispersion of less than 1500 K over the outer disk. This constancy is observed even when comparing the spiral arms versus inter-arm regions, which in the radius range from 100 to 150 seconds the surface density modulates (defined as the ratio N sub peak -N sub trough/N sub peak + N sub trough) from 0.5 to 0.25 in the range 150 to 200 seconds

    A Study of Heating and Cooling of the ISM in NGC 1097 with Herschel-PACS and Spitzer-IRS

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    NGC 1097 is a nearby Seyfert 1 galaxy with a bright circumnuclear starburst ring, a strong large-scale bar, and an active nucleus. We present a detailed study of the spatial variation of the far-infrared (FIR) [C II]158 μm and [O I]63 μm lines and mid-infrared H_2 emission lines as tracers of gas cooling, and of the polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) bands as tracers of the photoelectric heating, using Herschel-PACS and Spitzer-IRS infrared spectral maps. We focus on the nucleus and the ring, and two star-forming regions (Enuc N and Enuc S). We estimated a photoelectric gas heating efficiency ([C II]158 μm+[O I]63 μm)/PAH in the ring about 50% lower than in Enuc N and S. The average 11.3/7.7 μm PAH ratio is also lower in the ring, which may suggest a larger fraction of ionized PAHs, but no clear correlation with [C II]158 μm/PAH(5.5-14 μm) is found. PAHs in the ring are responsible for a factor of two more [C II]158 μm and [O I]63 μm emission per unit mass than PAHs in the Enuc S. spectral energy distribution (SED) modeling indicates that at most 25% of the FIR power in the ring and Enuc S can come from high-intensity photodissociation regions (PDRs), in which case G_0 ~ 10^(2.3) and n_H ~ 10^(3.5) cm^(–3) in the ring. For these values of G_0 and n_H, PDR models cannot reproduce the observed H2 emission. Much of the H2 emission in the starburst ring could come from warm regions in the diffuse interstellar medium that are heated by turbulent dissipation or shocks

    The correlation between far-IR and radio continuum emission from spiral galaxies

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    A sample of 30 galaxies selected for their intense IRAS flux at 60 and 100 micron using the Arecibo telescope at 21 cm to measure the continuum and HI line luminosities were observed. The centimeter wave continuum correlates very well with the far-infrared flux, with a correlation coefficient as high as that found for other samples, and the same ratio between FIR and radio luminosities. Weaker correlations are seen between the FIR and optical luminosity and between the FIR and radio continuum. There is very little correlation between the FIR and the HI mass deduced from the integral of the 21 cm line. The strength of the radio continuum correlation suggests that there is little contribution to either the radio and FIR from physical processes not affecting both. If they each reflect time integrals of the star formation rate then the time constants must be similar, or the star formation rate must change slowly in these galaxies