10 research outputs found

    Apoptose no cólon menor eqüino submetido à isquemia e reperfusão experimentais Apoptosis in equine small colon subjected to experimental ischemia and reperfusion

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    Isquemia e reperfusão intestinais são importantes fatores de mortalidade em eqüinos. O objetivo deste estudo foi detectar e quantificar a apoptose na mucosa do cólon menor eqüino em um modelo de isquemia e reperfusão. Realizou-se a exposição cirúrgica do cólon menor de doze eqüinos e demarcaram-se dois segmentos intestinais que foram submetidos a 90 (SI) ou 180 (SII) minutos de isquemia arteriovenosa completa. Foram coletadas amostras intestinais antes da isquemia (controle), ao seu final e após 90 e 180 minutos de reperfusão. As amostras foram processadas histologicamente e coradas pela Hematoxilina e Eosina (SI e SII) e pela técnica de TUNEL (SII). Foram digitalizadas imagens histológicas e procedeu-se análise morfométrica para detectar ocorrência de apoptose e determinar o índice apoptótico (IA). Após 90 ou 180 minutos de isquemia arteriovenosa, verificou-se um aumento do IA comparado ao controle, embora não tenha sido detectada diferença entre os diferentes períodos de isquemia (PIntestinal ischemia and reperfusion are important factors for mortality in horses. The objective of this study was to detect and to quantify apoptosis in the mucosa of equine small colon in a model of ischemia and reperfusion. The small colon was surgically exposed in twelve horses, and two intestinal segments were demarcated and subjected to 90 (SI) or 180 (SII) minutes of complete arteriovenous ischemia. Intestinal samples were collected before ischemia (control), at its end and after 90 and 180 minutes of reperfusion. Samples were histological processed and stained by hematoxylin and eosin (SI and SII) and by the technique of TUNEL (SI). Digitized histological images were analyzed morphometrically to detect apoptotic cells and to determine the apoptotic index (AI). After 90 or 180 minutes of arteriovenous ischemia, an increase in apoptotic cells was verified when compared with the control group, although no difference could be detected between the different periods of ischemia (P<0.05). After the first 90 minutes of reperfusion, a decrease in AI occurred, similar in both segments, possibly due to lack of energy source promoted by ischemia. AI was maximized after 180 minutes of reperfusion (sample harvested only in SI) (P<0.05). In conclusion, apoptosis is an important cause of cellular mucosal death in equine small colon ischemic obstruction, occurring early in ischemia, and later (after 90 minutes) in the reperfusion period

    Hydrocortisone decreases apoptosis in jejunum of horses subjected to experimental ischemia and reperfusion

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    In order to evaluate the effect of hydrocortisone on apoptosis in the jejunum of horses subjected to ischemia and reperfusion, ten horses were paired and grouped into two groups - treated (n=5) and non treated (n=5). Segments of the jejunum were used as controls (C), or as venous ischemia (VIsc), which were subjected to 2h of ischemia followed by 2 or 12h of reperfusion. C samples were collected at time zero (prior to ischemia) and VIsc samples were collected at 2h of ischemia and at 2 and 12h of reperfusion. TUNEL positive apoptotic cells were counted in 10 microscopical fields in deep mucosa from each horse throughout the time course. After 12h of reperfusion, the number of apoptotic cells in treated group were significantly lower than in untreated animals, indicating that hydrocortisone inhibits apoptosis. These results indicate that hydrocortisone has a beneficial effects favoring the maintenance of jejunal integrity in horses with ischemia and reperfusion injuries by preventing apoptotic cell death

    Histologic and inflammatory lamellar changes in horses with oligofructose-induced laminitis treated with a CXCR1/2 antagonist

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    Abstract: With the hypothesis that blocking chemokine signaling can ameliorate acute laminitis, the aim was to evaluate the therapeutic effect of intravenous DF1681B, a selective antagonist for CXCR1 and CXCR2 (chemokine receptors), in an oligofructose equine laminitis model. To twelve mixed breed clinically healthy hoses with no previous history of hoof-related lameness was administered oligofructose (10g/kg given by nasogastric tube) and divided into two groups: treated (intravenous DF1681B at 30mg/kg 6, 12, 18, and 24h after oligofructose) and non-treated groups. Laminar biopsies were performed before and 12, 36, and 72h after administering oligofructose. Samples were stained with periodic acid-Schiff (PAS) and scored from 0 to 6 according to epidermal cell and basal membrane changes. The IL-1β, IL-6, and CXCL1 RNA expressions were determined by RT-PCR. Parametric and non-parametric tests were used to compare times within each group (P<0.05). The PAS grades and IL-1β and IL-6 RNA expression increased in the non-treated group, but remained constant in the treated horses. In conclusion, DF1681B therapy reduced laminar inflammation and epidermal deterioration in treated horses. CXCR1/2 blockage should be considered therapeutically for equine acute laminitis

    Histopathology of dairy cows' hooves with signs of naturally acquired laminitis

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    The purpose of this study was to investigate histological changes in dairy cows' hooves with or without injuries from naturally acquired laminitis. Cull cows with no clinical signs of hoof abnormalities (G1, n=9) and those with macroscopic lesions associated with laminitis without (G2, n=23) or with lameness (G3, n=7) were used in the study. After slaughter, samples of dermo-epidermal junctions of sole, axial and dorsal regions of the hoof were obtained and histologically processed using HE and PAS staining. Congestion, hemorrhage and inflammatory infiltrate in the dermis of sole, axial and dorsal regions were blindly and semiquantitatively evaluated by the same researcher. Inflammatory infiltrate was evaluated in the dermal laminae of axial and dorsal regions. The morphology of epidermal cells and the presence of irregularities in three regions of the basement membrane (BM) length were examined using PAS staining. Scores of lesions in different regions of the hoof in the same group and in different groups for each region of the hoof were compared using non-parametric analyses. Inflammatory infiltrate in the dermis of all regions of the hoof was detected in all groups with no significant statistical difference. Cows with no clinical signs of hoof abnormalities secondary to laminitis (G1) have inflammation scores and epidermal cell changes similar to those of groups with laminitis injuries, suggesting the existence of a prodromal phase for this disease in bovines. BM had irregularities with a variable intensity along its length, however, with no difference among groups. The pattern of BM irregularities found has not been reported so far and does not resemble the BM collapse described in horses and cattle with induced acute laminitis. Is it concluded that even in the absence of macroscopic hoof signs associated to laminitis, dairy cows have histological injuries compatible with inflammation of the dermo-epidermal junction as in affected animals. Basement membrane of cows with or without laminitis associated lesions had irregularities with an irregular distribution along its length which need to be further studied

    Lipocalina associada à gelatinase de neutrófilos (NGAL) e calprotectina no tecido laminar de equinos após obstrução jejunal, tratados ou não com hidrocortisona

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    A laminite é uma doença podal grave que acomete os equídeos, sendo responsável por intenso sofrimento. Neste estudo foram pesquisadas a presença de calprotectina por meio da imunoistoquímica, e de lipocalina associada à gelatinase de neutrófilos (NGAL), por zimografia, no tecido laminar do casco de equinos após obstrução intestinal. Os animais foram divididos em quatro grupos: Grupo controle (Gc), contendo sete animais normais, sem procedimento cirúrgico; Grupo Instrumentado (Gi), contendo cinco animais, os quais passaram por todo o procedimento cirúrgico sem sofrerem obstrução intestinal; Grupo Não Tratado (Gnt), contendo quatro equinos submetidos a obstrução intestinal do jejuno por distensão de balão intraluminal, sem tratamento; e Grupo Tratado (Gt), contendo quatro equinos submetidos a obstrução intestinal, e tratados preventivamente com hidrocortisona. Houve imunomarcação de calprotectina em todos os grupos experimentais, com aumento nos equinos do grupo distendido em relação ao Gc. Com relação ao NGAL, houve aumento também do Gnt e do Gi em relação ao Gc. O Gt não diferiu dos demais. Conclui-se que a distensão do intestino delgado pode promover acúmulos de leucócitos nos cascos de equinos e que o NGAL é um método viável para se detectar infiltração neutrofílica em equinos. Novos estudos deverão ser realizados para se verificar possível benefício anti-inflamatório da hidrocortisona no casco de equinos com obstrução intestinal