20 research outputs found

    On Interpreting Fuzzy IF-THEN Rule Bases by Concepts of Functional Analysis

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    Starting with ZADEH's fundamental paper 'The Calculus of Fuzzy IF-THEN Rules' we mention five possible interpretations of a Fuzzy IF-THEN Rule Base. The interpretation of a given Fuzzy IF-THEN Rule Base strongly depends on the area where it is to be applied. In the paper presented we restrict this area to fuzzy control and approximate reasoning. Consequently, we interpret a Fuzzy IF-THEN Rule Base as a system of functional equations for determining a special functional operator. Then using the concepts of functional analysis and metric spaces we introduce the principles FATI and FITA and study their correctness and equivalence

    The relationship between mental health, sleep quality and the immunogenicity of COVID-19 vaccinations.

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    Sleep modulates the immune response, and sleep loss can reduce vaccine immunogenicity; vice versa, immune responses impact sleep. We aimed to investigate the influence of mental health and sleep quality on the immunogenicity of COVID-19 vaccinations and, conversely, of COVID-19 vaccinations on sleep quality. The prospective CoVacSer study monitored mental health, sleep quality and Anti-SARS-CoV-2-Spike IgG titres in a cohort of 1082 healthcare workers from 29 September 2021 to 19 December 2022. Questionnaires and blood samples were collected before, 14 days, and 3 months after the third COVID-19 vaccination, as well as in 154 participants before and 14 days after the fourth COVID-19 vaccination. Healthcare workers with psychiatric disorders had slightly lower Anti-SARS-CoV-2-Spike IgG levels before the third COVID-19 vaccination. However, this effect was mediated by higher median age and body mass index in this subgroup. Antibody titres following the third and fourth COVID-19 vaccinations ("booster vaccinations") were not significantly different between subgroups with and without psychiatric disorders. Sleep quality did not affect the humoral immunogenicity of the COVID-19 vaccinations. Moreover, the COVID-19 vaccinations did not impact self-reported sleep quality. Our data suggest that in a working population neither mental health nor sleep quality relevantly impact the immunogenicity of COVID-19 vaccinations, and that COVID-19 vaccinations do not cause a sustained deterioration of sleep, suggesting that they are not a precipitating factor for insomnia. The findings from this large-scale real-life cohort study will inform clinical practice regarding the recommendation of COVID-19 booster vaccinations for individuals with mental health and sleep problems

    Sympatric and Allopatric Divergence of MHC Genes in Threespine Stickleback

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    Parasites can strongly affect the evolution of their hosts, but their effects on host diversification are less clear. In theory, contrasting parasite communities in different foraging habitats could generate divergent selection on hosts and promote ecological speciation. Immune systems are costly to maintain, adaptable, and an important component of individual fitness. As a result, immune system genes, such as those of the Major Histocompatability Complex (MHC), can change rapidly in response to parasite-mediated selection. In threespine stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus), as well as in other vertebrates, MHC genes have been linked with female mating preference, suggesting that divergent selection acting on MHC genes might influence speciation. Here, we examined genetic variation at MHC Class II loci of sticklebacks from two lakes with a limnetic and benthic species pair, and two lakes with a single species. In both lakes with species pairs, limnetics and benthics differed in their composition of MHC alleles, and limnetics had fewer MHC alleles per individual than benthics. Similar to the limnetics, the allopatric population with a pelagic phenotype had few MHC alleles per individual, suggesting a correlation between MHC genotype and foraging habitat. Using a simulation model we show that the diversity and composition of MHC alleles in a sympatric species pair depends on the amount of assortative mating and on the strength of parasite-mediated selection in adjacent foraging habitats. Our results indicate parallel divergence in the number of MHC alleles between sympatric stickleback species, possibly resulting from the contrasting parasite communities in littoral and pelagic habitats of lakes

    Quality control of Aloe vera beverages

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    Aloe vera beverages have to be produced exclusively using material of the plant species Aloe barbadensis MILLER. Commercial material was reported to be frequently adulterated by artificial preservatives or to lack significant amounts of Aloe ingredients. HPTLC and HS-SPME/GC/MS methods to assess the authenticity of Aloe vera beverages were developed in this study, allowing to differentiate between authentic and adulterated products. In one case a commercially available Aloe vera juice could be proven to be exceedingly watered down. Parallel to the authenticity control, the HS-SPME method employed in this work allowed to detect the preservatives benzoic acid, sorbic acid and pHB-esters. In 17 of 24 (71%) currently available Aloe-food products an illegal addition of preservatives of up to 1000 mg/l could be ascertained. The presented analyses of Aloe vera beverages lead to the conclusion, that this product line does not give any cause for hygienic but rather legal concerns: controls have to be intensified to ensure sufficient product quality with regard to preservatives

    MHC genes and oxidative stress in sticklebacks: an immuno-ecological approach

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    Individual variation in the susceptibility to infection may result from the varying ability of hosts to specifically recognize different parasite strains. Alternatively, there could be individual host differences in fitness costs of immune defence. Although, these two explanations are not mutually exclusive, they have so far been treated in separate experimental approaches. To analyse potential relationships, we studied body condition and oxidative stress, which may reflect costs of immunity, in three-spined sticklebacks that had been experimentally exposed to three species of naturally occurring parasite. These sticklebacks differed in a trait, which is crucial to specific parasite defence, i.e. individual genetic diversity at major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class IIB loci. Oxidative stress was quantified as tissue acrolein, a technique that has been applied to questions of immuno-ecology for the first time. We measured gene expression at the MHC and other estimates of immune activation. We found that fish with high levels of MHC expression had poor condition and elevated oxidative stress. These results indicate that MHC-based specific immunity is connected with oxidative stress. They could, thus, also be relevant in the broader context of the evolution of sexually selected signals that are based on carotenoids and are, thus supposed to reflect oxidative stress resistance