19 research outputs found

    Associations of sleep disorders with all-cause MCI/dementia and different types of dementia – clinical evidence, potential pathomechanisms and treatment options: A narrative review

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    Due to worldwide demographic change, the number of older persons in the population is increasing. Aging is accompanied by changes of sleep structure, deposition of beta-amyloid (Aß) and tau proteins and vascular changes and can turn into mild cognitive impairment (MCI) as well as dementia. Sleep disorders are discussed both as a risk factor for and as a consequence of MCI/dementia. Cross-sectional and longitudinal population-based as well as case–control studies revealed sleep disorders, especially sleep-disorderded breathing (SDB) and excessive or insufficient sleep durations, as risk factors for all-cause MCI/dementia. Regarding different dementia types, SDB was especially associated with vascular dementia while insomnia/insufficient sleep was related to an increased risk of Alzheimer’s disease (AD). Scarce and still inconsistent evidence suggests that therapy of sleep disorders, especially continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) in SDB, can improve cognition in patients with sleep disorders with and without comorbid dementia and delay onset of MCI/dementia in patients with sleep disorders without previous cognitive impairment. Regarding potential pathomechanisms via which sleep disorders lead to MCI/dementia, disturbed sleep, chronic sleep deficit and SDB can impair glymphatic clearance of beta-amyloid (Aß) and tau which lead to amyloid deposition and tau aggregation resulting in changes of brain structures responsible for cognition. Orexins are discussed to modulate sleep and Aß pathology. Their diurnal fluctuation is suppressed by sleep fragmentation and the expression suppressed at the point of hippocampal atrophy, contributing to the progression of dementia. Additionally, sleep disorders can lead to an increased vascular risk profile and vascular changes such as inflammation, endothelial dysfunction and atherosclerosis which can foster neurodegenerative pathology. There is ample evidence indicating that changes of sleep structure in aging persons can lead to dementia and also evidence that therapy of sleep disorder can improve cognition. Therefore, sleep disorders should be identified and treated early

    Developing a novel tool to assess the ability to self-administer medication - A systematic evaluation of patients' video recordings in the ABLYMED study

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    Background: Older people often experience medication management problems due to multimorbidity, polypharmacy and medication complexity. There is often a large gap between patients' self-reported and actual abilities to handle the self -administration of their medication. Here we report on the development and evaluation of a new tool to assess the ability of non-demented hospitalized patients to self-administer medication in different dosage forms. To this end, we video-recorded the patients' medication management performance and implemented a novel assessment scheme, which was applied by several independent raters.Methods: Sixty-seven in-patients > 70 years of age and regularly taking > 5 different drugs autonomously of the ABLYMED study agreed to the video recording of their medication management performance with five different dosage forms. All raters underwent a training and applied a standardized assessment form and written guide with rating rules for evaluation. In a pilot phase, video recordings of three patients were rated by 19 raters (15 medical students, two expert raters to determine a reference standard, and two main raters who later rated the total sample). In the rating phase, based on the ratings obtained from the two main raters, we determined interrater (assessed every section of 20 patients as agreement between the raters at one point of time) and intrarater (assessed as consistency within each rater across three points of time) agreement by intraclass correlation analysis.Results: In the pilot phase we obtained an overall sufficient agreement pattern, with an adjustment of the rating rules for patches. In the rating phase we achieved satisfactory agreement between the two raters (interrater reliability) and across different points of time (intrarater reliability). For two dosage forms (eye-drops and pen), rater training needed to be repeated to reach satisfactory levels.Discussion: Our novel rating procedure was found to be objective, valid and reproducible, given appropriate training of the raters. Our findings are an important part of a larger research project to implement a novel assessment for the ability to self-administer medication in different dosage forms. Further, they can support the development of patient trainings to improve medication management and secure independent living.Paul-Kuth Foundatio

    Sleep in old age

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    Schlaf und Schlafstörungen im hohen Lebensalter

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    The increasing interruptions of night sleep with normal ageing must be distinguished from sleep disorders. Somatic and psychiatric morbidity as well as medication have a huge impact on sleep. Furthermore, the relationship between sleep and morbidity is mutual. Disturbed sleep modifies the clinical appearance of diseases and morbidity affects the ability to sleep. Especially in geriatric medicine, geriatric syndromes such as falls, depression or dementia are modified by sleep disorders. Therefore, treatment for sleep disorders offers the chance to improve geriatric syndromes. When treating, it is important to identify the individual sleep disorders. Coincidences of different sleep disorders are common in the elderly. The history of a patient in connection with a sleeping diary is the basic diagnostic procedure. Sleep medicine provides further technical methods for further examination. Older people should also be examined in a sleep laboratory if the results have consequences that will be accepted by the patient. However, this should be clarified in advance

    Therapie der Insomnie im höheren Lebensalter

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    Sleep-Disordered Breathing in Hospitalized Geriatric Patients with Mild Dementia and Its Association with Cognition, Emotion and Mobility

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    Sleep-disordered breathing (SDB) is an emerging dementia risk factor. Data on the prevalence of SDB in dementia patients and its association with cognitive impairment is so far only based on patients with severe dementia. In 101 geriatric patients mostly with mild dementia recruited on German geriatric wards, SDB was assessed during overnight polygraphy in the patient room with a portable sleep apnea examination device and associations of SDB severity with severity of impairment in cognitive and emotional function as well as mobility were investigated. We also elucidated which factors influence compliance of SDB diagnostics. In 82 of the 101 dementia patients (81.2%), SDB could be assessed. Of those, only 12.2% had an apnea-hypopnea index (AHI) < 5/h demonstrating the absence of SDB. 40.2% exhibited 5/h ≤ AHI < 15/h representing mild SDB, and 47.6% revealed an AHI ≥ 15/h representing moderate/severe SDB. Patients in these three AHI categories did not significant differ from each other in demographical and clinical characteristics. Patients with an AHI ≥ 15/h particularly often presented with heart failure and vitamin D deficiency. We observed a low to moderate association between severity of SDB and severity of dementia. Tolerance of the nasal airflow sensor of at least 6 h was present in less than one third of all patients. The tolerant group exhibited more symptoms of depression and higher physical fitness compared to the non-tolerant group. We observed a high prevalence of SDB also in geriatric patients with mild dementia underlining the importance of SDB screening in the elderly

    Developing a novel tool to assess the ability to self‑administer medication in non‑demented in‑hospital patients: ABLYMED study protocol

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    Background: Older people often suffer from multimorbidity resulting in polypharmacy. The correct administration of medication is a crucial factor influencing treatment efficacy. However, tools for evaluating the ability to self-administer different dosage forms of medications are lacking. The objectives of the ABLYMED study are to 1) assess the ability to self-administer different dosage forms of medication in older non-demented in-hospital patients who report autonomous management of medication, 2) identify factors influencing the ability to self-administer medication, and 3) develop a standardized tool to validly assess the ability to self-administer different dosage forms of medications based on the final study results. Methods: One hundred in-patients from the department of orthopedics and trauma surgery of the University Hospital Düsseldorf  ≥ 70 years of age and regularly taking ≥ 5 different drugs autonomously will be prospectively recruited into the observational cross-sectional single-center ABLYMED study. Patients undergo an interview addressing demographic and clinical information, medication history (which medications are taken since when, in which dose and dosage form, and subjective proficiency of taking these medications), medication adherence, and factors possibly influencing adherence including personality traits and perceived quality of the medication regimen. Quality of the medication regimen is also rated by clinicians according to validated lists. Further, patients receive a comprehensive geriatric assessment including measures of cognition, mobility, and functional status. The ability to self-administer medication is assessed by having patients perform different tasks related to medication self-administration, which are video recorded and rated by different experts. The patients’ self-reported ability will be correlated with the observed performance in the self-administration tasks. Further, factors correlating with the reported and observed ability to self-administer medication will be evaluated using correlation and regression models. Based on the final study results, a novel tool to assess the ability of older patients to self-administer medication will be developed. Discussion: In addition to guideline-based pharmacotherapy, correct intake of prescribed medication is crucial for optimal therapy of multimorbidity in older people. Tools to validly assess the ability of older patients to self-administer different dosage forms of medications are lacking, but should be included in comprehensive geriatric assessments to secure functional health