70 research outputs found

    Urban Citizenship: a Status or a Practice?

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    Klimaschutz aus Karlsruhe

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    Cluster Munition and International Law

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    Risk Profiles in Individual Software Development and Packaged Software Implementation Projects: A Delphi Study at a German-Based Financial Services Company

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    The aim of this paper is to compare risk profiles of individual software development (ISD) and packaged software implementation (PSI) projects. While researchers have investigated risks in either PSI projects or ISD projects, an integrated perspective on how the risk profiles of these two types of information system (IS) projects differ is missing. To explore these differences, this work conducted a Delphi study at a German-based financial services company. The results suggest that: First, ISD projects seem to be more heterogeneous and face a larger variety of risks than the more straightforward PSI projects. Second, ISD projects seem to be particularly prone to risks related to sponsorship, requirements, and project organization. Third, PSI projects tend to be predominantly subject to risks related to technology, project planning, and project completion. Finally, in contrast to available lists of risks in IS projects and irrespective of the project type, the paper found a surprisingly high prominence of technology and testing-related risks

    To Bind or Not to Bind

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    Cooperation and Conflict: Diverging Trends in the Relationship Between International and Domestic Law

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    This chapter of the emerging new Research Handbook on International Law and Domestic Legal Systems offers concluding observations on the centrality of different visions of the international for the relationship between domestic and international law. The contributions demonstrate that competing perceptions of the international as a space for co-operation and solidarity on the one hand and as an arena of conflict on the other are competing with each other. The editors point to key doctrinal responses to these opposite trends: accepting conflict, deference by international courts, the presumption of compatibility and the deepening of pluralist approaches

    Die Tötung von Qassem Soleimani

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