1,238 research outputs found

    Qitdlarssuaq: The Story of a Polar Migration, by Guy Mary-Rousselière

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    The Palaeo-Eskimo Prehistory of the North Devon Lowlands

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    In this paper the distinguishing characteristics of six chronologically discrete Palaeo-Eskimo occupations discovered in the North Devon Lowlands region of Devon Island, Northwest Territories, are summarized and their cultural/chronological positions briefly assessed. Observed variations in the intensity of occupation in the study area and major shifts in the extra-regional cultural affiliations of these six occupational episodes are discussed in reference to a high-mobility subsistence/settlement strategy model of High Arctic Palaeo-Eskimo socioecological adaptations.Key words: Arctic, Devon Island, prehistory, Palaeo-Eskimo, Pre-Dorset, DorsetMots clés: Arctique, île Devon, préhistoire, paléo-esquimau, pré-Dorset, Dorse

    Early Dorset in the High Arctic: A Report from Karluk Island, N.W.T.

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    During the months of July and August 1978, a programme of archaeological excavations was conducted on Karluk Island in the Crozier Strait region of the Canadian High Arctic. The purpose of this project was to continue the examination, begun in 1977, of a number of early Dorset sites .... The objectives were to recover a sufficient sample of artifacts to legitimately conduct inter-regional comparisons, and to obtain ancillary data pertaining to structure types, subsistence patterns, seasonality and date of occupation. In the ... paper, the data obtained during the 1978 season are summarized and the significance of this material to High Arctic prehistory is briefly assessed

    On the zero set of G-equivariant maps

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    Let GG be a finite group acting on vector spaces VV and WW and consider a smooth GG-equivariant mapping f:VWf:V\to W. This paper addresses the question of the zero set near a zero xx of ff with isotropy subgroup GG. It is known from results of Bierstone and Field on GG-transversality theory that the zero set in a neighborhood of xx is a stratified set. The purpose of this paper is to partially determine the structure of the stratified set near xx using only information from the representations VV and WW. We define an index s(Σ)s(\Sigma) for isotropy subgroups Σ\Sigma of GG which is the difference of the dimension of the fixed point subspace of Σ\Sigma in VV and WW. Our main result states that if VV contains a subspace GG-isomorphic to WW, then for every maximal isotropy subgroup Σ\Sigma satisfying s(Σ)>s(G)s(\Sigma)>s(G), the zero set of ff near xx contains a smooth manifold of zeros with isotropy subgroup Σ\Sigma of dimension s(Σ)s(\Sigma). We also present a systematic method to study the zero sets for group representations VV and WW which do not satisfy the conditions of our main theorem. The paper contains many examples and raises several questions concerning the computation of zero sets of equivariant maps. These results have application to the bifurcation theory of GG-reversible equivariant vector fields

    The Holocene Paleoecology of Jenny Lake Area, Southwest Yukon, and Its Implications for Prehistory

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    The pollen stratigraphy of a core extracted from Jenny Lake, southwest Yukon, in 1984 has marked archaeological significance. Five palynological zones are identified as follows: Zone JL1, the oldest (ca. 12,500-9,500 B.P.), is a Betula shrub tundra assemblage; Zone JL2 (ca. 9,500-8,500 B.P.) an Alnus shrub tundra; Zone JL3 (ca. 8,500-4,500 B.P.) a Picea forest; Zone JL4 (ca. 4,500-2,000 B.P.) a Picea-Alnus woodland; and JL5 (ca. 2,000 B.P.-present) a Picea forest. The widely held belief that the Kluane-Aishihik area of the SW Yukon was covered by extensive grasslands well into the Holocene period is not supported by the palynology of the Jenny Lake Core. Instead, palynological evidence suggests that the area, which initially was a Betula shrub tundra, then Alnus shrub tundra, became a Picea-dominated forest by approximately 8,500 B.P. and remained forested to the present. The hypothesis stating early prehistoric hunters and gatherers in the SW Yukon were adapted to extensive Holocene grasslands until ca. 3,300-2,600 B.P. will have to be modified in view of these findings.Key words: Yukon, paleoecology, palynology, archaeologyMots clés: Yukon, paléoécologie, palynologie, archéologi

    Quantized spin wave modes in magnetic tunnel junction nanopillars

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    We present an experimental and theoretical study of the magnetic field dependence of the mode frequency of thermally excited spin waves in rectangular shaped nanopillars of lateral sizes 60x100, 75x150, and 105x190 nm2, patterned from MgO-based magnetic tunnel junctions. The spin wave frequencies were measured using spectrally resolved electrical noise measurements. In all spectra, several independent quantized spin wave modes have been observed and could be identified as eigenexcitations of the free layer and of the synthetic antiferromagnet of the junction. Using a theoretical approach based on the diagonalization of the dynamical matrix of a system of three coupled, spatially confined magnetic layers, we have modeled the spectra for the smallest pillar and have extracted its material parameters. The magnetization and exchange stiffness constant of the CoFeB free layer are thereby found to be substantially reduced compared to the corresponding thin film values. Moreover, we could infer that the pinning of the magnetization at the lateral boundaries must be weak. Finally, the interlayer dipolar coupling between the free layer and the synthetic antiferromagnet causes mode anticrossings with gap openings up to 2 GHz. At low fields and in the larger pillars, there is clear evidence for strong non-uniformities of the layer magnetizations. In particular, at zero field the lowest mode is not the fundamental mode, but a mode most likely localized near the layer edges.Comment: 16 pages, 4 figures, (re)submitted to PR

    Single-artificial-atom lasing using a voltage-biased superconducting charge qubit

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    We consider a system composed of a single artificial atom coupled to a cavity mode. The artificial atom is biased such that the most dominant relaxation process in the system takes the atom from its ground state to its excited state, thus ensuring population inversion. A recent experimental manifestation of this situation was achieved using a voltage-biased superconducting charge qubit. Even under the condition of `inverted relaxation', lasing action can be suppressed if the `relaxation' rate is larger than a certain threshold value. Using simple transition-rate arguments and a semiclassical calculation, we derive analytic expressions for the lasing suppression condition and the state of the cavity in both the lasing and suppressed-lasing regimes. The results of numerical calculations agree very well with the analytically derived results. We start by analyzing a simplified two-level-atom model, and we then analyze a three-level-atom model that should describe accurately the recently realized superconducting artificial-atom laser.Comment: 21 pages in preprint format, 6 figure