141 research outputs found

    Update on romiplostim and eltrombopag indirect comparison

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    Screening mammography in women aged 40–49: Is it time to change?

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    There is little doubt that significant benefits can accrue from carrying out screening mammography of women aged 40–49 in the setting of a highly quality assured service delivery. This will best be achieved using digital mammography to maximise detection rates and trained and high volume reading expert radiologists to apply economic cushions of optimising specificity as well as sensitivity in addition to utilising modern and accurate assessment and tissue sampling techniques that have evolved

    A critical assessment of the pairing symmetry in NaxCoO2.yH2O

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    We examine each of the symmetry-allowed pairing states of NaxCoO2.yH2O and compare their properties to what is experimentally and theoretically established about the compound. In this way, we can eliminate the vast majority of states that are technically allowed and narrow the field to two, both of f-wave type states. We discuss the expected features of these states and suggest experiments that can distinguish between them. We also discuss odd-frequency gap pairing and how it relates to available experimental evidence

    Direct evidence for charge stripes in a layered cobalt oxide

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    Recent experiments indicate that static stripe-like charge order is generic to the hole-doped copper oxide superconductors and competes with superconductivity. Here we show that a similar type of charge order is present in La5/3 Sr1/3 CoO4 , an insulating analogue of the copper oxide superconductors containing cobalt in place of copper. The stripe phase we have detected is accompanied by short-range, quasi-one-dimensional, antiferromagnetic order, and provides a natural explanation for the distinctive hour- glass shape of the magnetic spectrum previously observed in neutron scattering mea- surements of La2−xSrx CoO4 and many hole-doped copper oxide superconductors. The results establish a solid empirical basis for theories of the hourglass spectrum built on short-range, quasi-static, stripe correlations

    Magnetic and Metal-Insulator Transitions in beta-Na0.5CoO2 and gamma-K0.5CoO2 -NMR and Neutron Diffraction Studies-

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    Co-oxides beta-Na0.5CoO2 and gamma-K0.5CoO2 have been prepared by the Na de-intercalation from alpha-NaCoO2 and by the floating-zone method, respectively. It has been found that successive phase transitions take place at temperatures Tc1 and Tc2 in both systems. The appearance of the internal magnetic field at Tc1 with decreasing temperature T indicates that the antiferromagnetic order exists at T < Tc1, as in gamma-Na0.5CoO2. For beta-Na0.5CoO2, the transition temperatures and the NMR parameters determined from the data taken for magnetically ordered state are similar to those of gamma-Na0.5CoO2, indicating that the difference of the stacking ways of the CoO2 layers between these systems do not significantly affect their physical properties. For gamma-K0.5CoO2, the quantitative difference of the physical quantities are found from those of beta- and gamma-Na0.5CoO2. The difference between the values of Tci (i = 1 and 2) of these systems might be explained by considering the distance between CoO2 layers.Comment: 8 pages, 14 figures, 1 Tabl

    Hippocampal blood flow is increased after 20 min of moderate-intensity exercise

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    Long-term exercise interventions have been shown to be a potent trigger for both neurogenesis and vascular plasticity. However, little is known about the underlying temporal dynamics and specifically when exercise-induced vascular adaptations first occur, which is vital for therapeutic applications. In this study, we investigated whether a single session of moderate-intensity exercise was sufficient to induce changes in the cerebral vasculature. We employed arterial spin labeling magnetic resonance imaging to measure global and regional cerebral blood flow (CBF) before and after 20 min of cycling. The blood vessels’ ability to dilate, measured by cerebrovascular reactivity (CVR) to CO2 inhalation, was measured at baseline and 25-min postexercise. Our data showed that CBF was selectively increased by 10–12% in the hippocampus 15, 40, and 60 min after exercise cessation, whereas CVR to CO2 was unchanged in all regions. The absence of a corresponding change in hippocampal CVR suggests that the immediate and transient hippocampal adaptations observed after exercise are not driven by a mechanical vascular change and more likely represents an adaptive metabolic change, providing a framework for exploring the therapeutic potential of exercise-induced plasticity (neural, vascular, or both) in clinical and aged populations

    Hour-glass magnetic spectrum in an insulating, hole-doped antiferromagnet

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    Superconductivity in layered copper-oxide compounds emerges when charge carriers are added to antiferromagnetically-ordered CuO2 layers. The carriers destroy the antiferromagnetic order, but strong spin fluctuations persist throughout the superconducting phase and are intimately linked to super-conductivity. Neutron scattering measurements of spin fluctuations in hole-doped copper oxides have revealed an unusual `hour-glass' feature in the momentum-resolved magnetic spectrum, present in a wide range of superconducting and non-superconducting materials. There is no widely-accepted explanation for this feature. One possibility is that it derives from a pattern of alternating spin and charge stripes, an idea supported by measurements on stripe-ordered La1.875Ba0.125CuO4. However, many copper oxides without stripe order also exhibit an hour-glass spectrum$. Here we report the observation of an hour-glass magnetic spectrum in a hole-doped antiferromagnet from outside the family of superconducting copper oxides. Our system has stripe correlations and is an insulator, which means its magnetic dynamics can conclusively be ascribed to stripes. The results provide compelling evidence that the hour-glass spectrum in the copper-oxide superconductors arises from fluctuating stripes.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figures, to appear in Natur

    Agro-materials : a bibliographic review

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    Facing the problems of plastic recycling and fossil resources exhaustion, the use of biomass to conceive new materials appears like a reasonable solution. Two axes of research are nowadays developed : on the one hand the synthesis of biodegradable plastics, whichever the methods may be, on the other hand the utilization of raw biopolymers, which is the object of this paper. From this perspective, the “plastic” properties of natural polymers, the caracteristics of the different classes of polymers, the use of charge in vegetable matrix and the possible means of improving the durability of these agro-materials are reviewed

    Investigation of the Spin Density Wave in NaxCoO2

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    Magnetic susceptibility, transport and heat capacity measurements of single crystal NaxCoO2 (x=0.71) are reported. A transition to a spin density wave (SDW) state at Tmag = 22 K is observable in all measurements, except chi(ac) data in which a cusp is observed at 4 K and attributed to a low temperature glassy phase. M(H) loops are hysteretic below 15 K. Both the SDW transition and low temperature hysteresis are only visible along the c-axis. The system also exhibits a substantial (~40%) positive magnetoresistance below this temperature. Calculations of the electronic heat capacity gamma above and below Tmag and the size of the jump in C indicate that the onset of the SDW brings about the opening of gap and the removal of part of the Fermi surface. Reduced in-plane electron-electron scattering counteracts the loss of carriers below the transition and as a result we see a net reduction in resistivity below Tmag. Sodium ordering transitions at higher temperatures are observable as peaks in the heat capacity with a corresponding increase in resistivity.Comment: 14 pages, 6 figure

    Pain in the lumbar, thoracic or cervical regions: do age and gender matter? A population-based study of 34,902 Danish twins 20–71 years of age

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    Background. It is unclear to what extent spinal pain varies between genders and in relation to age. It was the purpose of this study to describe the self-reported prevalence of 1) pain ever and pain in the past year in each of the three spinal regions, 2) the duration of such pain over the past year, 3) pain radiating from these areas, and 4) pain in one, two or three areas. In addition, 5) to investigate if spinal pain reporting is affected by gender and 6) to see if it increases gradually with increasing age. Method. A cross-sectional survey was conducted in 2002 on 34,902 twin individuals, aged 20 to 71 years, representative of the general Danish population. Identical questions on pain were asked for the lumbar, thoracic and cervical regions. Results. Low back pain was most common, followed by neck pain with thoracic pain being least common. Pain for at least 30 days in the past year was reported by 12%, 10%, and 4%, respectively. The one-yr prevalence estimates of radiating pain were 22% (leg), 16% (arm), and 5% (chest). Pain in one area only last year was reported by 20%, followed by two (13%) and three areas (8%). Women were always more likely to report pain and they were also more likely to have had pain for longer periods. Lumbar and cervical pain peaked somewhat around the middle years but the curves were flatter for thoracic pain. Similar patterns were noted for radiating pain. Older people did not have pain in a larger number of areas but their pain lasted longer. Conclusion. Pain reported for and from the lumbar and cervical spines was found to be relatively common whereas pain in the thoracic spine and pain radiating into the chest was much less common. Women were, generally, more likely to report pain than men. The prevalence estimates changed surprisingly little over age and were certainly not more common in the oldest groups, although the pain was reported as more long-lasting in the older group
