40 research outputs found

    Altered resting-state functional connectivity in patients with chronic bilateral vestibular failure

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    AbstractPatients with bilateral vestibular failure (BVF) suffer from gait unsteadiness, oscillopsia and impaired spatial orientation. Brain imaging studies applying caloric irrigation to patients with BVF have shown altered neural activity of cortical visual–vestibular interaction: decreased bilateral neural activity in the posterior insula and parietal operculum and decreased deactivations in the visual cortex. It is unknown how this affects functional connectivity in the resting brain and how changes in connectivity are related to vestibular impairment.We applied a novel data driven approach based on graph theory to investigate altered whole-brain resting-state functional connectivity in BVF patients (n= 22) compared to age- and gender-matched healthy controls (n= 25) using resting-state fMRI. Changes in functional connectivity were related to subjective (vestibular scores) and objective functional parameters of vestibular impairment, specifically, the adaptive changes during active (self-guided) and passive (investigator driven) head impulse test (HIT) which reflects the integrity of the vestibulo-ocular reflex (VOR).BVF patients showed lower bilateral connectivity in the posterior insula and parietal operculum but higher connectivity in the posterior cerebellum compared to controls. Seed-based analysis revealed stronger connectivity from the right posterior insula to the precuneus, anterior insula, anterior cingulate cortex and the middle frontal gyrus. Excitingly, functional connectivity in the supramarginal gyrus (SMG) of the inferior parietal lobe and posterior cerebellum correlated with the increase of VOR gain during active as compared to passive HIT, i.e., the larger the adaptive VOR changes the larger was the increase in regional functional connectivity.Using whole brain resting-state connectivity analysis in BVF patients we show that enduring bilateral deficient or missing vestibular input leads to changes in resting-state connectivity of the brain. These changes in the resting brain are robust and task-independent as they were found in the absence of sensory stimulation and without a region-related a priori hypothesis. Therefore they may indicate a fundamental disease-related change in the resting brain. They may account for the patients' persistent deficits in visuo-spatial attention, spatial orientation and unsteadiness. The relation of increasing connectivity in the inferior parietal lobe, specifically SMG, to improvement of VOR during active head movements reflects cortical plasticity in BVF and may play a clinical role in vestibular rehabilitation

    Central Ocular Motor Disorders: Clinical and Topographic Anatomical Diagnosis, Syndromes and Underlying Diseases

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    The key to the diagnosis of ocular motor disorders is a systematic clinical examination of the different types of eye movements, including eye position, spontaneous nystagmus, range of eye movements, smooth pursuit, saccades, gaze-holding function, vergence, optokinetic nystagmus, as well as testing of the function of the vestibulo-ocular reflex (VOR) and visual fixation suppression of the VOR. This is like a window which allows you to look into the brain stem and cerebellum even if imaging is normal. Relevant anatomical structures are the midbrain, pons, medulla, cerebellum and rarely the cortex. There is a simple clinical rule: vertical and torsional eye movements are generated in the midbrain, horizontal eye movements in the pons. For example, isolated dysfunction of vertical eye movements is due to a midbrain lesion affecting the rostral interstitial nucleus of the medial longitudinal fasciculus (riMLF), with impaired vertical saccades only or vertical gaze-evoked nystagmus due to dysfunction of the Interstitial nucleus of Cajal (INC). Lesions of the lateral medulla oblongata (Wallenberg syndrome) lead to typical findings: ocular tilt reaction, central fixation nystagmus and dysmetric saccades. The cerebellum is relevant for almost all types of eye movements; typical pathological findings are saccadic smooth pursuit, gaze-evoked nystagmus or dysmetric saccades. The time course of the development of symptoms and signs is important for the diagnosis of underlying diseases: acute: most likely stroke; subacute: inflammatory diseases, metabolic diseases like thiamine deficiencies; chronic progressive: inherited diseases like Niemann-Pick type C with typically initially vertical and then horizontal saccade palsy or degenerative diseases like progressive supranuclear palsy. Treatment depends on the underlying disease. In this article, we deal with central ocular motor disorders. In a second article, we focus on clinically relevant types of nystagmus such as downbeat, upbeat, fixation pendular, gaze-evoked, infantile or periodic alternating nystagmus. Therefore, these types of nystagmus will not be described here in detail

    Ultra-compact fiber-optic two-photon microscope for functional fluorescence imaging in vivo

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    We present a small, lightweight two-photon fiberscope and demonstrate its suitability for functional imaging in the intact brain. Our device consists of a hollow-core photonic crystal fiber for efficient delivery of near-IR femtosecond laser pulses, a spiral fiber-scanner for resonant beam steering, and a gradient-index lens system for fluorescence excitation, dichroic beam splitting, and signal collection. Fluorescence light is remotely detected using a standard photomultiplier tube. All optical components have 1 mm dimensions and the microscope’s headpiece weighs only 0.6 grams. The instrument achieves micrometer resolution at frame rates of typically 25 Hz with a field-of-view of up to 200 microns. We demonstrate functional imaging of calcium signals in Purkinje cell dendrites in the cerebellum of anesthetized rats. The microscope will be easily portable by a rat or mouse and thus should enable functional imaging in freely behaving animals

    Ganzfeld stimulation or sleep enhance long term motor memory consolidation compared to normal viewing in saccadic adaptation paradigm.

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    Adaptation of saccade amplitude in response to intra-saccadic target displacement is a type of implicit motor learning which is required to compensate for physiological changes in saccade performance. Once established trials without intra-saccadic target displacement lead to de-adaptation or extinction, which has been attributed either to extra-retinal mechanisms of spatial constancy or to the influence of the stable visual surroundings. Therefore we investigated whether visual deprivation ("Ganzfeld"-stimulation or sleep) can partially maintain this motor learning compared to free viewing of the natural surroundings. Thirty-five healthy volunteers performed two adaptation blocks of 100 inward adaptation trials - interspersed by an extinction block - which were followed by a two-hour break with or without visual deprivation (VD). Using additional adaptation and extinction blocks short and long (4 weeks) term memory of this implicit motor learning were tested. In the short term, motor memory tested immediately after free viewing was superior to adaptation performance after VD. In the long run, however, effects were opposite: motor memory and relearning of adaptation was superior in the VD conditions. This could imply independent mechanisms that underlie the short-term ability of retrieving learned saccadic gain and its long term consolidation. We suggest that subjects mainly rely on visual cues (i.e., retinal error) in the free viewing condition which makes them prone to changes of the visual stimulus in the extinction block. This indicates the role of a stable visual array for resetting adapted saccade amplitudes. In contrast, visual deprivation (GS and sleep), might train subjects to rely on extra-retinal cues, e.g., efference copy or prediction to remap their internal representations of saccade targets, thus leading to better consolidation of saccadic adaptation

    Risk of acute brain lesions in dizzy patients presenting to the emergency room: who needs imaging and who does not?

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    The usefulness of brain imaging studies in dizzy patients presenting to the emergency department (ED) is controversial. We aimed to assess the 'real-world' probability of ischemic stroke and other acute brain lesions (ABLs) in these patients to create an algorithm that helps decision-making on whether which and when brain imaging is needed. By reviewing medical records, we identified 610 patients presenting with dizziness, vertigo or imbalance to our university hospital's ED and receiving neurological workup. We collected timing/triggers of symptoms, ABC

    What guides decision-making on intravenous thrombolysis in acute vestibular syndrome and suspected ischemic stroke in the posterior circulation?

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    Intravenous thrombolysis (IVT) is rarely performed in dizzy patients with acute vestibular syndrome (AVS) or acute imbalance (AIS) even if posterior circulation stroke (PCS) is suspected. Decision-making may be affected by uncertainties in discriminating central from peripheral vestibulopathy or concerns of IVT-related harm, particularly intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH), but related studies are missing. Using an in-house register of dizzy patients coming to the emergency room, we identified 29 AVS/AIS patients who presented within 4.5 h after onset, revealed clinical signs indicative of PCS (central oculomotor signs, mild focal abnormalities), and had non-contrast computed tomography (NCCT). Patients treated with IVT (n = 15) were compared to NoIVT patients (n = 14) with regard to clinical and imaging (including perfusion computed tomography, CTP) parameters, occurrence of ICH and short-term clinical outcome (NIHSS improvement; ability to walk independently). IVT and NoIVT patients did not differ in baseline characteristics, central oculomotor signs, or clinical outcome. IVT patients more often exhibited disabling vestibular symptoms (severe dizziness/vertigo, inability to stand unsupported) and focal abnormalities than NoIVT patients. There was no ICH in either group. CTP was performed in 0% of NoIVT versus 80% of IVT patients, seven of twelve revealing posterior circulation hypoperfusion. Comparison of initial hypoperfusion (CTP) and final stroke (NCCT) revealed IVT-related benefit (smaller lesion) in three of seven IVT patients. In AVS/AIS patients with suspected PCS, disabling vestibular symptoms, focal neurological deficits, and hypoperfusion on CTP seem to direct decision-making pro IVT. In our small cohort, there were no significant IVT-related clinical benefits, no IVT-related ICHs, and salvage of brain tissue in some patients