52 research outputs found

    Metal Lines in Cosmological Models of Lyman-Alpha Absorbers

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    The metal absorption lines found in association with \lya absorbers of moderate to high HI column density contain valuable information about the metallicity and ionization conditions within the absorbers and offer a stronger test of models of the intergalactic medium at \sim 3 than HI absorption lines alone. We have developed a method to predict the strengths of metal absorption lines within the framework of cosmological models for the \lya forest. The method consists of evaluating a quantity, the Line Observability Index, for a database of hundreds of candidate metal lines, allowing a comprehensive identification of the lines the model predicts to be detectable associated with a \lya absorber of a given HI column density and metallicity. Applying this technique to a particular class of models at \sim 2-4, we predict that the OVI(1032 \AA, 1038 \AA) doublet is the only practical probe of the metallicity of low column density absorbers (HI \simlt 10^{14.5} cm^{-2}),thatCIV(1548AËš)isthestrongestlinewithrestwavelength), that CIV (1548 \AA) is the strongest line with rest wavelength \lambda_r > 1216AËšregardlessofHI \AA{} regardless of HI, and that the strongest metal lines should be CIII(977 \AA) and SiIII(1206.5 \AA), which peak at HI \sim 10^{17} cm^{-2}$.Comment: To appear in the proceedings from the 13th IAP Workshop (1-5 July 1997) "Evolution of the Intergalactic Medium From QSO Absorption Line Systems

    Retrieval of forest stem volume using VHF SAR

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    The ability to retrieve forest stem volume using CARABAS (coherent all radio band sensing) SAR images (28–60 MHz) has been investigated. The test site is a deciduous mixed forest on the island of Öland in southern Sweden. The images have been radiometrically calibrated using an array of horizontal dipoles. The images exhibit a clear discrimination between the forest and open fields. The results show that the dynamic range of the backscattering coefficient among the forest stands is higher than what has been found with conventional SAR using microwave frequencies. The backscatter increases with increasing radar frequency. This work shows an advantage compared to higher frequencies for stem volume estimation in dense forests

    Autofocus and analysis of geometrical errors within the framework of fast factorized back-projection

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    This paper describes a Fast Factorized Back-Projection (FFBP) formulation that includes a fully integrated autofocus algorithm, i.e. the Factorized Geometrical Autofocus (FGA) algorithm. The base-two factorization is executed in a horizontal plane, using a Merging (M) and a Range History Preserving (RHP) transform. Six parameters are adopted for each sub-aperture pair, i.e. to establish the geometry stage-by-stage via triangles in 3-dimensional space. If the parameters are derived from navigation data, the algorithm is used as a conventional processing chain. If the parameters on the other hand are varied from a certain factorization step and forward, the algorithm is used as a joint image formation and autofocus strategy. By regulating the geometry at multiple resolution levels, challenging defocusing effects, e.g. residual space-variant Range Cell Migration (RCM), can be corrected. The new formulation also serves another important purpose, i.e. as a parameter characterization scheme. By using the FGA algorithm and its inverse, relations between two arbitrary geometries can be studied, in consequence, this makes it feasible to analyze how errors in navigation data, and topography, affect image focus. The versatility of the factorization procedure is demonstrated successfully on simulated Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) data. This is achieved by introducing different GPS/IMU errors and Focus Target Plane (FTP) deviations prior to processing. The characterization scheme is then employed to evaluate the sensitivity, to determine at what step the autofocus function should be activated, and to decide the number of necessary parameters at each step. Resulting FGA images are also compared to a reference image (processed without errors and autofocus) and to a defocused image (processed without autofocus), i.e. to validate the novel approach further

    An Efficient Solution to the Factorized Geometrical Autofocus Problem

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    This paper describes a new search strategy within the scope of factorized geometrical autofocus (FGA) and synthetic-aperture-radar processing. The FGA algorithm is a fast factorized back-projection formulation with six adjustable geometry parameters. By tuning the flight track step by step and maximizing focus quality by means of an object function, a sharp image is formed. We propose an efficient two-stage approach for the geometrical variation. The first stage is a low-order (few parameters) parallel search procedure involving small image areas. The second stage then combines the local hypotheses into one global autofocus solution, without the use of images. This method has been applied successfully on ultrawideband CARABAS II data. Errors due to a constant acceleration are superposed on the measured track prior to processing, giving a 6-D autofocus problem. Image results, including resolution, peak-to-sidelobe ratio and magnitude values for point-like targets, finally confirm the validity of the strategy. The results also verify the prediction that there are several satisfying autofocus solutions for the same radar data

    Factorized Geometrical Autofocus for Synthetic Aperture Radar Processing

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    This paper describes a factorized geometrical autofocus (FGA) algorithm, specifically suitable for ultrawideband synthetic aperture radar. The strategy is integrated in a fast factorized back-projection chain and relies on varying track parameters step by step to obtain a sharp image; focus measures are provided by an object function (intensity correlation). The FGA algorithm has been successfully applied on synthetic and real (Coherent All RAdio BAnd System II) data sets, i.e., with false track parameters introduced prior to processing, to set up constrained problems involving one geometrical quantity. Resolution (3 dB in azimuth and slant range) and peak-to-sidelobe ratio measurements in FGA images are comparable with reference results (within a few percent and tenths of a decibel), demonstrating the capacity to compensate for residual space variant range cell migration. The FGA algorithm is finally also benchmarked (visually) against the phase gradient algorithm to emphasize the advantage of a geometrical autofocus approach

    The Observability of Metal Lines Associated with the Lyman-alpha Forest

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    We develop a prescription for characterizing the strengths of metal lines associated with Lyman-alpha forest absorbers (LYFAs) of a given neutral hydrogen column density N_HI and metallicity [Fe/H]. This Line Observability Index (LOX) is line-specific and translates, for weak lines, into a measure of the equivalent width. It can be evaluated quickly for thousands of transitions within the framework of a given model of the Lyman-alpha forest, providing a ranking of the lines in terms of their strengths and enabling model builders to select the lines that should be detectable in observed spectra of a given resolution and signal-to-noise ratio. We compute the LOX for a large number of elements and transitions in two cosmological models of the Lyman-alpha forest at z=3 derived from a hydrodynamic simulation of structure formation, and we discuss how the LOX depends on redshift and on model parameters such as the mean baryonic density and radiation field. We find that the OVI (1032,1038) doublet is the best probe of the metallicity in low column density LYFAs N_{HI} \approx 10^{14.5} cm^{-2}). Metallicities down to [O/H] \sim -3 ([Fe/H] \sim -3.5 with the assumed [O/Fe] ratio) yield OVI absorption features that should be detectable in current high-quality spectra, provided that the expected position of the OVI feature is not contaminated by HI absorption. The strongest transitions in lower ionisation states of oxygen are OV(630), OIV(788), and OIII(833), and are likely to be detected with next generation UV instruments. Of the lines with rest wavelengths \lambda_r > 1216, which can potentially be observed redwards of the \lya forest, the CIV(1548,1551) doublet is expected to dominate in all LYFAs, regardless of the value of N_HI.Comment: Substantially revised version: larger line database, additional cosmological model analyzed. Accepted for Ap

    Constraining the Metallicity of the Low Density Lyman-alpha Forest Using OVI Absorption

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    We search for OVI absorption in a Keck HIRES spectrum of the z=3.62 quasar Q1422+231. Comparison of CIV measurements to cosmological simulations shows that \lya forest absorbers with N_HI > 10^{14.5} have [C/H]~=-2.5, for the UV background spectrum of Haardt & Madau (HM). Lower column density absorption arises in lower density gas, where OVI is the most sensitive metal tracer. Since OVI lines lie at wavelengths contaminated by Lyman series absorption, we interpret our Q1422 results by comparing to artificial spectra drawn from an SPH simulation of a Lambda-dominated CDM model. A search for deep, narrow features in Q1422 yields only a few candidate OVI lines, statistically consistent with the number in artificial spectra with no metals; spectra generated with the HM background and [O/H] >= -2.5 predict too many narrow lines. However, applying the optical depth ratio technique of Songaila (1998), we DO find significant OVI associated with CIV systems; matching Q1422 requires [O/C]~=+0.5, implying [O/H]~=-2.0. Taken together these results imply that (a) the metallicity in the low density IGM is at least a factor of three below that in the overdense regions where CIV absorption is detectable, and (b) oxygen is overabundant in these regions, consistent with the enrichment pattern of old halo stars. If the UV background is heavily truncated above 4 Ry, an implausibly high oxygen overabundance ([O/C]>+2) is required by the data; thus a majority of the volume of the universe must have undergone helium reionization by z=3.(Abridged)Comment: Submitted to ApJ, 48 pp including 14 ps figures, uses aaspp4.st

    Thrombus aspiration during ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction.

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    To access publisher's full text version of this article. Please click on the hyperlink in Additional Links field.The clinical effect of routine intracoronary thrombus aspiration before primary percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) in patients with ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) is uncertain. We aimed to evaluate whether thrombus aspiration reduces mortality.We conducted a multicenter, prospective, randomized, controlled, open-label clinical trial, with enrollment of patients from the national comprehensive Swedish Coronary Angiography and Angioplasty Registry (SCAAR) and end points evaluated through national registries. A total of 7244 patients with STEMI undergoing PCI were randomly assigned to manual thrombus aspiration followed by PCI or to PCI only. The primary end point was all-cause mortality at 30 days.No patients were lost to follow-up. Death from any cause occurred in 2.8% of the patients in the thrombus-aspiration group (103 of 3621), as compared with 3.0% in the PCI-only group (110 of 3623) (hazard ratio, 0.94; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.72 to 1.22; P=0.63). The rates of hospitalization for recurrent myocardial infarction at 30 days were 0.5% and 0.9% in the two groups, respectively (hazard ratio, 0.61; 95% CI, 0.34 to 1.07; P=0.09), and the rates of stent thrombosis were 0.2% and 0.5%, respectively (hazard ratio, 0.47; 95% CI, 0.20 to 1.02; P=0.06). There were no significant differences between the groups with respect to the rate of stroke or neurologic complications at the time of discharge (P=0.87). The results were consistent across all major prespecified subgroups, including subgroups defined according to thrombus burden and coronary flow before PCI.Routine thrombus aspiration before PCI as compared with PCI alone did not reduce 30-day mortality among patients with STEMI. (Funded by the Swedish Research Council and others; ClinicalTrials.gov number, NCT01093404.).Swedish Research Council, Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions, Terumo Medical Corporation, Medtronic, Vascular Solutions, Swedish Heart-Lung Foundation/20100178/ B0010401 Biotronik, Stentys, Abbott Vascular, St. Jude Medical, Boston Scientific, EPS Vascular, Cardiac Dimensions, AstraZeneca, Edwards Lifesciences
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