570 research outputs found

    Bioacustics of Hylarana Celebensis (Peters, 1872) (Anura: Ranidae)From Sulawesi

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    Hylarana celebensis (Peters, 1872) is an endemic frog to Sulawesi, the species being a member of family Ranidae. The presence of the frog in its habitat is easily detected from its advertisement call; males usually call in a chorus, they call to each other in a large group. Bioacoustics of calls that a typical individual male of H. celebensis has not been described in detail, although it is very easy to find this species in freshwater swamps, permanent ponds, or slow-flowing waters in the lowland areas. The purpose of the bioacoustic analysis on H. celebensis\u27s calls that were recorded at Bahodopi area is to build a reference collection to be compared with H. celebensis\u27s bioacoustics to the other regions in Sulawesi. Because of the wide distribution of this frog in Sulawesi; population genetic structure of H. celebensis may also follow the population genetic structure of Ingerophrynus celebensis. Calls of H. celebensis have two types of calls, i.e. pure tone and pulse; however, pure tones have three variation, namely pure tone type 1, pure tone type 2 and pure tone type 3; however pulsed call has only one type

    Keragaman Dan Kelimpahan Jenis Kodok Serta Hubungannya Dengan Vegetasi Pada Lahan Basah "Ecology Park", Kampus Lipicibinong [Diversity and Abundance of Non-forest Frogs and Their Relationship with Wetland Vegetation in Ecology Park, Lipi Campus Cibinong]

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    Previous ecological studies have revealed the types of non-forest frog commonly occupying habitats that have been modified by humans are still severely limited. For that purpose the research was conducted in the wetland area of Ecology Park in LIPI Campus Cibinong which is located at S 06" 29\u27 40.2"; E 106° 51\u27 06.3" with 165 meters altitude above sea level (asl) over seven months (May-November 2009) by monitoring 14 times during the study period (July-November).The transect method was used to determine the effect of habitat on the diversity and abundance of frog species in the wetland area. Transect was set for 100 meters on one side of the lake where the area has a variety of habitat types. Length of 100 meters transect was divided into 10 sections with 10 meters length for each section, (length of each section was 10 meters). Every 10 meters, the type of habitat, frog species encountered and the abundance of the species were recorded. Environmental data recorded were air humidity, air temperature, water temperature and moon phase (full moon, crescent moon or the dark moon). Ten frog species which belong to 4 families, the Bufonidae (Bufo biporcatus and B. melanostictus), Microhylidae (Kaloula baleata), Ranidae (Fejervarya cancrivora, F. limnocharis, Rana chalconota, R. erythraea, R. nicobariensis and Occidozyga lima) and Rhacophoridae (Polypedates leucomystax) were found.R. erythraea, R. nicobariensis and O. lima were the dominant species and found on every visit. Furthermore, the most dominant species was R. erythraea. The results showed that environmental factors (air temperature, water temperature, humidity and conditions of the moon) did not have an impact on the presence and number of species. Abundance of three dominant species (R.erythraea, R. nicobariensis and O. lima) was strongly linked to vegetation type. Moreover, environmental factors (water temperature, humidity and the condition of moon) affected the abundance of R. nicobariensis in sub transect 2 and 5 where dominated by Eleocharis dutcis ans Leerxia hexandra. On the other hand air temperature affected the abundance of O.lima in sub transect 7, dominated by floating lotus plant Nymphaea lotus

    Negative Impact of Forest Degradation to Herpetofauna Species Richness in Kerinciseblat National Park, Sumatra [Dampak Negatif Dari Degradasi Hutan Terhadap Kekayaan Jenis Herpetofauna Di Taman Nasional Kerinci Seblat, Sumatra]

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    Habitat loss and fragmentation are among the largest threats to herpetofauna diversity in tropical rain forest areas, including the rain forest in Kerinci Seblat National Park (KSNP). To measure the rate of negative impact to the herpetofauna population,fifteen survey sites with several degree of habitat disturbance were selected. Based on cluster analysis,15 survey sites were grouped into five distinct clusters, included low elevation forest group, high elevation group, swamp group, disturbed forest group and cultivated land group. Calculation of linier regression for four major (low elevation forest group, high elevation group, disturbed forest group and cultivated land group groups) showed that the rate of locally biodiversity losses were high (R2 > 0.7)

    Pengaruh Dinamika Faktor Lingkungan Terhadap Sebaran Horisontal Dan Vertikal Katak

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    The Effect of Environmental Factors on the Horizontal and Vertical Movement of Frogs. Fourenvironmental factors (moon phase, air temperature, water temperature and air humidity) weremeasured to determine the impact of environmental factors on the dynamics of horizontal andvertical spread of the frog Rana erythraea, R. nicobariensis and Occidozyga lima in a wetlandarea of Ecology Park, LIPI Campus Cibinong. Observation was done follows transect line(100 meters long) and set along the edge of the lake where the habitat was more diversecompared to the other sites. Observations were carried out from July to November 2009. Theposition of individual frogs (distance from water's edge and height from the ground or water)was recorded and then grouped into intervals of 100 cm distance and height each. Correlationanalysis between the number of individuals per unit distance or height with environmentalfactors was measured using the statistical program SPSS version 16.0. The results of thisstudy proved that the air and water temperature as well as air humidity have significant effecton horizontal and vertical ecological distribution of R. erythraea and R. nicobariensis; whereasfour environmental factors had no impact on horizontal distribution of O. lima. The movementof R. erythraea was strongly positively correlated with air temperature, but strongly negativelycorrelated with air humidity; however the abundance of R. nicobariensis was strongly negativelycorrelated with air temperature and strongly positively correlated with air humidity. Mixedvegetation of species Leerxia hexandra and Eleocharis dulcis at a distance between 0-100 cmfrom the edge of the water and height between 0-100 cm from the ground constituted thepreferred microhabitat of frog species R. erythraea and R. nicobariensis

    Faktor-faktor yang Berhubungan dengan Pemberian Asi Eksklusif pada Tenaga Kesehatan yang Memiliki Bayi di Wilayah Kabupaten Pringsewu Tahun 2017

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    Cakupan pemberian ASI eksklusif pada bayi usia kurang dari enam bulan sebesar 55,7% telah mencapai target. Dari 33 provinsi yang melapor, sebanyak 29 provinsi di antaranya (88%) berhasil mencapai target renstra 2015, sedangkan Provinsi Lampung sebesar 54,9% tidak mencapai target Nasional yang ada. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah Diketahui faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan pemberian ASI eksklusif pada tenaga kesehatan yang memiliki bayi 7-24 bulan di wilayah Kabupaten Pringsewu tahun 2017. Penelitian kuantitatif dengan pendekatan Cross Sectional. Penelitian ini dilakukan di rumah sakit wilayah kabupaten pringsewu. Populasi penelitian ini adalah seluruh tenaga kesehatan yang memiliki bayi usia 7-24 bulan sebanyak 83 ibu, dan sampelnya berjumlah 66 ibu. Metode pengumpilan data dengan lembar kuisioner. Analisa data yang digunakan univariat, bivariat, multivariate.Hasil Penelitian Sebagian responden tidak memberikan ASI esklusif, yaitu sebanyak 62,1%,Ada hubungan antara dukungan tempat bekerja dengan pemberian ASI eksklusif dengan p-value = 0,011 dan OR 4,525, hubungan antara dukungan suami dengan pemberian ASI eksklusif dengan p-value = 0.000 dan OR 8,615, Ada hubungan antara faktor psikis dengan p-value = 0,009 dan OR 5,513, Ada hubungan antara sosial budaya dengan p-value = 0,021 dan OR 7,583, dan Tidak ada hubungan antara pengetahuan, usia, status ekonomi tentang ASI eksklusif dengan pemberian ASI eksklusif. Faktor yang paling dominan adalah Dukungan suami dengan nilai OR paling besar yaitu 7,291

    Frogs and Toads of Ujung Kulon, Gunung Halimun and Gede-pangrango National Park *Jenis-jenis Kodok Di Taman Nasional Ujung Kulon, Gunung Halimun Dan Gede-pangrango]

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    Selama survai herpetofauna di Taman Nasional Ujung Kulon yang dilakukan pada bulan Juli sampai September 1990 dijumpai 14 jenis amfibia; yang terdiri dari satu jenis dari suku Megophryidae, tiga jenis dari suku Bufonidae, tiga jenis dari suku Microhylidae, lima jenis dari suku Ranidae dan dua jenis dari suku Rhacophoridae (Kumiati el al.. 2001). Survai herpetofauna Iain terutama untuk kelompok amfibia pernah dilakukan Liem (1973) di Taman Nasional Gede-Pangrango. Survai tersebut berlangsung pada tahun 1961-1962, dan lebih intensif lagi dilakukan pada bulan Agustus 1963, Maret dan Mei 1964. Dari survai ini Liem (1973) mendapatkan 19 jenis amfibia; yang terdiri dari dua jenis dari suku Megophryidae, empat jenis dari suku Bufonidae, dua jenis dari suku Microhylidae, tujuh jenis dari suku Ranidae dan empat jenis dari suku Rhacophoridae. Untuk mendapatkan gambaran umum keanakaragaman herpetofauna dari tiga taman nasional yang terdapat di Jawa Barat, maka dilakukan survai herpetofauna di Taman Nasional Gunung Halimun; yang berlangsung intensif sejak bulan Oktober 2001. Dua puluh dua jenis amfibia didapatkan selama survai tersebut; yang terdiri dari dua jenis dari suku Megophryidae, empat jenis dari suku Bufonidae, satu jenis dari suku Microhylidae, sepuluh jenis dari suku Ranidae dan lima jenis dari suku Rhacophoridae. Indeks kesamaan Simpson digunakan untuk membandingkan keanekaragaman jenis antara dua taman nasional. Hasil indeks koefisien Simpson antara Taman Nasional Ujung Kulon dan Taman Nasional Gunung Halimun adalah 0,786; antara Taman Nasional Ujung Kulon dan Taman Nasional Gede-Pangrango adalah 0,786; dan antara Taman Nasional Gunung Halimun dan Taman Nasional Gede- Pangrango adalah 0,842. Berdasarkan kepada nilai indeks tersebut, kesamaan keanekaragaman amfibia di Taman Nasional Gunung Halimun dan Taman Nasional Gede-Pangrango sangat tinggi

    Vocalizations of Microhyla Achatina Tschudi, 1838 (Anura: Microhylidae) From the Foot Hills of Mount Salak, West Java

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    Vocalizations of Microhyla achatina have never been described before. The advertisement calls of six individual malesof M. achatina which originated from the foot hills of Mount Salak, West Java were recorded in September 2011 atair temperatures of 21.0°C-23.4°C. Call components were obtained from 95 calls, consisting of 855 pulses, whichwere then analyzed to obtain the characteristics of sound waves by using software of Adobe Audition 3.0 andSAP2011. Sound waves of M. achatina mainly consists of impulses whose sound spectrum ranges from 1327.5-2789.1 Hz, while the band width of the spectrum is 1461.6 Hz. Results of the analysis showed that the frequency ofthe three pulse-forming elements (dominant frequency, maximum frequency and minimum frequency) was markedlymodulated; frequency modulation was clearly visible in the minimum frequency, which was modulared by 1500 to2700 Hz modulation. The modulation of the dominant frequency and the maximum frequency was not too broad,i.e. between 3000-3500 Hz. Results of linear regression analysis of the dominant frequency versus minimum frequencyand dominant frequency versus maximum frequency showed a strong correlation between the dominant frequencyversus minimum frequency, but a weak correlation between the dominant frequency versus the maximumfrequency
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