2,093 research outputs found

    Effects of insect harassment on weight gain and survival in reindeer calves

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    Relationships between insect harassment and the weight gain and survival of reindeer calves were studied in two areas in Finland north of the Arctic Circle. The level of insect harassment explained a significant amount of the yearly variation in calf weights determined in autumn or early winter in both areas and directly influenced calf mortality in one of them. The lowest weights and calf percents were experienced in years when a bad winter was followed by a warm summer with severe insect harassment.Råkån vaikutus poronvasojen painonlisåykseen ja eloonjååmiseen.Abstract in Finnish / Tiivistelmd: Rakan (vertaimevat ja porossa loisivat hyonteiset) vaikutusta vasojen painoon ja vasaprosenttiin tutkittiin Alakylan paliskunnassa sekå Kaldoaivi - Paistunturin alueella. Kummallakin alueella rakka selitti huomattavan osan vasojen syyspainojen vuosivaihtelusta ja Kaldoaivi - Paistunturissa se vaikutti suoraan myos vasaprosenttiin. Vasojen painot ja vasaprosentit olivat alhaisimmat vuosina, joina vaikeaa talvea seurasi kuuma, hyonteisille suotuisa kesa.Effekter av insektforstyrrelser på vektøkning og overlevelse av reinkalver.Abstract in Swedish / Sammendrag: Effekter av insektforstyrrelser på vektøkning og overlevelse av reinkalver er studert i to områder av Finland nord for Polarsirkelen. Graden av insektforstyrrelser forklarte en signifikant andel av variasjonene fra år til år i kalvevekter bestemt høst eller tidlig vinter for begge områder. Den virket også direkte inn på kalvedødeligheten i et av områdene. De laveste vekter og kalveprosenter fant man i år der en dårlig vinter ble etterfulgt av en varm sommer med alvorlige insektforstyrrelser

    Far-infrared spectra of lateral quantum dot molecules

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    We study effects of electron-electron interactions and confinement potential on the magneto-optical absorption spectrum in the far-infrared range of lateral quantum dot molecules. We calculate far-infrared (FIR) spectra for three different quantum dot molecule confinement potentials. We use accurate exact diagonalization technique for two interacting electrons and calculate dipole-transitions between two-body levels with perturbation theory. We conclude that the two-electron FIR spectra directly reflect the symmetry of the confinement potential and interactions cause only small shifts in the spectra. These predictions could be tested in experiments with nonparabolic quantum dots by changing the number of confined electrons. We also calculate FIR spectra for up to six noninteracting electrons and observe some additional features in the spectrum.Comment: For better quality Figs download manuscript from http://www.fyslab.hut.fi/~mma/FIR/Helle_qdmfir.ps.g

    Two-electron lateral quantum-dot molecules in a magnetic field

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    Laterally coupled quantum dot molecules are studied using exact diagonalization techniques. We examine the two-electron singlet-triplet energy difference as a function of magnetic field strength and investigate the magnetization and vortex formation of two- and four-minima lateral quantum dot molecules. Special attention is paid to the analysis of how the distorted symmetry affects the properties of quantum-dot molecules.Comment: 18 pages, 26 figure

    The growth rate of Cladonia rangiferina and C. mitis in relation to forest characteristics in northeastern Finland

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    The growth rate of Cladonia rangiferina and C. mitis was studied in Kuusamo, northeastern Finland, where they share more than 90 percent of the total lichen biomass. The material was collected from 5 pine forests of different ages in Calluna-Cladina heaths. The length growth rate of C. rangiferina varied by site from 3.9 to 4.3 mmyr -' and that of C. mitis from 3.0 to 3.5 mmyr-1 C. rangiferina achieved the fastest growth in a younger (60 years) shadowy forest; growth was slowest in a clear-felled area and in an old (180 years), already thinned forest. C. mitis grew fastest in a site with young (10 years old) pine plants and slowest in a younger shadowy site. The results do not support suggestions that clear-felling itself might negatively influence the growth of lichens. However, it is important also from the point of view of range management to create a new forest as soon as possible, since both species studied here grew faster in young forests than in clear-felled areas.Harmaaporonjakalan ja mietoporonjakalan kasvunopeus eri-ikaisissa metsissa.Abstract in Finnish / Yhteenveto: Harmaaporonjakalan (Cladonia rangiferina) ja mietoporonjakalan (Cladonia mitis) kasvunopeutta tutkittiin Kuusamossa. Aineisto kerattiin 5 puustoltaan eri-ikaiselti jakalakankaalta. Harmaaporonjakala kasvoi pituutta keskimaarin 3.9 - 4.3 mm/v ja mietoporonjakala 3.0 - 3.5 mm/v kasvupaikasta riippuen. Harmaaporonjakalan kasvu oli nopeinta nuorehkossa (60 v) tiheassa metsassa, hitainta paljaaksihakkuulla ja vanhassa (180 v), jo harventuneessa metsassa. Mietoporonjakala kasvoi nopeimmin 90 cm:n taimikossa ja hitaimmin varjoisimmalla kasvupaikalla. Tulosten perusteella on vaikea yhtya kasitykseen, etta paljaaksihakkuu sinansa vahentaa poronjakalien kasvunopeutta. Myos poronhoidon kannalta on kuitenkin tarkeaa, etta uusi metsa saadaan aikaan mahdollisimman nopeasti, silla molemmat lajit kasvavat nopeimmin eri-ikaisissa nuorissa metsissa

    Mechanistic analysis of PCNA poly-ubiquitylation by the ubiquitin protein ligases Rad18 and Rad5

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    Poly-ubiquitylation is a common post-translational modification that can impart various functions to a target protein. Several distinct mechanisms have been reported for the assembly of poly-ubiquitin chains, involving either stepwise transfer of ubiquitin monomers or attachment of a preformed poly-ubiquitin chain and requiring either a single pair of ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme (E2) and ubiquitin ligase (E3), or alternatively combinations of different E2s and E3s. We have analysed the mechanism of poly-ubiquitylation of the replication clamp PCNA by two cooperating E2ā€“E3 pairs, Rad6ā€“Rad18 and Ubc13ā€“Mms2ā€“Rad5. We find that the two complexes act sequentially and independently in chain initiation and stepwise elongation, respectively. While loading of PCNA onto DNA is essential for recognition by Rad6ā€“Rad18, chain extension by Ubc13ā€“Mms2ā€“Rad5 is only slightly enhanced by loading. Moreover, in contrast to initiation, chain extension is tolerant to variations in the attachment site of the proximal ubiquitin moiety. Our results provide information about a unique conjugation mechanism that appears to be specialised for a regulatable pattern of dual modification

    Plant Biomarker Pattern, Apples grown with various availability of organic nitrogen and with or witout the use of pesticides

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    In the recent years there has been an increasing focus on the quality and health value of organic plant products compared with conventional products. The use of pesticides and concentrated fertilisers in conventional agriculture implies a risk of effects on plant composition, which may affect health of the consumer (Brandt & MĆølgaard, 2001). To determine if organically grown plant food could provide more or less benefits to health than conventional food, a first step is to investigate the differences in the composition and relative concentration of natural compounds in the plant products. In this project apples were grown with two levels of nitrogen availability and with or without the use of pesticides. The apples were screened for changes in the phytochemical composition and concentration. The work is affiliated to the project "Organic food and health" supported by the Danish Research Centre for Organic Farming (DARCOF). Biomarkers and biomarker patterns were presented in plants cultivated with low and high N and with pesticides. One biomarker was related to: ā€¢ the type of N with and without pesticides ā€¢ pesticides at high N and type of N without pesticides ā€¢ pesticides at low and high N One biomarker pattern was related to: ā€¢ the type of N ā€¢ the type of N without pesticides ā€¢ pesticides at low N and type of N without pesticides ā€¢ pesticides at high N and type of N with pesticide

    Contributions of ubiquitin- and PCNA-binding domains to the activity of Polymerase Ī· in Saccharomyces cerevisiae

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    Bypassing of DNA lesions by damage-tolerant DNA polymerases depends on the interaction of these enzymes with the monoubiquitylated form of the replicative clamp protein, PCNA. We have analyzed the contributions of ubiquitin and PCNA binding to damage bypass and damage-induced mutagenesis in Polymerase Ī· (encoded by RAD30) from the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. We report here that a ubiquitin-binding domain provides enhanced affinity for the ubiquitylated form of PCNA and is essential for in vivo function of the polymerase, but only in conjunction with a basal affinity for the unmodified clamp, mediated by a conserved PCNA interaction motif. We show that enhancement of the interaction and function in damage tolerance does not depend on the ubiquitin attachment site within PCNA. Like its mammalian homolog, budding yeast Polymerase Ī· itself is ubiquitylated in a manner dependent on its ubiquitin-binding domain

    Group i metabotropic glutamate receptors: A potential target for regulation of proliferation and differentiation of an immortalized human neural stem cell line

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    Ā© 2014 Nordic Association for the Publication of BCPT (former Nordic Pharmacological Society). Human neural stem cells (NSCs) from the developing embryo or the subventricular zone of the adult brain can potentially elicit brain repair after injury or disease, either via endogenous cell proliferation or by cell transplantation. Profound knowledge of the diverse signals affecting these cells is, however, needed to realize their therapeutic potential. Glutamate and group I metabotropic glutamate receptors (mGluRs) affect proliferation and survival of rodent NSCs both during embryonic and post-natal development. To investigate the role of group I mGluRs (mGluR1 and mGluR5) on human NSCs, we differentiated an immortalized, forebrain-derived stem cell line in the presence or absence of glutamate and with addition of either the group I mGluR agonist DHPG or the selective antagonists, MPEP (mGluR5) and LY367385 (mGluR1). Characterization of differentiated cells revealed that both mGluR1 and mGluR5 were present on the cells. Addition of glutamate to the growth medium significantly increased cell proliferation and reduced cell death, resulting in increased cell numbers. In the presence of glutamate, selective activation of group I mGluRs reduced gliogenesis, whereas selective inhibition of group I mGluRs reduced neurogenesis. Our results substantiate the importance of glutamate signalling in the regulation of human NSCs and may as such be applied to promote proliferation and neuronal differentiation.This research was supported by the Danish Parkinson Association, IMK Almene Fond, HĆørslev-Fonden, Kirsten og Freddy Johansens Fond, Grosserer Brogaard og Hustrus Mindefond and Fonden for LƦgevidenskabens Fremme.Peer Reviewe
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