128 research outputs found

    Inquiry- without posing questions?

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    This article discusses what inquiry conversations could mean when learning mathematics.3 Referring to Gadamar’s distinction of true and apparent questions it is discussed what it takes to be inquiring and if this attitude necessarily includes posing questions. Which qualities are expressed in inquiring questions, and what other ways of communicating may have an inquiring function in learning conversations? The intention is to develop and frame the concept of ’inquiry’ in learning conversations, and this is the focus of analysis of an authentic classroom situation, where teacher and pupils are exploring the concept of ’volume’. Further, this analysis informs a discussion of listening as an important element of an inquiring learning conversation

    Lung function, respiratory symptoms, and occupational exposure : A five-year prospective study among employees in Norwegian smelters

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    Kronisk obstruktiv lungesykdom (KOLS) er en lungesykdom som især rammer røykere, men yrkeseksponering kan også være årsak til sykdommen. I perioden 1996-2003 ble det derfor gjennomført en undersøkelse av alle ansatte på 24 smelteverk og relaterte arbeidsplasser i Norge. Hovedmålet for studien var å kartlegge om det er økt risiko for utvikling av kronisk obstruktiv lungesykdom hos ansatte i norsk smelteverksindustri med dagens eksponering. Smelteverksindustrien tok selv initiativet til undersøkelsen. I alt 3924 arbeidstakere i aldersgruppen 20 – 55 år ble inkludert i studien. Deltakerne ble undersøkt årlig i en fem-års periode (i alt 16 570 helseundersøkelser). Ved hver undersøkelse ble det gjort lungefunksjonstest (spirometri) og fylt ut et spørreskjema. Undersøkelsen viste at i gruppen av ansatte med høy støveksponering fantes økt forekomst av luftveissymptomer som hoste og hoste med oppspytt sammenlignet med ansatte uten eksponering. Den samme gruppen hadde lavere lungefunksjon enn ueksponerte. I de fem årene som undersøkelsen pågikk ble det i tillegg påvist en sammenheng mellom støveksponering og økt fall i lungefunksjon. Det er således grunn til å tro at dagens støveksponering i smelteverkene gir økt risiko for utvikling av KOLS blant de eksponerte arbeidstakere. Smelteverkene har i flere år hatt fokus på å bedre det fysiske arbeidsmiljøet, og resultatene fra undersøkelsen bidrar til at dette arbeidet intensiveres

    Forskningsmetodologi og undervisningsmetodologi i utdanningsforskning

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    Fasilitering av ungdommers demokratiske danning

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    Use of reperfusion therapy and time delay in patients with ischaemic stroke by immigration status:a register-based cohort study in Denmark

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    BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Reperfusion therapy is the mainstay of treatment for acute ischaemic stroke (AIS); however, little is known about the use of reperfusion therapy and time delay amongst immigrants. METHODS: This is a Danish nationwide register‐based cohort study of patients with AIS aged ≥18 years (n = 49,817) recruited from 2009 to 2018. Use of reperfusion therapy (intravenous thrombolysis and/or mechanical thrombectomy) and time delay between immigrants and Danish‐born residents were compared using multivariable logistics and quantile regression. RESULTS: Overall, 10,649 (39.8%) Danish‐born residents and 452 (39.0%) immigrants with AIS were treated with reperfusion therapy in patients arriving <4.5 h following stroke onset. Compared with Danish‐born residents, immigrants had lower odds of receiving reperfusion therapy after adjustment for prehospital delay, age, sex, stroke severity, sociodemographic factors and comorbidities (adjusted odds ratio 0.67; 95% confidence interval 0.49‒0.92, p = 0.01). The lowest odds were observed amongst immigrants originating from Poland and non‐Western countries. Similarly, immigrants had a longer prehospital delay than Danish‐born residents in the fully adjusted model in patients arriving <4.5 h after stroke onset (15 min; 95% confidence interval 4‒26 min, p = 0.03). No evidence was found that system delay and clinical outcome differed between immigrants and Danish‐born residents in patients eligible for reperfusion therapy after adjustment for sociodemographic factors and comorbidities. CONCLUSION: Immigration status was significantly associated with lower chances of receiving reperfusion therapy and there may be differences in patient delay between immigrants and Danish‐born residents in patients arriving to a stroke unit <4.5 h after stroke onset

    Multidrug-resistant Neisseria gonorrhoeae infection with ceftriaxone resistance and intermediate resistance to azithromycin, Denmark, 2017

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    We describe a multidrug-resistant Neisseria gonorrhoeae infection with ceftriaxone resistance and azithromycin intermediate resistance in a heterosexual man in Denmark, 2017. Whole genome sequencing of the strain GK124 identified MSLT ST1903, NG-MAST ST1614 and all relevant resistance determinants including similar penA resistance mutations previously described in ceftriaxone-resistant gonococcal strains. Although treatment with ceftriaxone 0.5 g plus azithromycin 2 g was successful, increased awareness of spread of gonococcal strains threatening the recommended dual therapy is crucial.</jats:p
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