222 research outputs found

    Vascular adhesion protein-1 as in vivo target for imaging of leukocyte transendothelial migration in inflammation

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    Inflammation is related to many diseases, such as atherosclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis and metabolic diseases. Vascular adhesion protein-1 (VAP-1) is an endothelial adhesion molecule involved in leukocyte trafficking cascades from blood circulation to the sites of inflammation. In normal condition, VAP-1 is stored in intracellular granules. During inflammation it is rapidly translocated from the intracellular storage granules to the endothelial cell surface. Siglec-9 is a leukocyte ligand of VAP-1 and Siglec-9 motif containing peptide can be used as a positron emission tomography (PET) tracer for in vivo imaging of inflammation-related diseases. For this study, radiolabeled Siglec-9 was evaluated for feasibility as a tracer in imaging orthopaedic implant infection in rats, synovitis in rabbits, turpentine oil-induced inflammation in rats and atherosclerosis in mice. Dynamic PET imaging was performed using [68Ga]DOTA-Siglec-9 or [18F]FDR-Siglec-9. After PET imaging various tissues were collected for ex vivo measurements with a gamma counter. Inflamed tissues were further studied with the digital autoradiography and histological staining. The expression of luminal VAP-1 in inflamed tissues was also studied by means of immunohistochemical stainings. Inflammation in different experimental settings were clearly visualized with [68Ga]DOTA-Siglec-9 PET. The [18F]FDR-Siglec-9 uptake in atherosclerotic mouse model and an acute sterile inflammation in a turpentine oil-induced rat model were comparable with [68Ga]DOTA-Siglec-9. Anti-inflammatory therapy with VAP-1 inhibitor (LJP1586) reduced macrophages in atherosclerotic plaques in mice. The expression of luminal VAP-1 in inflamed tissue was verified with fluorescence-based immunohistochemistry. In conclusion, [68Ga]DOTA-Siglec-9 and [18F]FDR-Siglec-9 are promising imaging agents for in vivo imaging of inflammation. [68Ga]DOTA-Siglec-9 was able to detect inflammation already in its early stage. VAP-1 is a promising target for both anti-inflammatory therapy and molecular imaging of inflammation.Siirretty Doriast

    Development and Application of Assessment Standards to Advanced Written Assignments

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    This study describes the results of a project that focused on developing an assessment rubric to be used as the assessment criteria for the written thesis of accounting majors and the quality of the coursework during the seminar. We used descriptive analysis and the survey method to collect information for the development work and to examine the effect of the rubric on learning. We find that the rubric has a positive effect on students' understanding, self-assessment, confidence, and integration. We contribute to the extant literature by adding to prior work that has examined factors that can improve students' learning outcomes. By synthesizing theories on approaches to learning and self-regulation, and combining them with literature on self-efficacy and social/academic integration, we bring conceptual clarity to the elements of learning in a course, which consist of written assignments and the accompanying group work. The paper demonstrates a way to help university students to learn via explicit assessment rubrics, and thus offers novel ideas for accounting educators.Peer reviewe


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    kansatiedeIn this introduction to the Journal of Finnish Studies theme issue entitled The Making of Finland: The Era of the Grand Duchy, the editors outline, in broad strokes, the years when Finland was part of Russia. The second part of the chapter consists of a discussion of the eight chapters that make up this article collection. The contributors approach the topic of the Grand Duchy of Finland from multiple—and even surprising—perspectives, showing how, in addition to the important cultural events that contributed to Finland’s quest for independence, ordinary aspects of daily life, such as food culture, were also part of this path, as was hunger, poverty, and illness.Peer reviewe

    Peruna paremmaksi

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    Laadukas peruna on käyttötarkoitukseen sopivaa, virheetöntä, ravintoarvoltaan hyvää ja käyttöturvallista. Laadukas peruna ei sisällä kemiallisia torjunta-aineita, haitallisia yhdisteitä tai raskasmetalleja. Laatuvaihtelut ovat merkittävä ongelma sekä perunan tuottajalle että käyttäjälle. Ongelmat perunan laadussa tulevat yleensä esiin vasta käsittely- tai valmistusprosessin aikana. Koetut pettymykset perunan laadussa ohjaavat kuluttajia ja suurkeittiöitä käyttämään korvaavia tuotteita ja se näkyy tuotantoketjulle markkinaosuuksien menetyksenä. Riittävä ja tasapainoinen, maan ravinnevarat huomioon ottava lannoitus on keskeinen osa perunan viljelytekniikkaa. Peruna reagoi vaativana viljelykasvina vaihtelevaan tai epätasapainoiseen lannoitukseen sadon määrällä ja/tai laadulla. Lannoituksen suunnittelussa pitäisi ottaa huomioon maa-analyysien tulokset sekä esikasvin, tuotantosuunnan, lajikkeiden ym. vaikutukset. Lisäksi sadon määrään ja laatuun vaikuttavia tekijöitä ovat maalaji, vesitalous, kasvukauden sääolosuhteet ja varastointi. Tässä tutkimuksessa mukuloiden ravinnepitoisuudet vaihtelivat paljon ja ravinteiden kulkeutumiseen mukuloihin vaikutti erityisesti maan pH. Maan multavuudella ei ollut yhteyttä satotasoon tai mukuloiden ravinnepitoisuuksiin. Lajikkeet reagoivat eri tavoin lannoitukseen ja kasvukauden sääolosuhteilla oli suuri vaikutus ravinteiden vapautumiseen maaperästä. Perunan laadulla tarkoitetaan sen ulkoisia ja sisäisiä käyttöominaisuuksia sekä mukulan ravintoarvoa. Ulkoisella laadulla tarkoitetaan perunan silminnähtäviä ominaisuuksia kuten ulkonäköä, kokoa, väriä, mekaanisia vioituksia ja tautioireita. Perunan sisäinen laatu muodostuu kemiallisesta koostumuksesta, tärkkelyspitoisuudesta ja käyttöominaisuuksista. Tällaisia käyttöominaisuuksia ovat esimerkiksi keitetyn perunan jauhoisuus ja maku sekä erilaisten värinmuutosten esiintyminen raa’assa, keitetyssä tai paistetussa perunassa. Tässä tutkimuksessa havaittiin lajikkeen yhteys perunan käyttölaatuun. Lisäksi laatuun olivat yhteydessä myös muut tekijät kuten lannoitus sekä maan ja mukuloiden ravinnepitoisuudet. Alkutuotannon ja perunan jatkojalostajien saumaton yhteistyö on välttämätöntä hyvän laadun turvaamiseksi kuluttajille. On varmistettava, ettei perunan käsittely jalostusprosessissa tai suurkeittiöissä heikennä laatua. Tässä tutkimuksessa havaittiin, että toimijoiden määrän lisääntyminen perunaketjussa lisää ongelmia vuorovaikutuksessa ja palautteen kulussa. Yleisimpiä laatuongelmia keittiöillä olivat kuorettuminen, raakatummuminen, hajoaminen ja hilseily. Kuoritut ja paloitellut, muovipussiin pakatut perunat olivat suosituimmat perunan käyttömuodot keittiöillä. Kuorimattoman perunan käyttö lisääntyi keittiöillä vuosien 2011-2014 välisenä aikana. Tässä raportissa on esitelty Peruna paremmaksi – hankkeen keskeisiä tuloksia, tuotantoon liittyviä tuloksia on esitetty osassa I ja suurtalouskeittiötä koskevia tuloksia osassa II. Lisäksi raportin osassa II kuvataan tuottajien ja suurkeittiötoimijoiden yhteistyömallia.Good quality potato is suitable for its use, flawless, good in nutritional value and safe to use. Good quality potato doesn’t contain pesticides, harmful substances or heavy metals. The quality variations of potato are a significant problem for potato producers as well as consumers. Problems in potato quality come up usually in the handling or production processes. The disappointments in potato quality directing consumers and institutional kitchens to substitute potato with other products can be seen as a loss of market share in the production chain. Adequate and balanced fertilization that takes into consideration the nutrient substances of the soil is an essential part of the cultivation technique of potato. Potato reacts as a demanding crop for differing or unbalanced fertilization by the yield and/or quality of the crop. In the planning of fertilization should be taken into consideration the results of soil analysis, crop rotation, line of production and varieties etc. Additionally the factors influencing the yield and quality of the crop are soil type, water management, weather conditions of growing period and storing conditions. In this research the nutrient contents of tubers varied and nutrients behaved in particular according to pH –levels. The organic matter of soils had no impact on crop yields or on nutrient contents of tubers. Cultivars differed greatly in how they responded to fertilization. Also, growing season weather conditions had a great significance to the release of nutrients from the soil. With potato quality means its external and internal properties of use and tuber’s nutritional value. In external quality a potatoes visible properties like general outlook, size, colour, mechanical damages and disease symptoms are observed. The internal quality of potato consists of chemical composition, starch content and properties of use. These properties are for example the mealiness, flavor or discolorations in raw, cooked or fried potato. In this research a connection between potato variety and cooking quality was observed. There were also other factors wich affected cooking quality; fertilizing, nutrient contents in the soil and nutrient contents of tubers. Seamless co-operation of producers and processors of potato is a necessity for securing the good quality potato for consumers. It needs to be assured that the processing of potato (cleansing, pealing, chopping and cooking up) is not to weaken the quality. In this research it was observed that there are more communication problems if the production chain of potato is long. Most common flaws in potato quality were discoloration of fresh potatoes, crusting, breaking up and scaling. Peeled and chopped potatoes in plasticpacking were used most commonly in kitchens. The use of unpeeled potatoes was raised in kitchens in the years 2011-2014. The report is presenting main results of “Better quality of potato” –project concerning potato production, processors and institutional kitchens for managing potato quality. Additionally in the report is described producers and institutional kitchens co-operation mode

    Normative values for sleep parameters in pre-schoolers using actigraphy

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    Objective: There are currently no reference values for actigraphy-measured sleep length and fragmentation in preschool children. We created standardized parameters using a community sample. Methods: Ninety-seven 2-to-6-year-old children (56 boys) wore an actigraph on their non-dominant wrist for seven days. The data was extracted and scored, calculating total sleep time, sleep latency, sleep efficiency, fragmentation index, circadian rhythm length, cosine peak and light/dark ratio. Subjects were divided into groups of 2-3-year-olds, 4-5-year-olds and 6-year-olds. Means and standard deviations were calculated, and reference values were created using the 2.5th and the 97.5th percentiles. Results: Reference intervals were 7 h 23 min-9 h 47 min for 24-hour total sleep time, 0.2-48.4 min for sleep latency, 69-87% for sleep efficiency, 23-53% for fragmentation index, 23 h 39 min-24 h 24 min for circadian rhythm length, 12: 37-15: 53 for the timing of the cosine peak, and 1.14-5.63 for the light-dark ratio. With increasing age, daily sleep time, sleep latency, sleep fragmentation, and napping decreased. Conclusions: We were able to create previously non-established reference values, including trends with increasing age, on actigraphy-assessed sleep in preschool children. Significance: Sleep disorders in young children are easier to evaluate against normative data. (C) 2018 International Federation of Clinical Neurophysiology. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.Peer reviewe

    Kulttuuriympäristöalan asiantuntijan erikoistumiskoulutuksen kehittämishanke. Loppuraportti.

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