10 research outputs found

    Raw labeled reads from faecal samples of Calidris alpina, C. alba and Plectrophenax nivalis

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    Collected while handling the birds or from the field while observing the birds. DNA extracted from individual pellets using Zymo Research Faecal Mini Kit. Sequenced using Ion Torrent PGM. FASTQ file header stands for: @READNUMBER;barcodelabel=SAMPLEID_COLLECTIONLOCALITY_DAY-MONTH-YEAR_BIRDSPECIES_BIRDAGE

    The final readmap

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    This readmap contains the final read counts for each sample. The difference to raw readmap is that some OTU's in this version have been clumped together. The information in this sheet was used as presense/absence data in the study

    Command pipeline used for bioinformatics

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    The file contains all the commandds used in this study to generate the final data. The bioinformatics was carried out at servers on CSC - IT Center for SCience in Finland

    OTU sequences for Spider data2

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    Clustered to OTUs using USEARCH algorithm with default (97%) similarity. This way there is a little bit of oversplitting, and OTUs belonging to same biological species are clustered subsequently

    Command pipeline used for bioinformatics for Spider data2

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    The file contains all the commands used in this study to generate the final data. The bioinformatics was carried out at servers on CSC - IT Center for SCience in Finland