6 research outputs found

    Forensic investigation of a mass grave at Ovčara, near Vukovar, of victims killed by the Serbian army in 1991

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    Objective: To evaluate the contribution of forensic research to the discovery and analysis of mass graves of victims of the Yugoslav People’s Army and Serbian paramilitaries at Ovčara, near Vukovar, and to the identification of exhumed victims as missing persons who were forcibly removed from Vukovar Hospital on 20 November 1991. Methods: We analysed official international documentation and transcripts from the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia. Data on causes of death and injury classifications were derived from autopsy reports and their interpretation by a forensic specialist. Identification of individuals was based on a report by a representative of the Commission on Detainees and Missing Persons. Results: Scientific and expert evidence from forensic research of the Ovčara mass grave shows that 198 male and 2 female bodies (one of a pregnant woman) in civilian clothes were exhumated from the site, with an average age of 32.5 years, including 3 minors. The determined manner of death for all 200 exhumed bodies was homicide, and the cause of death for 95% of the victims was a gunshot wound to a vital part of the body, in 67% of cases to the head. Traces of medical treatment and hospital workwear were found on 53% of the victims. 96% of the bodies were positively identified, 46.5% using classical forensic methods, and 49.5% by DNA analysis. Most of the victims were Croatian nationals of the Catholic faith. Conclusion: Forensic analysis and identification confirmed that the war crime victims exhumed from the Ovčara mass grave were listed as missing persons who disappeared from Vukovar Hospital. Their murder was used as relevant evidence of planned ethnic cleansing in court

    Sex estimation by the patterns of lip impressions (cheiloscopy) – an analysis of a Croatian sample and a scoping review

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    Aim: To determine whether there is sexual dimorphism of lip prints’ morphological features in the Croatian population and to provide a scoping review for the accuracy of sex estimation on lip prints. Methods: The study on the Croatian population included 88 male and 88 female (median age 25, range 18 - 50) participants. Lip prints were analyzed by quadrant, and then the predominant pattern on the entire lip was observed. A systematic search of the relevant bibliographical databases was conducted, including Medline, Scopus, Web of Science Core Collection (WoSCC), and Cinahl (October 23rd, 2020). OpenGrey, Open Science Framework, and Science.gov databases were searched for grey literature. Findings were reported in the narrative form in accordance with the PRISMA Extension for Scoping Reviews (PRISMA-ScR) checklist. A total of 80 studies were included. Results: The study of sexual dimorphism of lip prints in the Croatian population showed that there were no statistically significant differences between males and females; and when all quadrants were considered together (χ2 = 3.625, P = 0.459), sex could be estimated for only 55.7% of persons. Twenty-nine studies (36.3%) did not find differences between males and females, and 34 (42.5%) found sexual dimorphism only in some of the lip parts and some quadrants. The assessment of examined studies showed that only six studies met all quality criteria. Conclusion: There is no forensically significant sexual dimorphism in lip prints in the Croatian population. The scoping review showed that sex estimation using lip prints should not be used as evidence in court as the present methodology is not reliable and the potential rate of error is unknown

    The role of the forensic investigation in the prosecution of war crimes- an example of the mass grave Ovcara

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    Forenzična znanost predstavlja ujedinjenost različitih znanstvenih disciplina s konačnim ishodom utvrđivanja istine u kaznenopravnom smislu. Njezina primjena u međunarodnim istragama ratnih zločina, zločina protiv čovječnosti i genocida, kao primarni cilj u otkrivanju odgovornih osoba, nije dovoljno zastupljena. Gledajući s povijesne, pravne i humanitarne strane njen doprinos je neprocjenjiv, no ipak velika financijska sredstva potrebna za multidisciplinarnu implementaciju u istragama teških kršenja ljudskih prava, kojih je sve više u svijetu, ograničavaju njeno korištenje. Mnogi forenzični stručnjaci dobrovoljno se uključuju u razne međunarodne organizacije s ciljem dokumentiranja van sudskih pogubljenja i mučenja, progona, genocida, u svrhu iznošenja dokaza koje sud može koristiti u otkrivanju identiteta osoba na vlasti koji su svojim odlukama, direktno ili presudno odobrili počinjeni zločin. Iako njihova zadaća nije identificiranje prekršitelja temeljnog ljudskog prava, prikupljeni sudsko-medicinski dokazi imaju primarno značenje u procesu utvrđivanja odgovornosti i identificiranju žrtava, te na taj način ujedno služe i kao upozorenje u sprječavanju daljnjih zločina. Precizno i kvalitetno dokumentiranje koje je nemoguće realizirati bez uključivanja stručnjaka određenih disciplina, ne samo da osigurava znanstveno neoborivo potvrđivanje ili osporavanje ostalih dokaza, već znatno doprinosi pružanju važnih elemenata potrebnih za otkrivanje identiteta žrtava. Naposljetku, iako je sekundarni cilj, nedvojbena je važnost humanitarnog dijela koji u konačnici pruža ono najvažnije, dostojanstvo preminulima.Forensic science represents the unification of different scientific disciplines with the final outcome of establishing the truth in the sense of the criminal justice. It's application in international investigations of war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide, as the primary goal in identifying those responsible, is underrepresented. From a historical, legal and humanitarian point of view the contribution is invaluable, yet the large financial resources required for multidisciplinary implementation in investigations of serious human rights violations, which are on the rise in the world, limit its use. Many forensic experts voluntarily join various international organizations to document extrajudicial executions and torture, persecution, genocide, in order to present evidence that the court can use to reveal the identity of those in power who directly or decisively approved the crime committed. Although their task is not to identity the people violating of fundamental human rights, the forensic evidence gathered is of primary importance in the process of establishing responsibility and identifying victims, and thus also serves as a warning in preventing further crimes. Precise and high-quality documentation that is impossible to realize without the involvement of experts in certain disciplines, not only ensures scientifically irrefutable confirmation or challenge of other evidence, but significantly contributes to providing important elements needed to reveal the identity of victims. Ultimately, although a secondary goal, there is no doubt about the importance of the humanitarian part, which ultimately provides the most important thing, the dignity of the deceased

    The role of the forensic investigation in the prosecution of war crimes- an example of the mass grave Ovcara

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    Forenzična znanost predstavlja ujedinjenost različitih znanstvenih disciplina s konačnim ishodom utvrđivanja istine u kaznenopravnom smislu. Njezina primjena u međunarodnim istragama ratnih zločina, zločina protiv čovječnosti i genocida, kao primarni cilj u otkrivanju odgovornih osoba, nije dovoljno zastupljena. Gledajući s povijesne, pravne i humanitarne strane njen doprinos je neprocjenjiv, no ipak velika financijska sredstva potrebna za multidisciplinarnu implementaciju u istragama teških kršenja ljudskih prava, kojih je sve više u svijetu, ograničavaju njeno korištenje. Mnogi forenzični stručnjaci dobrovoljno se uključuju u razne međunarodne organizacije s ciljem dokumentiranja van sudskih pogubljenja i mučenja, progona, genocida, u svrhu iznošenja dokaza koje sud može koristiti u otkrivanju identiteta osoba na vlasti koji su svojim odlukama, direktno ili presudno odobrili počinjeni zločin. Iako njihova zadaća nije identificiranje prekršitelja temeljnog ljudskog prava, prikupljeni sudsko-medicinski dokazi imaju primarno značenje u procesu utvrđivanja odgovornosti i identificiranju žrtava, te na taj način ujedno služe i kao upozorenje u sprječavanju daljnjih zločina. Precizno i kvalitetno dokumentiranje koje je nemoguće realizirati bez uključivanja stručnjaka određenih disciplina, ne samo da osigurava znanstveno neoborivo potvrđivanje ili osporavanje ostalih dokaza, već znatno doprinosi pružanju važnih elemenata potrebnih za otkrivanje identiteta žrtava. Naposljetku, iako je sekundarni cilj, nedvojbena je važnost humanitarnog dijela koji u konačnici pruža ono najvažnije, dostojanstvo preminulima.Forensic science represents the unification of different scientific disciplines with the final outcome of establishing the truth in the sense of the criminal justice. It's application in international investigations of war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide, as the primary goal in identifying those responsible, is underrepresented. From a historical, legal and humanitarian point of view the contribution is invaluable, yet the large financial resources required for multidisciplinary implementation in investigations of serious human rights violations, which are on the rise in the world, limit its use. Many forensic experts voluntarily join various international organizations to document extrajudicial executions and torture, persecution, genocide, in order to present evidence that the court can use to reveal the identity of those in power who directly or decisively approved the crime committed. Although their task is not to identity the people violating of fundamental human rights, the forensic evidence gathered is of primary importance in the process of establishing responsibility and identifying victims, and thus also serves as a warning in preventing further crimes. Precise and high-quality documentation that is impossible to realize without the involvement of experts in certain disciplines, not only ensures scientifically irrefutable confirmation or challenge of other evidence, but significantly contributes to providing important elements needed to reveal the identity of victims. Ultimately, although a secondary goal, there is no doubt about the importance of the humanitarian part, which ultimately provides the most important thing, the dignity of the deceased


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    Jedna od temeljnih zadaća Europske unije je izjednačavanje prava unutar Unije, odnosno uspostava unutarnjeg tržišta ostvarivanjem temeljnih sloboda. U području prava trgovačkih društava, pretpostavke za prihvaćanje inicijativa EU-a ogledaju se u olakšavanju slobode poslovnog nastana trgovačkih društava te pravno reguliranje odnosa između subjekata prava društava (trgovačkih društava). Europsko društvo je trgovačko društvo i pravna osoba, te se smatra nadnacionalnim oblikom dioničkog društva koji ima za cilj omogućiti da društvo koje ima sjedište u nekoj od država članica Unije može nesmetano poslovati na cijelom području Unije, da u svakoj državi članici ima određeni položaj te da se s njime postupa kao da je osnovano i kao da ima sjedište u toj državi. Trgovačka se društva mogu na području Unije osnivati pod pretpostavkama i na način predviđen Uredbom Vijeća Europske unije kao europska društva nazvana Societas Europea. Između država članica Unije postoje brojne različitosti u pogledu nacionalnih prava koje je potrebno uskladiti da bi se stvorilo jedinstveno europsko pravo društava.One of the basic missions of the European Union is to provide equal rights to everyone within the Union, i.e. to establish an internal market by ensuring basic freedoms. In the area of company law , the prerequisites for adopting EU initiatives include easier access to the freedom of establishment of companies and the legal regulation of relationships between subjects of company law (companies). The European company is a company and a legal person, and it is considered to be a supranational form of a company, with the goal of enabling a company with the seat in one of the member states of the Union to conduct unobstructed business activities in the entire European Union, also, the company should have a certain status in every member state and it should be treated like it was established and like it has seat in that state. Companies in the European Union can be founded under the conditions and in a manner regulated by the Regulation of the European Council as European companies called Socieatas Europaea. There are numerous differences between member states of the European Union regarding national legislation that must be harmonised in order to create a single European company law

    The role of the forensic investigation in the prosecution of war crimes- an example of the mass grave Ovcara

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    Forenzična znanost predstavlja ujedinjenost različitih znanstvenih disciplina s konačnim ishodom utvrđivanja istine u kaznenopravnom smislu. Njezina primjena u međunarodnim istragama ratnih zločina, zločina protiv čovječnosti i genocida, kao primarni cilj u otkrivanju odgovornih osoba, nije dovoljno zastupljena. Gledajući s povijesne, pravne i humanitarne strane njen doprinos je neprocjenjiv, no ipak velika financijska sredstva potrebna za multidisciplinarnu implementaciju u istragama teških kršenja ljudskih prava, kojih je sve više u svijetu, ograničavaju njeno korištenje. Mnogi forenzični stručnjaci dobrovoljno se uključuju u razne međunarodne organizacije s ciljem dokumentiranja van sudskih pogubljenja i mučenja, progona, genocida, u svrhu iznošenja dokaza koje sud može koristiti u otkrivanju identiteta osoba na vlasti koji su svojim odlukama, direktno ili presudno odobrili počinjeni zločin. Iako njihova zadaća nije identificiranje prekršitelja temeljnog ljudskog prava, prikupljeni sudsko-medicinski dokazi imaju primarno značenje u procesu utvrđivanja odgovornosti i identificiranju žrtava, te na taj način ujedno služe i kao upozorenje u sprječavanju daljnjih zločina. Precizno i kvalitetno dokumentiranje koje je nemoguće realizirati bez uključivanja stručnjaka određenih disciplina, ne samo da osigurava znanstveno neoborivo potvrđivanje ili osporavanje ostalih dokaza, već znatno doprinosi pružanju važnih elemenata potrebnih za otkrivanje identiteta žrtava. Naposljetku, iako je sekundarni cilj, nedvojbena je važnost humanitarnog dijela koji u konačnici pruža ono najvažnije, dostojanstvo preminulima.Forensic science represents the unification of different scientific disciplines with the final outcome of establishing the truth in the sense of the criminal justice. It's application in international investigations of war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide, as the primary goal in identifying those responsible, is underrepresented. From a historical, legal and humanitarian point of view the contribution is invaluable, yet the large financial resources required for multidisciplinary implementation in investigations of serious human rights violations, which are on the rise in the world, limit its use. Many forensic experts voluntarily join various international organizations to document extrajudicial executions and torture, persecution, genocide, in order to present evidence that the court can use to reveal the identity of those in power who directly or decisively approved the crime committed. Although their task is not to identity the people violating of fundamental human rights, the forensic evidence gathered is of primary importance in the process of establishing responsibility and identifying victims, and thus also serves as a warning in preventing further crimes. Precise and high-quality documentation that is impossible to realize without the involvement of experts in certain disciplines, not only ensures scientifically irrefutable confirmation or challenge of other evidence, but significantly contributes to providing important elements needed to reveal the identity of victims. Ultimately, although a secondary goal, there is no doubt about the importance of the humanitarian part, which ultimately provides the most important thing, the dignity of the deceased