2,370 research outputs found

    Effect of moderated pressure on the activity and termostability of three microbial enzymes : catalase, β-galactosidase and alcohol dehydrogenase

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    The effect of moderate gas pressure on the activity and termostability of three microbial enzymes: catalase from Aspergillus niger, β-galactosidase from Escherichia coli and alcohol dehydrogenase from Saccharomyces cerevisiae was study. Batch assays were carried out in a hyperbaric bioreactor at increased pressure up to 9 bar using the activity at atmospheric pressure as pattern. Interactions between the effects of pressure and temperature on the activity of β-galactosidase and alcohol dehydrogenase were also studied. Experiments with air, N2 and CO2 were performed with catalase. It was observed that the increase of air pressure didn’t affect the activity of catalase. When the pressuring gas was CO2 at 3 bar or higher, a large loss of activity was observed. However, an increase of catalase activity between 3 bar to 6 bar of pure N2 was found. Among all the three enzymes, β-galactosidase was the most sensitive to pressure rise from 1 bar to 9 bar, since its activity was reduced by long periods of pressure exposure and it was the only enzyme that showed termostability reduction by pressure increase. Studies with β-galactosidase and alcohol dehydrogenase didn’t show any interaction between air pressure effects and temperature in the reaction velocity

    Spun biotextiles in tissue engineering and biomolecules delivery systems

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    Nowadays, tissue engineering is described as an interdisciplinary field that combines engineering principles and life sciences to generate implantable devices to repair, restore and/or improve functions of injured tissues. Such devices are designed to induce the interaction and integration of tissue and cells within the implantable matrices and are manufactured to meet the appropriate physical, mechanical and physiological local demands. Biodegradable constructs based on polymeric fibers are desirable for tissue engineering due to their large surface area, interconnectivity, open pore structure, and controlled mechanical strength. Additionally, biodegradable constructs are also very sought-out for biomolecule delivery systems with a target-directed action. In the present review, we explore the properties of some of the most common biodegradable polymers used in tissue engineering applications and biomolecule delivery systems and highlight their most important uses.Authors acknowledge the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT), FEDER funds by means of Portugal 2020 Competitive Factors Operational Program (POCI) and the Portuguese Government (OE) for funding the project PEPTEX with reference PTDC/CTM-TEX/28074/2017 (POCI-01-0145- FEDER-028074). Authors also acknowledge project UID/CTM/00264/2020 of Centre for Textile Science and Technology (2C2T), funded by national funds through FCT/MCTES

    Mesoscopic study of the electronic properties of thin polymer films

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    Conjugated polymers are very interesting for light emitting diodes. Further improvement in device performance requires a better understanding on the correlation between the polymer structure and device characteristics. A mesoscopic study using a generalised Monte Carlo method of bipolar charge transport in thin poly(p-phenylene-vinylene) (PPV) films is presented in this paper. We show that energy and spatial molecular disorder have a serious influence on migration of charge carriers within the polymer layer. The transfer of carriers between two polymer chains is made dependent on the chemical potential difference as well as on other features such as the distance between both molecules involved and the direction of the electric field. The purpose of the present work is to clarify the effects of local energy and polymer structural disorder on current flow, trapping and recombination on polymer based devices

    Synthesis of Peptaibolin, an antimicrobial peptide

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    To tackle one of the biggest global health problems, the resistance of microorganisms to antibiotics, a collective effort in the search for more effective agents against bacteria was required. Peptides with antimicrobial activity have been raising much attention as a promising alternative for antibiotics. Peptaibols, for instance, are a family of antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) with great biomedical potential, in which the Peptaibolin can be highlighted. This peptide has gained relevance due to its small amino acids content, only four, and its acetyl group and a phenylalaninol residue (Phol) at the N-terminal and C-terminal, respectively. Here, we report the synthesis of Peptaibolin through Solid Phase Peptide Synthesis assisted by Microwave heating (MW-SPPS) in a pre-loaded Phe-Wang resin. Starting from a loading of 0.51 mmol/g, two syntheses were made, using two different combinations of coupling reagents. The best option was DIC/Oxima, achieving a yield of 50.0%. Proton Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (1H-NMR) studies confirmed the peptide structure, while High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) verified the peptide purity. The peptide solubility was examined against several combinations of solvents. Peptaibolin was not soluble in water, only in organic solvents or in the combination of both. Antimicrobial testing was conducted using Staphylococcus aureus, Staphylococcus epidermidis, Escherichia coli, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Minimum inhibitory concentration studies demonstrated the resistance of bacteria to the peptide action and the peptide instability in bacterial growth conditionsFundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia-FCT (Portugal) for funding through CQUM (UID/QUI/00686/2020) and project PTDC/QUI-COL/28052/2017. The NMR spectrometer Bruker Avance III 400 is part of the National NMR Network and was purchased within the framework of the National Program for Scientific Re-equipment, contract REDE/1517/RMN/2005 with funds from POCI 2010 (FEDER) and FCT. Authors also acknowledge FCT for funding the project PEPTEX with reference PTDC/CTM-TEX/28074/2017 (POCI-01-0145-FEDER-028074). They acknowledge project UID/CTM/00264/2021 of Centre for Textile Science and Technology (2C2T), funded by national funds through FCT/MCTE

    Monitoring programmes: the fundamental component of estuaries management: how to design one?

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    This article focuses on the design of a conceptual framework to design and assess environmental estuarine monitoring programmes, including the networks, to detect quality status changes in coastal areas within environmental management programmes. Monitoring is a fundamental component in any management system, and in particular in sensitive areas under strong human pressures, like estuaries. These pressures will be reflected in impacts in the ecosystem and also in responses from it. A monitoring program including the network and the indicators measured, should be designed to be able to identify the i) pressures, ii) the state and effects, and iii) the responses of human action in the estuary according to casualty chains, also the monitoring performance should be measured to assess the effectiveness of the monitoring program itself. Answers to these needs are studied in this article, namely in what concerns the selection and location of the monitoring stations. To evaluate the “best” monitoring design one should first clearly identify the objectives of the network and which indicators (in the sense of important variables that reflect environmental attributes) are most appropriate for the particular situation. In this work two methods for monitoring network design will be evaluated, namely i) variance-reduction based, and ii) space-filling. These two are examples of a statistically-based method, and of a random-allocation-based method. The most appropriate objective functions are used to reflect the objectives of the monitoring. In all cases the objective function models are solved with the simulated annealing meta-heuristic algorithm, implemented by the team to solve monitoring optimisation problems. Due to the amount and quality of the information available, the Sado estuary is used as a case-study to demonstrate the results of the methods and helping in the comparative analysis.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Evaluation of erythrocyte filtrability and its relation to globular membrane (Na+, K+)--dependent ATPase in hypertensive patients

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    The values of erythrocyte filtration index and erythrocyte membrane (Na+, K+) – dependent ATPase activity were evaluated in 21 hypertensive patients (12 men and 9 women) aged 46.3 ± 9.7 years. The patients suffered from essential hypertension and the blood pressure values recorded were 171.9 ± 21.3 mmHg systolic and 110.6 ± 12.2 mmHg diastolic. The activity of erythrocyte membrane Na+, K+ ATPase is significantly lower (p < 0.001) among the patients (0.074 ± 0.029 μmoles Pi/mg prot/h) than in the healthy controls (0.160 ± 0.045 μmoles Pi/mg prot/h). The rate of erythrocyte filtrability was also significantly lower (p < 0.001) in respect to the controls (12.84 ± 2.40 μl. seg.-1 and (15.80 ± 1.75, respectively). However, no correlation was found between the two parameters evaluated.This study was supported by a grant from INIC (MbL2)

    Understanding electron flow in conducting polymer films : injection, mobility, recombination and mesostructure

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    We survey the current state of models for electronic processes in conducting polymer devices, especially light-emitting diodes. We pay special attention to several processes that have been somewhat neglected in the previous literature: charge injection from electrodes into a polymer sample, mobility of charge-or energy-carrying defects within a single molecule and (more briefly) transfer of carriers between molecules and the interaction between the charge transport and the mesostructure of the polymer. Within all these areas substantial. progress has been made in recent years in elucidating the important physics, but further progress is needed to make quantitative contact with experiment.Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC)

    The regulatory challenges of innovative customized combination products

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    Background/aimsCombination products are therapeutic and/or diagnostic products that can combine drugs and medical devices and which increasing complexity has raised new regulatory framework challenges. To reach the market, a combination product must be classified based on the principal mode of action (PMOA). However, research and technological progress has been leading to the development of novel combination products with no clearly defined PMOA, emphasizing the lack of a systematization process, thus challenging the correct classification of these products. To illustrate the regulatory challenge, two case studies are discussed: innovative combination products with PMOA that can change due to an external stimulus, specifically custom-made 3D-printed scaffolds with incorporated medicinal substances.MethodsData was collected through computational search engines, regulatory agencies and equally relevant associations. The analysis of the data resulted on this state-of-the-art review, a description of the decision-making process by the regulatory authorities, and case studies analysis that culminated in the proposal of a decision-tree scheme.FindingsCurrent regulations do not fully address complex combination products namely personalized 3D-printed scaffolds. Two merged regulatory approaches are suggested along with the schematization of the rational assisted by a decision-tree tool.ConclusionCombination products have become increasingly sophisticated, which has furthered the need to develop multidisciplinary collaborations within the health sector to adapt to these innovative healthcare solutions as well as with regulators to overcome the challenges posed for their classification

    Deri yara kaplamalarindaki uygulamalar için elektrik alan lif çekim ile üretilmiş Tiger 17 peptit yüklü polikaprolakton/selüloz asetat nano lifli matlar

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    A skin wound if not properly treated can result in a chronic wound susceptible to widespread infections, which can result in the patient's death. Currently, tissue engineering is described as an interdisciplinary field that combines principles of engineering, chemistry and biology to generate solutions that allow to repair, restore and/or improve the functions of injured tissues. In the same sense, the textile area addresses solutions based on polymeric fibers, produced from a wide range of polymers, which allow the generation of structures with a large surface area, porosity and mechanical resistance that can be used as bioactive dressings that promote a healing and efficient antimicrobial activity. This research work focused on the synthesis of Tiger 17, through microwave-assisted solid-phase synthesis methodologies, and Tiger 17 commercially obtained, respective structural characterization and evaluation of the antimicrobial capacity. Simultaneously, nanofibrous polymer matrices were produced using the electrospinning technique with the aim of immobilizing the developed biomolecule and thus creating potential vehicles for a local and sustainable antimicrobial action (controlled release). In order to verify its physical and chemical properties, advanced characterization techniques were used: proton nuclear magnetic resonance, high performance liquid chromatography, optical microscopy, scanning electron microscopy, fourier transform infrared spectroscopy–attenuated total reflectance, thermogravimetry, differential scanning calorimetry, contact angle and surface energy and determination of porosity and hydration.Düzgün tedavi edilmeyen bir cilt yarası, hastanın ölümüyle sonuçlanabilecek yaygın enfeksiyonlara duyarlı kronik bir yaraya neden olabilir. Günümüzde doku mühendisliği, hasarlı dokuların işlevlerini onarmaya, eski haline getirmeye ve/veya iyileştirmeye olanak tanıyan çözümler üretmek için mühendislik, kimya ve biyolojinin ilkelerini birleştiren disiplinler arası bir alan olarak tanımlanmaktadır. Bu kapsamda, tekstil, iyileşmeyi ve etkili antimikrobiyal aktiviteyi teşvik eden biyoaktif pansuman olarak kullanılabilecek, geniş yüzey alanlı, gözenekli ve mekanik dirençli yapıların oluşturulmasına izin veren, geniş bir polimer yelpazesinden üretilen liflere dayalı çözümler sunmaktadır. Bu araştırma çalışması, mikrodalga destekli katı faz sentez metodolojileri aracılığıyla Tiger 17'nin sentezine ve ticari olarak temin edilen Tiger 17 ile birlikte yapısal karakterizasyonunun ve antimikrobiyal kapasitenin değerlendirilmesine odaklanmıştır. Aynı zamanda, geliştirilen biyomolekülü hareketsiz hale getirmek ve böylece lokal ve sürdürülebilir bir antimikrobiyal etki (kontrollü salım) için potansiyel çözümler yaratmak amacıyla elektrik alan lif üretim tekniği kullanılarak nanolifli polimer matrisler üretildi. Yapının fiziksel ve kimyasal özelliklerini doğrulamak için, proton nükleer manyetik rezonans, yüksek performanslı sıvı kromatografisi, optik mikroskopi, taramalı elektron mikroskobu, fourier dönüşümü kızılötesi spektroskopisi-zayıflatılmış toplam yansıma, termogravimetri, diferansiyel taramalı kalorimetri, temas açısı, yüzey enerjisi, gözeneklilik ve su tutma ölçümleri gibi ileri karakterizasyon teknikleri kullanıldı

    Microviscosity of erythrocyte membrane in hypertensive patients

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    Twenty eight ambulatory patients (16 men and 12 women), suffering from essential hypertension, whose ages averaged 46.9 ± 9.6 years, were studied; the patients presented blood pressure values of 174.0 ± 22.7 mmHg systolic and 110.5 ± 11.7 mmHg diastolic. It was detected a significant rise of erythrocyte membrane microviscosity (p < 0.01) and a significant decrease of erythrocyte filtrability (p < 0.001). However, no significant correlation was observed between these two parameters. The results obtained suggest that essential hypertension induces or may be associated to intrinsic abnormalities of erythrocyte membrane eventually acting on globular flexibility