73 research outputs found

    Dynamics of extracellular matrix in ovarian follicles and corpora lutea of mice

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    Despite the mouse being an important laboratory species, little is known about changes in its extracellular matrix (ECM) during follicle and corpora lutea formation and regression. Follicle development was induced in mice (29 days of age/experimental day 0) by injections of pregnant mare’s serum gonadotrophin on days 0 and 1 and ovulation was induced by injection of human chorionic gonadotrophin on day 2. Ovaries were collected for immunohistochemistry (n=10 per group) on days 0, 2 and 5. Another group was mated and ovaries were examined on day 11 (n=7). Collagen type IV α1 and α2, laminin α1, β1 and γ1 chains, nidogens 1 and 2 and perlecan were present in the follicular basal lamina of all developmental stages. Collagen type XVIII was only found in basal lamina of primordial, primary and some preantral follicles, whereas laminin α2 was only detected in some preantral and antral follicles. The focimatrix, a specialised matrix of the membrana granulosa, contained collagen type IV α1 and α2, laminin α1, β1 and γ1 chains, nidogens 1 and 2, perlecan and collagen type XVIII. In the corpora lutea, staining was restricted to capillary sub-endothelial basal laminas containing collagen type IV α1 and α2, laminin α1, β1 and γ1 chains, nidogens 1 and 2, perlecan and collagen type XVIII. Laminins α4 and α5 were not immunolocalised to any structure in the mouse ovary. The ECM composition of the mouse ovary has similarities to, but also major differences from, other species with respect to nidogens 1 and 2 and perlecan

    Could perturbed fetal development of the ovary contribute to the development of polycystic ovary syndrome in later life?

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    Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) affects around 10% of young women, with adverse consequences on fertility and cardiometabolic outcomes. PCOS appears to result from a genetic predisposition interacting with developmental events during fetal or perinatal life. We hypothesised that PCOS candidate genes might be expressed in the fetal ovary when the stroma develops; mechanistically linking the genetics, fetal origins and adult ovarian phenotype of PCOS. In bovine fetal ovaries (n = 37) of 18 PCOS candidate genes only SUMO1P1 was not expressed. Three patterns of expression were observed: early gestation (FBN3, GATA4, HMGA2, TOX3, DENND1A, LHCGR and FSHB), late gestation (INSR, FSHR, and LHCGR) and throughout gestation (THADA, ERBB4, RAD50, C8H9orf3, YAP1, RAB5B, SUOX and KRR1). A splice variant of FSHB exon 3 was also detected early in the bovine ovaries, but exon 2 was not detected. Three other genes, likely to be related to the PCOS aetiology (AMH, AR and TGFB1I1), were also expressed late in gestation. Significantly within each of the three gene groups, the mRNA levels of many genes were highly correlated with each other, despite, in some instances, being expressed in different cell types. TGFβ is a well-known stimulator of stromal cell replication and collagen synthesis and TGFβ treatment of cultured fetal ovarian stromal cells inhibited the expression of INSR, AR, C8H9orf3 and RAD50 and stimulated the expression of TGFB1I1. In human ovaries (n = 15, < 150 days gestation) many of the same genes as in bovine (FBN3, GATA4, HMGA2, FSHR, DENND1A and LHCGR but not TOX3 or FSHB) were expressed and correlated with each other. With so many relationships between PCOS candidate genes during development of the fetal ovary, including TGFβ and androgen signalling, we suggest that future studies should determine if perturbations of these genes in the fetal ovary can lead to PCOS in later life

    Regulation of fibrillins and modulators of TGFβ in fetal bovine and human ovaries

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    Fibrillins 1–3 are stromal extracellular matrix proteins that play important roles in regulating TGFβ activity, which stimulates fibroblasts to proliferate and synthesize collagen. In the developing ovary, the action of stroma is initially necessary for the formation of ovigerous cords and subsequently for the formation of follicles and the surface epithelium of the ovary. FBN3 is highly expressed only in early ovarian development and then it declines. In contrast, FBN1 and 2 are upregulated in later ovarian development. We examined the expression of FBN1–3 in bovine and human fetal ovaries. We used cell dispersion and monolayer culture, cell passaging and tissue culture. Cells were treated with growth factors, hormones or inhibitors to assess the regulation of expression of FBN1–3. When bovine fetal ovarian tissue was cultured, FBN3 expression declined significantly. Treatment with TGFβ-1 increased FBN1 and FBN2 expression in bovine fibroblasts, but did not affect FBN3 expression. Additionally, in cultures of human fetal ovarian fibroblasts (9–17 weeks gestational age), the expression of FBN1 and FBN2 increased with passage, whereas FBN3 dramatically decreased. Treatment with activin A and a TGFβ family signaling inhibitor, SB431542, differentially regulated the expression of a range of modulators of TGFβ signaling and of other growth factors in cultured human fetal ovarian fibroblasts suggesting that TGFβ signaling is differentially involved in the regulation of ovarian fibroblasts. Additionally, since the changes in FBN1–3 expression that occur in vitro are those that occur with increasing gestational age in vivo, we suggest that the fetal ovarian fibroblasts mature in vitro.Nicole A Bastian, Rosemary A Bayne, Katja Hummitzsch, Nicholas Hatzirodos, Wendy M Bonner, Monica D Hartanti, Helen F Irving-Rodgers, Richard A Anderson and Raymond J Rodger

    Transcript abundance of stromal and thecal cell related genes during bovine ovarian development

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    <div><p>Movement and expansion of mesonephric-derived stroma appears to be very important in the development of the ovary. Here, we examined the expression of 24 genes associated with stroma in fetal ovaries during gestation (n = 17; days 58–274) from <i>Bos taurus</i> cattle. RNA was isolated from ovaries for quantitative RT-PCR. Expression of the majority of genes in TGFβ signalling, stromal transcription factors (<i>NR2F2</i>, <i>AR)</i>, and some stromal matrix genes (<i>COL1A1</i>, <i>COL3A1</i> and <i>FBN1</i>, but not <i>FBN3</i>) showed a positive linear increase with gestational age. Expression of genes associated with follicles (<i>INSL3</i>, <i>CYP17A1</i>, <i>CYP11A1</i> and <i>HSD3B1</i>), was low until mid-gestation and then increased with gestational age. <i>LHCGR</i> showed an unusual bimodal pattern; high levels in the first and last trimesters. <i>RARRES1</i> and <i>IGFBP3</i> also increased with gestational age. To relate changes in gene expression in stromal cells with that in non stromal cells during development of the ovary we combined the data on the stromal genes with another 20 genes from non stromal cells published previously and then performed hierarchical clustering analysis. Three major clusters were identified. Cluster 1 genes (<i>GATA4</i>, <i>FBN3</i>, <i>LHCGR</i>, <i>CYP19A1</i>, <i>ESR2</i>, <i>OCT4</i>, <i>DSG2</i>, <i>TGFB1</i>, <i>CCND2</i>, <i>LGR5</i>, <i>NR5A1</i>) were characterised by high expression only in the first trimester. Cluster 2 genes (<i>FSHR</i>, <i>INSL3</i>, <i>HSD3B1</i>, <i>CYP11A1</i>, <i>CYP17A1</i>, <i>AMH</i>, <i>IGFBP3</i>, <i>INHBA</i>) were highly expressed in the third trimester and largely associated with follicle function. Cluster 3 (<i>COL1A1</i>, <i>COL3A1</i>, <i>FBN1</i>, <i>TGFB2 TGFB3</i>, <i>TGFBR2</i>, <i>TGFBR3</i>, <i>LTBP2</i>, <i>LTBP3</i>, <i>LTBP4</i>, <i>TGFB1I1</i>, <i>ALDH1A1</i>, <i>AR</i>, <i>ESR1</i>, <i>NR2F2</i>) had much low expression in the first trimester rising in the second trimester and remaining at that level during the third trimester. Cluster 3 contained members of two pathways, androgen and TGFβ signalling, including a common member of both pathways namely the androgen receptor cofactor TGFβ1 induced transcript 1 protein (<i>TGFB1I1</i>; hic5). <i>GATA4</i>, <i>FBN3</i> and <i>LHCGR</i>, were highly correlated with each other and were expressed highly in the first trimester during stromal expansion before follicle formation, suggesting that this could be a critical phase in the development of the ovarian stroma.</p></div

    A new model of development of the mammalian ovary and follicles

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    Ovarian follicular granulosa cells surround and nurture oocytes, and produce sex steroid hormones. It is believed that during development the ovarian surface epithelial cells penetrate into the ovary and develop into granulosa cells when associating with oogonia to form follicles. Using bovine fetal ovaries (n = 80) we identified a novel cell type, termed GREL for Gonadal Ridge Epithelial-Like. Using 26 markers for GREL and other cells and extracellular matrix we conducted immunohistochemistry and electron microscopy and chronologically tracked all somatic cell types during development. Before 70 days of gestation the gonadal ridge/ovarian primordium is formed by proliferation of GREL cells at the surface epithelium of the mesonephros. Primordial germ cells (PGCs) migrate into the ovarian primordium. After 70 days, stroma from the underlying mesonephros begins to penetrate the primordium, partitioning the developing ovary into irregularly-shaped ovigerous cords composed of GREL cells and PGCs/oogonia. Importantly we identified that the cords are always separated from the stroma by a basal lamina. Around 130 days of gestation the stroma expands laterally below the outermost layers of GREL cells forming a sub-epithelial basal lamina and establishing an epithelial-stromal interface. It is at this stage that a mature surface epithelium develops from the GREL cells on the surface of the ovary primordium. Expansion of the stroma continues to partition the ovigerous cords into smaller groups of cells eventually forming follicles containing an oogonium/oocyte surrounded by GREL cells, which become granulosa cells, all enclosed by a basal lamina. Thus in contrast to the prevailing theory, the ovarian surface epithelial cells do not penetrate into the ovary to form the granulosa cells of follicles, instead ovarian surface epithelial cells and granulosa cells have a common precursor, the GREL cell.Katja Hummitzsch, Helen F. Irving-Rodgers, Nicholas Hatzirodos, Wendy Bonner, Laetitia Sabatier, Dieter P. Reinhardt, Yoshikazu Sado, Yoshifumi Ninomiya, Dagmar Wilhelm and Raymond J. Rodger

    Health Conditions and Their Impact among Adolescents and Young Adults with Down Syndrome

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    Objective: To examine the prevalence of medical conditions and use of health services among young adults with Down syndrome and describe the impact of these conditions upon their lives. Methods: Using questionnaire data collected in 2011 from parents of young adults with Down syndrome we investigated the medical conditions experienced by their children in the previous 12 months. Univariate, linear and logistic regression analyses were performed. Results: We found that in addition to the conditions commonly experienced by children with Down syndrome, including eye and vision problems (affecting 73%), ear and hearing problems (affecting 45%), cardiac (affecting 25%) and respiratory problems (affecting 36%), conditions also found to be prevalent within our young adult cohort included musculoskeletal conditions (affecting 61%), body weight (affecting 57%), skin (affecting 56%) and mental health (affecting 32%) conditions and among young women menstrual conditions (affecting 58%). Few parents reported that these conditions had no impact, with common impacts related to restrictions in opportunities to participate in employment and community leisure activities for the young people, as well as safety concerns. Conclusion: There is the need to monitor, screen and provide appropriate strategies such as through the promotion of healthy lifestyles to prevent the development of comorbidities in young people with Down syndrome and, where present, to reduce their impact

    Extracellular matrix and the development and atresia of bovine ovarian follicles.

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    The studies submitted for this thesis encompass two broad areas of interest. The first is the role of extracellular matrix during folliculogenesis, including ovulation and corpus luteum formation. The observations made were extended in a second series of studies investigating matrix and other parameters of morphologically distinct follicles.Thesis (Ph.D.) -- University of Adelaide, School of Paediatrics and Reproductive Health, 200

    Formation of the ovarian follicular antrum and follicular fluid

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    The formation of the follicular antrum and follicular fluid has received scant attention from researchers, yet both are important processes in follicular development. The central hypothesis on follicular fluid formation suggests that production by granulosa cells of hyaluronan and the chondroitin sulphate proteoglycan versican generates an osmotic gradient. This gradient draws in fluid derived from the thecal vasculature. Inter-alpha-trypsin inhibitor is also present in follicular fluid at least in species with large follicles, and inter-alpha-trypsin inhibitor and versican could additionally bind or cross-link with hyaluronan, resulting in the retention of these molecules within the follicular antrum. Barriers to the movement of fluid across the membrana granulosa are apparently minimal, as even relatively large serum proteins are present in follicular fluid. Despite the relative permeability of the follicular wall, aquaporins are present in granulosa cells and could be actively involved in the transport of water into the follicle. The formation of an antrum also requires movement of granulosa cells relative to each other to allow the fluid to accumulate. This presumably involves remodeling of cell-cell junctions and in species with small follicles may involve death of centrally located granulose cells. Remodeling of the stroma and thecal layers also accompanies growth and expansion of the antrum and presumably involves similar processes that accompany growth of other glands.Raymond J. Rodgers and Helen F. Irving-Rodger

    Extracellular matrix of the developing ovarian follicle

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    There are many different types of extracellular matrices in the different follicle compartments. These have different roles in follicle development and atresia, and they change in composition during these processes. This review focuses on basal lamina matrix in particular, and considers follicular fluid, the newly identified focimatrix, and thecal matrices. When follicles commence growing, the follicular basal lamina changes in its composition from containing all six alpha chains of type IV collagen to only alpha1 and alpha2. Perlecan and nidogen-1 and -2 subsequently become components of the follicular basal lamina, and there is an increase in the amount of laminin chains alpha1, beta2, and gamma1, in the bovine at least. Late in follicular development and on atresia some follicles contain laminin alpha2. On atresia the follicular basal lamina is not degraded, as occurs in ovulation, but can be breached by cells from the thecal layer when it is not aligned by granulosa cells. A novel type of basal lamina-like matrix, called focimatrix (abbreviated from focal intraepithelial matrix), develops between the cells of the membrana granulosa as aggregates of basal lamina material. It does not envelop cells and so cannot perform functions of basal lamina as currently understood. It is hypothesized that focimatrix assists or initiates depolarization of the membrana granulosa necessary for the transformation into luteal cells. The largest osmotically active molecules in follicular fluid are hyaluronan and chondroitin sulfate proteoglycans, including versican and inter-alpha trypsin inhibitor. It has been suggested that these might be responsible for the formation of follicular fluid by creating an osmotic gradient across the follicular wall. The formation, development, and then either ovulation or regression of follicles requires considerable tissue remodeling, cellular replication, and specialization. The expectation of researchers is that extracellular matrix will be intimately involved in many of these processes. Much research has focused in identifying the components of extracellular matrix and associated developmental changes. We review the components of extracellular matrix associated with follicular development, including the basal lamina, focimatrix, follicular fluid, and matrix of the thecal layers.Helen F. Irving-Rodgers, Raymond J. Rodger

    Extracellular matrix of the corpus luteum

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    The potential importance of the extracellular matrix to luteal formation and development, additional development in response to pregnancy hormones in some species, and luteal function and regression is possibly under-appreciated. Collagens I and III and fibronectin change dynamically during the formation of the corpus luteum and probably reflect the necessity for directional migration of cells in the establishment of a vascularized corpus luteum. Extracellular proteins may also be essential for the maintenance of luteal cell phenotype. Laminins, collagens type IV, and nidogen-1 have been localized to varying degrees of completeness in different species. Each capillary has a subendothelial basal lamina that changes in composition during luteal formation. These subendothelial basal laminas are often adjacent to luteal cells. The high vascularity of corpora lutea may have led to the assumption that luteal cells are surrounded by basal laminas. However, in rat, bovine, and human corpora lutea, there is no evidence of basal laminas surrounding luteal cells. Instead there are fibers or aggregates of basal lamina material rich in laminins interspersed throughout the luteal tissue. Versican appears to be localized to the capsule in human corpora lutea but is widely dispersed in the bovine corpus luteum, similar to the distribution of thecal derived cells, and is not associated with capillaries. Hyaluronan is also present in the luteal parenchyma. Clearly more studies of corpora lutea are required for a fuller understanding of the roles of extracellular matrix in luteal function.Helen F. Irving-Rodgers, Jan Roger, Martin R. Luck, Raymond J. Rodger
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