135 research outputs found

    Weight loss surgery for non-morbidly obese populations with type 2 diabetes: is this an acceptable option for patients?

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    Aim To explore the views of non-morbidly obese people (BMI 30-40 kg/m2) with type 2 diabetes regarding: (a) the acceptability of bariatric surgery (BS) as a treatment for type 2 diabetes, and (b) willingness to participate in randomised controlled trials comparing BS versus non-surgical intervention. BACKGROUND: Despite weight management being a key therapeutic goal in type 2 diabetes, achieving and sustaining weight loss is problematic. BS is an effective treatment for people with morbid obesity and type 2 diabetes; it is less certain whether non-morbidly obese patients (BMI 30-39.9 kg/m2) with type 2 diabetes benefit from this treatment and whether this approach would be cost-effective. Before evaluating this issue by randomised trials, it is important to understand whether BS and such research are acceptable to this population. METHODS: Non-morbidly obese people with type 2 diabetes were purposively sampled from primary care and invited to participate in semi-structured interviews. Interviews explored participants' thoughts surrounding their diabetes and weight, the acceptability of BS and the willingness to participate in BS research. Data were analysed using Framework Analysi

    Greenspaces and Human Well-Being : Perspectives from a Rapidly Urbanising Low-Income Country

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    Compelling evidence demonstrates links between greenspaces and human well-being. However, the existing evidence has a strong bias towards high-income countries. Rapidly urbanising cities in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) remain largely unexplored. The rising prevalence of mental disorders in LMICs highlights the need to better understand the role greenspaces can play in mitigating mental ill-health. We carried out a cross-sectional household survey to investigate links between measures of greenspace exposure and human well-being, and tested pathways that could underpin any such interactions in Kathmandu, a rapidly urbanising low-income city in Nepal. While we found no consistent relationship between measures of greenspace exposure and human well-being outcomes, we provide evidence that greenspaces in a rapidly urbanising low-income setting could be important for encouraging physical activity and fostering social cohesion. Further, we revealed that a medium perceived variety of biodiversity attributes of greenspaces was associated with the highest levels of physical activity and social cohesion. Our findings support the view that greenspaces in LMICs may be less likely to provide well-being benefits. Moreover, medium levels of biodiversity may best promote well-being in LMICs. More research is needed to understand how greenspaces can support human well-being in LMICs

    Challenges of Integrating Tobacco Cessation Interventions in TB Programmes : Case Studies from Nepal and Pakistan

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    Introduction: Offering tobacco cessation interventions to TB patients is highly desirable due to the interaction between TB and tobacco use and the potential benefits of quitting. However, implementing such interventions in TB programmes remains a challenge and an under-researched area. Using two initiatives to implement tobacco cessation within TB programmes in Nepal and Pakistan as case studies, we describe these challenges and highlight lessons learnt in the process. Methods: We first conducted a documentary review of all published and unpublished reports of the two initiatives including relevant qualitative and quantitative data and its’ analyses. We then analysed this information using the Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research (CFIR) under the five domains of implementation: intervention characteristics, outer settings, inner settings, participant characteristics and the process of implementation. Findings: We faced a number of challenges in implementing tobacco cessation within TB programmes both in Nepal and in Pakistan. These included: doubts about the contextual relevance of the intervention, environments conducive to smoking and political inertia for a cultural shift, service providers’ workload, priorities, and their motivation and capacity to deliver tobacco cessation, and inadequate training and support during implementation. We learned that by adapting intervention to the local context, securing mandate from higher authorities, aligning tasks to service providers’ roles and receptivity, building capacity through adequate training and providing support, monitoring and feedback during implementation can help in integrating tobacco cessation within TB programmes. Conclusions: Lessons from existing studies can help TB programmes in implementing tobacco cessation interventions and enable greater integration and sustainability of cessation services within routine TB care

    Cardiovascular health promotion : A systematic review involving effectiveness of faith-based institutions in facilitating maintenance of normal blood pressure

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    Globally, faith institutions have a range of beneficial social utility, but a lack of understanding remains regarding their role in cardiovascular health promotion, particularly for hypertension. Our objective was assessment of modalities, mechanisms and effectiveness of hypertension health promotion and education delivered through faith institutions. A result-based convergent mixed methods review was conducted with 24 databases including MEDLINE, Embase and grey literature sources searched on 30 March 2021, results independently screened by three researchers, and data extracted based on behaviour change theories. Quality assessment tools were selected by study design, from Cochrane risk of bias, ROBINS I and E, and The Joanna Briggs Institute's Qualitative Assessment and Review Instrument tools. Twenty-four publications contributed data. Faith institution roles include cardiovascular health/disease teaching with direct lifestyle linking, and teaching/ encouragement of personal psychological control. Also included were facilitation of: exercise/physical activity as part of normal lifestyle, nutrition change for cardiovascular health, cardiovascular health measurements, and opportunistic blood pressure checks. These demand relationships of trust with local leadership, contextualisation to local sociocultural realities, volitional participation but prior consent by faith / community leaders. Limited evidence for effectiveness: significant mean SBP reduction of 2.98 mmHg (95%CI -4.39 to -1.57), non-significant mean DBP increase of 0.14 mmHg (95%CI -2.74 to +3.01) three months after interventions; and significant mean SBP reduction of 0.65 mmHg (95%CI -0.91 to -0.39), non-significant mean DBP reduction of 0.53 mmHg (95%CI -1.86 to 0.80) twelve months after interventions. Body weight, waist circumference and multiple outcomes beneficially reduced for cardiovascular health: significant mean weight reduction 0.83kg (95% CI -1.19 to -0.46), and non-significant mean waist circumference reduction 1.48cm (95% CI -3.96 to +1.00). In addressing the global hypertension epidemic the cardiovascular health promotion roles of faith institutions probably hold unrealised potential. Deliberate cultural awareness, intervention contextualisation, immersive involvement of faith leaders and alignment with religious practice characterise their deployment as healthcare assets

    A narrative review of facilitators and barriers to smoking cessation and tobacco-dependence treatment in patients with tuberculosis in low- and middle-income countries

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    INTRODUCTION: Smoking is a substantial cause of premature death in patients with tuberculosis (TB), particularly in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) with high TB prevalence. The importance of incorporating smoking cessation and tobacco-dependence treatment (TDT) into TB care is highlighted in the most recent TB care guidelines. Our objective is to identify the likely key facilitators of and barriers to smoking cessation for patients with TB in LMICs. METHODS: A systematic search of studies with English-language abstracts published between January 2000 and May 2019 was undertaken in the EMBASE, MEDLINE, EBSCO, ProQuest, Cochrane and Web of Science databases. Data extraction was followed by study-quality assessment and a descriptive and narrative synthesis of findings. RESULTS: Out of 267 potentially eligible articles, 36 satisfied the inclusion criteria. Methodological quality of non-randomized studies was variable; low risk of bias was assessed in most randomized controlled studies. Identified facilitators included brief, repeated interventions, personalized behavioural counselling, offer of pharmacotherapy, smoke-free homes and a reasonable awareness of smoking-associated risks. Barriers included craving for a cigarette, low level of education, unemployment, easy access to tobacco in the hospital setting, lack of knowledge about quit strategies, and limited space and privacy at the clinics. Findings show that the risk of smoking relapse could be reduced through consistent follow-up upon completion of TB therapy and receiving a disease-specific smoking cessation message. CONCLUSIONS: Raising awareness of smoking-related health risks in patients with TB and implementing guideline-recommended standardized TDT within national TB programmes could increase smoking cessation rates in this high-risk population

    Improving the quality of child-care centres through supportive assessment and ‘communities of practice’ in informal settlements in Nairobi : protocol of a feasibility study

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    Introduction Investing in children during the critical period between birth and age 5 years can have long-lasting benefits throughout their life. Children in Kenya’s urban informal settlements, face significant challenges to healthy development, particularly when their families need to earn a daily wage and cannot care for them during the day. In response, informal and poor quality child-care centres with untrained caregivers have proliferated. We aim to co-design and test the feasibility of a supportive assessment and skills-building for child-care centre providers.Methods and analysis A sequential mixed-methods approach will be used. We will map and profile child-care centres in two informal settlements in Nairobi, and complete a brief quality assessment of 50 child-care centres. We will test the feasibility of a supportive assessment skills-building system on 40 child-care centres, beginning with assessing centre-caregivers’ knowledge and skills in these centres. This will inform the subsequent co-design process and provide baseline data. Following a policy review, we will use experience-based co-design to develop the supportive assessment process. This will include qualitative interviews with policymakers (n=15), focus groups with parents (n=4 focus group discussions (FGDs)), child-care providers (n=4 FGDs) and joint workshops. To assess feasibility and acceptability, we will observe, record and cost implementation for 6 months. The knowledge/skills questionnaire will be repeated at the end of implementation and results will inform the purposive selection of 10 child-care providers and parents for qualitative interviews. Descriptive statistics and thematic framework approach will respectively be used to analyse quantitative and qualitative data and identify drivers of feasibility.Ethics and dissemination The study has been approved by Amref Health Africa’s Ethics and Scientific Review Committee (Ref: P7802020 on 20th April 2020) and the University of York (Ref: HSRGC 20th March 2020). Findings will be published and continual engagement with decision-makers will embed findings into child-care policy and practice

    Beyond a facility: A cross-sectional survey on WASH service levels and informal social accountability in childcare centres in Nairobi's informal settlements

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    Access to clean water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) services is crucial for a healthy start in life. Social accountability has a potential for enhancing WASH services in childcare centres. However, there are inadequate studies to understand how informal social accountability mechanisms contributes to WASH service provision. To address this gap, we conducted a cross-sectional survey in Korogocho and Viwandani informal settlements in Nairobi, Kenya, to explore the relationship between different levels of WASH services (ranging from basic to limited or nonexistent) and indicators of informal social accountability, including rewards, sanctions, voice, and responsiveness. We employed multinomial regression analysis, utilizing a robust error variance estimator to account for potential biases. Our findings revealed disparities in WASH service provision between the two studied areas, with childcare centres in Korogocho exhibiting higher access to basic WASH services compared to those in Viwandani. Our analysis also highlighted a significant association between informal social accountability mechanisms and the provision of WASH services. Notably, the sanction mechanism exhibited a correlation with all WASH services, suggesting its pivotal role in shaping service delivery outcomes. In light of these findings, it is imperative to prioritize efforts aimed at reinforcing social accountability mechanisms in WASH service delivery frameworks

    Co-creation and self-evaluation: An accountability mechanism process in water, sanitation and hygiene services delivery in childcare centres in Nairobi's informal settlements

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    Background: Accountability strategies are expected to enhance access to water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) service delivery in low-and middle-income countries (LMIC). Conventional formal social accountability mechanisms (SAMs) for WASH service delivery have been inadequate to meet the needs of residents in informal settlements in LMICs. This has prompted growing interest in alternative informal SAMs (iSAMs) in Nairobi's informal settlements. To date, iSAMs have shown a limited effect, often due to implementation failures and poor contextual fit. In childcare centers in Nairobi's informal settlements, co-creation of the iSAMs process, where parents, childcare managers, researchers and other WASH stakeholders, contribute to the design and implementation of iSAMs, is an approach with the potential to meet urgent WASH needs. However, to our knowledge, no study has documented (1) co-creating iSAMs processes for WASH service delivery in childcare centers and (2) self-evaluation of the co-creation process in the informal settlements. Methods: We used a qualitative approach where we collected data through workshops and focus group discussions to document and inform (a) co-creation processes of SAMs for WASH service delivery in childcare centers and (b) self-evaluation of the co-creation process. We used a framework approach for data analysis informed by Coleman's framework. Results: Study participants co-created an iSAM process that entailed: definition; action and sharing information; judging and assessing; and learning and adapting iSAMs. The four steps were considered to increase the capability to meet WASH needs in childcare centers. We also documented a self-evaluation appraisal of the iSAM process. Study participants described that the co-creation process could improve understanding, inclusion, ownership and performance in WASH service delivery. Negative appraisals described included financial, structural, social and time constraints. Conclusion: We conclude that the co-creation process could address contextual barriers which are often overlooked, as it allows understanding of issues through the ‘eyes' of people who experience service delivery issues. Further, we conclude that sustainable and equitable WASH service delivery in childcare centers in informal settlements needs research that goes beyond raising awareness to fully engage and co-create to ensure that novel solutions are developed at an appropriate scale to meet specific needs. We recommend that actors should incorporate co-creation in identification of feasible structures for WASH service delivery in childcare centers and other contexts
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