185 research outputs found

    Bringing the Market Back In? Institutional complementarity and hierarchy in Dutch housing and health care

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    From the 1980s onwards, governments began to rediscover the benefits of the market as an alternative governance mechanism for allocation in systems of social provisions. Yet, if social policy regimes are delegated the task of providing goods and services that are not easily produced by the market itself, it is clear that they need more complex institutions to support them in producing these goods and services. This study contains a comparative institutional analysis of the politics and policies of market-oriented reforms in Dutch social housing and health care. Theoretically and empirically, the book aims to contribute to our understanding of the challenges confronting contemporary policy-makers in different sectors of mature welfare states. For this purpose, the author develops an innovative framework for institutional policy analysis which is build upon two logistics of social policy: the provision logic of social goods and services, which refers to the primary process of providing the goods and services at stake, and the institutional logic of social policy regimes, which touches upon the historical context in which social policy regimes and their governance arrangements became embedded and developed over time. In the concluding chapter, the book aims to a rethinking welfare state reform on the basis of the inherent difficulties in managing market-led reforms and associational cooperation in service intensive welfare sectors within the Dutch welfare state. Instead of conceptualizing the state, the market and the community as mutually exclusive institutional orders, the author concludes that we should ask how and to what extent these different institutional orders might contribute in meeting the shortcomings of the other

    Verschuivende verhoudingen

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    Overgewicht is in relatief korte tijd veranderd van een individueel gezondheidsprobleem in een volksgezondheidsprobleem. Dit is gepaard gegaan met een groeiende roep om overheidsbemoeienis in de vorm van wet- en regelgeving. Maar wat vermag de overheid? In dit essay onderwerpen we de roep om overheidsingrijpen aan een kritische reflectie. Hoewel de overheid een grondwettelijke verantwoordelijkheid heeft voor de publieke gezondheid, leert de geschiedenis van andere leefstijlgerelateerde problemen ons dat de overheid zich in een paradoxale situatie bevindt. Enerzijds kan ze in instrumentele zin veel doen – ze beschikt immers over een uitgebreide gereedschapskist met juridische en economische beleidsinstrumenten. Anderzijds wordt de overheid vaak in haar handelingsruimte beperkt doordat dat beleidsinstrumentarium maatschappelijk omstreden is

    Fair processes for priority setting: Putting theory into practice: Comment on “expanded HTA: Enhancing fairness and legitimacy”

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    Embedding health technology assessment (HTA) in a fair process has great potential to capture societal values relevant to public reimbursement decisions on health technologies. However, the development of such processes for priority setting has largely been theoretical. In this paper, we provide further practical lead ways on how these processes can be implemented. We first present the misconception about the relation between facts and values that is since long misleading the conduct of HTA and underlies the current assessment-appraisal split. We then argue that HTA should instead be explicitly organized as an ongoing evidence-informed deliberative process, that facilitates learning among stakeholders. This has important consequences for whose values to consider, how to deal with vested interests, how to consider all values in the decision-making process, and how to communicate decisions. This is in stark contrast to how HTA processes are implemented now. It is time to set the stage for HTA as learning

    High speed miniature motorized endoscopic probe for optical frequency domain imaging

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    We present a miniature motorized endoscopic probe for Optical Coherence Tomography with an outer diameter of 1.65 mm and a rotation speed of 3,000-12,500 rpm. This is the smallest motorized high speed OCT probe to our knowledge. The probe has a motorized distal end which provides a significant advantage over proximally driven probes since it does not require a drive shaft to transfer the rotational torque to the distal end of the probe and functions without a fiber rotary junction. The probe has a focal Full Width at Half Maximum of 9.6 Όm and a working distance of 0.47 mm. We analyzed the non uniform rotation distortion and found a location fluctuation of only 1.87° in repeated measurements of the same object. The probe was integrated in a high-speed Optical Frequency Domain Imaging setup at 1310 nm to acquire images from ex vivo pig lung tissue through the working channel of a human bronchoscope. © 2012 Optical Society of America

    Ebstein’s anomaly may be caused by mutations in the sarcomere protein gene MYH7

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    Ebstein's anomaly is a rare congenital heart malformation characterised by adherence of the septal and posterior leaflets of the tricuspid valve to the underlying myocardium. Associated abnormalities of left ventricular morphology and function including left ventricular noncompaction (LVNC) have been observed. An association between Ebstein's anomaly with LVNC and mutations in the sarcomeric protein gene MYH7, encoding ÎČ-myosin heavy chain, has been shown by recent studies. This might represent a specific subtype of Ebstein's anomaly with a Mendelian inheritance pattern. In this review we discuss the association of MYH7 mutations with Ebstein's anomaly and LVNC and its implications for the clinical care for patients and their family members.Congenital Heart Diseas

    Oral health status of adults in Southern Vietnam - a cross-sectional epidemiological study

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    Contains fulltext : 89929.pdf (publisher's version ) (Open Access)BACKGROUND: Before strategies or protocols for oral health care can be advised at population level, epidemiological information on tooth decay patterns and its effects on oral function are indispensable. The aim of this study was to investigate influences of socio-demographic variables on the prevalence of decayed, missing, filled (DMF) and sound teeth (St) and to determine the relative risk of teeth in different dental regions for D, M, and F, of adults living in urban and rural areas in Southern Vietnam. METHODS: Cross-sectional DMF and St data of 2965 dentate subjects aged 20 to 95 living in urban and rural areas in three provinces were collected by means of a self-administered questionnaire and an oral examination. The sample was stratified by age, gender, residence and province. RESULTS: The percentage of subjects having missing teeth was high for all ages while it was low for subjects with decayed and filled teeth. The mean number of missing teeth increased gradually by age from approximately 1 in each jaw at the age of 20 to 8 at the age of 80. The number of decayed teeth was relative low at all ages, being highest in molars at young ages. The mean number of filled teeth was extremely low at all ages in all dental regions. Every additional year of age gives a significantly lower chance for decay, a higher chance for missing, and a lower chance for filled teeth. Molars had a significantly higher risk for decay, missing and filled than premolars and anterior teeth. Females had significantly higher risk for decayed and filled teeth, and less chance for missing teeth than males. Urban subjects presented lower risk for decay, but approximately 4 times greater chance for having fillings than rural subjects. Low socio-economic status (SES) significantly increased the chance for missing anterior and molar teeth; subjects with high SES had more often fillings. CONCLUSIONS: The majority of adults of Southern Vietnam presented a reduced dentition. The combination of low numbers of filled teeth and relative high numbers of decayed and missing teeth indicates that the main treatment for decay is extraction. Molars are more at risk for being decayed or missing than premolars and anterior teeth

    Increasing the Legitimacy of Tough Choices in Healthcare Reimbursement: Approach and Results of a Citizen Forum in The Netherlands

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    Background: Some studies in the Netherlands have gauged public views on principles for health care priority setting, but they fall short of comprehensively explaining the public disapproval of several recent reimbursement decisions. Objective: To obtain insight into citizens’ preferences and identify the criteria they would propose for decisions pertaining to the benefits package of basic health insurance. Methods: Twenty-four Dutch citizens were selected for participation in a Citizen Forum, which involved 3 weekends. Deliberations took place in small groups and in plenary, guided by 2 moderators, on the basis of 8 preselected case studies, which participants later compared and prioritized under the premise that not all treatments can or need to be reimbursed. Participants received opportunities to inform themselves through written brochures and live interactions with 3 experts. Results: The Citizen Forum identified 16 criteria for inclusion or exclusion of treatments in the benefits package; they relate to the condition (2 criteria), treatment (11 criteria), and individual characteristics of those affected by the condition (3 criteria). In most case studies, it was a combination of criteria that determined whether or not participants favored inclusion of the treatment under consideration in the benefits package. Participants differed in their opinion about the relative importance of criteria, and they had difficulty in operationalizing and trading off criteria to provide a recommendation. Conclusions: Informed citizens are prepared to make and, to a certain extent, capable of making reasoned choices about the reimbursement of health services. They realize that choices are both necessary and possible. Broad public support and understanding for making tough choices regarding the benefits package of basic health insurance is not automatic: it requires an investment

    Quantitative data management in quality improvement collaboratives

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Collaborative approaches in quality improvement have been promoted since the introduction of the Breakthrough method. The effectiveness of this method is inconclusive and further independent evaluation of the method has been called for. For any evaluation to succeed, data collection on interventions performed within the collaborative and outcomes of those interventions is crucial. Getting enough data from Quality Improvement Collaboratives (QICs) for evaluation purposes, however, has proved to be difficult. This paper provides a retrospective analysis on the process of data management in a Dutch Quality Improvement Collaborative. From this analysis general failure and success factors are identified.</p> <p>Discussion</p> <p>This paper discusses complications and dilemma's observed in the set-up of data management for QICs. An overview is presented of signals that were picked up by the data management team. These signals were used to improve the strategies for data management during the program and have, as far as possible, been translated into practical solutions that have been successfully implemented.</p> <p>The recommendations coming from this study are:</p> <p>From our experience it is clear that quality improvement programs deviate from experimental research in many ways. It is not only impossible, but also undesirable to control processes and standardize data streams. QIC's need to be clear of data protocols that do not allow for change. It is therefore minimally important that when quantitative results are gathered, these results are accompanied by qualitative results that can be used to correctly interpret them.</p> <p>Monitoring and data acquisition interfere with routine. This makes a database collecting data in a QIC an intervention in itself. It is very important to be aware of this in reporting the results. Using existing databases when possible can overcome some of these problems but is often not possible given the change objective of QICs.</p> <p>Introducing a standardized spreadsheet to the teams is a very practical and helpful tool in collecting standardized data within a QIC. It is vital that the spreadsheets are handed out before baseline measurements start.</p
