16 research outputs found
High-Intensity Functional Training Induces Superior Training Adaptations Compared With Traditional Military Physical Training
This study examined the effectiveness of concurrent strength and endurance training with an emphasis on high-intensity functional training (HIFT) during military service. Voluntary male conscripts (aged 18-28 years) were placed in either an experimental (EXP: n = 50-66) or a control (CON: n = 50-67) group. The training for the EXP group included HIFT using body mass, sandbags, and kettlebells. The CON group trained according to the current practice. Physical performance and body composition were assessed at baseline (PRE), at week 10 (MID), and after (POST) the 19-week training period. Significance was set at p < 0.05. The total distance covered in a 12-minute running test increased in both groups, but the change in EXP was superior to the change in CON (11.6%, ES: 0.79 vs. 5.7%, ES: 0.33; p = 0.027). Maximal strength and power characteristics increased in EXP (3.1-5.0%), whereas no improvements were observed in CON. Conscripts with the highest initial fitness showed no improvements in physical performance in either group. Body mass and waist circumference decreased in EXP, whereas CON showed an increase in muscle mass. These findings suggest that HIFT is an effective and time-efficient approach to improve soldiers' aerobic fitness during military service. For the optimal development of strength, the training equipment used may not have provided sufficient and progressive loading to yield considerable strength adaptations. More focus should be placed on sufficient intensity and volume in both strength and endurance training, especially for the most fit soldiers
Glioomien diagnoosi ja ennuste - molekyylidiagnostiikan mahdollisuudet
Glioomat ovat aivojen tukisolukasvaimia ja primaarisista aivokasvaimista yleisimpiÀ. Diffuusien glioomien hoito perustuu kasvaimen kirurgiseen poistoon sekÀ sÀde- ja solunsalpaajahoitoon. Diagnoosi tehdÀÀn kasvaimen histopatologisesta tutkimuksesta, jota voidaan nykyisin tÀydentÀÀ molekyylidiagnostisilla tutkimuksilla. EsitÀmme Tampereen yliopistollisessa sairaalassa vuosina 1983-2009 hoidettujen glioomapotilaiden ennustetta kuvaavia uusia menetelmiÀ, joista tÀrkeimpiÀ ovat IDH-mutaation ja 1p/19q-kodeleetion osoitukset. Tulevaisuudessa voi olla mahdollista rÀÀtÀlöidÀ hoitoa potilaskohtaisesti glioomien profiloinnin perusteella
Impact of Timing of Surgery and Adjuvant Treatment on Survival of Adult IDHâwild-type Glioblastoma : A Single-center Study of 392 Patients
Background: The purpose of our study was to analyze the impact of time interval from referral to surgery and from surgery to adjuvant treatment on survival of adult isocitrate dehydrogenaseâwild-type (IDH-wt) glioblastomas. Methods: Data on 392 IDH-wt glioblastomas diagnosed at the Tampere University Hospital in 2004â2016 were obtained from the electronic patient record system. Piecewise Cox regression was used to calculate hazard ratios for different time intervals between referral and surgery, as well as between surgery and adjuvant treatments. Results: The median survival time from primary surgery was 9.5 months (interquartile range: 3.8â16.0). Survival among patients with an interval exceeding 4 weeks from referral to surgery was no worse compared to <2 weeks (hazard ratio: 0.78, 95% confidence interval: 0.54â1.14). We found indications of poorer outcome when the interval from surgery to radiotherapy exceeded 30 days (hazard ratio: 1.42, 95% confidence interval: 0.91â2.21 for 31â44 days; and 1.59, 0.94â2.67 for over 45 days). Conclusions: Interval from referral to surgery in the range of 4â10 weeks was not associated with decreased survivals in IDH-wt glioblastomas. In contrast, delay exceeding 30 days from surgery to adjuvant treatment may decrease long-term survival.Peer reviewe
PTPRD and CNTNAP2 as markers of tumor aggressiveness in oligodendrogliomas
Oligodendrogliomas are typically associated with the most favorable prognosis among diffuse gliomas. However, many of the tumors progress, eventually leading to patient death. To characterize the changes associated with oligodendroglioma recurrence and progression, we analyzed two recurrent oligodendroglioma tumors upon diagnosis and after tumor relapse based on whole-genome and RNA sequencing. Relapsed tumors were diagnosed as glioblastomas with an oligodendroglioma component before the World Health Organization classification update in 2016. Both patients died within 12Â months after relapse. One patient carried an inactivating POLE mutation leading to a clearly hypermutated progressed tumor. Strikingly, both relapsed tumors carried focal chromosomal rearrangements in PTPRD and CNTNAP2 genes with associated decreased gene expression. TP53 mutation was also detected in both patients after tumor relapse. In The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) diffuse glioma cohort, PTPRD and CNTNAP2 expression decreased by tumor grade in oligodendrogliomas and PTPRD expression also in IDH-mutant astrocytomas. Low expression of the genes was associated with poor overall survival. Our analysis provides information about aggressive oligodendrogliomas with worse prognosis and suggests that PTPRD and CNTNAP2 expression could represent an informative marker for their stratification.publishedVersionPeer reviewe
Genomic characterization of IDH-mutant astrocytoma progression to grade 4 in the treatment setting
As the progression of low-grade diffuse astrocytomas into grade 4 tumors significantly impacts patient prognosis, a better understanding of this process is of paramount importance for improved patient care. In this project, we analyzed matched IDH-mutant astrocytomas before and after progression to grade 4 from six patients (discovery cohort) with genome-wide sequencing, 21 additional patients with targeted sequencing, and 33 patients from Glioma Longitudinal AnalySiS cohort for validation. The Cancer Genome Atlas data from 595 diffuse gliomas provided supportive information. All patients in our discovery cohort received radiation, all but one underwent chemotherapy, and no patient received temozolomide (TMZ) before progression to grade 4 disease. One case in the discovery cohort exhibited a hypermutation signature associated with the inactivation of the MSH2 and DNMT3A genes. In other patients, the number of chromosomal rearrangements and deletions increased in grade 4 tumors. The cell cycle checkpoint gene CDKN2A, or less frequently RB1, was most commonly inactivated after receiving both chemo- and radiotherapy when compared to other treatment groups. Concomitant activating PDGFRA/MET alterations were detected in tumors that acquired a homozygous CDKN2A deletion. NRG3 gene was significantly downregulated and recurrently altered in progressed tumors. Its decreased expression was associated with poorer overall survival in both univariate and multivariate analysis. We also detected progression-related alterations in RAD51B and other DNA repair pathway genes associated with the promotion of error-prone DNA repair, potentially facilitating tumor progression. In our retrospective analysis of patient treatment and survival timelines (n = 75), the combination of postoperative radiation and chemotherapy (mainly TMZ) outperformed radiation, especially in the grade 3 tumor cohort, in which it was typically given after primary surgery. Our results provide further insight into the contribution of treatment and genetic alterations in cell cycle, growth factor signaling, and DNA repair-related genes to tumor evolution and progression.Peer reviewe
Reliability, validity and performance determinants of the military simulation test for the assessment of anaerobic performance in soldiers
Introduction: Measurements of physical fitness have been identified as one of the most important research priorities in the military. Currently, the physical fitness tests of The Finnish Defence Forces (FDF) do not include a valid and reliable anaerobic test. In order to develop job-related task simulation tests, the purpose of the study was to determine the reliability and validity of a high-intensity military simulation test (MST), which is designed to assess the task-specific anaerobic performance of soldiers. The MST includes typical combat-related maneuvers while wearing a 20 kg combat load.
Methods: 22 male cadets (22.5 ± 0.8 years) volunteered to participate. The MST was performed three times with a minimum of 48 hours of recovery between trials to determine reliability. To study the validity and the contribution of different physical characteristics on performance, the MST was compared with measurements of body composition, muscular strength and endurance, maximal oxygen uptake (VO2max), and anaerobic performance.
Results: The mean MST times for the first, second, and third trial were 108.5 ± 8.6, 103.3 ± 6.6 and 98.4 ± 6.5 s, respectively. Repeated measures ANOVA showed significant improvement in the MST time between every trial (p < 0.05 for both). The intraclass correlation coefficient was 0.58 (95 % CI: 0.03â0.84) between the first and second trial and 0.74 (95 % CI: â0.06â0.94) between the second and third trial. The MST performance was significantly correlated with several measured variables. The strongest relationships were observed with mean and peak power in the 60-second Bosco jump test (r = â0.65, p < 0.01; r = â0.68, p < 0.01, respectively), maximal isometric strength of the upper body (r = â0.67, p < 0.01), standing long jump (r = â0.66, p < 0.01), sit-ups (r = â0.69, p < 0.01), and VO2max (r = â0.63, p < 0.01).
Discussion: The improvement in MST time in every trial suggested a significant learning effect, especially between the first and second trials. Due to the complex nature of MST, several familiarization trials are required to reach statistically stable results. In addition, the MST may not be considered as a valid task-specific anaerobic test for soldiers, as the performance in MST relies on the simultaneous participation of all three energy pathways, and a combination of neuromuscular, anaerobic, and anaerobic performance characteristics
Sotilaan fyysisen toimintakyvyn ja kehon koostumuksen muutosten yhteydet tehtÀvÀsimulaatioradan suorituksen muutokseen kuuden kuukauden kriisinhallintaoperaation aikana
Fyysisen toimintakyvyn tehtÀvÀkohtaiset vaatimukset ja niiden mittaaminen ovat tÀllÀ hetkellÀ tÀrkeimmÀt tutkimuskohteet sotilaan terveyden ja toimintakyvyn alalla. Viime vuosina eri asevoimissa on tutkittu ja otettu kÀyttöön sotilastehtÀvissÀ tyypillisiÀ suorituksia mittaavia simulaatiotestejÀ. TÀmÀn tutkimuksen tarkoitus oli selvittÀÀ, miten kehon koostumuksen ja fyysisen toimintakyvyn muutokset ovat yhteydessÀ sotilaan lajinomaista suorituskykyÀ arvioivan tehtÀvÀsimulaatioradan ajan muutokseen. Toisena tavoitteena oli selvittÀÀ, minkÀlaisia vasteita radan suorittaminen aiheuttaa alaraajojen lihasaktiivisuudessa, veren laktaatissa sekÀ kuormitustuntemuksessa ja pohtia niiden yhteyttÀ suoritusaikaan.
Tutkimukseen osallistui 58 vapaaehtoista rauhanturvaajaa (29,2 ± 8,3 vuotta, 78,1 ± 7,9 kg, 179,9 ± 6,4 cm), joilta mitattiin 6 kuukautta kestÀneen kriisinhallintapalveluksen alussa ja lopussa 1) kehon koostumus: paino, lihasmassa, rasvamassa, rasvaprosentti ja vyötÀrönym-pÀrys sekÀ 2) fyysinen toimintakyky: 3 000 metrin juoksu, ala- ja ylÀraajojen isometrinen maksimivoima, vauhditon pituushyppy, istumaannousu, etunojapunnerrus ja kÀsinkohonta. TehtÀvÀsimulaatioradan yhteydessÀ mitattiin alaraajojen lihasten sÀhköinen aktiivisuus (EMG) shortseihin integroiduilla tekstiilielektrodeilla. Ennen ja jÀlkeen radan suoritusta mitattiin veren laktaatti (La) ja kuormitustuntemus (RPE). Tuloksia tarkasteltiin alku- ja loppumittausten keskiarvoina sekÀ mittausten vÀlissÀ tapahtuneena prosentuaalisena muutoksena. YhteyksiÀ tutkittiin Spearmanin korrelaatioanalyysillÀ ja lineaarisella askeltavalla regressioanalyysillÀ.
TehtĂ€vĂ€simulaatioradan suoritusaika parani (â11,3 ± 6,7 %, p < 0,001). Suorituksen aikana mitattu EMG nousi radan kaikissa vaiheissa. Suorituksen jĂ€lkeen mitattu LaPOST nousi mittausjaksojen vertailussa (62,7 ± 55,1 %, p < 0,001). LaPRE ja RPE eivĂ€t muuttuneet. Kehon koostumuksen ja fyysisen toimintakyvyn muutosten ja tehtĂ€vĂ€simulaatioradan ajan muutok-sen vĂ€lillĂ€ havaittiin vain keskinkertaisia yhteyksiĂ€. Voimakkain yhteys oli 3 000 metrin juoksuajan muutoksella (r = 0,462, p < 0,01). RegressioanalyysissĂ€ selittĂ€jiksi nousivat 3 000 metrin juoksun, lihasmassan ja vyötĂ€rönympĂ€ryksen muutos, mutta mallien selitysasteet olivat heikkoja (R2 adj. = 0,262â0,365).
TÀssÀ tutkimuksessa ei löydetty vahvoja selittÀjiÀ tehtÀvÀsimulaatioradan ajan muutokselle. Valtaosa muutoksesta selittyi muilla, tuntemattomilla tekijöillÀ. Oppimisvaikutuksella ja motivaatiolla saattoi olla suuri merkitys. Eri energiantuottomekanismien yhteyksistÀ suoritusajan muutokseen ei saatu riittÀvÀn tarkkaa tietoa. Erityisesti anaerobisen kapasiteetin merkityksestÀ sotilaan fyysiselle toimintakyvylle on saatava lisÀÀ tutkimustietoa. Sotilaiden tehtÀvÀsimulaatiotestien kehittÀmistÀ Puolustusvoimissa on jatkettava
22 Sotilaan fyysinen toimintakyky
TÀssÀ jaksossa keskustellaan sotilaan fyysisen toimintakyvyn yllÀpitÀmisestÀ ja kehittÀmisestÀ sotilaskoulutuksessa sekÀ erilaisista fyysisistÀ rasitteista ja vaatimuksista tosi tilanteessa. Keskustelemassa ovat kapteeni, liikuntatieteiden maisteri Joonas Helén ja apulaisprofessori, liikuntatieteiden tohtori Jani Vaara
High-Intensity Functional Training Induces Superior Training Adaptations Compared With Traditional Military Physical Training
HelĂ©n, J, KyrölĂ€inen, H, Ojanen, T, Pihlainen, K, Santtila, M, Heikkinen, R, and Vaara, JP. High-intensity functional training induces superior training adaptations compared with traditional military physical training. J Strength Cond Res XX(X): 000â000, 2023âThis study examined the effectiveness of concurrent strength and endurance training with an emphasis on high-intensity functional training (HIFT) during military service. Voluntary male conscripts (aged 18â28 years) were placed in either an experimental (EXP: n = 50â66) or a control (CON: n = 50â67) group. The training for the EXP group included HIFT using body mass, sandbags, and kettlebells. The CON group trained according to the current practice. Physical performance and body composition were assessed at baseline (PRE), at week 10 (MID), and after (POST) the 19-week training period. Significance was set at p < 0.05. The total distance covered in a 12-minute running test increased in both groups, but the change in EXP was superior to the change in CON (11.6%, ES: 0.79 vs. 5.7%, ES: 0.33; p = 0.027). Maximal strength and power characteristics increased in EXP (3.1â5.0%), whereas no improvements were observed in CON. Conscripts with the highest initial fitness showed no improvements in physical performance in either group. Body mass and waist circumference decreased in EXP, whereas CON showed an increase in muscle mass. These findings suggest that HIFT is an effective and time-efficient approach to improve soldiers' aerobic fitness during military service. For the optimal development of strength, the training equipment used may not have provided sufficient and progressive loading to yield considerable strength adaptations. More focus should be placed on sufficient intensity and volume in both strength and endurance training, especially for the most fit soldiers.peerReviewe
Whole-exome sequencing identifies germline mutation in TP53 and ATRX in a child with genomically aberrant AT/RT and her mother with anaplastic astrocytoma
Brain tumors typically arise sporadically and do not affect several family members simultaneously. In the present study, we describe clinical and genetic data from two patients, a mother and her daughter, with familial brain tumors. Exome sequencing revealed a germline missense mutation in the TP53 and ATRX genes in both cases, and a somatic copy-neutral loss of heterozygosity (LOH) in TP53 in both atypical teratoid/rhabdoid tumor (AT/RT) and astrocytoma tumors. ATRX mutation was associated with the loss of ATRX protein expression. In the astrocytoma case, R132C missense mutation was found in the known hotspot site in isocitrate dehydrogenase 1 (IDH1) and LOH was detected in TP53. The mother carried few other somatic alterations, suggesting that the IDH1 mutation and LOH in TP53 were sufficient to drive tumor development. The genome in the AT/RT tumor was atypically aneuploid: Most chromosomes had experienced copy-neutral LOH or whole-chromosome gains. Only Chromosome 18 had normal diploid status. INI1/hSNF5/SMARCB1 was homozygously deleted in the AT/RT tumor. This report provides further information about tumor development in a predisposed genetic background and describes two special LiâFraumeni cases with a familial brain tumor.</jats:p