95 research outputs found

    Retinal and systemic vascular function in health and disease: the effect of smoking and coronary artery disease

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    The purpose of the following studies was to explore the effect of systemic vascular and endothelial dysfunction upon the ocular circulation and functionality of the retina. There are 6 principal sections to the present work. Retinal vessel activity in smokers and non-smokers: the principal findings of this work were: chronic smoking affects retinal vessel motion at baseline and during stimulation with flickering light; chronic smoking leads to a vaso-constrictory shift in retinal arteriolar reactivity to flicker; retinal arteriolar elasticity is decreased in chronic smokers. The effect of acute smoking on retinal vessel dynamics in smokers and non-smokers: the principal finding of this work was that retinal reactivity in chronic smokers is blunted when exposed to clicker light provocation immediately after smoking one cigarette. Ocular blood flow in coronary artery disease: The principal findings of this work were: retrobulbar and retinal blood flow is preserved in CAD patients, despite a change pulse wave transmission; arterial retinal response to flickering light provocation is significantly delayed in CAD patients; retinal venular diameters are significantly dilated in CAD patients. Autonomic nervous system function and peripheral circulation in CAD: The principal findings in this work were: CAD patients demonstrate a sympathetic overdrive during a 24 period; a delay in peripheral vascular reactivity (nail-fold capillaries) as observed in patients suffering from CAD could be caused by either arteriosclerotic changes of the vascular walls or due to systemic haemodynamic changes. Visual function in CAD: The principal findings in this work were: overall visual function in CAD patients is preserved, despite a decrease in contrast sensitivity; applying a filtering technique selecting those with greater coefficient of variance which in turn represents a decrease in reliability, some patients appear to have an impaired visual function as assessed using FDT visual field evaluation. Multiple functional, structural and biochemical vascular endothelial dysfunctions in patients suffering from CAD: relationships and possible implications: The principal findings of this work were: BMI significantly correlated with vWF (a marker of endothelial function) in CAD patients. Retinal vascular reactivity showed a significant correlation with peripheral reactivity parameters in controls which lacked in the CAD group and could reflect a loss in vascular endothelial integrity; visual field parameters as assessed by frequency doubling technology were strongly related with systemic vascular elasticity (ambulatory arterial stiffness index) in controls but not CAD patients

    The influence of simulated cataract on retinal vessel oximetry measurements

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    PURPOSE: To assess the impact of human crystalline lens opacification and yellowing, similar to that observed in patients with cataracts, on retinal vessel blood oxygen saturation measurements using custom manufactured soft contact lenses. METHODS: Ten healthy, non-smoking individuals were enrolled for this study. All subjects underwent digital blood pressure measurements, assessment of non-contact intra-ocular pressure, pupil dilation and retinal vessel oximetry using dual-wavelength photography (Oximetry Module, Imedos Systems). To simulate lens changes, three different contact lenses were inserted, one to simulate opacities followed by two more lenses to simulate different levels of lens yellowing (Cantor & Nissel). RESULTS: The measurements obtained showed an opposite change in arterial and venous oxygen saturation and optical density ratio across conditions, resulting in a statistically significant difference in arterial minus venous oxygen saturation value (p = 0.003). However, this difference was only significant for the 'opacity' condition but not for the 'yellowing' conditions. CONCLUSION: Lenticular changes such as cataracts can impact on spectrophotometric analysis in particular dual-wavelength retinal vessel oximetry. Hence, lenticular assessment and cataract grading should be considered when assessing elderly individuals and patient groups developing cataract earlier in life such as those suffering from diabetes mellitus

    The impact of flash intensity on retinal vessel oxygen saturation measurements using dual wavelength oximetry

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    PURPOSE. To establish the optimal flash settings for retinal vessel oxygen saturation parameters using dual-wavelength imaging in a multiethnic group. METHODS. Twelve healthy young subjects (mean age 32 years [SD 7]; three Mediterranean, two South Asian, and seven Caucasian individuals) underwent retinal vessel oxygen saturation measurements using dual-wavelength oximetry, noncontact tonometry, and manual sphygmomanometry. In order to evaluate the impact of flash intensity, we obtained three images (fundus camera angle 30°, ONH centered) per flash setting. Flash settings of the fundus camera were increased in steps of 2 (initial setting of 6 and the final of 22), which reflect logarithmic increasing intensities from 13.5 to 214 Watt seconds (Ws). RESULTS. Flash settings below 27 Ws were too low to obtain saturation measurements, whereas flash settings of more than 214 Ws resulted in overexposed images. Retinal arteriolar and venular oxygen saturation was comparable at flash settings of 27 to 76 Ws (arterioles' range: 85%-92%; venules' range: 45%-53%). Higher flash settings lead to increased saturation measurements in both retinal arterioles (up to 110%) and venules (up to 92%), with a more pronounced increase in venules. CONCLUSIONS. Flash intensity has a significant impact on retinal vessel oxygen saturation measurements using dual-wavelength retinal oximetry. High flash intensities lead to supranormal oxygen saturation measurements with a magnified effect in retinal venules compared with arteries. In addition to even retinal illumination, the correct flash setting is of paramount importance for clinical acquisition of images in retinal oximetry. We recommend flash settings between 27 to 76 Ws. © 2013 The Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, Inc

    Retinal Vessel Oxygen Saturation Measurement Protocols and Their Agreement

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    Purpose: To assess agreement between different image sizes and analysis protocols for determination of retinal vessel oxygen saturation in the peripapillary retina of healthy individuals. Methods: Retinal oximetry measurements were acquired from 87 healthy volunteers using the IMEDOS Systems oxygen module. The peripapillary retinal vessels were assessed in a concentric annulus around the optic nerve head. Single and average vessel comparisons were made at different image field sizes of 30° and 50°. Comparisons between images obtained at 30° and 50° were made in a subset of 47 of the 87 individuals. Results: All subjects were normotensive and had normal intraocular pressures (9–16 mm Hg). Analyses of agreement between single vessel, averaged vessel, and between different size images were sought by Bland-Altman analyses, of which all yielded a low bias (<1% oxygen saturation). However, agreement between single vessels of consecutive images showed increased limits of agreement compared with saturation values calculated by averaging all or just the four major arcades of one image. Agreement between 30° and 50° images showed a similar bias as when comparing data obtained with the same camera angle setting but exhibited larger confidence intervals (arteries: bias = 0.21% [9.04/–8.62]%; veins: bias = 0.71% [14.82/–13.40]%). Conclusions: Averaging methods yielded the best agreement; there was little difference in average arterial and venous oxygen saturation between protocols, which analyze all vessels versus the four largest vessels. The least agreement was found for single vessel measurements and comparisons between different camera angles. Translational Relevance: Standardization of image capture protocols (same image size and undertaking a vessel averaging approach for oxygenation analysis) will enhance the detection of smaller physiological changes in eye disease

    The time course of changes in retinal vessel diameter in response to differing durations of flicker light provocation

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    Purpose: To determine the response of retinal vessels to differing durations of flicker light (FL) sitmulation. Methods: We recorded retinal arterial and venous vessel dilation to 12.5 Hz flicker light provocation (Retinal Vessel Analyzer, Imedos Systems) of varying duration (5, 7, 10 and 20 seconds) in twelve healthy young individuals (age range 26-45 yrs). All participants underwent a full ocular examination including intraocular pressure and blood pressure measurements. Results: Maximum dilation (MD) did not show a significant dependence on flicker duration in arteries whereas maximum constriction (MC) did. However, in veins MD significantly increased with flicker duration. Approximately 80-90% of MD in arteries is reached within 10 seconds of flicker light stimulation. Conclusions: The vast majority of arterial dilatory capacity is reached within 10 seconds of flicker light stimulation even though venous dilation continues strongly. Since the MC of arteries shows a significant dependence on flicker duration measurements at two different durations can provide more information about the retinal vascular system than at a single flicker duration alone

    Comparison between two fast threshold strategies:SPARK and SITA in normal subjects

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    Background: Numerous fast threshold strategies have been developed in perimetry which use maximum likelihood approaches to estimate the threshold. A recent approach to threshold estimation has been developed estimating the threshold from a limited number of test points which further reduces examination time. This strategy, SPARK, has not been compared to the SITA strategy. The aim of this study was to compare SPARK with SITA in a normal cohort to evaluate within and between strategy agreement in threshold estimates. Methods: A total of 83 normal subjects each underwent two visual field examinations with SITA and SPARK on two separate occasions on a randomly selected eye. The eye examined and the order of strategy examined first was randomised but remained constant over the two perimetry visits. Results: Visual field examination with SPARK Precision was on average 33% faster than SITA Standard. A positive correlation between group mean sensitivities of SITA Standard and SPARK Precision (rho = 0.713, p < 0.001) was found. In total, 95% of stimulus locations were located within the 95% limits of agreement and linear regression on the differences in sensitivities showed no statistically significant proportional bias (t = 1.713, p = 0.09). Pointwise analysis showed SITA Standard had significantly larger variability for individual stimulus locations examined over two visits when compared to SPARK (t = 9.175, p < 0.001). Conclusion: The clinical examination of SPARK yields a sensitivity profile similar to SITA but in a faster examination time. The lower threshold variability of SPARK may be as a result of data smoothing in the threshold estimation process

    The application of arterio‐venous ratio (AVR) cut‐off values in clinic to stratify cardiovascular risk in patients

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    © 2022 The Authors. Ophthalmic and Physiological Optics published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of College of Optometrists. This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial License, https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/Introduction: Cardiovascular risk calculators are a useful tool for identifying at‐risk individuals. There are standardised methods for assessing the retinal microcirculation which alters as a consequence of cardiovascular disease (CVD). This study aimed to explore if a standardised retinal vessel assessment conducted in primary optometric care reflects current cardiovascular risk, as measured using two validated CVD risk calculators (QRISK 2; Mayo Clinic). Methods: A total of 120 subjects were included in the analyses. Following a routine eye examination, participants had disc‐centred retinal photographs and systemic blood pressure taken. Retinal vessel parameters (central retinal artery and vein equivalent and arterio‐venous ratio (AVR)) were calculated using semi‐automated software. Participants were then grouped into AVR quintiles as defined by the Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities Study (ARIC). Cardiovascular risk was calculated with the validated QRISK and Mayo Clinic health calculators. Results: Systolic blood pressure was significantly greater in those with an AVR value falling in the lowest quintile compared to the highest quintile (150.65 mmHg vs. 132.21 mmHg [p = 0.001]). Similarly, CVD risk was significantly higher in those with the lowest AVR compared to the highest (QRISK: 14.28% vs. 9.87% [p = 0.05]; MAYO risk: 36.35% vs. 19.21% [p = 0.01]). Chi squared analyses showed a significant difference in the number of hypertensives in the lowest AVR quintile compared to those in the highest [p = 0.02]. Conclusion: Whilst the ARIC population is not directly comparable to the population used to develop the QRISK calculator, it has been shown that its application could help to identify at risk individuals using retinal vessel analyses.Peer reviewedFinal Published versio

    Endogenous endophthalmitis and liver abscess due to presumed-Hypervirulent Klebsiella pneumoniae: a case report

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    Pyogenic liver abscess is a high-incidence disease, in which hypervirulent (hypermucoviscous) Klebsiella pneumoniae (KP) has become more relevant due to its ability to spread and infect other tissues, among which endogenous endophthalmitis (EE) is the most common complication. A patient with right-sided abdominal pain, vomiting, anorexia, fever, and jaundice was diagnosed with a KP liver abscess that was drained and treated with am-picillin/sulbactam plus metronidazole. Subsequently, he had a recurrence of the liver abscess plus rapidly progressive ocular symptoms that raised suspicion of EE. Due to the severity of the infection, eye enucleation was required and despite the natural resistance pattern, the patient only improved after meropenem was prescribed.Any ocular symptoms in patients with KP liver abscess should raise suspicion of EE, contributing to an early diagnosis and treatment. It is possible that despite the antibiogram results, only broad-spectrum antibiotics may avoid vision loss and improve clinical outcomes

    Altered blood vessel responses in the eye and finger in coronary artery disease

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    Cardiac function, such as heart rate variability, is abnormal in coronary artery disease, but its relation with the function of ocular and nail-fold blood vessels is unknown. The hypothesis was that there is abnormal retinal and peripheral microvascular endothelial function compared with large blood vessel and cardiac function. Twenty-four patients with coronary artery disease (CAD) and 30 healthy, age- and sex-matched control subjects were enrolled in the study

    Author response: can vascular function be assessed by the interpretation of retinal vascular diameter changes?

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    A protocol with repeated stimulation cycles should be analyzed stepwise, in that each stimulation is evaluated, and a reaction pattern is identified. No two subjects will react identically, in that dilation and recovery times can vary; however, this is not reason enough to abandon a multiple stimulation cycle with fixed recovery and stimulation times. Furthermore, it enables us to examine and determine the range in which a normal subject will be placed and can then be compared to different pathophysiological states (i.e., smokers and different diseases). The purpose of our paper was to highlight the importance of evaluating these different cycles and the danger of false interpretation when averaging results. There are many different ways of evaluating dilatory responses and elasticity, but each of them must be carefully evaluated and should not be overaveraged, which can result in a loss of sensitivity and specificity