119 research outputs found

    Elliptic flow from partially thermalized heavy-ion collisions

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    We study to what extent the measured elliptic flow at RHIC constrains viscous deviations from ideal hydrodynamics. We solve a toy model where only transverse momenta are thermalized while the system undergoes longitudinal free-streaming. We show that RHIC data exclude such a model and thus require fast 3-dimensional thermalization.Comment: 4 pages (incl. 2 postscript figures); uses espcrc1.sty (included in submission). Talk given at Quark Matter 2002, Nantes, June 18-24, 2002, to appear in the proceedings in Nucl. Phys.

    Anti-proton production and annihilation in nuclear collisions at 15-A/GeV

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    We present a calculation of antiproton yields in Si+Al and Si+Au collisions at 14.5A GeV in the framework of the relativistic quantum molecular dynamics approach (RQMD). Multistep processes lead to the formation of high-mass flux tubes. Their decay dominates the initial antibaryon yield. However, the subsequent annihilation in the surrounding baryon-rich matter suppresses the antiproton yield considerably: Two-thirds of all antibaryons are annihilated even for the light Si+Al system. Comparisons with preliminary data of the E802 experiment support this analysis

    Energy and baryon flow in nuclear collisions at 15-A-GeV

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    Strong correlations between baryon stopping in the projectile rapidity hemisphere and target excitation have been found in the light-ion-induced reactions at the BNL Alternating Gradient Synchrotron (AGS) (E814 group). Results in the framework of the relativistic molecular dynamics approach (RQMD) describe recent E814 data quite well. We discuss the RQMD results together with proton and pion data from the E802 group near midrapidity. They have raised the question of whether partial transparency could be seen in these experiments. The RQMD results indicate strong transverse baryon flow in central Si+Au collisions after the projectile has been stopped in the target

    Nuclear clusters as a probe for expansion flow in heavy ion reactions at 10-A/GeV - 15-A/GeV.

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    A phase space coalescence description based on the Wigner-function method for cluster formation in relativistic nucleus-nucleus collisions is presented. The momentum distributions of nuclear clusters d,t and He are predicted for central Au(11.6AGeV)Au and Si(14.6AGeV)Si reactions in the framework of the RQMD transport approach. Transverse expansion leads to a strong shoulderarm shape and di erent inverse slope parameters in the transverse spectra of nuclear clusters deviating markedly from thermal distributions. A clear bounce-o event shape is seen: the averaged transverse flow velocities in the reaction plane are for clusters larger than for protons. The cluster yields particularly at low pt at midrapidities and the in-plane (anti)flow of clusters and pions change if suitably strong baryon potential interactions are included. This allows to study the transient pressure at high density via the event shape analysis of nucleons, nucleon clusters and other hadrons

    K/Ď€ ratios in relativistic nuclear collisions : a signature for the quark-gluon plasma?

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    Collisions of Si(14.5A GeV+Au are investigated in the relativistic-quantum-molecular-dynamics approach. The calculated pseudorapidity distributions for central collisions compare well with recent experimental data, indicating a large degree of nuclear stopping and thermalization. Nevertheless, nonequilibrium effects play an important role in such complex multihadron reactions: They lead to a strong enhancement of the total kaon production cross sections, in good agreement with the experimental data, without requiring the formation of a deconfined quark-gluon plasma

    A Stopped delta-matter source in heavy ion collisions at 10-GeV/N?

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    We predict the formation of highly dense baryon-rich resonance matter in Au+Au collisions at AGS energies. The final pion yields show observable signs for resonance matter. The Delta1232 resonance is predicted to be the dominant source for pions of small transverse momenta. Rescattering e ects consecutive excitation and deexcitation of Delta's lead to a long apparent life- time (> 10 fm/c) and rather large volumina (several 100 fm3) of the Delta-matter state. Heavier baryon resonances prove to be crucial for reaction dynamics and particle production at AGS

    Pion chemical equilibration in heavy ion collisions : relativistic quantum molecular dynamic analysis

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    In the framework of relativistic quantum molecular dynamics the authors find that the pion system produced in central heavy-ion collisions at Elab/A approximately 1 GeV/nucl. is out of chemical equilibrium. Pion chemical potential is large and decreases during the expansion stage

    Evidence of early multi-strange hadron freeze-out in high energy nuclear collisions

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    Recently reported transverse momentum distributions of strange hadrons produced in Pb(158AGeV) on Pb collisions and corresponding results from the relativistic quantum molecular dynamics (RQMD) approach are examined. We argue that the experimental observations favor a scenario in which multi-strange hadrons are formed and decouple from the system rather early at large energy densities (around 1 GeV/fm3^3). The systematics of the strange and non-strange particle spectra indicate that the observed transverse flow develops mainly in the late hadronic stages of these reactions.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure
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