2,920 research outputs found

    Mean--field electrodynamics: Critical analysis of various analytical approaches to the mean electromotive force

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    There are various analytical approaches to the mean electromotive force E=\cal E = crucial in mean--field electrodynamics, with u\vec{u} and b\vec{b} being velocity and magnetic field fluctuations. In most cases the traditional approach, restricted to the second--order correlation approximation, has been used. Its validity is only guaranteed for a range of conditions, which is narrow in view of many applications, e.g., in astrophysics. With the intention to have a wider range of applicability other approaches have been proposed which make use of the so--called τ\tau--approximation, reducing correlations of third order in u\vec{u} and b\vec{b} to such of second order. After explaining some basic features of the traditional approach a critical analysis of the approaches of that kind is given. It is shown that they lead in some cases to results which are in clear conflict with those of the traditional approach. It is argued that this indicates shortcomings of the τ\tau--approaches and poses serious restrictions to their applicability. These shortcomings do not result from the basic assumption of the τ\tau--approximation. Instead, they seem to originate in some simplifications made in order to derive E\cal E without really solving the equations governing u\vec{u} and b\vec{b}. A starting point for a new approach is described which avoids the conflict.Comment: 32 pages, no figures; accepted by Geophys. Astrophys. Fluid Dynam. A quenching formula for \alpha and a section on comparisons with numerical simulations added; references amended; changes in presentation and languag

    Continuations of Hermitian indefinite functions and corresponding canonical systems : an example

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    M. G. Krein established a close connection between the continuation problem of positive definite functions from a finite interval to the real axis and the inverse spectral problem for differential operators. In this note we study such a connection for the function f(t) = 1 − |t|, t - R, which is not positive definite on R: its restrictions fa := f|(−2a,2a) are positive definite if a ≤ 1 and have one negative square if a > 1. We show that with f a canonical differential equation or a Sturm-Liouville equation can be associated which have a singularity

    Do women behave more reciprocally than men? Gender differences in real effort dictator games

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    We analyze dictator allocation decisions in an experiment where the recipients have to earn the pot to be divided with a real-effort task. As the recipients move before the dictators, their effort decisions resemble the first move in a trust game. Depending on the recipients' performance, the size of the pot is either high or low. We compare this real-effort treatment to a baseline treatment where the pot is a windfall gain and where a lottery determines the pot size. In the baseline treatment, reciprocity cannot play a role. We find that female dictators show reciprocity and decrease their taking-rates significantly in the real-effort treatment. This treatment effect is larger when female dictators make a decision on recipients who successfully generated a large pot compared to the case where the recipients performed poorly. By contrast, there is no treatment effect with male dictators, who generally exhibit more sefish behavior. --Gender,Reciprocity,Dictator Game,Real Effort

    Granular Structure Determined by Terahertz Scattering

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    Light-scattering in the terahertz region is demonstrated for granular matter. A quantum-cascade laser is used in a benchtop setup to determine the angle-dependent scattering of spherical grains as well as coffee powder and sugar grains. For the interpretation of the form factors for the scattering from single particles one has to go beyond the usual Rayleigh-Gans-Debye theory and apply calculations within Mie theory. In addition to single scattering also collective correlations can be identified and extracted as a static structure factor.Comment: 7 pages, 12 figure

    The hidden cost of downsizing: demotivating the remaining employees

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    There may be substantial costs associated with the 'survival syndrome' phenomenon, write Frank Drzensky and Matthias Hein

    A nonstructural polypeptide encoded by immediate-early transcription unit 1 of murine cytomegalovirus is recognized by cytolytic T lymphocytes

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    We have constructed target cells by cotransfection of the MHC gene Ld and fragments of murine cytomegalovirus (MCMV) DNA coding for nonstructural immediate-early (IE) proteins. Transfectants were tested by using CTL clone IE1 with specificity for an IE epitope presented in association with Ld. Data show that clone IE1 recognizes a product of the ie1 transcription unit of MCMV, and that its specificity is shared by approximately 25% of polyclonal IE-specific CTL. The results provide the first definite evidence that expression of a herpes virus IE gene encoding a regulatory protein gives rise to antigen expression detectable by specific CT